Carboline Phenolines

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carboline, product data sheet PHENOLINE’ 300 PRIMER VOG> SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Epoxy phenolic GENERAL PROPERTIES: A heavy-duty primer with excellent bond to most surlaces including’ steel and Concrele. Cantans a special mica to give maximum intemal” strength wed. outstanding resistance (0 severe chemicals, alkalies, salts and solvents Excelent resistance to sub-lilm corrosion Excelent wetting properties High bul for iregular surfaces Excellent overall chemical resistance Tough, abrasion resistant, reinforced fim Meets current VOC (Volatile Organic Content) regulations HECOMMENDED USES: As a primer for Phenoiine topcoats in heavy duty splash and spillage service, for lining fof tanks, sumips and pits and protection of floors NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Lining steel tanks where the temperature exceeds 180° (82°C) or where heating cooing cycles occur Not recommended for immersion ‘service in sirong oxidizing acids TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: (with recommended topcoats) Exposure imimersion Splash & Spill Acids, VeryGood Excellent Alkalies Excellent Excellent Solvents VeryGood Excellent Salt Excellent Excellent Water Exceliont Excellent Consult Tank Lining Bulletin No. 1 or Carboline Technical Service for spectic recommendations ‘TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: (Nan-immersion) Cantinuous: 20°F 493°C) Norrcomtinuous 250°F (121°C) Metal tanks must pe insulated when operating temperatures exceed 140°F (60°C), SUBSTRATES: Apply to propery prepared concrete, steel stainless steel, aluminum or other surfaces as recommended COMPATIBLE COATINGS: Apply duectly to substrate. Use as a primer only. Must be topcoated with phenolics, ‘epomies or othors as recommended October 97 Replaces October SPECIFICATION DATA ‘THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL: By Volume PHENOLINE 300 PRIMER 78h = 29 VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT (VOC): The following are nominal values. As Supplied: 1 5 lysigal (180 94) Thinned: Thinner oz/gal_Ibs/agal_ git Phenoine 12,202,242 Phenoine 20-229. Bra RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 8 mis (200 microns) (00 not exceed 12 mils (300 microns) ary film thickness per THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON: 1251 milft’ (31 mil at 25 microns} 156 WF at 8 rls (3.9 mat 209 microns) Material losses during mixing and application will vary and must be taken into consideration, when estimating job requirements, STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store indoors Temperature 40-110°F (4-43°C) Humitty: 0-100% SHELF LIFE: 24 months when stored indoors at 75°F (240) COLOR: Saimon 0400 GLOSS: Semi ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may be obtained tom your Carboline Sales Representative or Carbaline Customer Service APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT. 1.Gal PHENOLINE 300 PRIMER = 13.7 Ibs 54 Ihs (62ko) (PA Ska) ts 5s Phenoline Thinner Bibs a5 bs (4.1kg) (20.4kg) FLASH POINT: (Setatiash) PHENOLINE 200 PRIMER PLA 192°F (55) PHENOLINE 300 PRIMER PL. = GH'F (20°C) Phenoline Thinner TPF BSC) 603 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PHENOLINE® 300 PRIMER ‘These siuctons are rot intend Io show product racormend:tons for specite narvice They ate issued as an ait in determing coract sutface proparaton, maxing instructors and appication procedue. itis assumed that tha proper product recortmendatns have been mad “These instructions should be fled asaly to obtan the maximum serve fom the mates SURFACE PREPARATION: ‘Remove al! of or giease fam the surface to bo esated wih Thana 2 of Carbine Sustace Cleanat (elo Sutaco Cleaner 3 instructions) in ancotdarce with SSPC: SP ‘steei Immersion service: Abvasive blast 0 a Neas White Mata Finish fy ‘Bocordarco wl “SPG-SP 10-2 obian a 23 md (50-75 maxon, ‘riguta ast poke Norimmesion serviea: Abrasive blast 19 Commercial Grado Fash in accordance with SSPG-S? 6 and abn a 2-3 mi (50-75 ‘eres angular bast prota, Concrete: Concrete rust be cura at wast 28 days at AFF (21°C) ard 60M RH oe equivalent tine. Reeiove fs avd ctor probscns by storng, sanding a gindng, Abvasvs bial ta open a Surface vords and remove a torm ols, incompatible Curng. agents hardeners, laianca, other forage maiter ant produce a Surface textige fila (9 that of a madiumn ght Sarépager, Vols in the concrete May requite Sufcing, Blow or vacuum Of Sane and cst wih clean, ay ar MIXING: Powe: mx Part A and Pan 8 scpsray, thon combine ‘and power enn De rat. pa ts 1GsiKiy — AGalait PHENOUNE 30e PRIMER Panta Dgals “Segal (i gabean) (5 gal ean} PHENOLINE 300 PRIMER Paie 2 gals OB gals (arcan) {1 galcan) THINNING: May be thinied with Pronokne Thins up to 12 o2/ga (10°) for aitess spray apolcaton and up to 20 oz) 425%) for conventional splay anpication Use of thinners othr than those supiliad or approved by Carbatne may advoresly allect ploducl pesormance and vod product varanty wheter express oF pled POT LIFE: ne hour at 75°F (28°C) and leos at higher Temoorahues, Pot ite ends when costing ses body and begins 10 sag) APPLIGATION CONDITIONS: Material ‘Surlase— Ambient -Humelty Normal 6585F GES BERS 90-00% (B20) (8-24) (18-29°C) tromun ADE ‘SOF SOF o% “eo ie) HO Maximum “as wor TOF as ic) ee) aC De not apfty shen surface tamparauie is