Lampiran Control Class's Lesson Plan PDF

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Meeting 1

Read the text and answer thequestions below!

Once upon a time there was a prince. He was good looking and very rich.
He lived in a beautiful castle together with his staffs and servants.

One rainy dark night, a woman came to his castle. She was old and ugly.
The prince didnt like her and sent her away. After he sent the woman away, she
turned into a beautiful fairy. She cast a spell over the prince and his castle. The
prince became a beast. He was no longer good looking. He looked very ugly
instead and all his servants turned into furniture.

One day, an old man named Maurice was traveling past the castle. lt was
raining so hard that he decided to enter the castle. When the Beast saw him, he
captured him. After some time, Maurices daughter, Belle, began to worry about
him. She started to look for him. Finally, she arrived in the castle and she found
her father there. She asked the Beast to let her father go but he refused. Belle,
then, agreed to stay in the castle so that her father could go home.

While Belle was staying at the castle, the Beast slowly changed. He was
not mean anymore. Belle began to like him and finally they fell in love with each
other. Right after she declared her love for him the spell was broken. The Beast
and his servants became human again. Then, the Beast and Belle got married.
They lived happily ever after.

A. Answer the questions below!

1. What is the purpose of the text?
2. Who are the characters of the story?
3. Who is Maurice?
4. When the spell was broken?
5. They lived happily ever after. (The last sentence at the last paragraph)
They refers to ...

B. Key answer
1. To entertain the readers
2. The Beast, Belle, Maurice, and the old woman
3. Because the merchant has stolen his rose
4. When Belle declared her love
5. The Beast and Beauty

Meeting 2

Read the text and answer thequestions below!

Long, long time ago on the island of Simbau, in the Sulawesi Sea, there
lived a king and his beautiful daughter. The princess was not only beautiful, but
she was also wise and kind.

Many princes wanted to marry the kings daughter and this made the king
confused. He, then, announced a contest: whoever presented the princess with the
most valuable gift would marry her.

Takatuliang, a poor woodcarver, wanted to join the contest but he was so

poor that he had nothing to present. Then, he went far into the forest. There he
choose the best tree and carved it into a doll. Next, he took an old piece of cloth
and sewed it into a dress for the doll. After that, he cut his own hair and glued it to
the dolls head.

On the day of the contest, all of the prince gathered before the king and the
princess. One by one, they presented their gifts: diamonds, silk, gold, jewelry.
Then came Takatuliangs turn.

What do you have?asked the princess.

I bring only a doll, said Takatuliang softly.

How many dolls like this do you have? asked the princess again.

Only this one. I carved it myself and decorated it with my own hair and my
fathers old cloth. He died and this is the only thing he left me. answered

The princess was very touched to hear Takatuliangs story. She decided to
marry Takatuliang because he had presented her everything he had. Together,
Takatuliang and the princess lived happily ever after.

A. Answer the questions below!

1. What is the function of the text?
2. How is the princess characteristic?
3. What is the gift that Takatuliang gave for the princess?
4. Why the princess decided to marry with Takatuliang?
5. What is the resolution in the story?
B. Key answer
1. To entertain the readers
2. She is beautiful, wise, and kind
3. The doll
4. Because Takatuliang had presented her everything he had
5. The princess was very touched to hear Takatuliangs story. She decided to
marry Takatuliang because he had presented her everything he had. Together,
Takatuliang and the princess lived happily ever after.

Meeting 3

Read the text and answer thequestions below!

Once upon a time, there lived a gentleman, who after his beautiful and
kind wife died, married the proudest and meanest woman in all the land. She had
two daughters from a previous marriage who were just as nasty and haughty as
their mother. The gentleman also had a young daughter by another wife named
Cinderella, who was filled with goodness and was one of the sweetest girls the
kingdom had ever seen. Cinderellas stepmother was extremely jealous of her
beauty and made her do the hardest and most dreadful work in the house.

Cinderella did the dishes, scrubbed the floor and made the bed all while her step-
sisters rested on fancy beds had fun playing dress-up.

Now it so happened that the Kings son decided to give a ball, inviting all
the young ladies in the land to attend. Cinderellas step-mother and step-sisters
were delighted, and would talk of nothing but the ball all day long. They sent for
the greatest designers in the kingdom to ensure that they looked their best.
Cinderella offered to help them get ready for the ball for she had excellent taste
and despite how her step-sisters treated her, she always gave them the best advice.

