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M A R C H 1 9 "  ( & ' ,   D k  ' &

Earth Hour today
>> Bhutan will join more than 178
countries across the world in observing
the Earth Hour. To mark the global annual
event, individuals and businesses turn off
their non-essential lights for one hour at
8:30pm local time.
The event with the theme Shine a light
on climate action will be observed in
Dungkar Primary School in Lhuentse.

His Majesty The King graced the Gomkora tshechu in Trashiyangtse yesterday. The people
Pg.3: The never-ending Paro offered Ku Sung Thugten Mendrel and Tshogchang to welcome the King. His Majesty spent the
thromde story evening meeting with the people. En-route to Gomkora, His Majesty visited Sherubtse College
in Kanglung and granted separate audiences to the entire body of students and the faculty.
Pg.5: Women Khuru players at
forefront of cultural shift

Pg.8: Livestock officers to air

issues at workshop
CDCL ready for
hydropower works
Pg.10: Celebration: Museum
displays rare gems for public

Pg.18: Haa BHU reduced to Tempa Wangdi on hydropower project construction The corporation is not ven-
rubble works. As of today, the company was turing into hydropower services
Nearly 37 years after the first hydro- focusing mainly on construction of abruptly because we have been

Environmental concerns power project was constructed in infrastructures such as road and planning and preparing for the last
2 grow as car-wash Chukha, the Construction Devel- bridges. four or five years, the companys
facilities increase opment Corporation Ltd (CDCL) We are in the preparatory stage CEO Phuntsho Gyeltshen said.
is preparing to take up tunnelling to take up hydropower construction Lyonchoen Tshering Tobgay re-
works in hydropower projects. works, CDCL Department of Hy- cently posted on Facebook stating
dropower Services (DHS) General that the government is working to

CONSTRUCTION Manager, Karma Gayley said.
The company has been prepar-
get CDCL work in hydropower tun-
CDCL will be the first Bhutanese ing for hydropower works for some- Pg.2
construction company to embark time now.

23 business entities to restitute

Nu 250.60M for fronting
ACC recommends for criminal charges OAG files civil restitution case
Rinzin Wangchuk In addition to fine and license of Indian Rupee (INR) amounts to
cancellations, the state prosecuting INR 242.17M. The INR interest was
The Office of the Attorney General agency also filed for the restitution calculated at 9.75 percent.
(OAG) has filed a civil suit against of wrongful gains made by license The license users were mostly
23 business entities in connection holders in commissions and the non-Bhutanese who were involved
with the fronting of trade licenses INR interest incurred by the state in leasing licenses to another party
before the Phuentsholing dungkhag at that time due to wrongful use of to run the businesses in Phuentshol-
court yesterday. the licenses. ing. Except Chotey Lal Sha Grocery,
The total amount of commis- the rest of the trade license holders
CORRUPTION sion to be restituted comes to Nu are Bhutanese.
8.436 million (M) and deflection Pg.2
PAGE 2 KUENSEL | Saturday, March 19, 2016

CDCL ready for 23 business entities to

restitute Nu 250.60M
hydropower works for fronting
From Pg.1 by reference or implicit.
From Pg.1 before the company is awarded in mega hydropower construc- The restitution of wrongful As of now, ACC forwarded
Druk Holding and Invest- its first hydropower contract tion works and gained experi- gains made by 29 license hold- 29 investigation reports of
ments (DHI), the parent com- because delivery of the ma- ence who are now willing to ers as commission range from fronting of trade licenses. OAG
pany has approved a hydro- chineries takes time, Ugyen join us, Ugyen Gyeltshen said. Nu 60,000 to Nu 1.1M. Of the officials said that they con-
power business plan worth a Gyeltshen said. CDCL will start from tun- total Nu 8.436M, Rabten Road- ducted a thorough review on
little over Nu 1.2 billion (B) for CDCL by virtue of being nelling works and gradually ways, which was run by Kumar the facts of each referred case,
the corporation. a construction company also take up mechanical, civil and Chanchal Daga, alone has to precedence set by the Ministry
DHI has agreed to give 30 has an arsenal of assorted con- electrical works in future as refund Nu 1.1M. of Economic Affairs for the last
percent amounting to Nu 374 struction equipment of over it develops. An engineer and Druk Norlha Enterprise, 27 years, and applicability of
million (M) out of about Nu 360 machineries. some technicians were trained Druk Norlha Company and laws.
1.2B as equity, Karma Gayley The corporation has already in road tunnelling works by Norlha Beer Agent run by Rajiv After considering commer-
said. The remaining 70 per- started its initial phase of re- sending them to Rohtang in Bhansali have to restitute Nu cial activity situations in the
cent will be working capital cruitment of frontline workers Himachal Pradesh, India last 1.408M. Samdrupjongkhar, Gelephu
in the form of credit line from such as operators, surveyors, year. The OAG also asked Yeshey and Phuentsholing towns,
financial institutions. blasters and welders. Engineers Although CDCL is yet to Pema Enterprise, Sonam Beer the government determined
Nu 374M will be used for and geologists are also being get its first hydropower project Agency, Norzang Trading and the need to take appropriate
preparatory plans to procure recruited. By the end of March, work, the company is positive Rigsom Enterprise to restitute measures to protect Bhutanese
equipment. DHI has released CDCL is planning to recruit 47 of securing its first hydropower the money they received in traders, who were becoming
Nu 204.26M for the current fis- employees who will engage in assignment. commission. All these business vulnerable to be locked-out or
cal year to procure hydropower preparatory works. With the support from the were run by Indians. displaced from the mainstream
construction equipment such As far as possible our idea government we are confident DP Tshongkhang, Rigsom of commercial undertakings,
as a drill jumbo, shotcrete is to form a hydropower con- about the tunnelling works as Enterprise, Burmi Enterprise, due to increasing unfair com-
machine and a wheel loader, struction company comprising long as we get the job, Karma Yeshey Pema Enterprise, Druk petitions being put up by non-
among others. The remaining mostly of Bhutanese, Karma Gayley said. Norlha, Tenzin Enterprise, national business personnel
budget will be released in the Gayley said. The CEO said hydropower Nozang Trading and Yangkhor who were running various na-
2017 financial year. CDCL is also receiving posi- works will be a challenge but Enterpise will have to refund tures of businesses within Bhu-
DHS Deputy General Man- tive responses from Bhutanese CDCL is planning to go big. INR 242.17M. DP Tshong- tan by means of using trade
ager, Ugyen Gyeltshen said that working under the Mang- We are determined and khang operated by Vasu Dev licenses owned by Bhutanese
a tender worth Nu 111M for dechhu and Punatshangchhu confident to take the task since alone was asked to refund INR on payment of commissions.
procurement of major hydro- hydropower projects. CDCLs success will also ben- 59.631M followed by Rigsom The trade rules and regula-
power construction equipment Since the construction of efit the private sector at large, Enterprise with INR 39.366M, tions of 1988 and 1995 prohib-
has already been floated. Chukha Hydropower Plant, Phuntsho Gyeltshen said. Burmi Enterprise run by Sanjay its a trade license from being
Equipment are procured many Bhutanese have worked Gupta with INR 27.52M. sold, leased, converted or
The OAG also wrote to the transferred to any other per-
Anti Corruption Commission sons.
(ACC) reasoning why they had As of July 2015, the imple-
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT to file as a civil restitution case menting authority found 346
and not a criminal case of com- violations and imposed ad-
SAVE THE CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL mercial bribery as ACC report ministrative penalties. The last
suggested. eight violations were recorded
In his letter to the ACC on July 1, 2015 in Samdrup-
chairperson, Attorney Geneal jongkhar.
Type and
Key Qualification & Shera Lhundup stated that The Attorney General also
Position duration of
Responsibilities experience OAG took cognizance of cer- stated that the importance of
tain elements of commercial concerted efforts to contain
Security Guard Provide security Minimum Class VI passed bribery present in the com- and eliminate corruptive prac-
cum Office for the office and with some experience of mission of fronting. tices for the greater well being
(May 2016
Helper/Cleaner cleaning of office, having done similar work in However, the ACC Act of the nation cannot be denied.
December 2020)
- 01 position premises etc. the past (recommended) does not define the term front- We cannot deny the require-
The detailed job description for the above position can be obtained from the office of ing to fulfill the law enactment ment of the state to mete out
Save the Children at Chang Geydaphu, Thimphu during office hours from Mr. Sonam due process of notifying public equal treatment of liability for
Tshewang, Administration & HR Manager. Female candidates are also encouraged of that applicability which, in the same offence. Hence, selec-
to apply. Interested candidates with the required qualifications and experience may turn, constitutes a legitimate tive prosecution of individuals,
apply, within April 4, 2016 to: defense for an accused under especially in the present front-
Section 77(a) of the Penal ing cases, is in itself aberration
The National Director Code, the letter stated. Fur- from the precedents set hith-
Save the Children International ther, the ACC Act of 2011 nei- erto and constitutional norms.
Chang Geydaphu, Thimphu ther makes reference to front- ACC officials refused to
Telephone: 323419/325599/ Fax: 322290 ing as constituting a criminal comment on the case saying
NOTE: ONLY SHORT-LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED offence nor it repealed any of that the commission hasnt
FOR INTERVIEWS. the cited rules and procedure, received the OAG letter.
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 3