lass than 5'F 0: 3° nbove te ce pc, ‘Special thinning and agpicaton techniques may be requted above ortielow normal conishans October 97 Repaces October 96 SPRAY: The folowing spray equpment nas beer found suitable fand is. avalatia em manutacrors such as Binks, DeVibss and Graco. Conventional: Presse pot equipped wih dual regulators, v2" ‘mwnimurn 10. wsional ioge, 086 1) tad Np and aperopnate a cap. Airless: Pump Foto 1 crn)" GPM pt — Soman Matera Hose 72"1D. min} Tio See ast oar" Gupwtps: ——za0g 2800 "Tatlon packings are recommended and are available om the pump menitarture, This material containg abrasive tiles which wt abrade Wps ana possiiy cluse wearlo other aiess equipment parts wah prolonged BRUSH For stpng of welds and touch up of small areas only {Use a natural rite bash, appying fl stokes. Avo robrusting.| ROLLER: Not recommended, DRYING TIMES: These ties are based onan 8 ral (200 micron) lly hm thickness. Excess fim thexness,ineufciet ventilation fF ccoler terageratres wil lengfien cure tines and could cause Solvent entrapment an premature fake Surface Between Coats Tomporature ‘Minimum and Maximum 60 F (16) hours 10days 75° 266) 1Bhous 5 days 90% (26) Thos — days NOTE: Batre topcoatog, always scrub the surtace with bristle brushes an cua potable water to fomoye ary bush which may have occured. Alo to dy trophy before toneoating |t maxi twcoat tenes ve been exceeded, Phensine 200) Primer must be bush blast pnt to topcoat VENTILATION & SAFETY: WARNING: VAPORS MAY CAUSE EXPLOSION. Whon used as a tank lining ©: In enciosos areas, thorough aie eveuation must he usod dung and ater appicaton inthe ebeting Is euted. The ventlation system should be capable of preventing tha solvent vapor concentration trem reaching the Somer esniosion tt forthe solvents used. Ih aidion %9 ensuring Proper vortision. iesh alr rasprators oF Hash air Noods rust be tisod by all appication peronnel Whote fnmabie saivents st Ssalomn root ighting must bn used. Hypersensite persons Souk weer clean, protective clothing. gloves andior protective ‘ream on face, hands and al vaca are CLEANUP: Use Thinner? Caton: CONTAINS FLAMaGke SOLVENTS. KecP AWAY EROM SPAEIS AND OPEN FLAMES 1 CONFIIED AREAS, WORKMEN MUST WER FatsieninGihis HecpmALORS HreEnge ngitVe Penens SHOULD WEAR Gloves On Use MUrinarive CREAM. ALU ELECTR ‘onount conoanes Ri BNO INS OAT cone snout Be ‘ea TeMEN ONAL ELECTRICAL COBE. SRL AREAS. WHERE. ABE AND ance ari Faet EXPLOSION TiAEMINS EXT, WORKMEN SHOULD Se ReGUintD £9 USE NONFERMCUS TOUS AND TO WEAR CONDUCTIVE AND NONSPARKING Shoe carboline product data sheet PHENOLINE” 300 FINISH VOG@ SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Modified phonatic. GENERAL PROPERTIES: A high build, high solids matenat with a fong established record of successful applications in severe cherical exposures. Resistant to a wide tange of acids, alkalies, solvents, salts and 2 combination of these materials, in both immersion and heavy duty maintenance © Hard tough film ¢ Excellent abrasion resistance © Mects the most stringent VOC requirements RECOMMENDED USES: As the final coat of a tank lining or floor coating system in severe chemical environments. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion and splash or spill of hot andior concentrated oxidizing acids. TyPical CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Exposure fmmersion Splash/Spiit Acids Very Good Excellent Alkalies Very Good Excellent Solvents, Very Good Excellent Salt Excellent Excellent Water Excellent Excellent TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: (Nonsmmersion} Continuous: 200°F (93°C) Non-continuous: _250°F (121 ) Immersion temperature resistance depends on expo sure. Contact Carboline Technical Service tor speciti: recommendations. It is recommended that tanks operating above 140°F \30°C SUBSTRATES: May be applied over sutanly primed Steel, canerete, aluminum and others as recommended A typical pomer is PHENOLINE 300 PRIMER. COMPATIBLE COATINGS May be applied aver cata SPECIFICATION DATA THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATER AU By Volume PHENOLINE 300 Finish 78% + 2% VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT (voc): The following are nomiaat values: As Supplied: 1.48 tbsiqal (175 aM Thinned: Lbs) Grass Thi Phun 261 RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: B unls (200 ercrans) ‘THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON: 1251 mil sq, I. (30,7 sq. mil at 25 microns! 156 so. Ht at Bins (3.8 sq. ml at 260 microns} NOTE: Matenat tosses during mixing and applicavian vail vany sind must be taken ante. consid ation when STORAGE CONDITIONS: Stare Indoors, ure: AON TOF (443°C) Humidity 0 100% Ternp SHELF LIFE: 24 mantis when stared indoors ot 75°F (are COLORS: $800 (Wnite) and C703 Gray) are standard Also available mn a limited vanety of otter catars GLOSS: Seni Gloss ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may by obtamed trom your Carbaliat Sales Auprsentative or the Carvin Customer Service APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT 0030 lyzed epoxies, phenolics or others as recommended 1205's 6.26% Contact Carboline Teennical Service for specific recom. PHENOLINE 300 Finish 18 tbs. 3s mendations. (8.2 ka) (377 kal i's 8 dune 96 Replaces Oct, 84 PHENOLINE Thuner 9 ths 46 ths ki (20.4 kat FLASH POINT: [Setufiss! PHENOLINE 300 Favs Part A TPE (25 PHEROLINE 890 Part B BaF 20°C PHENOLINE Those TPE 260) 0600 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PHENOLINE® 300 FINISH Theto instevetions are notin have been made. Thnse instaactons should be follows SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove all oit or grease from surface to de coated with Thinner #2 or Suttace Cleaner #3 teeter to Surlace Cleaner #3 Instructions! in accordance with SSPC-SP. 1 STEEL: only CONCRETE: Apply over or suffacer only. MIXING: Power mix each component separately then ‘combine and power mix in the Tollowang. proportions. 