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To: Professor Marchesseault

From: Bryanna Samuels

Date: Monday, February 13, 2017
Subject: Self-Assessment and Impression Management

Dear Professor Marchesseault,

Per your request, I have conducted a self-assessment to evaluate my personal brand and career
goals. This document will inform you on my self assessment and impression management. This
document begins with the findings of my self-assessment. Then it explores how I use the
findings to build my professional network and attain my goal of working in an investment bank.

Earlier this semester I participated in a Career Leader Assessment which used my interests,
motivators and skills to evaluate my personality and determine my future career success. The
results of my fundamental personality dimensions states that I rank in the middle for
collaboration and consideration, extraversion and decisiveness and precision and planning. In the
last category, I rank low for innovation and change. Using the self-assessment and personal
reflection, I determined that my values include trust, positivity, professionalism and attention to
detail. I use these values as a foundation for building effective relationships.

Target Professional Audiences

Building professional relationships based on my values of trust, positivity, professionalism and
attentiveness has been instrumental in working towards my career goal. I did this with three
target audiences. First, I built a solid relationship with Jeff Welter, the Wall Street Career Coach.
Second, I used these values to establish an effective relationship with my summer internship
supervisors and mentors. Lastly, I developed collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships
with my business communications, marketing and management teammates. Applying my values
to my professional relationships helped me to build strong successful connections which in turn,
helped me to learn, grow and work towards my goal of working in an investment bank.

Ideal Perception
Based on my values, I shaped my ideal perception for each target audience. My objective was to
be perceived as trustworthy, positive, professional and detail-oriented by my target audiences.
Once I established this perception, I was able to connect with my target audiences in several
ways including soliciting career advice from my coach, obtaining a summer internship, securing
a return job offer and working cooperatively with my teammates.

Current Communication & Next Steps

Currently, I communicate with all three target audiences through email, phone calls and
meetings. To help reinforce my ideal perception or personal brand, I will continue to use all three
communication methods. I will also use appropriate language and terminology, uphold my
commitments and focus on the details. These actions will allow me to strengthen my networks
and position me on the path towards achieving my goal of becoming an investment banker.
In summary, this document outlines my values and how I use them to shape my personal brand.
Through my personal brand, I am building lasting and strong connections with my professional
networks, including my career coach, Jeff Welter, my supervisor and mentor and my team
members. These connections provide me with critical career advice and mentorship to achieve
my goal of becoming an investment banker. If you would like to discuss the information in this
document in more detail, please email me at

Bryanna Samuels

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