Mobile Assisted Language Learning 2

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Mobile Assisted Language

Presented by Duo and Nannan
The Effect of MALL on Pre-intermediate EFL Learners
Writing Performance
1. Introduction

Technology has the potential to make language learning more enjoyable and bring
more effectiveness to it.

Mobile devices have become integrated with daily lives through the process of
domestication (Ling & Donner, 2009).

Using IT to foster collaborative communication among students has been shown to

foster proficiency in all language skill areasspeaking, writing, reading, and
listening, including intercultural communication (Jin & Erben, 2007).

The present study aims to investigate the influence of Viber application as a kind of
technology on learners writing based on process approach.
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL)

Mobile learning advantages:

increase individuals learning time by exploiting small amounts of time and space for learning
reduce the psychological distance in formal language learning situations
Mobile learning disadvantages:
smaller screen and limited input methods
exhibit some psychological barriers making mobile learning into the mainstream
Previous Research in Mobile Devices, SMS, mobile-phone-based email, podcasting, mobile phone Web
browsers, apps

Product-Oriented Approach to Writing: traditional approach-mimic a model text

emphasize raising students awareness, especially in grammatical structures
focus on the final product-coherent, error-free text and
students initiate, copy and transform models provided by textbooks or by teachers
Process-Oriented Approach to Writing
focus on the steps involved in drafting and redrafting a piece of work (different stages that writers go
concern about discovering what writers do when they write, by focusing on different stages that the
writers will go through
emphasize the view of writing as a process of developing organization as well as meaning
But in spite of all its advantages, lack of a good model can be seen as a drawback in this approach.
MALL and Writing Performance
Challenge: finding ways to utilize available technologies to create a smooth combination of physical spaces
and virtual environments
Given the importance of the skill of writing and the great potential of MALL in educational contexts in
general and EFL context in particular the present study seeks to explore the impact of Viber application as a
kind of technology on learners writing performance.

Research Question and Hypothesis

In order to address the objective of the current study, the following research question was formulated:
Does MALL have any significant impact on Iranian pre-intermediate EFL learners writing
In line with the above-mentioned research question the hereunder null hypothesis was formed:
MALL does not have a significant impact on Iranian pre-intermediate learners writing performance.
2. Participants

random selection of students-a proficiency test

30 female (mono gender-rule of institute) EFL learners (native speakers of Persian)

15-21 years old

studying General English in one of the major English institutes in Tehran, Iran

pre-intermediate learners (the interview and PET proficiency test)

two equal homogenous groups-scores in the institutes PET test (quantity, 15 each)


control group
3. Instrumentation
The instruments adopted by the researcher are as follows:
b. PET
PET test (proficiency test)
screen the subjects
homogenize them based on their level of proficiency
The test was including reading, listening, writing, speaking and grammar and vocabulary.
Two writing tests (composition) were used for pre-intermediate levels as pretest and posttest.
A scoring rubric was used to provides quantitative data.
pre/post-test were scored by the researcher and proficient raters
developed by Ferris and Hedgcock (1998)-allows examination of writings at three important levels of
writing qualities, namely, content, organization and vocabulary
Excellent (7-8), Good (5-6), Fair (3-4), and Poor (1-2); the total score for writing is 24 points
Inter-rater reliability: to investigate the reliability of the data, one tenth of the data was scored by
another scorer and the inter-rater reliability was computed.
4. Procedure

The experimental group and control group received the parallel treatments; the same method; the same teacher.
Each term-15 sessions; two times a week; each session-90 minutes
Process-Oriented Approach to writing-different genres of writing: description, argumentation, grammar and
To study the impact of using technology on teaching writing
the experimental subjects were joined in a Viber application group and their training was on the Viber group
the control group was trained at traditional classes
At the beginning of every week, the teacher introduced a topic for both groups
the experimental learners put their opinion about the topics on the Viber group
the control group proceeded with traditional assignment, in which they require to perform writing tasks
The teacher encouraged them to support each topic sentence by providing examples, statement of authority, statistics
Subjects were aiming to write the most relevant materials and ideas concerning the selected topic
The collected data from both groups were analyzed.
A post-test writing showed the impact of treatment and using technology on experimental and control groups
writing performance.
5. Data analysis
Analysis of the pre-test (composition) scores

The values of the means of the experimental and control group are near to each other.
the mean of experimental group is 14.53 with standard deviation amount of 2.446
the mean of control group is 14.80 with standard deviation amount of 2.704;
We can conclude that
both groups are homogenous (Table .1)
the difference between standard deviations of both control and experimental groups is a small amount.
p-value equals 0.779 which is higher than the significant level of 0.05
The two groups were not significantly different in terms of writing performance prior to the treatment.
5. Data analysis
Analysis of the post-test (composition) scores

The mean score is mostly increased in posttests of experimental group in comparison to their pretests.
Independent t-test was used to see whether the treatment was effective or not.
The means of both groups have improved through the treatment.
The mean of control group in posttest has increased in comparison to their pretest.
The mean of experimental group has increased.
The experimental group improvement is higher than control group in posttest.
This is a good indication that the students have almost improved after the treatment. (p-value is .002 < the
significance level of 0.05)
6. Discussions

There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores in experimental group.
There is a significant difference between the posttest scores in control and experimental group; posttest scores
in experimental group were higher than control group.

