Our True Self: 1. Defiant - Isaiah 53:6 (Another Word For Defiance Is Pride)

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Our True Self

26 March 2016
Pastor Jacob Sechrest, Tay Street Baptist Church

Our true self is

1. Defiant Isaiah 53:6 (another word for defiance is pride)

A. God hates pride Prov. 6:1619.
B. Satan had pride Isaiah 14:1215, (Rev. 20:10, lake of fire, Matt.
C. We are prideful Is. 53:6a.
When we desire our own way we are acting like Satan.

2. Deceitful Jeremiah 17:9

A. God hates lying Prov. 6:16.
B. Satan started lying John 8:44.
He is the father of lies.
By lying we are also Satanic.
C. We are liars (We can deceive ourselves and others).
1 John 1:8.
Jms. 1:22 hearing and not hearing. (sic)
Jms. 1:26 doing and not restraining.
Jms. 4:17 knowing and not doing.

3. There is Hope! Is. 53:6b

The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.

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