6.25 Gai Ki aie 125 as Apply over clean ary recommended primer clean dry recommended primer 1.25 Gat Ki 254 PHENOLINE 300 Finich PE A. PHENOLINE 300 Pr 8 THINNING: May be thinned PHENOUINE Thinner up to 32 ozigal with Use of thinners other than those supplied or approved by Carboline may adversaly affect product performance and void product warranty, whether expeess or mplicd POT LIFE: One nour at 75°F (24%C) and less at higher Temperatures. Pot life ends when caating loses body and begins to sag, APPLICATION. TEMPERATURES: Normal 68:88" (18.29) (16-29%) 118. 29°C) Miramum SSF (19°C) SO°F {T0'C) SOF USC) 0% Masini 90°F (32°C) 120°F 149°C) 1207 140°C) 85% Special thinning ant application techniques may fe Fequired above or helaw nama canditions Do nat apply when surface temperature 1s less than SF or JC above the dew paint SPRAY: The following spray equipment has been fovrd stable and 1s available from manufacturers such a8 Binks, DeViiss and Graco. Conventional: Pressure pot with dual regulators, 112 1D. minimur matenal hose, .052" 1D. flu tip and Appropriate air cap Arloss: Pump Rao. 30:1 (eniny* GPM Outprst Material Hose, inn) Tip Size O17” 019" Output psi 2000 *Tetlon packings are recommended and are available from the pump manufacturer June 96 Replaces Oct. a4 corract surtace preparation, muxing instructions and application procedure Closely to obtan the maxinnim sarvice trim the materials tis assumed that the proper prod “They ate sind as an md in datornwning racommandations BRUSH: For striping of welts and touch-up only. Use a natal Drstle brush, Brush out using full Strokes, and wend rebrshing KOLLER: Not recommencted DRYING TIMES: These times are based on a B mil (ZOD ucro) diy fin thickness, Excessive film thickness, sufficient ventilation oF cooler temperatures Will require longer cure times and could result in Solvent entrapment and premature failure Surtace Temperature — Minimum — Moxinym —fmmersion 50°F 24 hows 4 days NR 60°F 1B has 3 days 14 days. 75°F 12 hous — 2 days 7 days 90°F 6 hours bday 5 days NOTE: Excessive humidity or condensation on the surface during cunng may result in a surface haze or blush, ahy haze or blush must be removed by water washing phon te the application of any futther Goats MAXIMUM RECOAT TIME: If the maximum cure mes have bees exceeded, surfaces must be abraded by Swenp dlasting prior to the application of any additional coats FORCE CURING: Force curing 18 recommended for all tank hnungs, The following schedule may. be used 10 force cure the coating system after the final cat is applied Elevate temperature no mare than 30°F every 30" reutes Surtace Final Cure tor Temperature Jnmersion Service TBR (24 C) ——& hours tullowid by 150°F 156°C) 8 hours. Force cure requirement vanes depesnling upon expo sue Refer to Carboline Tank Lining Guide for addi tvonal Force Curing and Safety information VENTILATION & SAFETY: WARNING: VAPORS MAY CAUSE EXPLOSION. When usnd asa tank lining, oF Hv enclosed ateas, ‘thorough arr circulation must. be used dung and after apphcation ntl the coating ts uted The vennilanan ‘system shoulel be capable ot Proventg. the. solvent’ vapor concentratinn from Foactimy the lower explosion hint forthe solvents Used. nt addition to ensuring proper ventiiation, fresh fit respirators oF fresh aie hoods must be used by all Apalcatisn personnel, Where flammable solvents exist expiasion-proct ahing equioment must be. used: Hynersensitive perscns” should wear clean protective clothing, gloves andar protective cream on face, hands And all exposed areas CLEANUP: Use Thinner #2, KEEP AWAY FROM SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES. IN CONFINED AREAS. WORKMEN MUST WEAR FRESH AIRLINE RESPIRATORS. HYPERSENSITIVE PERSONG SHOULO WEAR GLOVES OR USE PROTECTIVE CREAM ALL ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT ANO INSTALLATIONS SHOULD BE MADE AND GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTAICAL CODE. IN AHEAS WHERE EXPLOSION MnZRIIOB EXIST. WORKMEN SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO USE MOMFERRGUS TOOLS AND TO WEAR CONDLICTIVE AND NONSPARKING SHOES oy carboline. product data sheet PHENOLINE” 302 VOGr SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Epoxy phonolic. GENERAL PROPERTIES: An extremely versatile topcoat in the Phenoline series. It has very good resistance 10 abrasion, including slurries, Has. outstanding overall, ‘chemical resistance for immersion sevice + Highly chemically eesistant film + High hilm build properties + Very good abrasion resistance ‘* Excellent for handing acid, caustic or solvent combinations + Meets current VOC (Volatiio Organi Content) regulations RECOMMENDED USES: As a lining for tanks holding moderate concestrations of acids, caustics, salts or solvents and for acichsolvent or alkal-solvent solution. Excellont as a heavy duty maintenance coating tor severe ‘exposures