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Observations REVIEW Evidence of development and achievement
Supervising Evidence of development and achievement: Professional Standards for
Teacher: Very clear and explicit explanation of Teachers.
difficult vocabulary e.g. has. You use
Michelle Tamaro relevant and stage appropriate examples Professional Knowledge
from the students experiences. (PK/PP) Know students
Again this lesson, the students Know the content
thoroughly enjoyed the big book you
created. The objects presented in the Professional practice
big book are relevant and everyday Plan and implement
objects which the students relate to. Safe learning environment
(PK) Assess, feedback and report
Management is exceptional. You were
able to calmly and quietly move students Professional Engagement
from the front of the room into a circle. Engage in professional
You provide positive feedback and learning
quickly asked students to count to 15 in Engage with colleagues
order to keep them engaged whilst they
were waiting for you to arrange
resources. (PK/PP)
The memory game on the floor was
engaging and stage appropriate. Your
instructions were clear and you
provided the appropriate level of
support throughout the game. (PP) The
students thoroughly enjoyed this game
and were happy to sit for quite an
extended period of time in order to
finish matching the cards.
The sand and hair activities were
highly engaging activities which
continued to expose students to the
learning intentions of this lesson (PP)
Irene was a great assistance at this time.
Utilising this resource as a means to
record assessment data was highly
valid. You demonstrated your
understanding of the teaching cycle by
ensuring to assess students incidentally
through the set tasks. (PP)
Focus for further development:
The focus of this lesson is counting.
When reading the book avoid rushing
through the one on one counting of the
objects. This should be the focus of your
teaching. (PP)
Avoid asking students if they can
complete a tasks for you as this gives
them the opportunity to refuse. Instruct
them to do so. (PP)

Supervising teacher general comments:

Amy, this has been an extremely successful placement for you. I am absolutely
thrilled to have witnessed such great progress in your development.

Initially, you voiced a number of your concerns regarding the lack of resources
and low English levels of your learners. Professionally and quite positively, you
observed your students and reflected upon strategies that would best be used to
address these needs. You have created many stage appropriate resources and
planned well sequenced and structured lesson plans which adequately address
the learning intentions.

You are highly regarded by your students who respond positively to your calm
and gentle management approach. At times when the students as a group are
poorly managed do not fear from using a firm tone in order to regroup them.

You have maintained a professional and productive relationship with your
colleagues including your ACU peer. You quickly identified your strengths and
weaknesses and developed strategies to assist you in areas of weakness (e.g.
utilising Irenes drawing skills to assist in creating resources)

I would like for you to recognise your capacity in the early years setting. Whilst
lack of self-confidence is often your greatest enemy, you should recongise your
many strengths in teaching ES1 learners. You are highly suited to teaching early
years learners and you will be an asset to any school who would be very fortunate
to have you on staff.

Wishing you success in all future endeavors.

Michelle Tamaro

Final assessment of Professional Experience: SATISFACTORY/ UNSATISFACTORY

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