The never-ending Paro

thromde story
Thromde map to be tabled in the Parliament again
MB Subba
chiwogs? That will be against thromde if the parliament did affected people are depend-
How can there the law, he said. not reverse its decision. ent on agriculture and that
The Paro dzongkhag thromde be a gewog The other affected gewog, The local leaders claim the inclusion of their land
map is set to change again. with just two Wangchang, is also expected that about 500 acres of in the thromde would affect
The dzongkhag tshogdu (DT) chiwogs? That to hold public consultation wetland have fallen in the farmers livelihood.
will submit to the government will be against after the Paro tshechu. thromde. They say that the
a new thromde map, which He said the dzongkhag
will be tabled in the upcom-
the law, administration received the
ing Parliament session.
Hoongrel gup
directive to hold public con-
sultation a few days back. The Eight arrested in
relation to kidnaps
report from the consultation
meeting will be submitted to
The dzongkhag adminis- the government.
tration coordinated a consul- boundary. Wangchang gup Thinley
tation meeting on Thursday Hoongrel gup Sangay said Dorji said that the directive Nirmala Pokhrel Assam police had arrested
in Hoongrel gewog, where the participants of the con- asked the DT to finalize the five other men involved in
according to the local lead- sultation meeting preferred issue before the summer ses- Almost three weeks after two the kidnapping. Police had
ers, 90 percent of the affected to go by the map endorsed by sion. men abducted from Bhur in recovered Nu 0.38 million
people said they do not want the DT. If the Parliament en- Paro DT had accused the Gelephu returned following (M) from them.
to be in the thromde. dorses the map prepared by government for not consult- payment of ransoms, Indian On March 7, the father
The meeting was held the DT, Hoongrel gewog will ing them during the demarca- police have arrested eight of the abducted student,
following a directive from get back the three chiwogs, tion of the thromde bound- men alleged to be involved Keshar Man Rai, had filed
the works and human settle- he said. ary. Local leaders from Paro in the kidnapping. a complaint with the Assam
ment ministry. The ministry The joint sitting of the dzongkhag last year wrote police after which a man-
had directed the dzongkhag Parliament last year re- to the National Assembly UPDATE hunt was launched. While
administration to ask people solved that the government Speaker about their unhap- the five alleged kidnapers
whether they want to go by in consultation with the Paro piness in being clubbed with Indian police arrested were arrested immediately
the current boundary or the dzongkhag tshogdu would the dzongkhag thromde. three men aged 43, 25 and in Assam, three managed to
one endorsed by the DT. submit the issues pertaining Backed by the opposition 20 from the outskirts of escape to Bengaluru. The
According to the local to thromde for re-delibera- members, the local govern- Bengaluru city on March escapees were tracked down.
leaders, the DT had prepared tion in the upcoming session. ment last year requested the 15. According to reports in A sixteen-year-old class
its own map of the thromde. With the three chiwogs Speaker and the Prime Min- an Indian newspaper, Dec- X student and Keshar Man
But the works and human having lost to the thromde, ister to redraw the boundary, can Chronicle, the trio were Rai's driver were kidnapped
settlement ministry later the gewog was reduced to two which was endorsed during found residing in a make- on February 22, while they
prepared its own map, pull- chiwogs comprising about the 5th fifth session. It was shift hut and were working were feeding pigs in Bhur.
ing three chiwogs of Hoon- 160 people only. How can claimed that about 500 acres as agriculture labourers Five days after the incident
grel gewog into the thromde there be a gewog with just two of paddy would be lost to the using fake identities. two of them were released
One of the arrested men following payment of INR
was identified as a member 2M in ransom.
ROYAL THIMPHU COLLEGE & of the National Democratic Meanwhile it was learnt
Front of Bodoland (NDFB), that the three men arrested
BHUTAN YOUTH DEVELOPMENT FUND reported the Deccan Chroni- from Bengaluru are in Assam
cle. Bengaluru police had police custody along with
Need-Based Scholarship Announcement told the paper that the kid- the other five men. It is not
napers are part of an eight known whether the ransom
The Royal Thimphu College (RTC) and the Bhutan Youth Development Fund (YDF)
member gang in Assam. money was recovered from
jointly announce the availability of 2 full scholarships under the RTC-YDF Need-
Prior to the trio's arrest, the kidnapers.
Based Scholarship Programme 2016. The scholarships will cover all tuition and
boarding costs for 1 male & 1 female for 3 years.
Applications are open from March 19 & the deadline for submission is on April
15, 2016. Candidates with a minimum of 55 % aggregate in best 4 subjects
including English can apply for this scholarship. The minimum age limit for this
scholarship is 22. The scholarship forms can be downloaded from the RTC (www. and YDF website ( or can be collected from the RTC
city office at Room # 56, Chang Lam Plaza, Thimphu or the YDF office at Thimphu.
The application should be submitted to RTC Chang Lam or Ngabiphu
Offices, Thimphu.
Short-listed candidates will be announced on our website and will be called for a final
interview on the April 21. For more information, contact 975-02-351801 Ext. 105.
PAGE 4 KUENSEL | Saturday, March 19, 2016

Small step, giant leap
into hydropower

hat the Construction Development
Corporation Ltd is ready to take on From home to garden
large contract work means a lot to the : A suitcase and a cooker
huge Bhutanese construction industry. find a new lease of life as
As the first Bhutanese company that plant pots.
could take up tunnelling at the Kholongchhu project, Photo by Tashi Phuntsho
the company is embarking on a huge project that until
recently, Bhutanese could only imagine about. The
company is busy gearing up for its first major project.
It is a huge challenge.
There are numerous tunnels built in the country, MY SAY
almost all for hydropower projects. None of them
were built by Bhutanese, private or government. Tun-
nelling is a huge work component of building hydro Extended paid maternity leave of 6 months
projects. There are plenty to be built as we plan to
harness as much clean power as we can. To the joy and relief of working paid maternity leave from 3 This does not augur well for the
The work is open for all. Only the qualification and mothers in the civil service, months to six months could put government that has vowed to
experience specified in open tenders restrict Bhuta- the government has put into added pressure on our limited eradicate unemployment!
nese from trying. This will change. And if Bhutanese effect the much hyped about resources and increase expen- In an official statement,
engineers, technicians and workers can do it, it will be six months extended paid ma- ditures. The decision is coun- the government stated that in
a coming of age for the construction industry. ternity leave with effect from 1st terproductive, not affordable in case of civil servants providing
The CDCL should lead by example. Today it is seen March 2016. In an official state- every sense for a least developed direct services such as teaching
as a mere competitor to the private sector. There is ment, the government has justi- country like ours and therefore, and medical profession, the
some truth in it. They should not compete for works fied this initiative as a necessity ill-conceived and ill-considered management will ensure that
that the private sector can take up. With resources, to encourage exclusive breast- like numerous other policies the services are not affected as a
expertise and government support, it should be dif- feeding of a child for six months promulgated and decisions result of the arrangement. How-
ferent. and to facilitate parents to take taken by this government. ever, this is hardly reassuring as
The private sector should benefit from CDCLs ex- better care of their children. Even in UN systems and de- the statement does not provide
perience from taking major works. Our private sector While we sincerely laud the veloped countries, paid mater- even a scant idea on how this
claims that they too are now poised to take on bigger governments initiative for work- nity ranges from 14 16 weeks arrangement would be worked
projects like hydropower. There are big private com- ing mothers in the civil service, only. For example, in the UNDP, out. And what about other
panies that can take up major projects. Today, most we also would like to express our entitlement to maternity leave professions, those outside the
are restricted to smaller jobs in big projects. skepticism on the implementa- consist of 16 weeks of leave with purview of health and teaching?
It may be too early to conclude but if CDCL gets tion of this initiative which is full pay. In USA, the Family and Currently, the government does
into bigger projects, big companies could tie up shar- likely to bring forth a number of Medical Leave Act of 1993 man- not provide substitute staffing
ing resources and technical knowhow. CDCL is think- larger issues to the fore. dates a minimum of 12 weeks of even when employees go on for
ing big and training a workforce including engineers. First and foremost, could unpaid maternity leave. Among years of study and other forms of
This is good for the private sector. this initiative be extended and the 185 countries and territories leave. Therefore, no matter what
This could also provide an answer to the unem- applied to other sectors of our ILO studied, 98 countries meet is said about services not being
ployment problem. Besides, we could see the benefit society, viz. Corporate, Private the ILO standard of at least affected, there is no way that
of building mega projects with our own resources. It and Farming sectors. Would 14 weeks leave; 42 of those replacement would be provided
will help solve the rupee crisis, which has a short-term these sectors afford to embrace countries meet or exceed the for those on maternity leave.
solution as of now. The hydropower project is blamed this initiative? If not, this is a suggest 18 weeks leave, while 60 We cannot imagine the plight of
for draining Indian rupees from the country. step backwards in our effort to countries provide 12-13 weeks our students and patients when
The money that we get in grants or loans will stay in provide equitable treatment of leave less than the duration in even now there is acute shortage
the economy if Bhutanese can take up mega projects. employees across sectors. In Convention no. 183, but consist- of teachers, doctors and nurses.
The local financial institutions will also benefit, as particular, we fear, this might ent with previous convention. We call upon the govern-
they will be involved in financing the projects. inadvertently dent the moral Only 27 countries provide less ment to earnestly work out solu-
Bhutanese companies will not be competing with and professional zeal of em- than 12 weeks. tions to the concerns we have
foreign ones. Since we began constructing power ployees in the corporations, In an environment where raised here, so that, our system
projects 37 years ago, our closest friend and neigh- private and farming sectors. we already have higher percent- does not continue to bear the
bour, India generously supported us in realising our Therefore, this policy is not age of female unemployment, brunt of this governments
hydropower dream. It was not only restricted to the equitable and discriminatory in this new initiative could have a myopic policy changes. Surely,
mutual benefit of harnessing clean energy from our nature. The government of the serious fallout on the employ- we cannot afford to differentiate
fast flowing rivers. There was more to it. day must consider all issues at ment prospect of female job and discriminate our women
The hope was also that as Bhutan and India built the national level and not arrive seekers in the labour market. For and children based on their area
the projects together, there will be transfer of know- at any decision to benefit only a want of convenience and as cost of employment, which would
how and technology. It is in Indias interest to see a segment of our society. saving measures, corporations have ramifications for genera-
stable and peaceful Bhutan. The last ambassador to As it is, much of our current and private sector will surely tions.
Bhutan said it is up to Bhutan to define its priorities. expenditure and internal rev- discriminate female job seek-
The priority now is involving our companies, if they enue goes towards maintaining ers - worsening the already high Druk Phuensum Tshogpa
are capable, in building hydropower projects. the civil service. Extending the unemployment rate of women. Opposition Party


Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL

Women Khuru players at forefront

of cultural shift
The public remain divided on women entering a culturally male dominated sport
Younten Tshedup BIGSA General Secretary,
Lhagey Tshering, said that the
Aum Dechey, 52, and her reason for introducing the wom-
eight-member team from Gasa ens khuru tournament was to
arrived in Thimphu at around encourage women participation
midnight for a khuru match in traditional sports. We have a
against a team from Dagana. mandate to promote our tradi-
tional games at the same time
TRADITION provide equal opportunities to
both the genders, said Lhagey
Aum Dechey is taking Tshering. While the men are
part for the third time in the already engaged in such games
national khuru tournament from a very long time, women
organized in the country. The are just starting and this is very
mother of two said that she good news for us.
enjoys the game so much that While the participation from
given an option between food dzongkhags in such tourna-
and khuru, she would choose ments has been positive, there
khuru. has also been much criticism.
The game between Gasa and When the tournament was first Aum Dechey has so far participated in three national khuru competitions
Dagana takes place on March 16. introduced six years ago, many
A large audience has gathered at argued that women should not in playing a game, which is vate employee. Maybe its just addressed and opportunities
Changjiji, just below the flyover encroach into a traditionally mostly dominated by men if an a superstitious belief but were a in all aspects of life need to be
bridge. male dominated sport. There individual has genuine interest. nation built upon such beliefs, open for both the genders. If a
There is something differ- was both negative and positive Gender equality or not, this is a he said. woman wants to break the age
ent. Most of the spectators are feedback. basic human right to be able to Some even believe that old norms just to prove that
male. While the women holding Sonam Dorji, a retired sol- do what one likes without people when the tradition is challenged, she is equal to any man and
khurus sing and dance, the men dier who had come to witness interfering, she said. calamities strike the country. The can do whatever a man can,
watch in awe. the game said that the women But there are still a few who recent series of forest fires might their intention is not noble,
This is women empower- were much better at hitting the are strongly against such activi- also be because of the women he said. Stressing on physical
ment some comment, mock- target than men. A man playing ties. A businessman in Thimphu playing khuru in Thimphu hint- capabilities and comparing will
ingly. khuru is normal and normal is who didnt want to be named ed a cooperate employee. take women to a certain length
Some of the players are uninteresting, the 70-year-old said that it was unbecoming Yonten Tshering, a college only. While this is a strong as-
good. They have hit a few karays. said. We dont usually get to see for the women to play khuru. student said that women em- sertion, it is more physical and
Aum Dechey, the eldest player, is such events often and Im enjoy- Its traditionally and cultur- powerment is important to be less powerful.
one of them. ing every bit of it watching the ally wrong for women to play
The comments about women play. such games, he said. Archery
women empowerment fade. On grounds of women em- and khuru are games meant to
Both the men and women are powerment and gender equality, be played by men and when
enjoying the tournament. many supported the initiative. women play such games, they
The game ends in favour of Kinley Dorji, a student of Kelki are challenging our age-old tra-
the team from Dagana. Higher Secondary School said dition.
The Bhutan Indigenous that in the interest of promoting When I have a crucial ar-
Games and Sports Association the game and women equality chery match the next day, I dont
(BIGSA) introduced the annual in sports, there is nothing wrong allow my wife or even daughter
womens khuru tournament in with women playing khuru. to touch my bow and arrows
2010. This is the third tourna- Sangay Dema, another stu- because people say it brings bad
ment being held in Thimphu. dent said that there is no shame luck, said Pema Khandu, a pri-
PAGE 6 Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL

Contact 17251114. Thimphu. Contact 17603218. technician/mechanic. Will
Rent: Guest housing train for Renault vehicles
Required: Excavator for Vacancy: Store incharge
apartment in Thimphu City Sale: Land at Changjiji. in India. Contact Thunder
hire. Contact 17111489. with 4-5 years experience
Centre. Call 17600811. Contact 17110673. Motors at 17642887.
in mechanical at Lobesa.
Required: 5 number tippers Contact 17110657. Vacancy: Spa therapist-2
Sale: 3 bedroom flat, Sale: Land at Drugyel.
on monthly basis for soil (female) for Dorji Elements.
kitchen, store and two toilets Contact 17660050. Vacancy: Two waitress and
dumping distance within 2 Contac 17925266.
km at Wangkha Chukha. with three varandas, location Sale: 21 decimal land with 2 two housekeeping. Contact
Contact Loden Construction Kabratar above PHPA storeyed house with attic at 17113963.
Pvt. Ltd. Contact guest house. Beautiful view Monggar (Changshingpeg).
of Phuentsholing and quiet Vacancy: Receptionist, Announcement: Get
17883001/17111972. Serious buyers, contact F&B, cook, dishwasher
place. Contact 17715780. 17616178. service of BT Accounting,
Sale: Prado 03. Contact for Wangchuk hotels and Thimphu for preparing
17574559. Sale: Shop at main town. Sale: 16 acres land at resorts. Contact 02-324500/ accounts for BIT. Contact
Contact 17868143. Bumthang, Thangbi @ 17134500/ 17471713.
Sale: Honda CR-V, silver 17469412/333953/ e-mail
Sale: Garment showroom, 5,000 per decimal. Contact
colour 09 model. Contact Vacancy: General
main town, Thimphu. 17531718.
77170170. manager (10 years working Announcement: Get your
Contact 17612605/17333880. Sale: 51 decimal at new experience)-1 slot; loader
Wanted for hire: 1 account settled for BIT/CIT.
Sale: Standard cafe at Paro. town, Jalkar, Bumthang. operator-1 slot. Contact Contact Niche Financial
no. excavator; 10 nos Bhutan Stone and Aggregate
Contact 77933977/17656269. Contact 17110657. Service, 17115554.
tipper for 1 year contract. Factory, Namseling,
Interested owners may Sale: Canteen at workshop, Sale: Wetland at Announcement: Annual
Thimphu, 17591113.
contact Bhutan Stone Olakha, Thimphu. Contact Gaselopangsho. Contact general meeting of Hindu
and Aggregate Factory at 17616648. 17110657. Vacancy: Assistant (female) Dharma Samudaya is
17572004/77118862. for game parlour. Contact scheduled for 26 and 27
Sale: Pan shop for sale/ Sale: 15 decimal land in
17999222. March, 2016 at Thimphu
Sale: Tata Xenon Hilux empty. Contact 17938921. Thimphu. Contact 17430143.
in running condition 2011 Vacancy: Bill collector Durga Mandir. Meeting
model. Genuine buyer may Rent: Spacious office space with two wheeler licence begins at 9AM. All interested
contact 336611/17769034. at KMT building, Chubachu. for Image Arts, Thimphu. are invited to attend.
Contact 323670/17263831. Vacancy: Waitress-3 & bar Accommodation provided.
Sale: Hyundai Tucson 11 tender-2. Contact 17636669. Announcement: High
Rent: One 2 room Contact 17604017. quality shuttering plywood
model. Contact 17644510.
apartment & one fully Vacancy: Personal secretary Vacancy: Full time maid and doors besides normal
Sale: Tucson 07, excellent furnished studio apartment (female), undergraduate plywood and block board-
based in Thimphu. Contact
condition. Contact at Upper Motithang. Please who speaks fluent English & available with Bhutan Ply,
17970498. call 17603507. Dzongkha with experience Phuentsholing at very
and security guard (ex-army/ Vacancy: Experienced cook. reasonable price. Contact
Sale: H1 09. Contact Rent: Office space available
police)-2, between 25-40 Salary eleven thousand plus 17625657.
17600596. at Norzin Lam, main traffic,
years. Last date of submission and 1 waiter from 1st April at
Sale: Korean Hilux Thimphu by the end of this
March 23, 16. Contact Thimphu. Contact 17786553. NU. PER UNITS OF FOREIGN CURRENCY
Ssangyong Actyon 12 with month. Contact 17564595. as of yesterday
338445/17994926. Vacancy: Accountant-1
loan. Contact 17313545. Sale: Shop space with stock, NOTES
Vacancy: One marketing (male/female) of minimum
ground floor, Le Meridien Buy Sell
officer at Drukar Trading, 5-6 years experience having
Hotel, Thimphu. Contact
Qualification general knowledge in tally & day to US $ 65.70 67.85
Rent: 1 BHK at Babesa. 17118505.
graduates. Contact 324765. day accounts maintaining. POUND 93.90 96.50
Contact 17113599.
Sale: Two storeyed building Please contact at De- EURO 74.15 76.20
Rent: Office space with at Khasadrupchu. Contact Vacancy: 1 waitress for The Keeling Stone Crushing
Seasons pizzeria, Hongkong YEN (100) 58.85 60.50
conference hall and lobby at 17430143. Unit, Phuentsholing,
a prime location. Contact market. Contact 327413. 17601285/77113760. HK $ 8.45 8.70
Rent: Office and store
17467967/335336. Vacancy: Required sales
AUS $ 50.15 51.50
space. Call 17619386. Vacancy: Waiter, waitress &
SING $ 48.35 49.75
Sale: Restaurant above girls immediately for Tashi cook helper. Call 17698661.
Changzamtok School. Super Market, Clock Tower, Courtesy BNB
Vacancy: Engineer/




The Royal University of Bhutan invites sealed bids from eligible bidders to participate in the following tender:
Last date
Sl. Bid Tender sale Opening
Name of the work & time of
# security date date
Installation of Acoustic Panel and Sound System in the Convention Hall, Nu. 21/03/2016 to 19/04/2016 19/04/2016
Office of the Vice Chancellor, Royal University of Bhutan, Thimphu 62,000.00 19/04/2016 before 12:30 pm at 3:00 pm
A complete set of bidding documents may be purchased upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Nu.500.00 from the Accounts Section of the
Office of the Vice Chancellor, Motithang, Thimphu. For further information, please contact us at telephone no. 02-336454.
Planning and Resources
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL

isdom wise
New Dzongkha book
There is no darkness released
but ignorance.

new Dzongkha book, called New Dzongkha Grammar, was released by the
Dzongkha Development Commission (DDC) to update and standardise
William Shakespeare Dzongkha grammar and spelling throughout the country.
A WORD a day New Dzongkha Grammar has 321 pages in 23 chapters. It provides
Salvo. detailed guidelines and examples of grammatical methods from simple
formation of words to phrases and sentences. It is a result of three years of intensive research
n. 1. A simultaneous discharge of artillery or other
and discussions and two national level workshops in 1988 and 1990 where many issues
guns in a battle; 2. A number of weapons released
were clarified and new words composed. New Dzongkha Grammar will be used mainly as a
from one or more aircraft in quick succession. guide to school teachers. It will be taught, by chapters, from classes IV to X.
A deafening salvo of shots rang out.