subject to splash, spillage ang fumes and for protection of floors exposed to chemical spillage NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion in strong acids ‘TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Splash & Exposure Immersion _—_Spillage Fumes Acids. Very Good Excellent = Excellent Alkalies Excellent Excellent Exceltert Solvents Excellent Excellent Excellent Salt Excellent Excellent Excellent Water Excellent Excellent Excellent ‘TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: (Non-immersion) Continuous: 20°F (93°C) Non-Cortinuous: 50°F (121°C) Immersion temperature resistance dependent on chemical solution, but should not exceed 180°F (82°C) Metal tanks: must be insulated when temperatures exceed 140°F (60°C). SUBSTRATES: Apply over properly prepared stool, Concrete, aluminum or others as recommended COMPATIBLE COATINGS: Normally applied over Phenoline 900 Primer May also be appled over recommended phenolics, epoxy primers or surfacers. No topcoat required, Feb 98 Replaces Oct 96 (0604) SPECIFICATION DATA THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL: By Volume PHENOLINE 302 78% # 2% VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT (VOC): The following re nominal values and may vary with color ‘As Supplied: 1.5 ibsigal (177 gl) Thinned: Thinner gugal Ibsigal git Phenoine «3226314 RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS PER COAT: 8 mils (200 microns) Do not exceed 12 mils dry film thickness per coat ‘THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON: 4251 milf (30.7 m*fl at 25 microns) 156 fat 8 miss (8.9.9 tat 200 microns) ‘Mixing and application losses will vary and must be taken into consideration when estimating job requirements. ‘STORAGE CONDITIONS: Temperature: 45-110°F (7-43°C) Store Indoors, Humidity: 0-100% SHELF LIFE: 24 months whoa stored indoors at 75°F (24°C) COLOR: Black (C900) art Gray (0700) ony FINISH: Satin ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may be oblained from your Carbolne Sales Representative or Carboline Customer Service APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT. 1 SGalkt 6.25 Gal Ki PHENOLINE 302 19's (8.6 kg) 901s (40.9 ka) Js 3s PHENOLINE Thinner 9 Ibs (4.1 kg) 45 Ibs (20.4 kg) FLASH POINT: (Setattash) PHENOLINE 302 Pat A {20°F (49°C) PHENOLINE302PanB = «67"F_ (20°C) PHENOLINE Thinner 74°F (23°C) Smo A APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PHENOLINE” 302 Tse gtactons aw not lane 0m pods sine tacts and sprain proces, ona uta to mau se I ae SURFACE PREPARATION: Remove allo or grease trom the surface to be eater wits Thawar 2 oF Carbatinn Surtace Closer 3 lteler to Surtace Cleanee a retucons) n ancoraance with SSPC SP Steel: Apply over sean. ty earomenwnried pies only Conerote: Apply ower claan, diy. property pried oF ‘conereta cy. wutaced MIXING: Powe: nix cach eompanant sepa, then Combe fal power mk OO NOT MIX PARTIAL KITS, 125GalKit 625 6alKit PHENOLNE $02 Pat Tgwbean— Saivscan PHENOUINE 392 Pat 8 Fquartean — Squartean ‘THINNING: Ther Hay be thinned ut to 42 oziga! (26%) th Phenoines Use of tapos ofr Man those manulactured or supplied by Carboinw may adversely allect prods performance and void procit wataaty, eeaher oxpress oni POT LIFE: One hou at 75°F (24°C) and lnss at Ngher temperatures. Pot fe ends whos coining loses body and begins to sag, [APPLICATION CONDITION Mat Surlace Ambient Humiaity Normal oes NESE OMS F 40-70% (16290) 16290) 15-290) bern 55°F SOF 50°F ome Gory oo) Maximum wor DOF eo ae wa Do nol apply when the surface tomperstue is ess than § F oF ative te dw pant Special thinning and aepicaton techniques may be requred ‘above or below normal condtions SPRAY: The toon spray equipement has ben found sustabie ares aval rom ananutactures such as Binks, DeVilbiss Ant Graco Conventional: Pinssute pot equipped with dual regulators, 12 HO. mmimurn material nose, 086° 1D fa tip ars appropiate ae cap. Airtoss:* Pury Rate. SOA{mny" Tp Size 0a 027 GPA Out —-3 (rn) Ouipurpss 2200-2500 Maenal Moser V2"1D- (rin) Filter Size Gi mash Ting malonal contains abrasive tors afvch wl abv spent possisy cause wen to other aires exionnin’ gut yah prolonged use Teton packings nie recomended and ate aval trom ee ump manulacturer Fret of Replaces Ost 96 602) ncommanesions esp “it tC scp arc tee Tuy ae sda ‘oman ave Dv Tincotetinesheass he test BRUSH: Fos tout vf hoes Asc feta ROLLER: Hot ences DAYINIG HIMES: The: 16 natal haste brush, applying send ve an 8 (250 micron) ty Hen eons Exe ve tim Huckness,wssulioent ventilation, (6) gale temperate. a aq Tony rue ims an cok) reuln solvont etapa ai premature fai. Bowoen Coats Surface Temperatore Minimum Maximum Final Cun SOF (10) TPiws days PA days OF (16) Woes Bays Mays 75 (2k) thes Bays ays HF 2c) 1s Vay Says {fas éecoat irene ben excnented, Surtaces must be algae by sop bls Ho Hae ape ation of any adational oats EXCESSIVE HUMIDIE, OF CONDENSATION ON THE SURFACE DURING CClreNG MAY RESULT IN SURFACE HAZE OF BLUSH. MUST 1 HIEMOVED BY WATER WASHING BEFORE RECOATING FORCE CURING: face cunn 36 commended for all tank Snings The tolovsng vahedde may be used to force cure the systenr aftr thee tinal east 8 applied Elevate temperature no more than 30 F 15 ©) every Sr Surface Temperature [nat Cure for Immersion Service 7 prey nu ole 150 Fy Final cure roqureinent us dgpending pon fn titans. expose Hater Crhning Tanks Ln Gack for akon otoe Canin ated Sale infor