The results show that

teaching through technology improves writing skill of EFL learners
the students in experimental group was able to use grammar and vocabulary more effective
the students used Smartphones appropriately as an extra instrument for learning L2
the null hypothesis that MALL has no impact on Iranian pre-intermediate learners writings is rejected
using smart phone applications such as Viber has significant effect on writing skill of Iranian pre-
intermediate learners
7. Conclusion-MALL

give more benefits to students in terms of sharing their writing in an interactive social environment (peer-to-
peer knowledge sharing and acquisition)
motivate the students to improve their writing skills
reduce anxiety (anonymity & peer pressure)
make students with low willingness to communicate participate more
offer an opportunity for storing the conversation for grading purposes
increase the personal and social interaction via high-level writing.
increase the childrens feelings of self-efficacy, self-regulation, and liking for writing
Effects of Mobile Game-Based English Vocabulary Learning
APP on Learners Perceptions and Learning Performance: A
Case Study of Taiwanese EFL Learners
1. Introduction
Previous studies-vocabulary size plays a key role in EFL learning process
Repetition strategy-most widely-used strategy for vocabulary learning
Repetition strategy may make learners passive, or even indifferent, to their vocabulary learning
With the rapid development of information and communication technology (ICT), mobile game-based learning
(MGBL) has been considered as a promising scheme for assisting learners in successfully acquiring and retaining
This study assesses the effects of utilizing PHONE Words (a novel mobile English vocabulary learning APP) as a
learning tool on learners perceptions and learning performance.
with game-related functions (MEVLA-GF)
without game-related functions (MEVLA-NGF),
2. Research Design

This study adopts the PHONE words, a novel mobile English vocabulary learning APP with game-related
functions (MEVLA-GF).
This study aims to assess the effects of utilizing MEVLA-GF or MEVLA-NGF as an assisted learning tool on
facilitating vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary retention, and learners perceptions.
the experimental group with MEVLA-GF
the control group with MEVLA-NGF
The vocabulary acquisition & retention was assessed through pretest, posttest, and delayed posttest.
randomly got from New TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide III published by Educational Testing
Service (ETS)
have the same difficulty level and degree of discrimination
A questionnaire-the learners perceptions of using MEVLA-GF or MEVLA-NGF
The log files obtained from the usage behaviors of experimental group learners are also adopted to support data
This study assess effects of treatment on promoting vocabulary acquisition, vocabulary retention, and learners
3. Experiment Procedure

The experimental treatment (four-week) with portable learning tools

conducted in autonoumous mobile learning context
with no strict time restrictions; at least five hours per week (to avoid poor learning performance)
Before performing the experimental treatment,
randomly assign the participants as the experimental group and control group
A vocabulary pretest-evaluate their original vocabulary levels
the pretest results and gender-the prerequisite or criterion for establishing two evenly-distributed
A vocabulary posttest-at the end of the four-week experimental treatment
A two-week delayed vocabulary posttest for evaluating participants vocabulary retention.
both the MEVLA-GF and MEVLA-NGF contained the same official TOEIC word list released by ETS
A questionnaire-elicit the participants perceptions and attitudes-MEVLA-GF or MEVLA-NGF
the questionnaire was used to further reveal the participants general perspectives of using MEVLA-GF
or MEVLA-NGF as a vocabulary learning tool
4. Participants

The target research population of this study is Taiwanese young adult EFL learners
Twenty Taiwanese sophomore students (10 male & 10 female) from the Colleges of Liberal Arts at
National Chengchi University (NCCU) were recruited as the research participants.
The recruited participants were divided into two evenly-distributed groups based on the group-assigning
Their gender
original vocabulary levels-pretest
Two evenly-distributed groups-aims to minimize the possible interference
participants dissimilar vocabulary levels
their gender difference
The experimental group with MEVLA-GF for vocabulary learning
The control group with MELVA-NGF for vocabulary learning
5. Research Instruments
Functions of the PHONE Words: word list, customized word list, pre-established learning path, traditional
assessment, gamified assessment, and ranking among friends

MEVLA-GF-word list
alphabetical manner
definition of words; pronunciation of words; example sentences
with audio clips
mark words-be put into customized word list for reviewing
Vocabularies in customized word list
traditional assessment
gamified assessment.
Pre-established learning path offered by MEVLA-GF
finish the task assigned to each day
pass the assessment either traditional assessment or gamified one
be granted a course badge and move on to the next task
give them a higher ranking on ranking among friends
5. Research Instruments

Two types of self-assessmenttraditional assessment and gamified assessment are provided by PHONE Words with
game-related functions.