Spoils of Tech Tricks
Four square meals

the Dead

Adding your favourite commands to the

TWO fairies it was
On a still summer day
quick access toolbar
Came forth in the woods e Right click any command in the Ribbon or
With the flowers to play. Office drop down menu
The flowers they plucked
Health They cast on the ground
For others, and those
Select Add to Quick Access Toolbar
Click on the Customize Quick Access Toolbar
For still others they found.
Flower-guided it was button at the end of the toolbar
That they came as they ran e ii. Click on More Commands and use the
On something that lay
In the shape of a man. dialogue box which opens, shown opposite,
The snow must have made to add more commands into the box on the
The feathery bed
When this one fell right, and then click OK
On the sleep of the dead.
But the snow was gone
A long time ago,
And the body he wore Medical
Nigh gone with the snow. Terminologies
The fairies drew near
And keenly espied
A ring on his hand
And a chain at his side.
They knelt in the leaves
And eerily played
With the glittering things,
And were not afraid.
And when they went home
To hide in their burrow,
They took them along
To play with to-morrow.
When you came on death,
Did you not come flower-guided
Like the elves in the wood?
I remember that I did.
But I recognised death
With sorrow and dread,
And I hated and hate
The spoils of the dead.
To be continued...

Robert Frost
Saving water

he average washing
machine uses about 41
gallons of water per load,
whereas newer, high-
efficiency models use less
than 28 gallons of water
per load.
PAGE 8 KUENSEL | Saturday, March 19, 2016

Livestock officers to air

issues at workshop
Rajesh Rai, Phuentsholing ment Centre (RLDC), in Tshi-
masham, Chukha, Dr Basant
Livestock extension officers of Sharma, said the workshop will
the western region now have function as a forum to discuss
an opportunity to point out challenges field officers face in
challenges they face in fulfilling accomplishing targets on the
livestock department targets ground.
aligned to the annual perform- The consultative workshop
ance agreement (APA). will also review the progress of
livestock development activities
FOOD in five dzongkhags of the west-
A livestock consultative ern region.
training workshop began on We also look for potential
March 18 in Phuentsholing. areas of activities that require
The program will work as a RLDCs intervention and sup-
platform for field officers to dis- port, Dr Basant Sharma said. Around 60 officials are participating in the workshop
cuss and review livestock activi- The livestock officials would
ties in Thimphu, Paro, Chukha, be updated on the technologies, Sharma the purpose of con- in the fields will be discussed, of the workshop, infertility and
Haa, and Samtse. while identifying solutions for ducting the workshop is aimed Dr Basant Sharma said the breeding aspects on different
The veterinary doctor of the field implementations. at two major aspects food workshop will focus in building livestock will also be covered.
Regional Livestock Develop- According to Dr Basant self-sufficiency in the western specific ideas towards bettering A total of 60 participants
region and import substitution. activities to achieve the targets. comprising gewog in-charges
Citing examples of milk Similarly, the consultative meet- and dzongkhag livestock offic-

Gewog over thromde and poultry production for the

regionthe RLDC official said
ing will also serve as a baseline
for the next meeting.
ers are attending the workshop.
Representatives from the calf
Seven households appeal after becoming a part of they have a target of produc- Meanwhile, the weeklong rearing centre of Wangkha,
the thromde ing 10,000 metric tonnes (MT) workshop also aims to present Chukha, jersey breeding centre
of milk annually and 500MT of major livestock diseases, their of Samtse, and regional poultry
Dawa Gyelmo, Bumthang issue, as coming under the poultry respectively. preventive and control meas- breeding centres are also at-
thromde would mean loss of While the challenges faced ures and treatments. At the end tending the workshop.
Seven households in Chakhar rural benefits like the 100unit
village and Jambay Lhakhang free electricity, rural timber
area that have come in the and firewood subsidy.
new thromdes jurisdic- Dzongkhag officials said NOTICE INVITING TENDER
tion want to stay out of the since the demarcation was
thromde. approved by the Parliament,
it would be impossible to
MTR change the boundary. CORPORATION LIMITED
Unless the issue is raised
They have written to the at the Parliament their ap-
Chokhor gewog expressing peal cannot be considered Sealed Tenders are invited from eligible Bhutanese Contractors (Small class)
their wish to be still with the as a final decision, said a registered with CDB for the following works:
gewog. They even requested dzongkhag official. The de-
Sl.# Post Location Duration Cost of tender
the Prime Minister during marcation was done after it
his visit to the dzongkhag re- was initially approved by local Khotokha
Construction of wooden
cently. people. 1 FMU, 90 days Nu. 1,000/-
bridge at Khotokha FMU
Bumthang dzongdag There are around 900 Wangdue
Phub Tshering said the Prime households in Chokhor Maintenance of Tshokana Tshokana,
2 75 days Nu. 300/-
Minister had explained to gewog including those under Sand Quarry Road Punakha
the people about the long- thromde, whose census and
term benefits of being in the land records are still with the
Last date and time of submission : Friday, 08/04/2016 at 1:00 pm
thromde. gewog. Following the thromde Place of tender submission : NRDCL, Corporate Head
Since they insisted, the election and establishment of Office, Thimphu
Prime Minister had directed thromde office, the thromde Date and time of tender opening : Friday, 08/04/2016 at 2:30 pm
the Chokhor gewog adminis- records would be handed to
The detailed tender documents can be purchased at above rates (Non-
tration to discuss the issue and them, he said.
refundable) from Engineering Section of NRDCL Head Office from 21/03/2016
finalize whether the affected Most areas under Chokhor
to 07/04/2016 during office hours. For further information, contact 02-323834
areas should be in thromde or starting from Kurje in the
(Extn 144) during office hours.
not, the dzongdag said. north to Jalikhar in the south
Gewog officials said the fall in the thromde besides
seven households raised the Dekiling, Chamkhar town. NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 9

Educating voters in Wangdue

for upcoming elections
Dawa Gyelmo, Wangdue once before every election, and
this is for the upcoming local
More than 40 officials from government election.
Thimphu and Wangdue Participants were briefed
including dzongkhag and about the legal provisions in
gewog administration offic- the Constitution and electoral
ers, dzongdags, drungpas and laws related to local govern-
dzongrabs are attending a ment, primary roles and func-
three-day training of trainers tions of elective offices and
on voter education in Bajo. polling station status.
Presenting the candidates
ELECTION criteria, election officials said
for thrompon, the person
The training is to help of- should have formal university
ficials educate voters about degree recognized by the gov-
the functional literacy test, on ernment, and in case of local Dzongkhag officials will serve as election representatives during the local
what documents are required, government election, func- government elections
dispute settlement, and im- tional literacy test is a must.
portance of educating voters While filing nomination, ing, election returns and code monks and transfer of census dates sit for the test with more
to elect the right candidates. apart from other documents, of conduct. and polling stations. focus on female candidates.
Election officials said vot- the candidate has to submit a Wangdues electoral officer Meanwhile, around 150 The registration for the test
ers should be educated on the written document stating that Dorji Wangdi said dzongkhag people from 14 of the 15 ge- will remain open till April 15.
importance of electing candi- he has no affiliation with any electoral officials recently con- wogs of Wangdue have regis- Except for three female
dates that possess four main political parties and has de- ducted the first voter education tered to sit for functional lit- tshogpas, the rest of the local
qualities including working for clared his assets. and covered topics like e-roll eracy test, as of now. Of that, 71 government leaders including
the benefit of the community The three-day training will verification in gewogs, registra- registered were female against gups, mangmi and tshogpas
and representing the people. also focus on dispute settle- tion of voters, de-registration 79 male. of all 15 gewogs were male
Election officials said the ment at the local level, election of the deceased and monk or Election officials said they dominated during the first LG
voter education is conducted campaign, campaign financ- nuns, registration of former are hoping to see more candi- election.

Dirty drains and the blame game in Gelephu

Nirmala Pokhrel cleaning at regular intervals to waste. the town residents, he said. increased number of buildings
avoid clogging and the stench, Sewage engineer, Dorji The existing drains were in town, Senior Urban Planner
Gelephu town looks spacious, thromde officials hold town resi- Khandu said wastes including constructed between 2008 and Ashish Kr Chauhan said. How-
neat and clean after the recent dents responsible for the poor plates, spoons, sanitary napkins 2009. "People should learn not to ever, it does not mean a fault in
facelift. But there is a problem drainage. and clothes were found every drain their waste. Unless people design, he said.
and it is not on the surface. A shopkeeper along the taxi- time they clean the drains. The change their behavior nothing Thromde regularly removes
parking lane said the problems are neither because of will improve," Dorji Khandu the garbage clogging drains from
INFRASTRUCTURE drains are already size nor from a fault in design of said. the manhole chambers at regu-
small; it is covered the drainage, but carelessness of It is partly also because of the lar intervals, he added.
The well-covered drains are with heavy concrete slabs mak-
clogged and stink. The stretch ing it difficult for them to clean.
from the Tashi Commercial "Individual shops can't do much,
Corporation lane towards the thromde should find a perma-
taxi parking and surrounding of nent solution," the shopkeeper
Losel Cinema hall and its oppo- said.
site have the dirtiest drains. Another shopkeeper near
Most of the drains are cov- the Losel Cinema hall said that
ered with concrete slabs and iron although the thromde cleans
ribbed closures. Small openings the drains once in a while, it is
in between are blocked with clogged as soon as it is cleaned.
plastic wrappers, sanitary nap- There is a need to find out why,
kins and cloth pieces impeding she said.
the water flow. Shopkeepers say Thromde officials agree
that the concrete closures make that the drains in those two
it difficult for them to clean regu- stretches are often smelling foul
larly. and blocked. However they said
On the cleanliness of the cleaning it regularly wouldnt
drains, while shopkeepers say help unless residents and shop-
its the thromde that should be keepers learn to take care of their
HOME KUENSEL | Saturday, March 19, 2016

Celebration: Museum displays rare

gems for public viewing
It is believed that some of the statues on display have in the past spoken, even