VENTILATION & SAFETY WARNING: VAPORS MAY CAUSE EXPLOSION. Wen vse as a tank lng oF a encinsed areas. thorough a Mou rt bm ust dur at er apphetinn enw the contng 1S ceiest The venbiabany stem stil be Ceapabin ob parverten) Ys solvent vigae cnncmleaien fom rmaching the hier expect ont er the sobs sed than tor uring proper verti fun avy vespeators oF trash sont nipieabon ‘peuscene Where Hamma slurs ax espacio peout ingen must be Used, Hyporsrnstue perso: shunda wea clean, protective cotton Yves andor protective hve ane all exposed HOLIDAY TESTING (it roguiredy: This. proshet contains onducive reghers wits asevont the se of igh oF kw wala fstemmanment Hkitay fon "felt be dean thn pron CLEANUP: Use Then 2. fo! (CAUTION: READ AND FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATEMENTS (ON THIS PRODUCT OIA SHEET AND ON THE MATERIAL ‘SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT. CAUTION. CONTAINS FLAMMABLE EOLVENTS. KELP AWAY FROM SPARKS ANOLOPEN FLAMES CORI TIED AREAS, MIRKERS MUST WEAR FRESH AIRLINE RESPIRATORS. HYPERSENSITIVE PERSONS SHOULD WEAN GLOVES O° NSE PROTEE [AND INSTALLATIONS SHOULD Bt MADE AND GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WWI'H THE NATIONAL TLECTRICAL CODE VeCREAM ALUELECTRS EQUIPMENT EXPLOSION NAZARDS EXIST. WORKERS SHOULD BE FIEDUIRED 10. USE NONFFROUS TOOLS AIH) 70 NEAR CONDUCTIVE. AND. NON 'SPARKING SHOES, INCASE OF SPLLAGE, ABSORB AND DISPOSE OF WW ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL GHPUADABLE REGL CATIONS carboline VOGP SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: Modiied phenokc GENERAL PROPERTIES: A high solids tank lining for high lemperature water and crude oll service. Exhibits excellent overall chemical resistance, Fesists crude ol up to 250°F (121°C) Reessts waterlorude oll mixtures to 250°F (121 Rosists brines up to 220°F (104 ‘wil cure down to 60°F (16°C) No exensive surface prep botween coats Very good abrasion resistance Meets most VOC (Volatile Organic Content) requiatons RECOMMENDED USES: As a self priming tank lining for the storage of process water, crude oi, watericrude oil mixtures, and brine at elevated temperatures, NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: Immersion in acids or other solutions with a pH less than TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE: Exposure Immersion ‘Acids ‘Not Recommended Alkalies Very Good Solvents Excellent Salt Excellent Water Excellent Crude On Excellent TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE (Immersion) Process Water! Brine Crude Oil 20°F 20°F 20°F (ore) = (10a"C) (rare) Crude oWWater —_Demineralized Water 250°F 180°F (are) (@2°0) “Metal tanks containing process water should 0¢ insulated if lemperature excoeds 140°F (60°C) SUBSTRATES: Apply 19 properly proparod steel, concrete or ‘others as recommenced, COMPATIBLE COATINGS: Materal is set priming and is topcoated with aseitin a 2 oF 4 coat system Dec 97 Replaces July 95 product data sheet PHENOLINE® 368 WG SPECIFICATION DATA THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL; By Volume PHENOLINE 368 WG. 65 = 29 VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT: The following are nominal values AS SUPPLIED: 2.4%»svgal (288 gi THINNED: ‘Thinner exlgal Ibslgal git PHENOLINE Se8WG = 2000317 PHENOLINE 368WG = 3203447 RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS: 16-7 mis (180-175 microns) per coal lor a2 coat system 445 mis (100-125 microns) por coat lor 3 coat system Total system should not exceed 18 mils (450 riczons} mavamurn average dy hm thickness THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON: 1089 mu (26 m7 at 25 mucxons) 208 1 at 5 ms (6.1 mi at 125 micron: Material losses during mixing and application wil vary and rst bbe taken into consideration when estimating job requirements STORAGE CONDITIONS: Store indoors. Temperature: 40-110 F (4-43 C) urmaty: 0.90 SHELF LIFE: 24 months when stove in 3075 F (24.6) COLOR: White (0800) and Light Gray (0773) are standard Gloss: Flat ORDERING INFORMATION Prices may be obtained trom your Carbolne Sales Ropreser tative or Carboline Customer Sernce. APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT: 2GaLKit 10Gal. Kit PHENOLINE 468 WG Wis 150 Ibs (13.649) (6 ha) as 8s PHENOLINE Thinne: ibs 45 bs (atk (4) FLASH POINT: (Setatiash) PHENOLINE 368WG Part A = 70F (20 PHENOLINE 368 WG Pan BB 89F (17 G} PHENOLINE Thvnne: 77F 125) oe90 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PHENOLINE? 368 WG Steel Abrasive that Wo a Whe Metal Fish wn accordance wath fy wl ip Kap canes al Could stl Soke Concrete Cancrote must be cuted at Inast 28 days at 701 (21 0) ant, Surface Between Final Cure TW of euunceet te omove tne, ane ane press, Dy Teaeraiv oats tmm) sata ie Soe ee eee, =| GTR me sats ‘hor foray mat atid ros aulacn ferret #0 that aor IG 2a down 10 Days term qi sanenapr Vs te cere my eRe nl sreres wes oe THINNING. May bs thawnd up 4 o2aal ¢ eens Pata unl be roan by abasave inet ele Hie ange “Use: 68 thanniees other than these suppl oF approved by Garbakne may " sivcrsipatet woket fornia vould eran ahetin FORCE CURING: Foxe rash iS rimmed foe all nok Amos penser men Sanayi rage lo gett fh tna cht iy tte to ste verte cong syst itor the a a Silat “Tova tsnpensiye to mote haw a0 FH Ch rsony 8 POT LIFE: A Now's at 75 F (24 G) and lass at gh Iomporattes. Pos eases aten coat sas bry a bors 93 thru i Sure Ambient Humidity Norns fact Saar har Som