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Natural Rubber


1.(a) Table 1.1 shows the result of two sets of experiment to investigate the coagulation of latex.
Jadual 1.1 menunjukkan keputusan bagi dua set eksperimen untuk menyiasat penggumpalan getah

Set Type of solution added Jenis Observation

larutan ditambahkan Pemerhatian

I Latex + solution X Latex coagulate very fast

Susu getah + larutan X Susu getah menggumpal dengan cepat
II Latex + solution Y Latex does not coagulate
Susu getah + larutan Y Susu getah tidak menggumpal
Table 1.1/Jadual 6.1

(i) Suggest one possible substance for solution X. and Y

Cadangkan satu bahan yang mungkin bagi larutan X dan Y
[2 marks]

(ii) Explain the process of coagulation of latex in set I

Terangkan proses penggumpalan susu getah dalam set I
[4 marks]

(iii) Explain why latex does not coagulate in set II

Terangkan mengapa susu getah tidak menggumpal dalam set II.
[2 marks]
2. Diagram 2 shows the conversion of latex to compound X.

Latex process 1 Natural Rubber process ll

a) Name process 1 and ll (2 marks)

b) Name a achemical that can be used to carry out process 1 ( 1 marks)

c) Name compound X (1 marks)

d) State two differences in physical properties between natural rubber and compound X ( 2marks)

e) How is process ll is carried out in the industry? (1 marks)

f) (i) Name a chemical that can be used to retain latex in the liquid form.(1 marks)

(ii) Explain the function of the chemical named in (i) (1 marks)

g) Give one use of compound X ( 1 marks)

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