SCARP Engineer Manual

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Strukton Rolling Stock bv

Van Coulsterweg 11
2952 CB Alblasserdam
The Netherlands

Tel.: +31 (0) 78 683 38 60

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SCARP Engineer manual

Principal : Strukton Rolling Stock

Project number : 325.228
Document number : 325.228/04.7541
Revision number : 0.3
Number of pages : 13
Date : 2013.08.26
Author(s) : Strukton Rolling Stock BV
SCARP Engineer manual


Revision history
Rev. no. Date Description
0.0 2009.11.04 First draft, only sent to Gert
0.1 2010.01.07 Update
0.2 2012.04.26 Updated section on ICP Bootloader
0.3 2013.08.26 Updated for SCARP release 2.1

Attention status Date Initialen Visa

All sheets of this document o for quotation .. .. ..
have one identical revision .. .. ..
o for information
number. In case of modification,
o for approval .. .. ..
all sheets are replaced. A
vertical line in the left margin o released for production 2012.04.26 HG Han Geerligs
may be used to mark the o released for site .. .. ..
modifications of the last .. .. ..
o as built
o cancelled .. .. ..
o replaced by .. .. ..
Created 2009.11.04 NvdB
Modified 2013.08.26 MK Marius Klein
Checked 2012.04.26 HG
Approved 2012.04.26 HG

Strukton Rolling Stock bv Copyright All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying or microfilm without written permission by the author.

Strukton Rolling Stock Van Coulsterweg 11, NL-2952 CB Alblasserdam, The Netherlands

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SCARP Engineer manual


Table of contents
Cover sheet 1

Revision and status sheet 2

1. Purpose of this document 4

1.1 System overview 4
1.2 Audience 4
1.3 Abbreviations 4

2. Relevant documents 4
2.1 Documents of Strukton 4
2.2 Other documents 4

3. Introduction 5

4. Scarp Config Tool 5

5. Starting Scarp, connecting to the boards and loading software 11

6. Upload Bootloader 11
6.1 Upload ICP Bootloader 11
6.2 Upload RIOM Bootloader 14
6.3 Upload RIOM Software 15

7. Registrations 18
7.1 Downloading, viewing and deleting registrations 18
7.2 Analysing registrations 18
7.3 Analysing registrations offline 18

8. Event monitoring 21

9. Variable monitoring 22

10. Monitoring/Editing Parameters 26

11. SCARP Simulator 28

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1. Purpose of this document

1.1 System overview
The purpose of this document is to describe the SCARP functions from an engineer point of view.

1.2 Audience
This document is intended for:
Engineers to use SCARP

1.3 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
SCARP Strukton Communication Analysis and Registration Program

2. Relevant documents

2.1 Documents of Strukton

No. Document Identification

[2.1] SCARP User Manual author : BB
number : 325228_04 7540
revision :*
date :*

2.2 Other documents

No. Document Identification

[3.1] <doc title> author :
number :
revision :
date :

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3. Introduction
The Windows-based program SCARP is a supplement to the drives, auxiliary and TCMS systems of
Strukton-Systems. This program allows the user to communicate with the drive, auxiliary converters or
TCMS system for download of registrations, analyze registrations and configure the drive to meet the
customers requirements. During testing and commissioning the program is used to monitor and check
the drives behaviour.

The program is meant for the customers maintenance crew as well as for the engineers of Strukton-

The communication between drive system and PC/Server is based on Ethernet or Serial

4. Scarp Config Tool

When opening the Scarp Config Tool for the first time, probably the following three error messages are
given because these files cannot be found. Select three times ok.

- The following screen appears, when opening the Scarp Config Tool for the first time probably with
notes of exclamation.

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Set the right directories, as an example:

Scarp config directory: D:\ProductReleases\RELEASE 325\WAG9H SPtype3\SCARP CONFIG

Metric conversion file: D:\ProductReleases\RELEASE 325\WAG9H SPtype3\SCARP

XML Signature Key D:\ProductReleases\RELEASE 325\WAG9H SPtype3\SCARP
(PublicNPrivate): CONFIG\RSAKeyForKeyEncryptionPublicNPrivate.key

Be sure that the Windows Explorer is closed because there is a risk for complete data loss!
The worksheets must be filled from left to right.

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4.1.1 Configuration database tab

- Open D:\ProductReleases\RELEASE 325\WAG9H SPtype3\PAR_DATABASE
- Fill in the right ProjectID.
- Error counters must all be zero 0.