Jigme Wangchuk
In fact, the
It is dim and shadowy the
threat from
main room where the exhibits
are carefully lined; there is a outside is
presence of special aura in increasing
this dark compartment. Rep- These are all
resentations of revered histor- treasures made
ical and religious figures of by our own
clay made mostly look back
people; they
straight as if they are going to
move any minute and speak are invaluable
to you in a language so ethe- national
really distant yet so strangely wealth
A miniature statue of
Aum Dema, an old lady Zhabdrung Ngawang Nam-
from Paro, throws herself gyal, made of white sandal-
down, prostrate on the gal- wood, is believed to have
lery floor. She does this three been blessed by Zhabdrung The miniature statue of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyal (middle), made of white
times and gets up, mumbling himself. It is believed that one sandalwood, is believed to have been blessed by Zhabdrung himself
small prayers. of Zhabdrungs closest disci-
Thank you very much. ples, who rose to become a able national wealth. Neyphu Goemba in Paro are gallery were made by Lopen
May you be blessed, may us vastly renowned artisan, made There are renowned considered especially gifted Damchoe and Palden and
all be blessed! says 67-year- the statue. This representa- clay statue makers living and skilled. their students in the early
old Dema. How fortunate tion of Zhabdrung the size of still. Those who come from Many of the statues at the 1970s.
indeed that we get to see these an adults thumb was never
blessed images of the great before displayed for public
and the divine. She doesnt viewing.
care to wipe her tears. A museum staff said that
The National Museum this particular image of Zhab-
of Bhutan in Paro yesterday drung Ngawang Namgyal is
opened its 15th Special Exhi- the most valuable possession
bition The Art of Clay Statue of the museum. Most of the
Sculpting. The exhibition of statues on display are from
the art of making clay statues, the museums permanent
which will continue until the collection.
Ta Dzong renovation is com- The art of making clay
pleted, which will be some- statue has been preserved
time in early 2017, is being or- in the country through cen-
ganised to celebrate the birth turies. But new times come
year of Guru Rinpoche, 400th challenge. Traditional arts
year of Zhabdrung Ngawang and crafts face threat of ex-
Namgyals arrival in Bhutan tinction. Already Bhutanese
and the birth of The Gyalsey. altars are filled with statues
The exhibition features made abroad. Efforts are
rare statues of Guru Rinpoche being made to preserve and
and Zhabdrung Ngawang promote traditional arts and
Namgyal and of many other crafts through establishment
enlightened Buddhist masters. of schools and institutes, but
All the statues were made in the threat remains.
Bhutan by master sculptors In fact, the threat from
and reflect the finer details, outside is increasing, said
skills and craftsmanship of 79-year-old Tashi, who as a
the renowned makers. It is young boy tried his hands in
believed that some of the stat- making clay statues. These
ues on display have in the past are all treasures made by our
spoken, even. own people; they are invalu-
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 11

Next SAARC Summit

in November
The SAARC Council of Minis-
ters has endorsed the name of
next SAARC Secretary General
from Pakistan, while confirm-
ing the date for next Summit to
be held in November this year.
Concluding the four-day
meeting of SAARC Standing
Committee at the foreign
secretary level and Council of
Ministers on Thursday, mem-
bers approved Amjad Hussain
B Sial, a career diplomat of
Pakistani Foreign Service, as
the of new SAARC secretary
The 19th SAARC Sum- Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli with foreign ministers of Saarc member states during the inaugural session of
mit will be held in Pakistan Saarc Council of Ministers meeting in Pokhara on Thursday.
on November 9 and 10 this
year, Deputy Prime Minister eign Affairs Adviser to Pakistani every two years is one major
and Minister for Foreign Af- Prime Minister Sartaz Aziz was achievement. The meeting
fairs Kamal Thapa, the current widely watched by the Indian also endorsed the amendment
chair of the Council of Min- and Pakistani media. to the SAARC Development NOTIFICATION
isters announced after the Perhaps mindful of the Fund Charter by changing the
meeting. curiosity, DPM and Foreign requirement of three-mem- MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND
DPM and Foreign Minister Minister Thapa ruled out the ber criteria in implementing HUMAN RESOURCES
Thapa also said that the mem- rivalry between the two South projects to one-member cri-
ber states are rethinking how Asian nuclear giants affecting teria with direct and indirect
to revisit the SAARC process the meeting. benefit to more than one With reference to Executive Order No. MoWHS/
which has been mired by slow India and Pakistan are member. LZ-13/2015-2016/622 dated 22nd January, 2016 of
implementation with prolif- natural and important mem- The meeting stressed the Chairman of High Level Committee and the
eration of commitments and bers of the SAARC but dynam- on effective and expeditious Guideline for Recruitment of Bhutanese Youth in the
announcements. ics between the two countries implementation of the exist- Departmentally Executed Constructions, the Ministry
Before the meeting, there were not reflected throughout ing projects and programmes of Labour and Human Resources is pleased to issue
were fears of India-Pakistan the meeting, he said. and also brought new vision the following order for immediate implementation:
dynamics overshadowing the As a SAARC chair we have in the SAARC process, said a 1. The procuring agencies shall pay the wages of
gathering in Pokhara. to keep the SAARC agendas press statement issued after National Workforce at Nu. 215 per day for Class
The meeting between In- alive, said Thapa, adding that the meeting. X, Nu. 234 per day for Class XII and Nu. 254 per
dian Minster for External Af- fixing the calendar of SAARC The Kathmandu Post day for University graduates.
fairs Sushma Swaraj and For- Summit in November in ANN 2. The MoLHR will provide allowance under the
ATP as per existing provisions and will conduct
induction courses prior to deployment of youth.
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT They will be assessed, certified and awarded
National certificates to enable vertical career
WELFARE CONSTRUCTION PRIVATE LIMITED movement in the construction industry.
THIMPHU 3. The procuring agencies must ensure the following
minimum facilities at project sites:
I. Decent shed with lighting facilities
Vacancies on contract basis:
II. Toilet cum bathroom
1. Excavator operator: 3nos salary Nu. 18,000.00 plus food Nu. 3000.00 per/
III. Drinking water supply
month working hours allowance Nu. 40 per hours.
IV. Common mess
2. Heavy vehicle driver: 4 nos salary Nu. 15,000.00 plus food Nu. 3000.00 per/
V. Recreational facilities such as internet, TV,
month working hour allowance Nu. 20 per hours.
games and sports.
3. Project Manager with degree qualification and experience:2nos. salary
All interested unemployed youth should contact
Nu. 20,000.00 plus food Nu. 3000.00 per/month.
the Department of Employment, MoLHR, Regional
4. Site supervisors with class X, XII, VTI qualification and experience: MoLHRs offices or Dzongkhag Administrations for
3nos. pay Nu. 14,000.00 plus food Nu. 3000.00 per/month. immediate recruitment and deployment at Dzong
For further details call 17110765/17305486/02-334125. Interview will be held on constructions at Trashigang, Pemagatshel, Wangdue,
March 25, 2016. Gasa, Drukgyal and other Departmental executed
Chief Executive Officer construction sites.
PAGE 12 KUENSEL | Saturday, March 19, 2016


RIM/ADM-32/2016/2534 BFA/FF/Awards/2016/819

The Royal Institute of Management is pleased to invite sealed bids from eligible and This is to inform the members and independent
qualified bidders having valid trade license for supply of computers, supreme troy chair, documentary and short fi lm makers to register your
dining table, indoor game table in RIM. The rates quoted shall be CIF RIM, Semtokha, short fi lms/documentary/animated fi lms for the 3rd
inclusive of all charges and taxes. Documentary and Short Film Awards on May 2,
2016 at Thimphu.
A complete set of Bidding Documents may be collected from the Accounts Section
of the Institute on cash payment of non-refundable Nu.300.00 (Ngultrum three The registration form along with festival, guidance, rules
hundred) only, on any working day with effect from March 21, 2016. The sealed Bids and regulations can be accessed from the Secretariat
must be delivered to the Institute on or before April 21, 2016 at 10:00AM and will be during office hours. The last date for submission of the
opened on the same day at 10.30 AM in the Board Room. registration form is on April 11, 2016 before office
The Bids shall be accompanied by 2% of the Bid Amount only through Cash Warrant hours. Any films submitted after the deadline will not
or Demand Draft payable to the Director General, RIM. The decision of the tender be entertained.
committee shall be final and binding. Interested bidders may obtain further information Executive Director
from Administration Section at telephone No. 351013 during office hours.
TECHNOLOGY DHI/Procurement-13/2016/312

Druk Holding and Investments Limited is pleased

MINISTRY OF ECONOMIC AFFAIRS to invite detailed technical and fi nancial proposal
Small Business Promotion Division from SAP ERP Certified Firms having capabilities to
provide Annual Maintenance Service (AMS/AMC)
Application Invited to DHI Companies.
The Department of Cottage and Small Industry, is pleased to invite applications Interested and capable fi rms can download the
for an intensive short-term training program on Modern Milk Processing to be held complete set of bidding documents from DHI website
tentatively from May 9, 2016 at the Dairy Farming Promotion Organization (DPO) w.e.f March 20, 2016 or can obtain
in Thailand. Costs related to the training (course fee & round trip air fare) along with the bidding documents from Accounts, DHI upon
a nominal per diem will be paid as per extant government rules. payment of Nu.1,000.00 (Non-refundable).
Eligibility Criteria The proposals should be submitted on or before
r .JOJNVN$MBTT91BTT April 20, 2016 at 1300 hrs and technical proposals
will be opened on the same date at 1430 hrs. For
any clarifications, please contact the IT Unit, DHI at
be a full-time employee of a licensed milk processing enterprise, for no less than
+975-2-336258 during working hours.
six months, at the time of submission of application
whey, ice-cream, yoghurt or others) commercially,
of the date of submission of the application,
Application Procedure NOTIFICATION
Applications must reach the Director, Department of Cottage and Small Industry,
MoEA, Thimphu, on or before 5.00PM on April 18, 2016. Alternatively, you
can also apply online to or by Post Box No. 215, Thimphu 11001
attaching clear scanned copies of the documents. The following are mandatory: TT/ID/WS/2015-2016/1050


the applicant is the owner of the business) OR a copy of a valid business licence who are presently using the water source located
of milk-processing enterprise along with a Letter of Nomination signed by the at Karisha stream above old RICB colony for
Business Owner (if you are an employee of the firm) drinking purposes to be present at the source
r " CSJFG BOE TVDDJODU XSJUF VQ BCPVU UIF SN BT QFS GPSNBU  XIJDI DBO CF point (Starting point of stream) on 24/3/2016 at
downloaded or e-mailed upon request or can be collected from the department 10:00 am. This is being done to optimize the use
during working hours [This is a very important part of the selection process] of stream by combining all the existing tapings
r "O$*%DPQZPGUIFBQQMJDBOU  and further streamline the distribution through
r " $MBTT 9 1BTT $FSUJDBUF DPQZ BOE BOZ PUIFS EPDVNFOUT DFSUJGZJOH ZPVS common reservoir tank so as to achieve equitable
qualification and skills distribution. During the process, the safe yield
of the stream shall be examined as a part of
Following short-listing, you may be interviewed and we may visit your farm and/or feasibility study to ensure that the supplies are
processing facility for verification of the information that you provide. made equitable.
Further information Therefore, those who fail to attend the proposed
Complete course module can be viewed on our website You site visit shall not be permitted to be beneficiaries
can also call 331363 / 332745 during office hours, for clarification. Only 6 slots are of the scheme thereafter. Please contact at #
available and therefore highly competitive. 17709248.
Chief Industry Officer Thrompon
Small Business Promotion Division KEEP THIMPHU CLEAN & GREEN
ADVERTISEMENT Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 13


