Journal4 Communication

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Journal 4- School Communication and Wellness

Jason Mclester
March 27, 2017
Brooke Christie


Communication with the parents of the students in my practicum school is very strong. In

my practicum school, parents are really involved and in the know about what the students and

teachers are up to in the school. Specifically in my classroom, my students have agendas that

have notes written in them daily and they are taken home. When the students return the next day,

they are supposed to show the teacher that their parents signed the agenda, this is for the teacher

to make sure that the parent received the note. Examples of notes that are left in the student's

agendas are things such as the students homework or assignments they have missed for whatever

reason, upcoming school activities such as assemblies or bake sales, and, if necessary, possible



This way of communicating with the parents is working very well for my practicum

classroom. The students have their agendas signed everyday that I have been there, which means

their parents are receiving the messages intended for them. There is a lot of communication

between the parents and Ms. Kimenius over the phone and parent visits as well, as Ms. Kimenius

really encourages face-to-face communication so both her and the parents can really understand

how each other are feeling and what they are trying to say. She believes that although notes are
effective, it is sometimes difficult to read how a person is really saying something (picking up on

their emotions). Every week Ms. Kimenius is supposed to pick a student that has been working

extra hard throughout the week to not only get their work done, but to also help out around the

classroom and being supportive of their classmates. This student is called student of the week,

and Ms. Kimenius makes sure the parent of the student knows their child has been picked so the

parent can attend the assembly and see their child receive their award. Parent involvement in

their child's education is very important. The more supportive and involved parents are in their

child's education, the greater the odds that their child will be successful (Mims, 2013).


In my own classroom I intend to have a strong sense of communication with my students

parents. I truly believe it is very important for parents to be involved in their childs education

and to be informed with what activities are going on in the school. Since their child spends

almost everyday in their school, it is important that the parent knows what is going on. I believe

agendas are a great way to keep in touch with the parents, so I intend on using agendas in my

practice. I also believe that the communication with other teachers is very important, and I intend

to have a strong sense of communication with my coworkers. As a teacher, it is vital that we do

not isolate ourselves and that we allow ourselves to grow and expand our knowledge with our

fellow teachers. Collaboration is a great way to improve how we teach.

Mims, Lisa. 2013. Old School or New School, Keep Parents Involved.

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