I Search

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Mount Sutro Apartments

480 Warren Dr
San Francisco, CA 94131


surgery. Neurosurgeon


treatdiseasessuchasepilepsy.Iamverypassionateaboutmyjoband ProficientinJava
thewellbeingofmyclients.Notonlyhaveadonesurgeries,butIalso Impressiveconstructional
doresearchduringmyfreetime.Iamexperiencedandpassionateabout andthree-dimensional
whatIdoandamalwaysreadyincaseachallengeshowsup. orientation



Iperformedsurgeriesonthebrainandspinalcordtoremovetumors, CodmanNeurotraumaand
relievechronicpainandtreatwounds,andtreatdiseasessuchas CriticalCareFellowship

NeurologicalSurgeryResidencyProgram,UCSFResident MahaleyClinicalResearch
February2035-March2043 Award

Iworkedasaresidentwithstudentsduringtheirresidencyfor RonaldL.BittnerAward
journeytobecomingsuccessfulneurosurgeons. LANGUAGES

KaiserPermanente,PetalumaCAKPLaunch Fluent:English,Spanish,


UniversityofCalifornia,SanFranciscoBachelor SecondChanceatLife
2019-2022 Givingbrainsurgeries
allowedmetosucceedandtransferintoMedicalSchoolpreparedand OnceayearaBelen
experienced.UCSFisacollectionofdedicatedscientists,clinicians, Altamiranoandherteam
studentsandstaffwhoshareacommondrivetomaketheworldabetter traveltheworldandgive
placebyadvancinghealthandthehumancondition.Careand peopleinneedfreebrain
compassionareascriticalasscienceanddiscoveryinfulfillingour surgeriesandgivethema
missiontodrivechange,andmakeadifferenceforindividualpatients secondchanceatlife.










Belen Altamirano

Mrs. Gardner

English 10H

14 March 2017

The Reflection

The I-Search Project has been one of the funnest and eye-opening and inspiring. Ever since sixth grade when

my teacher, Mrs. Sali, talked to us about the brain I knew I wanted to work in something that had to do with the brain.

My five minute interview with Dr. Ullman had me so nervous but it was very fun interviewing her. Through this

project I have figured out some ideas on where I want to go after high school and what I have to do to get there.

Through doing research about the career, interviewing Dr. Ullman, and looking at schools and jobs I have been

inspired to pursue a career as a neurosurgeon.

Since sixth grade I have wanted to become a neurosurgeon but it wasnt until this project that I saw what being

a neurosurgeon truly meant. I found out that you need to take four years of undergraduate school, four years of medical

school, and seven years of residency which in total is fifteen years. Although there is a lot of work that a person

becoming a neurosurgeon must put in, it is also very rewarding being able to give people a second chance at life. I

never knew about the other branches in neurosurgery until doing research. I found something that immediately caught

my attention and I am now aiming toward becoming a neurosurgeon who works with tumors and in epilepsy surgery

(taking off part of the brain). I did read in a few places that neurosurgery isnt for everyone so I decided to look at a

video of a brain being operated on. At first I made a face because I had never seen something like it before; for a

second I was afraid I might not have been able to handle it but to my surprise I became even more interested in

neurosurgery. Something that surprised me was how much I struggled to find female neurosurgeons and after a

conversation with my english teacher, Mrs. Gardner, I realized one of the reasons might be because women have kids

and there is sometimes no room for that when working towards becoming a neurosurgeon. Although a person must

make many sacrifices the career sounds very rewarding. Through my research I have decided that a neurosurgeon is

the career I want to pursue.

For my interview I interviewed Dr. Ullman. At first I was extremely nervous and wasnt to sure what to ask

since it was just going to be a short interview. I liked how honest she was about being a neurosurgeon and how she
talked to me about the obstacles that came with being a neurosurgeon. It was interesting hearing her perspectives like

how she didnt think a job should stop a women from having a family and how much she cared about her daughter. She

talked about sacrifices but also how rewarding her career was. I liked here advice at the end and I made me want to go

and search for more opportunities that could help me reach my goal. At the end I realized that I had become so

engulfed in out short interview that I totally forgot about how nervous I had felt. I think I am still going to contact

more neurosurgeons after this project to expose me to new people and possibly new opportunities.

As a first generation student I dont really have anyone in my family to help guide me through school. Even

though I knew I wanted to become a neurosurgeon I didnt know what came after high school. I am so happy that I

found schools that I want to go to and that I now have a more solid plan for my future. I want to attend UCSF because

that have one of the best programs for becoming a neurosurgeon. For medical school I would like to either go to UCSF

Medical School or Harvard Medical School. I am so glad I found a specific branch in neurosurgery (epilepsy surgery)

that interests me. Although there is a lot of time a person must put into becoming a neurosurgeon, the end result seems

very rewarding. People are literally putting their lives in your hands and I cant think of a greater honor. A

neurosurgeon has to have an additional fifteen years of schooling after high school which might sound like a lot at first

but no matter what those years are going to pass so why not use them to work towards a successful future. I cant wait

for whats in store after high school.

After learning about neurosurgery, interviewing Dr.Ullman, and exploring schools and jobs, there is no doubt

in my mind that I want to work hard to become a neurosurgeon. Through my research I was lucky enough to find just

what I want to do for the rest of my life with is epilepsy surgery and also remove tumors from the brain. I think it is so

incredible being able to work with the brainthe one part that makes a person who they areand be able to give people

another chance at life. I hope to attend UCSF and maybe even Harvard to reach my goal. I am no longer working hard

for a dream, I am now working hard for a future as a neurosurgeon.

Jamie Sue Ullman Interview
Contact Number: (516) 562-4300

1. Q: Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

A: My name is Jamie Sue Ullman and I am a neurosurgeon in New York. I have a
daughter. Last year I attended the 12th NY Symposium on Neurological Emergencies and Neurocritical care.
2. Q: As a woman is it hard having a family and being a neurosurgeon?
A: Yes but luckily the people around me were supportive and understanding, however that didnt
mean it was easy. I still worked very hard. I think that every woman should have a family
and that a career shouldnt stop that. Although being a neurosurgeon is hard it is also very rewarding.
3. Q: How did you overcome the obstacles that came with your job like making your children understand the
sacrifices that came with your job?
A:Being a neurosurgeon means you have to sacrifice some things and face some
obstacles others might not face, but no matter what I am always there for my daughter even
if I might not always be with her.
4. Q: Do you do any other things besides neurosurgery?
A:I am also an associate professor at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine.
5. Q: What advice can you give to someone who wants to become a neurosurgeon?
A: Work hard in school and keep in mind that neurosurgery is not for everyone. I believe
that with hard work and dedication you can accomplish your goal. Always be open and take every opportunity
that comes your way. Maybe try doing an internship to be more exposed to medical careers and see if its right
for you.

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