INITIATIVE (Registered Office, Thimphu)
Bhutan Transparency Initiative would like to invite Procurement Services Department, Thimphu
Expression of Interest (EoI) from qualified consulting
firms/individuals to conduct a National Integrity and
Perception Survey. The Procurement Services Department (PSD), Bhutan Power Corporation Limited
Scope of work: (BPC), Thimphu would like to invite sealed bids for IT Equipment. The bid details
are as follows:
Training of enumerators, conduct of survey and
generation of report based on the TOR 1. Tender No. : BPC/PSD/2016/03 dated March 18, 2016
Qualification: 2. Cost of document : Nu. 1,000.00 (Non-refundable)
Only those firms/Individuals who have experience in 3. Date of sale : March 19, 2016 to April 19, 2016
the conduct of social surveys may apply. 4. Place of sale : Procurement Services Department, BPC, Thimphu,
Duration: 3 months Telephone no. 02-326289
Interested and eligible consulting fi rms/Individuals The bidding document can be purchased by any interested eligible bidder on the
may submit your Expression of Interest. EoI must submission of written application together with the business licence copy to the
be sealed and delivered to the address ED, BTI, above address at or before 13:00 hours, April 19, 2016.
THIMPHU on or before March 27, 2016 and it will The detail invitation and the soft copy of the bidding document is available at
be opened on the same day at 4.00pm. The detailed The bidders who have downloaded and printed the bid document by
ToR can be obtained from our website (www. themselves and wish to participate should register with PSD, BPC on or before the ) or from our office. closing of the bid sale date upon the submission of written application together with
For further details, please contact Mr. Kinley, a valid licence at the above address and make a payment on Nu.200.00 (Ngultrum
Adm/Finance Div. at two hundred) non-refundable.
(17127887). General Manager
Executive Director


The CFM Management Office invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders
Bhutan Telecom Ltd. would like to re-tender the for the roof painting work detailed in table below:
construction & maintenance of toilet at
security colony and modification of roofing & Sl. Sale of Date of tender Date of tender
maintenance of flooring at main store Thimphu, # tender submission opening
from the small class of contractors. Roof repainting at
March 21, 2016 12:30 pm on 2:30 pm on
Tenders should be submitted to the Finance Division, 1 Centenary Farmers
to April 4, 2016 April 6, 2016 April 6, 2016
Bhutan Telecom, Thimphu on or before 1100 hours Market
of March 30, 2016. Tenders will be opened at 2:00 A complete set of bidding documents can be purchased from the Accounts Section of
pm on the same day in the conference hall of Bhutan CFM Management Office during working hours with effect from March 21, 2016 by
Telecom. interested bidders upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Nu.200.
For details, visit For further information, please contact 02-337465 during office hours.
Marketing Officer
CFM, Management


The 2016 Population Housing & Census of Bhutan CONSULTANT FOR MID-TERM REVIEW
with the National Statistics Bureau office invites
sealed bids from eligible bidders for Supply of carry The Legal Sector Programme is jointly funded by the Swiss Agency for Development
bags, souvenirs, umbrellas, sun-cap,clip board and Cooperation (SDC) and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). The
and pen. programme is implemented by the Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC).
Complete bidding documents along with the terms For the Mid-term Review of the programme in May 2015, competent national
and conditions is available with the Administration consultants with evaluation and preferably legal background are invited to submit
& Finance Division (AFD), NSB. Interested bidders their CV and financial proposal to the SDC Office. Detailed terms of reference can
may obtain the complete set of bidding documents be obtained by e-mail at kinzang.tobgyal@eda.admin.chor by visiting Swiss
from AFD, NSB upon payment of Nu. 500.00 (Five Cooperation Bhutan on Facebook.
Head, AFD
PAGE 14 Saturday, March 19, 2016| KUENSEL


NRDCL Management is pleased to announce the dates and venue for Timber Allotment as follows:
Sl # Region Cluster Volume available (approx.) Venue Date Time
MHW & Chirpine, Logs/ Sawn /Poles - Zhonggar Regional Office,
1 Zhonggar Zhonggar 23.03.16
100,000 cft, Monggar
Wang and Thimphu & MC Poles/Logs/Blocks 10,000 cft
2 Wang Regional Office, Thimphu 29.3.16 11:00 AM
P/ling Wangdue MHW Logs/Poles- 2,000 cft
MC, MHW & BP Logs, Blocks & Poles -
3 Jakar Jakar Jakar Regional Office, Bumthang 30.3.16
100,000 cft,
Please note that timber available under Phuentsholing Region shall be allotted to registered Wood Based Industries under Wangdue Cluster.
For details, contact the BDMD, NRDCL HQ, Thimphu at Tel#. 02-323834/323868, TOLL FREE No. 1091 or concerned Regional
Managers or visit NRDCL website
General Manager


Mountain Hazelnut Venture Pvt. Ltd, an agriculture FDI company, announces the THIMPHU
following vacancy for immediate appointment: NLCS/PROC/2015-16/597

Post : Asstt. Account Officer The National Land Commission Secretariat, Thimphu
No of post : One is pleased to invite sealed quotations from interested
Minimum suppliers holding valid trade licence for the supply of
Qualifications Required: Class XII passed with Diploma in Financial Management the following items:
and Accounting
Experience : 4 -5 five year experiences in Finance, Accounting, 1. Supply of Survey Grade Laptop.
&Budgeting and MIS report with good knowledge of Tally 2. Supply of LCD Monitor.
ERP 9. 3. Supply of Handheld GNSS and
Salary/remuneration : Based on qualification and experience Associated Software.
Work Station : Thimphu (head office) Interested suppliers may purchase tender documents
Post : Light vehicle driver from the Procurement Section upon payment of
No of post : Two Nu.250.00 (Non-refundable) during office hours
Minimum Qualification : Class VI with effect from 21/3/2016 and those who download
Experience : Minimum of 4 years of driving experience from website may pay at the bid submission time.
Station : Lingmethang, Mongar The detail bid document can be downloaded from our
Please send CV to specifying the post you are applying for website: The sealed bids should
in the subject line of the e-mail: Any enquiries please call (02) 340009 or (04744168) be submitted on or before 11:00 am on 11/4/2016
during office hours. Last date of submission of applications is April 5, 2016. Only which will be opened on the same day at 11:30 am.
short-listed candidates will be contacted for interview. For clarifications, please contact the Procurement
Manager Section at 336397 during office hours.
HR & Planning Dy. Chief Procurement Officer


The National Land Commission Secretariat, Thimphu is pleased to invite sealed BAI/ADM-11/2015/360
bids from interested parties/firms holding valid trade licence for e-Sakor Project on:
Online system for transferring land and property titles in ThimphuThromde. Sealed quotations are invited from eligible bidders for
reroofing, roof painting and water pipe replacing. The
Interested parties/ fi rms may collect detailed terms and conditions from the tender documents can be purchased on any working
Procurement Section upon payment of Nu.500.00 (Non-refundable) during office day with effect from 21/03/2016 from the office by
hours with effect from 18/3/2016 and those who download from website may pay paying Nu. 300.00 each (non-refundable). The last
at the bid submission time. The details bid document can be downloaded from our date of submission of the tender documents is on
website: The sealed bids should be submitted on or before 11:00 11/04/2016 at 10:00 am & will be opened on the
am on 28/03/2016 which will be opened on the same day at 11:30 am. same day at 2:00 pm.
For clarifications, please contact the Chief Land Registrar, Rural Land Division at For any further queries, contact the Administrative
338066 during office hours. Officer at 02-351078.
Dy. Chief Procurement Officer Management
ADVERTISEMENT Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 15



Bhutan Power Corporation Limited (BPC) would

like to sincerely apologize to all its customers for the
inconvenience caused due to the power supply outages
on March 15 and 16, 2016. BPC would like to assure
and inform its customers that all-out efforts were put
NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL in restoring the power as early as possible within the
limitations of the system constraints and that BPC
NOTICE INVITING TENDER had complete coordination and support from all the
stakeholders in Bhutan. BPC would also like to place on
NATURAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT record its sincere appreciation to the System Operator
CORPORATION LIMITED of India (POSOCO) for all the support and coordination
provided in restoration of the integrated power system
of Bhutan and India.
The outages were a result of system disturbance on
Sealed tenders are invited from the eligible Bhutanese contractors having valid the Indian Grid due to which the operational system
trade/industry/contract licence issued by the Ministry of Economic Affairs for of the power plants were constrained. Further due
extraction/collection and transportation of sand & stone/boulders for the below to scheduled outage of the 400/220kV transformer
mentioned river to stock yard for the financial year 2016 as shown below: at Malbase, the restoration of the power system took
1. Toorsa River some time. We would like to once again apologize for the
inconvenience and assure our continued commitment
Type of river bed materials to our valued customers and stakeholders.
Particulars Stones/boulders Sand approx. T/L Media & PRO
approx. T/L
Extraction/collection/ 2300 T/L (18400
2450 T/L (588,000 cft)
m 3)
Transportation to stock 1625 T/L (13,000
yard, Toorsa Depot
100 T/L (24,000 cft)
The Ministry of Finance is pleased to announce the post
The tender documents can be purchased from the office of the undersigned
of Chief Budget Officer (P1-A) for Economic and
during office hours @ Nu. 1,000/- per set (non-refundable) Communication Sector, Department of National
1. Date of sale of tender document : March 22, 2016 Budget. Therefore in-service eligible candidates may
2. Last date of tender submission : April 6, 2016 at 12:00 noon submit application along with necessary documents to
3. Date and time of tender opening : April 6, 2016 at 2:30 pm HRD, MoF, Thimphu on or before 1st April 2016.
For further details, please log on to MoFs website www.
For further information, you may contact at 05-252154 during office hours.
Dy. Regional Manager Offtg. Chief HR Officer