4.1.2 Import parameter, signals, fixations and status bits.

The parameter, signals, fixation and statusbits files from the DSP and MCU can be imported
automatically with the tab Import. For each board and processor enter the directory where the files for
this specific board and processor can be found;

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Click on the Update files button, all the selected directories will be scanned for files; the result is
shown in the lower datagrid. When the correct files are found the import is started with clicking the
button Import;

Binary files are not imported but put in a list for later use.

4.1.3 Import Event and Faults

The Event and Faults must be imported manually, select the tab Events, and click on the button
Import Events.
Follow the same procedure for the Faults.

4.1.4 Add user settings.

When all files are imported the user can add custom setting.

4.1.5 Create & Save Release

- Push button Create release in configuration database worksheet
- Push button Save release. The *.xml files will be made;

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4.1.6 Create Scarp Configuration

- Select the SCARP configuration tab;
- Open D:\ProductReleases\RELEASE 325\WAG9H SPtype3\SCARP CONFIG

For setting the most recent binaries and XML files click on the buttons Use recent binaries and
Use release x.xx.
Alle other files can be entered by clicking on the open button
Click on the save button and select the directory where the configuration must be stored.
When the screen is empty (this can take a few seconds), the configuration is saved to disk an can
be used by the SCARP UI.

5. Starting Scarp, connecting to the boards and loading software

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See the Scarp User Manual [ref 1] for the basic Scarp functions.

6. Upload Bootloader
6.1 Upload Bootloader
For uploading the bootloader a three-wire serial connection with connector X92 and a jumper for
connecting pins 7-8 (RTS-CTS) is needed.
Also a dongle is needed.

For pin connection serial cable see attachment. The connection between pin 7 and 8 is
required to bring the board in programming mode.
Switch off the power supply and connect the serial cable between the PC and the board.
Power up the board.
Select Project->Upload bootloader or type <control>B and go to the left bottom of the screen
to the bootloader section.
Select the correct comport and baudrate.
Leave the bootstraploader field empty. In the bootloader/microcontroller field select the correct
hex file.
Click "start".

If loading fails, switch the power off and back on again and then directly click on "start". This
sometimes helps.
When the watchdog timeout LEDs are flashing:
power off;
remove jumper 7-8;
power on;
push the S to get in Safe mode

The firmware is uploaded successfully when the text hex file programming complete appears in the
text field.

Once the programming has finished switch off the board, remove the connection between pin
7 and 8. Then power on the board again. Wait at least 1-2 minutes before performing a
discovery because it takes some time for the flash to be formatted.

Perform a discovery, you can start discovery with <control>F or <control>W

If the board is discovered one of the following messages can show;

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If required program the board properties. The hardware version for an AMC board is "a04".
Also the projectID needs to be filled in correctly "0000388018". The installation number, board
serienr and MAC address should be filled in according to administration Strukton but are not
important to get the board up and running.

Perform another discovery if required and load the SCARP configuration. The board should be
up and running.

If the board does not start up it may be necessary to format the external flash first. Switch off
the board, and using a terminal program, continuously press the letter "f". Power on the board.
The external flash will now be formatted. Exit the terminal program.

The board properties are still available but are in RAM. With SCARP select Project->Upload
bootloader and save the board properties to external flash.

Do a discovery and program the board.

The Mac address needs to be within the Strukton range. The last two digits (hex) are the same as the
board serial number (dec). Herefore the board serial number must be converted from decimal to
hexadecimal. This is documented in doc 2077PCBAdmin.xls.

In document 2077PCBAdmin.xls also the iButton number has to be filled in.

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6.2 Upload RIOM Bootloader

For uploading the bootloader a PCB 8206 DSI is available.
Also a dongle is needed.
A RIOM extension unit needs to be powered with 5 Vdc. The safest way is to get power via the band
cable from a Riom Base Unit (RBU).

To put the RIOM in programming mode set the switch on the 8206 DSI to load, the switch on the
power supply.

From here see chapter 6.1 Upload Bootloader.

7. Registrations
See SCARP User Manual.

8. Event monitoring
See SCARP User Manual.

9. Variable monitoring
See SCARP User Manual.

10. Monitoring/Editing Parameters

See SCARP User Manual.

11. SCARP Simulator

Start the SCARP Sdu Simulator. The following screen appears

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Start SCARP UI and select cluster C:\Program Files\Strukton Rolling Stock\SCARP Sdu
Simulator\Config (the simulator contains a configuration).
Use <control>W to discover boards, in the Wizard answer Yes to the question Do you know the IP
address of the connected board. Enter in the Board Ip Address.
Click on Finish, after discovery the following screen appears;

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