As she helped them, the eldest sister asked, Cinderella, are you not going
to the ball? Cinderella sadly lowered her head and said, No, youre only teasing
me because I have nothing to wear and wouldnt fit in. Perhaps I could borrow
something? Lend our clothes to such a dirty Cinderwench? Were not fools!
they exclaimed. The sisters laughed cruelly and said, You would make everyone
laugh at the sight of you, you Cinderwench! When the big day finally came,
Cinderella accompanied her step-mother and step-sisters to the Court, and
couldnt help but burst into tears as she watched them enter the beautiful ball.

As she wept, Cinderellas fairy godmother appeared. Cinderella, why are

you crying? she asked. You wish to attend the ball, is that not so? Yes, cried
Cinderella, between sobs. The fairy godmother smiled and said, Well, run into
the garden and bring me a pumpkin. Cinderella immediately went to get the
finest pumpkin she could find.
When she brought it, her godmother struck the pumpkin with her wand, instantly
turning it into a fine coach, plated with gold and silver. Next, she had Cinderella
find some mice, and when she brought the furry little creatures back the fairy
godmother tapped them each with her wand, turning them into six fine horses and
a coachman. Well what do you say? Do you still think you are not able to attend
the ball? asked her godmother. Oh yes! cried Cinderella, but should I go
looking like this, in these rags? Her godmother only touched her with her wand
and instantly Cinderellas rags turned into a dress of white and silver, sparkling
with jewels.

To top it off, fairy godmother gave Cinderella a pair of glass slippers, the
prettiest in the whole world. The spell only lasts until midnight, so promise you
will leave the ball before then, warned the Godmother. Cinderella promised to
return before midnight, thanked her again and drove off to the ball.

When Cinderella made her entrance, the dancing and music stopped as
everyone turned to gaze at her beauty. No one recognized her, she was a complete
The Prince rushed up to greet her, led her to the most honorable seat by his side
and later took her out for a dance. Cinderella even made time to approach her
step-sisters, who still did not recognize her, and shared some of the oranges the
prince had presented to her as a gift. The Prince never left her side, and Cinderella
was enjoying herself so much that she completely forgot the time!

When the clock struck midnight, Cinderella was shocked and fled
immediately, leaving one of her glass slippers behind in her haste. The Prince ran
to follow her, but only managed to pick up the glass slipper she left behind.
Cinderella managed to get home, but was quite out of breath and in her dirty old
clothes. She was resting in bed when her two step-sisters stumbled into her room.
You stayed really late! cried Cinderella, rubbing her eyes and stretching as if
she had been sleeping. If you had been there you would have seen the most
beautiful princess, exclaimed the eldest sister, she was so nice to us and had the
undivided attention of the Prince. Her background is a mystery and the Prince
would give anything to know who she was, said the youngest.

A few days later the Prince declared that he would marry the woman
whose foot fit in the slipper. His soldiers began to try the slipper on all the
princesses and duchesses in the Court, but it was all in vain. Days later, it was
brought to the two sisters who tried with all their might to make the slipper fit.
Cinderella, who saw this, politely asked to try it. Her sisters burst out laughing at
the idea, but the Prince ordered that everyone in the kingdom should have a try.
When Cinderellas foot slid perfectly into the slipper, her sisters were astonished.

Cinderellas fairy godmother appeared and with the flick of her wand

turned Cinderella into the beautiful girl from the ball. The step-sisters dropped to
their knees and begged for forgiveness for the awful way they treated her over the
years. Cinderella lifted them up and embraced them, saying she forgave them with
all her heart. Cinderella was then escorted to the Prince, dressed as beautiful as
she was at the ball. A few days later they were married.

A. Answer the questions below!

1. Who are the main characters of the story?
2. How is the characteristic of Cinderella?
3. They sent for the greatest designers in the kingdom to ensure .....
(Paragraph 4) The underlined word They refers to ...
4. When the spell would end?
5. What is the ending of the story?
B. Key answer
1. Cinderella, Cinderellas step mother, Cinderellas step sisters, and the
2. Beautiful and kind
3. Cinderellas step mother and Cinderellas step sisters
4. The spell would end at the midgnight
5. The prince and Cinderella married

Meeting 4

Read the text and answer thequestions below!

Long time ago in a house that overlooked a beautiful garden lived a

childless couple. They prayed to God every day to bless them with a child. One
day they found that God had answered their prayer. They were at long last going
to have a baby!