Dzongkhag Administration, Thimphu invites sealed item rate bids from eligible contractors with valid trade licence duly registered with CDB for the
work schedule under:
Last date Date & time
Sl. Contract Bid Estimated
Name of work Class Date of sale & time for for opening
# period security cost
submission of bids
1 Maintenance of boys toilet at YGLSS, Small 2 months Nu. 3800.00 Nu. 19/03/2016 04/04/2016 at 04/04/2016 at
Chamgang (W3) 185,840.00 10:00 am 10:30 am
2 Construction of Community Centre at Small 8 months Nu. Nu. 19/03/2016 18/04/2016 at 18/04/2016 at
Dagala Gewog, Chamgang (W3) 40,000.00 1,895,974.96 10:00 am 10:30 am
Bidding documents can be downloaded from Thimphu Dzongkhag website
Bids must be accompanied by a bid security as cited and drawn in favor of Chairman, Dzongkhag Administration, Thimphu. Bid security will have
to be in any one of the forms as specified in the bidding documents and shall be valid for 30 days beyond the validity of bid.
The bids shall be delivered to the office of the Dzongkhag Engineer, Dzongkhag Administration, Thimphu on or before as stipulated above and will
open in the DYT Hall on same day in presence of intending bidders who wish to attend.
Chairman, DTC
PAGE 16 Saturday, March 12, 2016| KUENSEL



NAPA-II Project under Phuentsholing Thromde is pleased to invite sealed bids from eligible Large class (Category-W1) Bhutanese contractors in
for the following work:
Bid Contract Sale of Last date of bid Date & time of
Name of the work
security period bids submission opening of bids
Construction of slope stabilization and protection structures Nu. March 11, On or before On 1430 hrs,
15 months
below Rinchending Goenpa and near old Hospital 714,900/- 2016 1200 hrs, April 15, 2016 April 15, 2016
1. Bidding documents may be purchased from Procurement Section, Phuentsholing Thromde during office hours at the cost of Nu. 1,000/-
each in cash (non-refundable) or can be downloaded from or
2. Bids must be accompanied with bid security, with validity of 30 days beyond bid validity period.
3. Bids must be addressed to Executive Secretary, Phuentsholing Thromde and must be delivered to Procurement Section on or before
April 15, 2016 and will be opened on the same day at 1430 hours at Thromdes conference hall in presence of participating bidders.
For any further information, please contact at +975-5-252168/253271/252497/251018.
Executive Secretary



Procurement Division The Credit Information Bureau of Bhutan is pleased to invite sealed bids from eligible
suppliers for the supply of the following items:
1. Servers and storage 2. Software (Oracle, Microsoft, VMware)
The submission date for the Supply and Installation
of glass door (hinge type), Biometric Access Control The bid documents can be purchased from the CIB office on payment of Nu. 200.00
(non-refundable) from March 12 to 31, 2016 during office hours. The tender must
System, attendance recorder and card and fingerprint
be submitted to the CEO of CIB on or before 2:00 pm on March 31, 2016 and will
reader has been postponed to March 21, 2016. be opened at 2:15 pm on the same day.
President Chief Executive Officer
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 17

PAGE 18 Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL

Haa BHU reduced to rubble

Car catches fire in Thimphu bulance, which was yet to be on its way from Taba to Thim-
handed over to Sombeykha phu.
BHU. The keys were kept in The cause of the fire is
the administrative officers unknown.
office, which was already on Owner of the vehicle,
fire. Jimba, said he and his rela-
A tuberculosis patient in tive were on their way to dis-
an isolated room in the BHU, pose off a ritual cake (torma)
who was undergoing medica- somewhere in a nearby for-
tion, also managed to escape est.
unhurt. Suddenly, we noticed
Since the drug store is smoke coming from the en-
saved, the patient will be able gine of the car, which later
to continue with his medica- engulfed the whole interior
tion without any problem, Dr of the vehicle, Jimba said.
Sonam Gyeltshen said. We immediately parked the
Its early to comment on vehicle and the fire engulfed
how we will be able to con- the car. The car was bought
tinue with our daily routine six months ago.
at the BHU, he said. Firefighters reached the
Around the same time scene after 30 minutes and
in Thimphu, at about 4pm, extinguished the fire. No
a Honda Mobilio caught fire casualties were reported.
It took two hours for firefighters to contain the fire
Thinley Zangmo
tained by 5:30pm by the was informed that the BHU
officials of Royal Bhutan was on fire.
An ultrasound machine, a Police, Royal Bhutan Army, At around 3:15pm, I have ZAKAR
refrigerator, complete blood dzongkhag administration, been to my chamber after
count machine and the drug IMTRAT, Dessups and vol- coming back from a school
store were all the rescue team unteers. health programme at one of
Good day
could save in a fire that lasted Although the cause of the schools in Haa. There was lhabsang thruesol
for two hours completely de- the fire is unknown, it is sus- no sign of fire not even smell
stroying the grade I Bali basic pected to have started from of smoke then, Dr Sonam
health unit (BHU) in Haa yes- the mother and child health Gyeltshen said. I rushed to
terday. clinics room. the scene and it was scary to
FIRE Bali BHUs General Duty
Medical Officer, Dr Sonam
see the hospital engulfed in
The fire that started at Gyeltshen, said soon after he The fire damaged the col-
around 3:30pm was con- reached home to change, he our coating of the new am-

Bad day



Good day
Bad day
The Bank will be closed for all banking transactions from 30th March to 1st April 2016 lhasung
and will reopen on 2nd April 2016. We would like to request you to complete all your
banking needs on or before 1600 hrs of 29th March 2016 to avoid any inconvenience
during the closure period.
Kindly also note that all other services including ATM, POS, M-BoB, B-Wallet,
Internet Banking, SMS banking, and Cash Deposit Machine will NOT be available
during this period however BoB Credit Cards can continue to be used outside Bhutan
and for online transactions.
The Bank will release ATS and DSA for last-minute travel but we request that this be
avoided to the extent possible. sogza
The closure for system migration has been approved by the RMA
Saturday, March 19, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 19
PAGE 20 KUENSEL | Saturday, March 19, 2016

Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, ISSN 0259 1499
THIS EARTH HOUR, Switch off your light and
SHINE A LIGHT ON switch on your social power

broad section of society in of climate change.

the environmental issues This is why
challenging citizens across we urged the
the world. More than countries
7,000 cities are expected to during the
participate. United Nations
Conference on
This years theme for Earth Climate Change
Hour, Shine a light on
Conference of
climate action, is a very Parties 21 (COP
MINISTER FOR AGRICULTURE important one, especially
for Bhutan as we are
21) in Paris last
global event which aims to
AND FORESTS located in a region most at
year to speed up negotiations
encourage an interconnected

and pledged as a country to
risk from climate change. global community to share
oday, March 19 remain carbon neutral for
Climate change is adversely the opportunities and
2016, we join all times to come. Bhutans
impacting the Himalayas challenges of creating a
millions of people contribution to combat
biodiversity and ecosystem sustainable world.
in major cities climate change is made with
services through increased the view that there is no need
all around the It is my hope that we will
temperature, extreme oods, greater, or more important,
world to mark Earth Hour - a all be inspired by joining
droughts and storms as a than keeping the planet safe.
global annual event where millions from 7,000 cities
result of shifting weather Our forests sequester more
individuals, communities and around the world for our
patterns. than 6 million tons of carbon
businesses turn o their non- collective responsibility to
essential lights for one hour With the risk of climate dioxide annually, which protect the only planet, we
at 8.30 p.m. local time as a change coupled with is four times more than call home. Lets take action
symbol of their commitment increasing human pressures what Bhutan emits. We will beyond the hour.
to the planet. and threats, we must continue to lead in climate
action. Yeshey Dorji
continue to enhance
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Minister, Ministry of
monitoring of our ecosystem
initiated Earth Hour in I encourage all Bhutanese Agriculture and Forests
and equip ourselves with
2007 as a way of engaging a tools to adapt to the impacts to participate in this

Kuensel Supplement

March 19, 2016 K2 | PAGE 1

Thinley Zangmo Now, a customer can choose where
they want to wash their vehicle
t was in 2005 when based on kinds of services he or
Babesa saw a major she gets.
facelift with the newly ST Auto Car Spa is one of the
paved expressway, a first automated car wash to be
6.2km road starting opened along the expressway
from Lungtenzampa to Babesa. three years ago before the boom
With this new development, hit the area.
the entire landscape of Babesa Proprietor of the car wash,
changed in a blink of an eye. The Sangay Tshering, said that when
paddy fields and traditional hous- he started the business, there was
es gave way to a concrete jungle. hardly any car wash facility other
What it was, it isnt anymore. than in the auto workshops.
Today, the area is filled with I was one of the first to open
different buildings, apartments, near the expressway and the
vehicle showrooms, hotels and business was doing great. Today,
workshops. And more are coming. with so many car wash facilities in
The number of vehicles ply- the same area, business has gone
ing on the expressway has also down, Sangay Tshering said. Car
increased. Every day, thousands wash owners are bringing down
of vehicles can be seen along the price so that they can attract cus-
expressway. tomers who want cheap and fast
A total of 68,685 vehicles are service.
registered with the Royal Safety When people travel along the
and Transport Authority today, expressway, they notice a car wash
out of which, more than half - packed with vehicles they think
36,273 - are in Thimphu. Every that the business is doing great.
month, about 600 new driving So, many new car wash facilities
licences are issued, about 300 in are coming up, said Sangay Tsher-
Thimphu alone. ing. Thats why, today, we can see
Catering to the needs of new so many car wash facilities and the
and old vehicle owners in the competition has doubled. Its good
capital, the number of car wash for customers to be able to select
businesses that provide manual where they want to wash their
to automated car washing and vehicles.
detailing services have boomed,
particularly along the expressway.
PAGE 2 | K2 March 19,
12, 2016


