Formal Observation Lesson Plan Template 3-8 1

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UNCG Lesson Plan for TESOL Candidates

Teacher Name : Jessica Romero Grade: 6th Grade Date: March 08, Start and End Time:
2017 1:00pm to 2:00 pm

Subject: 6th Grade ESL Science Newcomers Class Number of Students: Student Proficiency Levels: WIDA Level;
Focus/Topic:Space Exploration 20 Reading Level, Math Level, etc.
F & P Reading Levels Pre-A to C
IRLA: Yellow Group

Standards and Objectives: Please consider both content standards and WIDA standards; List the number and text of each
standard; Include both content and language objectives; Make sure you number your objectives so that you can refer back to it
later in the lesson.

Content Standards and Objectives

6.E.1.2 Explain why Earth sustains life while other planets do not based on their properties (including types of surface,
atmosphere and gravitational force) and location to the Sun.
6.E.1.3 Summarize space exploration and the understandings gained from them.

WIDA Standards and Language Objectives

Level 1 Entering:
pictorial or graphic representation of the language of the content areas;
words, phrases, or chunks of language when presented with one-step commands, directions, WH-questions, or
statements with visual and graphic support

Essential Question/s or I Can Statement/s:

I can explain the relationship of the Earth to its location to the sun and why that is important to sustain life.

Safety Issues: if applicable

Not any.

Notes/Reminders to self if applicable

Not any.
UNCG Lesson Plan for TESOL Candidates

Key Vocabulary/Academic Language Frame/Concept/s: How will they be introduced?

Content Vocabulary: Sun, Star, Light, Heat, Energy, Rotate
Language Vocabulary: The ____ is _______. The ______ gives us ________.

Differentiation: How will you support diverse students needs?

Instructional Strategy Procedures Be specific. Write out entire lesson. What will happen in each portion of the lesson?

Lesson Activation: (5 minutes) How will you get the students excited about learning? How will you connect to students
experiences and prior learning?
What did we learn yesterday? There are eight planets. The sun is the center of our galaxy. The sun gives us light, warmth, and
energy. Tell me what you know about the sun?

Statement of Objective: (5 minutes) How will you share I CAN statement? Will you read it or have students read it?
I will read the I can explain the relationship of the Earth to its location to the sun and why that is important to sustain life
statement. I will ask students what do you think that means?. Does the Earth move? Does the Earth move around the sun?

Instructional Presentation/ Sequence: (40 minutes) How will you achieve your content and language objectives? Please refer
back to your objectives.
Teacher Input:
1. The sun is...
The sun is super hot!
The sun is a star!
The sun gives us light, warmth, and energy.
The sun gives us night and day.
When the Earth rotates once around the sun that is one year.
The light that we see from the moon comes from the sun.
Look at a Brainpop Video: titled The Sun
Guided Practice:
UNCG Lesson Plan for TESOL Candidates

2. I need to ask you important questions about the sun!

Can we live without the sun? (no)
The sun is only a medium-sized star. Why does it seem so bright to us? (Its so much closer than the other stars.)
What are ways we can protect ourselves from sunburns? (Sun blocking lotion, hats, sunglasses, clothing. Also remember to drink
Why dont we see the sun at night? Does it go away?
Why is the earth in a perfect place in our solar system?
Independent Practice:
3. There are nine planets in our solar system, but earth is the only one with life.
4. Have students learn on their own the names of the other planets. Students will write them out in an activity sheet of paper (a
foldable where they would write down the words that they have learned). (Continue Working on Solar System Diagram)

Closure/Evaluation: (5 minutes) How will you summarize and review what your students learned?
Summarize what the students learned during the lesson and then have students close their Science Notebooks and go to their next

Formal and Informal Assessment: (5 minutes) How will you know whether your students meet the content and language
objectives? Please include the types of assessments and what is being assessed. Please refer back to your objectives.

Informally assess student progress by asking. What is the sun? What is the Earth? What is the Moon? What does the sun give us?

Instructional Resources and Materials: What resources and materials do you plan to use to engage students in learning?
Students will watch a video to help them remember vocabulary about the sun and engage in the lesson from the beginning.

Students will make a foldable.

Brainpop Video: The Sun

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