surtace Final Ca or Waa G Geenty naa: Temportice immersion Serie own or sat Sor ° sree ‘inne ioey ine) Gem) orien) ‘howe Moen “a Nor we tne Foven one mepivacaine He ox Hele donsamyyhonine suoce impehiue ais Fara Cabin fin fare (mm Goede or atten Fe " Scns ond apiation techies ny bo wequred ows or HOLIDAY TESTING: Wh quo a We ses! rion trea othe hile nowy Ac se poe een SPRAY. Ne tina spay ean has tere oa ste andie Saab ni! gyre an et Seti rama ae finksBene l Sv elean q see tie tes sce tee pee ‘iy ad ents mati PHENGHINE we BIG nfo ur Conventional: Prossute pot wan mal requlitors, HF 1 sw aap a VENTILATION & SAFETY. WANITUNI: —VARDRS MAY CAUSE SSI OSM, Whi ed yt eye ander Hr pene wnt Inveavinaysyetantoust te ripalsest twenty te eee, Sena Si vopne arnt mao esa ge ve Frosh respuate of eeh 1 hors att te red bal pean fuses aman ual Uo ni Uigessenaewn gorsare sail nev ein peter vee eee ‘ot efoves ater pee svete rae cs ad Me Tolion packs aio recommended and are aunt from the pum nae BRUSH fo uc nit teas, stn of rid, wragub suvTaces fr id ta cot ras oy CAUTION: READ AND FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATEMENTS ON THIS PRODUCT DATA SHEET AND ON THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Fon THs PRODUCT CLEANUP: (iss Hosni 268 Kyl sy 96 CAUTION. CONTAINS FLAMMMAGLE SOLUENTS. KEEP AWAY FROM SPARKS AND OPEN FLAMES__b¥ CONFINED AREAS. WORKMEN MUST EAR “ESIC AMLINES RESOIMATORS HYDERSENSITIVE. PERSONS SHOULD WEAR GLOVES Of PROTECTIVE CREAM. ALL ELECTRIC. EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS SHOULD 8€ MADE AND GROUNDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. IN AREAS WERE EXPLOSION MAZAROS CXIsT WORKMEN SHOULD SE REQUIRED 10 USE NONFERNOUS TOOLS AND TO WEAR CONDUCTIVE AND NON SPARKING SHOES. IN CATE OF SPILLAGE, AASOR® AND OISPOSE CF IM ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. carboline product data sheet PHENOLINE” 373 SYSTEM VOGr SELECTION DATA GENERAL PROPERTIES: A bop sah, Fgh mosiad pho ane Ecole cause an sola asenance ‘ara cra roedes ato had Evecimy aban asionee ‘Moats ges VOC (Voie Orgare Corot eons Monts FDA 2 GFR 175.3331 dre! fo omc [Arceptti by indent lod contact sacs earaly enpetod meat ad py cnn RECOMENDED USES: A hn glomance ining ssn forsee sot Ceo rks contaneg diss 32% attains oF vey Yas, os 3 wes The opts bia feage ot chernoal renance mates 30 ‘ural hog ering tatean tanks arma wesses nding sto NOT RECOMMENOEDFOR: Erossuts i sterrminsroregane aos {TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Exposure Immersion Splash ASpitege hose ey God Pn ‘aains scent rca Sous Senior Escalon Sot Soins Beto ett Water vey Goa csi TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE: Wor-tniarsen) Somnus a) Noncomeccus OF 85) anmersen temperature ressance depas on exposure Consuk Catone ‘ect Semon aspects eformaton. Wi reconvened Mt aa aes parang above WO" 1G) rates SUBSTRATES: Aniy ove pronwry iene ste, tanks Stas concrete roar sutaces a ocommende CCOWPATIALE COATINGS: PHENOLINE 979 Pane appit cy to ope oreo siaedes a excel fpsostod wh PRENOUINE 973 Frist tt thay be kpccaiot wih epoxes. ghencies oF ohws as ‘scormended. PHENDLIE 373 Frush may a0 be ape! over prepay [Povared anes, anes thts 8 ecormended SPECIFICATION DATA ‘THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL Byvotume PHENOLINE 379 Pane Were PHENOLNE (73 Fok oer VOLAMLE ORGANIC CONTENT: As Supplied PHENOLNE 973 Pree + repmigi205 98 PHENOLRE 373 Fah 1 8 gl (258 90 Trinnee Inimer —eetaal bag at PHENOLINE @7aPRRIER — pMENOLINE Zhe PHENOLINE STSPRISH —-PHENOUNE = 2) 2788) HECOWENDED Ony FM THICKNESS PER COAT: PHENOLIE 973 Pres "os (108 EO mons) PHENOLINE 973 Fa 2 ms 03180 meron} hen 2 ne coat ysl opested ue tee coats of PHENOLINE 379 heme ant ane is of PHENOLINE 73 Fh a 35 a (75-125 mo CAUTION: frp a cone win the seo mn ck 80905, suena fr cess ray cause peta ae {THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON: PHENAINE 70 Piner 2r9raloa (39.4 mat 28 mca aes a8 ma (699 eta 15 cen) PHENOUNE 373 17s (287 5 mv ot 23 mons 244 1 SMS (69g ma 2S) sg and appiaton esses wi vary ae must be Taken no conssraion when catrang pb meres STORAGE CONOMONS: Ste ess Tetris AGHDF AC) Hwy 010% SHELF LIFE: 24 monte wan sr indir at 75°F HC) covons: PHENOLIME 273 Pon PRENOUNE 73 Fat wh (0810 ana Bt (0100) Gay (E703 ant Grom 40) GLOSS: Medium ut nse ns ard ewetuy enn sn expasut) ORDERING INFORMATION co may iss een your Calne Se epost tf Ca Guster Soren pane APPROXMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT a 3 PHENOUIME 478 Pa sewstesto) ZONE AD PHENOL NE 73 Fook Hebsi64ka) —— 70Ibe (NB PHENOLS Thane Sbetsthg) ——a8lba 24k) FLASH POINT: (Sot PHENOUNE 373 Prenat Pa & rer 2 PHENOLNE 273 Prnot Pan FLW) PHENGUNE Sa Finan a & wer n9e) PHENOUNE 973 Fai Pan SreGeo) Praca Fae Meese) ‘Sree eta wenenantagi TY aND Frese row 8 PTCA FUNNOSE 0290 0620 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PHENOLINE®373 SYSTEM 1 1 cna are ro i 9 sho st tesa te pei som, Thay ve ns 8 ana noon comet suface pera, meg fsectore Sn opgcaion pose Ie asset hath ren! exe ener Naveen Mare There mensions sl be ia yw en He SURFACE PREPARATION, Resnns sho or guinea thy suuce © fav coed wth Ine 2 Gannne Sst Clare 3 Wort Sura esas 3 mstuetons maecersase ath SSPCSP 1 Immersion Serves: Atri bt Iva Wt Ret Ent acorn ‘mM SPE CP 9 gn ana 2-9 60-75 meron) Bast pla Al wee Mint be oad to womdot,-moith conta Sinping tl wel ac ine eat a cea sree any HEME