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Lesson Reflection

Part 1:

Lesson Plan: Matrix Multiplication 4.3

What do you remember from the video on Monday about matrix multiplication?
We had 2 types that they brought up
Scalar: Multiplying the whole matrix by a single value, called a scalar.
Multiplication of 2 matrices
In your groups answer this first example. We are using the same data as we had from
the problem yesterday.
2-3 groups present their answer and how they got it.
Next do example 2 in your groups.
2-3 groups present answer and how they got it
Example 3
The instructions say to solve for the following. What are solving for?
Do this in your groups
2-3 present answer and how they got it
Example 4 as a class.
How am I supposed to do this?
Think about the video from Monday. It had you write the matrices in a
triangular pattern. So you have the first one, a blank one and the second
one above the blank one.
Then draw in lines.
Follow these lines to help you see how to get the product for each
element of the new matrix.
When doing matrix multiplication, you always do row times column and then add
the values.
Dimensions of a Product Matrix
Notice that the middle terms of the matrices must be the same.
If they are not the same then the product is undefined
So in this example matrix A has a dimension of 3x4; matrix B has a dimension
4x2; thus the dimension of its product, AB is 3x4
Example 5
What is the dimension of P?
What is the dimension of Q?
In your groups discuss if PQ and QP are defined or undefined, if so what is the
2-3 groups present answers and how they got it
What did we learn today?
When doing matrix multiplication, what do I add together to get the value of each
element of the product?
If I multiply a matrix by a scalar, what happens to the elements of the matrix?
How do I find the dimension of a Product Matrix?

Part 2: Reflection

Notice Wonder

Evidence of student [4:50] I notice students ask [4:50]I wonder if underlining

procedural multiple times if they are your in the prompt helped
understanding supposed to do this for just them.
their class or all classes, even
though it says so in the
[7:45] I notice the student walks
me through the procedure they
used to solve. [7:35] I wonder how to check
procedural understanding of
more than one student. Many
students seem unwilling to
share answers if they are
[10:15] I notice that I tell [10:15] I wonder if there is a
students to work in their groups way to get students to care less
when one asks if his answer is about being correct and more
correct. I also have noticed that about the math that they are
many of these students care a doing and why they are doing it.
lot about being correct.
[11:10] I notice the student
walking me through what her
group did to get their answer.
[12:40] I notice that students
are discussing in their groups
how to solve the problem by
walking other students through
the problem.
[13:30] I notice that many [13:30] I wonder if instead of
students asked the same just telling them yes thats what
questions on this problem. they should do, if I should have
been more vague and said Try
it even though I felt a little
pressed for time.
[29:40] I notice that the student
asks if they have to do it this
way every time. It is good that
they recognize that there are
other ways to do this.
[30:25] I wonder if repeating
myself over and over really
helps them understand the
[35:05] I notice a student
repeating rows times columns
which shows that they know the
procedure, but does that mean
they understand it?

Evidence of student [7:35] I notice the student is

conceptual able to explain what they did to
understanding get their answer.
[11:10] I wonder why I tell
students to explain how they
got their answers but I never
ask why their answer works.
[24:25] I notice that during this
exercise students are using
ideas from the more procedural
learning we have done so far,
to figure out how to solve the
given questions.
[32:46] I notice that some [32:46] I wonder if I can get
students are able to see this students to understand
concept but some dont notice concepts quicker the first time
it. around so I dont have to
explain things as many times.
[33:36] I notice a student
making the connection that
matrix multiplication doesnt
always work.
[36:07] I notice that multiple
students are able to say why
you can multiply these two

Evidence of student [7:30] I notice when students [7:30] I wonder if this is effective
involvement in discourse just call out things to the class, in the way that I want it to be.
like this student did, that I try to
have them answer the
question. [7:50] I wonder if I can create a
[7:50] I notice that a student classroom environment that is
asks Are we supposed to get open to giving multiple answers
something different? I notice to a problem like this.
that I never said that this was
correct so that leaves this
question open. [18:30} I wonder if writing
students work on the board
instead of on the paper would
make them more willing to have
different ideas shared.
[20:00] I wonder if instead of me
[20:00] I notice that a student explaining why this way worked,
asks why a student did it that I could have the other student
particular way. explain it.

Evidence of student [4:18] I notice it takes a little bit [4:18] I wonder if I could come
engagement of time to get students to settle up with some better attention
down and do the work. grabbers.
[6:15] I noticed that walking
around the room helped me
know when students were off
task and made it easier to get
them on task.
[12:15] I notice when I ask a [12:15] I wonder if this is
student a question they are because I use the notecards.
quick to respond.
[17:30] I notice the student
thinks they are wrong but they
are still willing to share their
[18:50] I notice that some [18:50] I wonder if they are
students are a little chatty when discussing what this student
other students are explaining did, or finishing the problem or
their ideas. just being off topic.
[22:00] I notice that even with [22:00] I wonder if expressing
the students being told during this made them want to work
instruction to stay focused or quicker or just gave them a
we will run out of time, that it reason to work slower. Or if
took them a long time to get they were just beginning to feel
started on this activity. burnt out.
[25:00] I notice that the quieter
the students are in their groups
(not silent) the more focused
they tend to be.

Written Reflection:

The goal of this lesson was for students to be able to multiply a matrix by a scalar and to
multiply two matrices. I think that all of my students were able to understand multiplying a matrix
by a scalar. This is a topic that makes a lot of sense and because these students were Diff.
(honors) students, it usually takes less time for them to make connections. I think most of the
students understood multiplying two matrices. I think a few of them could have used a couple of
other examples to help them understand it more but for the most part, they were able to grasp
the basic ideas.

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