Was Were Test

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Choose the correct item. |@aS)/ were at my friend's house yesterday. The girls was / were happy last week. eon two hours ago. You was / were late for school yesterday. Sam was / were tired last night. & 5 Underline the correct word. le and match. 1. CWasy Were ) he at the hospital? a 2. (Was / Were ) you at school? . 3. (Was / Were ) she at the bakery? + 4. (Was / Were ) they at the restaurant? + Grandma was / were at the supermarket — 2 Marek and Anna was / were bored last Saturday. The dog was / were in the garden yesterday, You and Ahmed was / were at school last Monday. It was / were sunny last week. We was / were at the cinema last night. on o b It‘ was / were / wasn't lovely at the beach last weekend. The sea ? were / weren’t / wasn’t very cold and the weather ? was / were / wasn’t nice and sunny. The picnic food * were / was / weren’t very good, and we * was / were / weren’t all very cheerful. + Yes, they were. ~=+ No, he wasn't. + Yes, | was. + No, she wasn't. © write the questions and answers. 1 Sam /in London / last week? Was, Gam io. London. last. week? No. be wasn't. He.wag.in. Faris... (Amy, Steve, and Jenny / at a party// last night) _ Look at the table and correct the sentences. Yesterday afternoon... | Peter was at the shopping centre. Wronal, ; hopping ce 2. Kikki was at the cinema. 3 Stanley was at the theatre. was at school. 5 Cosmo and Suzie were at the hairdresser’s. Look at the table in exercise 3 and answer, | Was Peter at the sports club? 2 Was Kikki at the theatre? 3 Was Stanley in the park? 4 Was Leslie at the cinema? 5 Were Cosmo and Suzie in the garden? 6 Were Peter and Kikki’s parents at the library’ 7 Was Aunt Agatha at home? 8 Were you at school yesterday afternoon? Form questions. | John / at the party / on Saturday? 2 it/ cold / last week? 3 you / at home / last night? 4 your brother / with you / yesterday? 5 they / in Germany / last summer? 6 she / your English teacher / last year? Write was, wasn’t, were or weren’t. 1 Jessica’s grandad _w00 from Scotland. 2 Her granny from Ireland. 3 Her grandparents in Scotland in the summer of 1968. 4 Jessica's granny a waitress. 5 Jessica’s grandad a cook in hotel. 6 Their wedding in 1968. 7 Her grandparents rich. 8 Her grandparents happy. Read Tim’s diary for the school holidays. Write the days. LAV LKB LUA GX, MY eae Friday Saturday sunday | was at the shopping centre with my mum and dad. | don’t like shopping. It’s boring. The music shop was fun, but the supermarket was terrible On | was at the park with my friends. This is the best place in our town. We often go here after school and play football. It was raining and we got very wet. | wos at the cinema with my mum and sister on . The film was about ghosts. it was scary! On | was at the café with my friends. There were lots of cakes. It was great! On | was at the restaurant with my mum and dad. We often eat there. 1 wos hungry and | was thirsty too. On Wednesday the first lesson was Science. A flower was on Miss Carey's desk. The second lesson was Music, It was interesting. The third lesson was Sports. The children were noisy in the Sports lesson. English was after break. It was the fourth lesson. The fifth lesson was Maths. It was easy. Art was the sixth lesson. It was quiet. . Answer the questions. What was the first lesson? The first lesson was Where was the flower? ite Which lesson was interesting? When were the children noisy? Which lesson was after break? 9 Which lesson was easy? pees ee Nauawn ‘What was the sixth lesson? Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. next to behind between _ in front of 1 -— The house is_______ the trees. Zz i—. The boy is _______ the boat. 3 § The girl ________________her father. 4 2 The elephant is ________________ the tree. D 7) Look at the pictures. Listen and draw lines. There is one example. Where was Kelly last week? | Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday leer Saturday sunday

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