Serves: Four

Ingredients Quantity

Butter 100 gm
Dark chocolate 75 gm
Eggs 2
Castor sugar 135 gm
Refined flour (maida) 60 gm
Cocoa powder 15 gm
Mixed dry nuts 80 gm

y Melt chocolate and butter on a double boiler
and keep aside to cool it down
y Whisk eggs and castor sugar at high speed till
mixture becomes fluffy
y Add melted chocolate and butter mixture
with eggs and sugar. Mix for 3 to 4 minutes at
medium speed
y Sieve cocoa powder and refined flour together
and add to the above mixture. Add nuts and
mix at medium speed for three minutes
y Pour mixture in greased baking pan and bake
at 170 C for 40 minutes
y After baking cool it down for 2 to 3 hours. Cut
and serve hot with vanilla ice cream or hot
chocolate sauce


Focus on your assignments and aim to do each

one beautifully and to the best of your ability
by the contaminated environment. but you focus on your assignments
Except for two or three subjects, my school marks were always excellent. But in the two of
Still, you should not feel and aim to do each one beautifully
three subjects where I failed, they were horrible an utter disgrace to a straight A student
compelled to accept these teachings and to the best of your ability. In
like me. I have a doubt that this might be because I don't believe in religion and miracles. Is
and questioning them will certainly this way, the study itself becomes
my constant lack of interest in religion and prayers affecting me? Have I committed a great
not bring negative consequences. the goal, rather than the exams.
sin that has jinxed me and created bad karma? Actually, everyone had high hopes for me,
In fact, the Buddha himself advised If you do this, you may one day
but now I am not even sure that I want to continue with my life and dreams. In particular,
people to analyze his teachings achieve you dream. On the other
I am disturbed by the fact that religion can bring negative consequences to even those who
and not accept them with blind hand, you might discover that your
didn't cause any harm to sentient beings but who merely don't believe in those deeply rooted
faith: Do not accept my Dharma dream actually exists right now at
religious principles. Lama, what can I do?
merely out of respect for me, this moment and not somewhere in
KT, Thimphu
but analyzeand check it the way the future.
a goldsmith analyzes gold, by
rubbing, cuttingand melting it.
Hi KT, These teachings are not a set of all things are compounded, we With regard to your horrible
Thanks for writing. Your lack dogmatic rules, with a punishment realize that like the organs in the grades, Im just wondering whether
of interest in Buddhist ritual will for those who do not follow body everything exists in relation this occurred because you focused
definitely not affect your exam them. They are more like traffic to everything else. If we examine too much on the goal and not
results. If it did, then everyone in regulations that guide people to our internal organs for example, we enough on the process. Basically,
non-Buddhist countries would also their destination. will realize that the blood from the you should just try to do each of
get low marks, and that is not the Basically, following traffic rules heart is in the kidneys, and the fluid your assignments beautifully and Shenphen Zangpo was
case, right? offers us the means to travel safely from the kidneys in is the heart. without expectations. born in Swansea, UK, but
Similarly, a tree, a mountain or Maybe it is helpful to think spent more than 28 years
With regard to Buddhist and smoothly. Likewise, following
practicing and studying
teachings, they are simply based the Buddhas advice enables us to ourselves depend on other things to of your studies like hiking on a Buddhism in Taiwan
on the Buddhas insights at the face lifes challenges wisely and with exist. When we deeply understand mountain. The peak is the goal, and Japan. Currently, he
time of his enlightenment. They an open mind. As an example, if that we and the world around us but if you focus only on reaching works with the youth
are logical and have nothing to we deeply understand the teaching are connected, we naturally will your destination then you are likely and substance abusers
that everything is impermanent, not hurt others or damage our to stumble and fall. Instead, you in Bhutan, teaching
do with miracles. Basically, the
meditation and organizing
Buddha understood that all things then we will be less disturbed when environment. On the other hand, recognize the goal, but focus on the drug outreach programmes.
are compounded, all things are things change or disappear. We can if we reject this teaching, we can journey, aiming to make each step
impermanent, all emotions are pain even face our own aging and death easily become like an industrialist stable and enjoyable. In terms of Email to :
and that freedom from suffering is in a more peaceful and open way. who pollutes the planet without study, this means that you accept
beyond extremes. Similarly, when we accept that realizing that he will also be affected that you have exams in the future, for any queries
March 19, 2016 K2 | PAGE 3

r y
Junior L ite
ADOPT A DOG! In Equal Sacrifice
THUS of old the Douglas did:
He left his land as he was bid
With the royal heart of Robert the Bruce
In a golden case with a golden lid,
To carry the same to the Holy Land;
By which we see and understand
That that was the place to carry a heart
At loyalty and love's command,
And that was the case to carry it in.
The Douglas had not far to win
Before he came to the land of Spain,
Hi! Where long a holy war had been
So nice to meet you! Were very interested
Against the too-victorious Moor;
to know more about you and your family. Were
And there his courage could not endure
a great bunchthere are 15 of us puppies run-
Not to strike a blow for God
ning around here, all around the same age (3-4
Before he made his errand sure.
months), and we get to wrestle and snuggle
And ever it was intended so,
and play together. Some of us are family, some
That a man for God should strike a blow,

from other rescued litters, but we all get along
No matter the heart he has in charge
great with each other and the big dogs. The
For the Holy Land where hearts should go.
best is when the humans come play with us The lost friends! But when in battle the foe were met,
because they give sweet tickles and scratches
The Douglas found him sore beset,
behind the ear and tummy rubs! We all talk
With only strength of the fighting arm
about how great it would be to each have our
For one more battle passage yet--
very own human to scratch our tummies every
And that as vain to save the day
day. Well repay you with little wet nose kisses,
As bring his body safe away--
entertaining games, and unconditional love.
Only a signal deed to do
Were all super cute and super soft with our

And a last sounding word to say.

thick winter coats. Most of us cant remember
The heart he wore in a golden chain
our names yet so if you want, you could give
He swung and flung forth into the plain,
us a name!
And followed it crying 'Heart or death!'
And fighting over it perished fain.
Please come meet us and our friends, we
So may another do of right,
promise youll fall in love! To get directions
Give a heart to the hopeless fight,
to our house please call 17429882, or
The more of right the more he loves;
So may another redouble might
ODD o ne OUT For a few swift gleams of the angry brand,
Scorning greatly not to demand
In equal sacrifice with his
Colour me The heart he bore to the Holy Land.

Robert Frost




Send greetings to your loved ones

Write to us a week before at: or
PAGE 4 | K2 March 19, 2016

From Pg.1

It is very important
for car wash owners
to adopt environ-
measures and se-
curity systems for
their customers and

That was not the case a de-

cade ago. Many vehicle owners
still recall the long hours they
had to wait to wash their cars
in the workshop because there
werent many places where they
could wash their car.
I remember how we had
to wait for four to five hours
to wash car in a workshop.
We had to stand right next
to it so that the guy will do a
good job, Sangay Tshering
said. So, I wanted to open a
car-washing facility, which not
only provides quick but also mentally-friendly measures in
efficient service. I wanted to their car-washing facility.
open a place where one can Sangay Tshering said that
simply relax and not have to despite the increasing car-
worry about their vehicle. washing facilities that have
About 25 to 30 vehicles come up, the agencies con-
visit daily. Sangay Tshering cerned fail to inspect whether
charges between Nu 350 to Nu they are following standard
500 depending on the kind of procedures to address environ-
service car owners seek. mental issues.
Kuenphen Car Wash, It is very important for
another car-washing facility car wash owners to adopt
along the expressway, is giving environmentally-friendly mea-
ST Auto Car Spa and others a sures and security systems for
tough competition. their customers and employ-
Everyday, about 40 to 60 ees, he said.
vehicles visit Kuenphen Car Sangay Tshering said that
Wash. Services charges range about 80 percent of water that
from Nu 140 to Nu 400. is released as waste from car
A staff at the Kuenphen wash facility is recycled. We
Car Wash said the business also use vehicle detergent and
is going well. It takes about shampoo with no phosphate
30 to 45 minutes to complete content. No one seems to
washing and polishing the care, even so. Its high time
interior and exterior of the Car Spa. Besides providing the cloth detergent, it strips Car-washing facilities such that relevant agencies checked
car depending on the size and manual to automated car- away the wax and shine protec- as the Xpress Car Wash and ST whether car-washing facilities
model of the vehicle. washing facilities, services such tion of the vehicle. Keeping Auto Spa have been embracing are following environmentally-
Kuenphen Car Wash also as spa, salon, fitness gym and that in mind, we provide scien- latest technologies and services friendly measures.
has a canteen where vehicle caf are also located near the tifically developed car washing to attract customers as compe- Run-off from car wash
owners can relax and watch facility. chemicals that doesnt contain tition gets tougher. facilities contains oil, toxic
when their vehicle is being Manager of the Xpress Car water or soap, the Manager However, environmental detergents and other chemi-
washed. They employ around Wash said they opened the car said. concerns remain a huge chal- cals that affect the water
14 employees that cater to the wash to cater to the needs of Xpress Car Wash charges lenge when the number of quality and threaten aquatic
customer needs. the customers. from Nu 200 to 300 for washing car-washing facilities increase lives and the entire food chain,
And there is Xpress Car So far, vehicles are washed services, which takes about 15 as effluents are released into said Sangay Tshering. Business
Wash, not very far from Kue- in a traditional way, which is minutes to complete and up to the river bodies. There are also should be conducted responsi-
nphen Car Wash and ST Auto unprofessional. When one uses Nu 6,000 for detailing. those who maintain environ- bly, he added.

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