Gt tha nateapcatn Nonimmersion Service, Rises blast to a Commercal Fin ecortanae vty SSPCSP 6 ond aan a 23 ev (90-75 mice) hist concrete: ts cu ot ast 28 day at 70 @1G) an Ss RH. Tee ta Reefs ander ot nage by tom. sanding Ujondeg Absve tast Yona wos ane tov fm ergs cue ogends. sna, tale ad eer 1007 make la proce 9 sudocs tere sunk fo tal Of resume sandpape orc cencree nay ur scr Ew vacuo sa and MIXING: Power nox each omaonar Mer comb a power max he foto pepemions Talk Salk PHENOL 879 Prva Pa 8 Dect ata HEROINE 373 Pease Pat 26a 16a PHENGLINE 173 Fine Pan A engs Aaa PHEROLIVE 9 Fins Pan 8 26a 1G THINNING: Thy pt 29 0ngH 1) wh PHENOLINE Ther Uso of thn nar han these supplied ox aprecued by Cane may Svea ator png pefoimance nd vod prod ary her ‘agree orergid POT LIFE: Poe ers anen materia ses en bats PHENOLNE 373 Pinar 2s. tPF (2 less st her trgeraires PHENOUNES?3 Piste fe fs ot 75 F(28°C). boast Maher tonpertnes APPLICATION ConaMIONS. ‘Suilace Ambient Humjony Noma 603F SOAS DUE SON (296) (i629) gse Moan SSE URC) — SHFITC) BE MING) Mawnan OTF Q20) FBG) RIE) aon 1p not ace when sue» rompers ass han 8 oF about ‘Speoa! neg ae eaten tchges ay be eg 0H Hom SPRAY: Thess aig is etn ad ay regret aeustnnts im apraytachoraves) Wet Sin theknss a easy ad acy ached THe ‘etme spery equsent hs toon ud sata and avaTaDIS An smanutacurers has aes, aes 9d Geto, Conventional: Pressure put equppetd wth dus! regultirs, 38 1D Shunrum mana! Rose $0" tnami material Rone, .O70" 1D Had ip and dyno a places Maen 94 tess Pang tate 140m Tose at oar GPM Ow 3D srw} itr 20002800 Marenaitose RTD (ey Flere bash ORUSHE Bush appcaton 15 aesommended Sot an aca ‘ony Use afr ees Bosh nd a we Hl eho Ad eben ROLLER: Nc sosmenanto tor arson yw RECORTITOPCOAT TIMES: hase tresses soon 948 mt 200-150 ray ery hn hckness Higher in Dich et went Cor amporros vl si ange Cs Kane and crus rout se ‘etapmont and pre ur Prior ana Fat surtace Pamer Fins cure tor Temperature Minmum Maximum immersion Service rile) ed Dy ni SF HI5C) sity "ays are 75 tc) 6 hoes rays sv. OOF 186) Venous eye was It no awn fei Ome has BEN exEHeKed Nr saMace MAE Be tras sasup Blashng perf he applston ory acon costs EXCESSIVE HUMOITY OR CONDENSATION ON THE SURFACE ‘OUR CURING MAY RESULT iN & SURFACE HAZE OR ALUSH. ANY HAZE OR BLUSH SHOULD AE REMOVED AY WATER WASHING [EFORE RECORTING FORCE CURING: Foice cutng recommenda tor a lank ngs especialy for stoago of food grate pretacs For sowure expire anions flee cunny ecermened a este Ya aun 30 "oie, The tang schon may be ured t ce era te System afer Ia cut 1 phd. Eleva Rrperaive no re Mat 58°F (Cl oun 30 amas. Sutace Temperature mF eC) or ieee FinaLCuse tor tminersion Service ‘omens VENTILATION & SAFETY WARNING: VAPORS MAY CAUSE EXPLO- SION. Who wend a8 & WHA fring oF sveloset areas, Rona at Steuaton must be use Qunng and alr apical Me cons uta The venbiston system sonata cae ol powering Mt bet ‘aporccncencan torn taching ts ge exon I the sls ‘hd Ison. Wo mse OG veaion hes a wesprlars oes av Rosse munt be us ya apaton perinel Whete Hammabic Sehonts owt. emplosingrac! Ighing ast bo usod. Hyporsonstws resins shod weat clean poles cling, hes andor pratate ream lac, Ran dl exposed ate (CLEANUP: Use Thier 2 CAUHON: READ AND FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATEMENTS ON THIS PRODUCT DATA SHEET AND ON THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA Sheer Fon tats PRODUCT rot Chitars Auman covvenss. Ken wey coe Spann Ao OPEN RLAES bs COMEINED AREAS, WOKEN wot eK EES AIR RESPOATORS RYPEREENSTINE PERSONS SOK GLEN On Use PROTE CTE CREAN ALL ETeL IMIG EOUIERT AO INGTALLA TORY SHOULD 8c Wabe AO GFOUN OED iv aoLORDANCE WIM TH= NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE IN AREAS WHERE EXPLOSION HAZARDS XBT WOR IgE UEHOULD he REGGAE) TOUCE NUMFENAOUS 1DDUS AN) TO WEAR CONDUCTIVE AND NONPARKNEG HOES carbol VOGr SELECTION DATA GENERIC TYPE: A giass tinke filled epoxy-novalae with plienolic moxdfication aad arma curative GENERAL PROPERTIES: denise cross-linked polymer which exbibits cutstancting barrier protectian against 3 vanoty of chemical exposures. Glass flake filled to provide excellent abrasion resistance, permestwin resis tance, andl terial eeintoreuinent # Bxcollent resistance ta deiwnvzed or demineralized water up t0 200°F (93°C) continuous Excellent resistance to crude wf up ta 200°F 193°C) # Excellent abrasion resistanct © Excelent averatl chsenical resistance + Mests striment WOG (Wolntle Organic Content! regulon, = Exrellent thermal shack msistance RECOMMENDED USES: As 1 ining for tanks oF pes 1 roves tarilities where hot water solutions oF abrasive ondibons exist, Excellent as n secondary containment Hining for a variety of chen, NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: cancenteated acids, Immersion 1m) ceetam TYPICAL CHEMICAL RESISTANCE Splash & Exposure Inmersion Spillage Acids, Very Gaon Excl Alkais Excellent Excellent Solvents, Very Good Excelent Salt Excel Exrellent water Exceltent Excellent TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE {Nor innersian)* Continuous: 300°F 149°C) Non-Continunus: 350° 137°C) *Metal tanks should be insulated if operating tumperatureexcen’s 10°F I6O8C), Coating discoloration may arcur abave 20°F {93°C} without loss of film inteqity, Thimersion temperature cesistance depends on expostre.