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Topic: Coffee

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience on how to consume coffee healthily.

I. Introduction
A. Attention Material: Did you know
- The most expensive coffee is Kopi Luwak made from coffee beans eaten, partly
digested and then excreted by the common palm civet, a weasel, like animal? It sells
more than $600 a pound.
- Coffee is actually from a fruit.
- It also the most traded commodity in the world second to oil.
- For a lot more people, especially those in desk jobs, coffee may command an even
bigger share of their liquid intake. That is why coffee also is a beverage that 2 nd
mostly drinks after water. 65% of people around the world will take coffee during
- However, as we all know too much of a good thing can never be good actually.

B. Tie to the audience: Why COFFEE?

- Coffee is the most common basic drinks that we can see them just about everywhere
i.e. in the restaurant menu, served in the hotel.
- There are also a lot of type of coffee shop open nowadays although they are offering
the same coffee.
- I believe that most of either student or an employee experiencing taking a coffee to
stay up on late night in order to them to complete their homework, assignment, etc.
- A cup of coffee also an excellent excuse to pause and relax for a moment in our busy
day to catch up with friends and have a chat, which has to be good for us.

C. Credibility material: Why ME?

- I want to share you this information about coffee because I am a hardcore coffee
drinker. Actually, I am not very passionate about other type of coffee, but the
important part is to drink coffee every day is a must.

D. Preview: There are many ways to consume coffee healthily. But in my speech today I
would like to share the two ways how to consume coffee healthily. There are to choose
either organic coffee or decaffeinated coffee or to get the sugar out from the coffee.

[Transition: So, to avoid this problem, it is better for coffee lovers to settle with an organic coffee
or decaffeinated coffee. Lets start by this first main point how to consume coffee healthily]

II. Body

A. The first way to consume coffee healthily is by choosing either an organic coffee or
decaffeinated coffee.

1. Caffeine consumption above 650mg, equal to 8-9 cups a day can cause longer term
effects like chronic insomnia, persistent anxiety, and depression also stomach ulcers.
2. Organic coffee is coffee produced without the aid of artificial chemical substance,
such as certain additives or some pesticides and herbicides. But how it 100% organic
is depends on the fertilizer used.
3. Decaffeinated coffee is a removal of caffeine from coffee beans but somehow most of
decaffeinated coffee still contain about 3% caffeine.
4. In Malaysia, the usage of organic coffee seems to be not so widely used. You may
find at only selected stores like Jaya Grocer, Jason Food Hall, or Starbucks which
provides a lot of imported goods. Decaffeinated coffee on the other hand, can be
purchased at most of the supermarket or retail shop in Malaysia.
5. Organic coffee is much expensive than decaffeinated coffee. An organic coffee like
Bioitalia and Mount Hagen can be bought at price range of RM22 to RM25 per 100g.
While decaffeinated coffee can be found at most retail store at price range or RM11-
RM13 only per 100g.

[Transition: If to choose an organic coffee or decaffeinated coffee is not really your choice, you
may want to hear what is the second way in order to enjoy your coffee.]

B. The second way to consume coffee healthily is by getting the sugar out of your coffee.

1. Some coffee drinker not realizes that they are craving for the taste of sugar more than
caffeine in their coffee. Over consumption of combination sugar and coffee is really
can drag people to have a negative effects.
2. The negative effect may include changes in sleep pattern, may cause auditory
hallucinations, hampers absorption of other minerals and vitamin such as magnesium
and zinc, and can aggravate heartburn.
3. Instead of sugar, a coffee drinker may substitute the sugar with coconut sugar. It is
different with coconut palm sugar but both are natural sweeteners that come from
tree. Coconut sugar contains such a broad spectrum of potassium, sodium, vitamins,
minerals and phytonutrients that it is the most complete isotonic drink available, and
is far more economical than even coconut water.
4. Sugar also can be substitute with raw heavy whipping cream. The fat in cream will
cut the bitterness in coffee. If any of you heard about Atkins diet, they also encourage
the coffee drinker to use heavy whipping cream to substitute sugar for their diet
5. Other than coconut sugar and whipping cream, the most substitute can be found
anywhere today is the sweetener from stevia. It is green, leafy plant that has been
used for medicinal purposed for many centuries. It is been bred for its strong, sweet
flavor and used as a sweetener.

[Transition: Now I had shared 2 ways to enjoy your coffee. So, have you decided what a way to
choose in order to enjoy it healthier? Lets go over what I showed you today.]

III. Conclusion

A. Final Review: So In my speech today, I have showed you the two ways how to consume
coffee healthily.
1. I showed you a way by choosing the organic coffee or decaffeinated coffee.
2. I showed you a way by taking the sugar out from your coffee.
B. Tie back to the audience: Wherever you may be in the world today, you will find people
looking forward to enjoying their morning cup of coffee. But whether you realize or not, not
all coffee that you enjoy every day is a healthy coffee. There are many any other ways to
enjoy it since coffee itself not a harmful drink. Seoul National University discovered that
those who were exposed to coffee aromas experienced changes in brain proteins tied to sleep
deprivation stress. 20% of woman will have lower risk of stroke to the women drink 2 cups of
coffee daily compared to those who drink none. Science Daily reported in 2012 that drinking
coffee may help people with Parkinson's disease control their movement. However, coffee
can be a drink that can harm your body based on how you consume it.

C. Concluding remarks: So, have u decide how to consume your coffee? Well you may try
whether to enjoy the benefit as a healthy drink or a drink that can harm your body. I will
leave you with a question to yourself whether to continuously drink coffee healthily or to stop
drink it at all. Its all your choice how to enjoy it. By the way, the origin of words coffee itself
is believe to be taken from the Arabic words Qahwat al-bun means Wine of a Bean.

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