Three vocabulary games are offered by

Tic-Tac-Toe; Tug-of-VOC; Star VOC
MEVLA-GF-a game competition mechanism
Ranking is based on three dimensions:
number of vocabulary stickers, familiar
words, and course badges granted from pre-
established learning path.
Learners can see the three dimensions of the
other learners have received.
This function is to provide learners with a
sense of competition and extrinsic learning
6. Vocabulary Tests

Questions from New TOEIC Official Test-Preparation Guide III, the official test-preparation guide
incomplete sentences
text completion
The vocabulary tests of the study aim to assess the participants original vocabulary level prior to the
experimental treatment.
Pretest-results as the group-assigning criterion for two evenly-distributed groups
Immediate posttest aims to evaluate the difference in vocabulary acquisition
the last day of the experimental treatment
examine the participants vocabulary gains
Delayed posttest aims to assess the difference in vocabulary retention
two week
evaluate the participants vocabulary retention
the content of the delayed posttest was identical with that of the immediate posttest
the order and answer sets of questions were rearranged
7. Questionnaire Survey & Log Files
A questionnaire survey was conducted to evaluate the participants perspectives and attitudes toward using the
distributed MEVLA-GF or MEVLA-NGF for vocabulary learning.
last day of the experimental treatment
three sections of the questionnaire
a. elicit the demographic information of the participants to enable this to further analyze data
obtained from the experimental process
b. consist of three dimensions-effectiveness, usability, and satisfaction
each dimension contains five corresponding questions
express their perspectives in a five-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly agree to
strongly disagree
c. compose of four open-ended questions to elicit participants opinions, problems, or suggestions
Log files only recorded the learners click times and usage time of game-related functions of the experimental
confirm whether significant correlations existed among learners usage behaviors of MEVLA-GF and
their learning performance
8. Experimental Results

1. Research participants

Twenty Taiwanese sophomore students were asked to take a vocabulary pretest

Considering the participants gender and original vocabulary levels-twenty participants were randomly
assigned into two evenly-distributed groups
the experimental group
the control group.
The experimental group and control group performed vocabulary learning respectively supported by MEVLA-
GF and MEVLA-NGF for vocabulary learning.
8. Experimental Results
2. Comparisons of vocabulary learning performance between two groups

To assess learning performance of the participants in each group, analyses of the vocabulary test results
between two groups were conducted-the descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Analytical pretest scores show that either group had similar prior knowledge of the target words as well
as equivalent original vocabulary level.
The mean posttest score of experimental group was significantly higher than that of control group.
The mean delayed posttest score of experimental group was also significantly higher than that of
control group.
Analytical results confirm that the vocabulary learning performance of experimental group is significantly
superior to that of control group no matter posttest or delayed posttest.
8. Experimental Results

3. Results of questionnaire survey

A questionnaire aims to investigate the participants perceptions and attitudes toward the use of the distributed
MEVLA-GF as a vocabulary learning tool.
The questionnaire consisted of three dimensions-effectiveness, usability, and satisfaction
Results of descriptive statistics and Wilcoxon signed rank test
Analytical results show that the mean score of effectiveness dimension of experimental group was
significantly higher than that of control group.
The mean score of satisfaction dimension of experimental group was also significantly higher than that
of control group.
The mean score of usability dimension of experimental group was not significantly different from that
of control group.
8. Experimental Results
Correlations among usage behaviors of mevla-gf and learning performance in the experimental group

To confirm whether significant correlations existed among the usage behaviors of MEVLA-GF and learning
Pearson correlation analysis was conducted in this study
Correlation analysis was conducted only on log files of the experimental group
Since game-related functions were removed from the mobile vocabulary learning APP assigned to the
learners of the control group
With regard to correlations among vocabulary acquisition and usage behaviors of MEVLA-GF
significant positive correlations exist, including usage time, total click times, pre-established learning
path, gamified assessment and ranking among friends.
significant negative correlation exists between vocabulary acquisition and traditional assessment
Neither word list nor customized word list was confirmed significant correlations.
In terms of correlations among vocabulary retention and usage behaviors of MEVLA-GF,
significant positive correlations exist-usage time, total click times, pre-established learning path, gamified
assessment, and ranking among friends
significant negative correlation exists in traditional assessment
no significant correlation exists either in word list or in customized word list
9. Conclusions

The study confirmed that MEVLA-GF achieved its educational goal and effectively assists learners in improving
their vocabulary learning performance.
MEVLA-GF is effectively assisting learners in retaining acquired vocabulary
MEVLA-GF can effectively facilitate vocabulary retention
Questionnaire survey indicated that experimental group learners had higher satisfaction than control group
MEVLA-GF contributes to higher effectiveness and higher satisfaction
Significant positive correlations between gamification-related functions of MEVLA-GF and learning
Significant negative correlation between traditional assessment and learning outcomes existed
The result showed that time invested in gamification-related functions of MEVLA-GF generates positive
influence on promoting learners learning performance.
This study concluded that MEVLA-GFwhen thoughtfully devisedcan be a viable, promising learning-
assisting tool for facilitating English vocabulary learning.
Yen, L., Chen, C., & Huang, H. (2016). Effects of mobile game-based english vocabulary learning APP on learners' perceptions and
learning performance: A case study of taiwanese EFL learners. International Conference on e-Learning, 255.

Estarki, N. K., & Bazyar, M. (2016). The effect of MALL on pre-intermediate EFL learners' writing performance.
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences, 5(2), 406.

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