-Cansult. Catholiie Techical Strvice for specific, yemperatane ahd chesnical Feegrnmendations SUBSTRATES: Apniy aver properly prepamis steel ot canereta COMPATIBLE COATINGS: Nornally applied directly tw Substrate, May be applied over catalyzed epoxies anid Ahenolics as resanmiended March 97 Replaces Jan 94 ‘oeorene Df wcutzey gen oF ‘sain We gare ‘ed On TA WiApRANTY On GbanANEE OF ANY Kn Is MADE BY Exar» EXPRESS OR MII AMTABLTY ano F658 ROW A ARTCUL I PURO product data sheet PHENOLINE® 1205 SPECIFICATION DATA “THEORETICAL SOLIDS CONTENT OF MIXED MATERIAL: By Volum 70 + 2% PHENOLINE 1205 VOLATILE ORGANIC CONTENT (VOC): The followies are nominal values: As supplied: 2.13 Ibs. (gal. [255 gm.thte Pounds! Grams/ Thinner OuncesiG: Galton Liter 213 1 256 307 RECOMMENDED DRY FILM THICKNESS: 15 iniis (875 enicrans) mweimumn te be achieved in ¥ or 2 ‘THEORETICAL COVERAGE PER MIXED GALLON:* 117 mol sg. 1 127.9 squnfl at 25 microns) 74 su. teas 15 rvis (1.8 squnf at 375 microns) * Mixing ant aplication taker intg consideration walien esti res, ssses wil vary and must be ing job equate STORAGE CONDITIONS: Stare ndoors Temperature: 40-110%F (4-43°C) Humidity: 0-90% SHELF LIFE: 24 inunths when stored indoors at 78°F (20°C) COLOR: Rest (0500) ant Gray (5742) GLOSS: Low {Epoxies ose gloss, discolor and eventually cha my Sunlight exposes) ORDERING INFORMATION Prices inay be obtained from your Carboline Sales Representative “ar Carboline "Customer Sen Department APPROXIMATE SHIPPING WEIGHT: Vs sis PHENOLINE 1205 12lbs 5B Ins (6.5 kg) (26.3 ky) Thonn 212 8.4 ths 41 Ibs 3.8 kil (78.6 ke) FLASH POINT: (Setatlasht PHENOLINE 1205 Part & sae 112°C) PHENOLINE 1205 Part @ — >200°F (>939C Thinner 213 229 8°C) net sw zis0 9812 APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS PHENOLINE” 1205 SURFACE PREPARATION: eine all cil oF grease from th Surface te he cuated wath Thinner 2 n¢ Surtace Clownet 3 (eater to Suttace Cleaner @ instructions) im acennfancn th ssPc SP Steel: Tromersion: Abtasive blast ts us White Metal Fant a 28 mh 150-75, acconlunce with rruoton) blast pel, SSPCSP 5 anh stain Weld ston ns WN PHENOLINE 1208 by tiny of spray m secu ended ie to ll eat applica Non-tmmersion. Abrasive Blut tw 4 Commercial Finish 1m sours seth SSPC-SP 5 and obtwn a 23 nik (5075 snvevunt blot peat Concrete: Must be cured at Lnnet 28 cays at 7O%F (21°C) aes 50% RH ur eauivedant fine. Remuve fins awd ether prcttusians by stot, sing or yinding. Abrasive blast Fmt al suttace woul and rave sll tar is, weompatie ig agenta, Manders, tat ter ind prodkica wutlawe texture sar to thal uo mest ge indjuper,” Voids nthe tence may neagane setae lw MIXING: Pawar mM much cumpoREM separately 30 nti uuation hime wt PE. Sal. Kit S.Gai Kit PHENOLINE 1205 Piet & PREWDUIIE 1207 Part E 9.8 grtons 2.2 gallon 1.0 gala THINNING: May Le thinnsa wy NOTE: Aqtate Th pave a tok wows a 13 oad wath Thinner 213. 219 bofone use. Thinner 213 wl none hehe ental Use of thinners other thn these supped at appraved by Caroline may edversnly atfet prio! performanee snd wd thet warranty, what #xgte or imolied. POT LIFE: Throw hues at 79°F (24°C) dd fess at ihe fomperatines. Put fa env when ‘contig haces dy td APPLICATION CONDITIONS: Material — Suriaces Ambient Mumiaity Nomt S585 SRR BHABTF 30.60% dare 829° ie 20°t) Mom SSF AIC SOF MOC SOF TOC! o% Macinin OOF (82%) O'R 142°C) 100-F ARCH 88% ot apply when the sulace tangent ts ges than SF 06 Spacial thinned aploanen techy a hve mea ori SPRAY: Ths fotlovn spray cipupment tues bum feed tale and vs avalable trem taanetactoree uch se Bk Conventional: Pressure pes winipped With hod regular Te TD. snnum material hese, AYO" LD, tha tp ath March 97 Reaces dan 94 Airless! Hop Rati 30:1 fi (GMM Owapat: 3.0 Material Hi 15°10. imi Ti Siz 035" oat Campt ps 22002800 BRUSH) For simpy of welds, touchrap of small areas only ROLLER: Nt sacommanded DRYING TIMES: These times aro based on a 15 mi 87S: Imeron dry fim thickness. Excessive lm» thcknes insuficien! ventilation or “cooler temperatures will resvire forgot euee titre and could result ih solynnt enteapinent ind Surface Dey To bry To Final Temperstu Hanaie Topeoat Cure SOMO! 12 hours 48 Four 2h aaye BOR ABC! 12 fn 82 pose Va days P59F (24°C) B he TB hours Taye 90% (32°C) Bars 8 hours Saays Fin evngoraturns alow BOF (16%) are nut tr tank liye, Fava! cure requirernent. vies de in axponuire, Force curing is racommended far all ten Chnvalt Carbine Tank Lining Guide or Carbone Techwad Sorvice tat advice 1 she final ewe time has been exceeded, the surface mst be braded by sween blasting prior ta the application ul any EXCESSIVE HURNDITY OR CONDENSATION ON THE SURFACE QUBING CURING MAY RESULT IN A SURFACE HAZE OR ALIISH: ANY HAZE OR BLIISH MUST BE REMOVED BY WATER WASHING BEFORE RECOSTING. VENTILATION & SAFETY. WARNING: VAPORS MAY CAUSE EXPLOSION. Whe ued a tank bing or tv enclosed areas Abuesadh air eireulsion mist be wed dating and” atter application ntl the voting ss cured. The ventilation system Stould be eapibin nf proventing the sulvent vapor eaneentra than from rate the ower expision fmt for the slvents Ged, he aditon te sri tian, fresh it resjtotuts ur fresh ae fds must he used by all application personel, Whore flyrimatsl sevens exist, explosion proat utective slethang, gloves andlor protective earn cn CLEANUP: Gon TH CAUTION: READ AND FOLLOW ALL CAUTION STATEMENTS ON THIS PRODUCT DATA SHEET 2ND ON THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FOR THIS PRODUCT

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