Their days passed in happiness but alas! the wife fell ill. She would eat
nothing and the husband was worried that she would waste away. He tried to
tempt her with many good things but she refused everything. But you must eat
something, my dear, he begged her. There is a herb called Rapunzel in the

garden next door. I will feel better if I can eat that, she said. The husbands heart
sank when he heard her. This garden was owned by a wicked witch who would let
no one enter. But he loved his wife very much and so with a pounding heart, he
decided to go into the garden at a time when the witch was away. One day,
finding an appropriate time he went into the gar den. He had managed to pluck the
herb but as he was about to leave, the wicked witch came back. You thief! How
dare you enter my garden? she screamed. She threatened to put a curse on him.
He fell at her feet and begged, Please dont curse me. If my wife doesnt eat this
herb, she will die. She is going to have a baby and is very ill. The witch stopped
to think awhile. I will let you go on one condition. You will give me the baby
after its born. The poor man had no other way out but to agree.

He took the herb to his wife and miraculously she soon recovered and
gave birth to a beautiful girl. But as per the agreement the witch came to take the
baby away. She took Rapunzel for thats what she named her far away and locked
her in a high tower. The tower had no doors or stairs. There was only a window
on top. The only person whom Rapunzel ever saw was the wicked witch.
Rapunzel grew up to become beautiful with pretty eyes, a beautiful voice, and her
golden hair grew very, very long. All day long, when Rapunzel was alone, she
would sing and weep. Every day, the wicked witch came to the tower with food.
She stood at the bottom of the tower and shouted. Rapunzel! Rapunzel! Let your
hair down! Rapunzel would drop her long, braided hair through the window. The
witch used the hair as a rope to climb into the tower.

One day, a handsome prince was passing by and heard her sing. He fell in
love with her voice and unknown to all came to the tower every day to hear her
sing. One day, the prince saw the witch climbing up the tower using Rapunzels
hair. The next day, the prince too called out to Rapunzel. Let down your hair, he
said. The prince climbed to the top of the tower. After that, the prince came to
meet Rapunzel every night. The witch soon discovered the prince with Rapunzel.
She pushed him from the tower in to a thorny bush, making him blind. She
banished Rapunzel into the desert far away.

Many years passed. The blind prince wandered alone and finally reached
the same desert. One day, he heard familiar voice singing. Following the sound he
found her. They hugged each other in joy. Tears of happiness rolled down
Rapuzels cheek. As the tears fell on the princes eyes, he regained his vision. The
prince took Rapunzel to his kingdom and they lived happily ever after.

A. Answer the questions below!

1. How the witch could climb the tower?
2. There was someone who fell in love with Rapunzels voice, who is he?
3. Why the witch was angry with Rapunzel?
4. When the Prince regained his vision again?
5. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
B. Key answer
1. The witch used the hair as a rope to climb into the tower.
2. The prince
3. Because she discovered Rapunzel with the prince in the tower
4. After the Rapunzels tears fell on the princes eyes
5. Rapunzel and the prince happily ever after

Meeting 5

Read the text and answer thequestions below!

Bawang Putih lived with her stepmother and her stepsister, Bawang
Merah. Bawang Putihs mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried
another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after
that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putihs life so sad. Her stepmother and
her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the
household chores.

One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river.

Accidentally, her mothers clothes were washed away by the river. She was really
worried so she walked along the riverside to find the clothes. Finally she met an
old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to
Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang

Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned
the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two
pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was bigger. Bawang Putih
had to choose one.

Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After
thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home,
her stepmother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all
day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the
pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed
it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found

Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the
water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big
pumpkin, the stepmother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as
Bawang Putihs experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She
threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the
old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused
and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin.

The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy.
She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly
smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of
snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes
would bite them. Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to
Bawang Putih. And God didnt like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih,
said Bawang Merah.

Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang
Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided
to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.

A. Answer the questions below!

1. What is the purpose of the text?

2. How many the main characteristics in the story? Who are they?
3. Which the paragraph that cointains complication?
4. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. (Paragraph 4)
The underlined word she refers to ...
5. What the resolution of the story?
B. Key answer
1. To entertain the readers
2. Four, they are Bawang Putih, Bawang Merah, Bawang Merahs mother,
and the old woman
3. Paragraph 2-5
4. Bawang Merah
5. Finally Bawang Merah and her mother realized their mistakes. They
apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor
anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money
for their daily lives.

A. Pedoman Penilaian
1. Untuk tiap nomor, tiap jawaban benar skor 2
2. Jumlah skor maksimal 2 x 5 = 10
3. Nilai maksimal = 10
4. Nilai Siswa = x10

B. Rubrik Penilaian

Uraian Skor

Menjawab dan benar 2

Menjawab dan salah 1
Tidak menjawab 0

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