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5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)

Class Info
Teacher Name: Ms. King and Ms. Willson

Class and Grade: 7th Grade Geometry

Date: 29 March 16


Lesson Info
Lesson Name: Ratios Within Similar Parallelograms

Lesson Topic: Corresponding ratios of similar parallelograms


Nebraska Mathematics Content Standards

MA 8.3.2.c Find similar two-dimensional figures and define similarity in terms of a series of transformations.
MA 7.1.2.a Solve problems using proportions and ratios (e.g., cross products, percents, tables, equations, and graphs).

Nebraska Mathematics Process Standards

Makes Mathematical Connections


Objectives and Assessments

Lesson Objective(s):

Students will learn the definitions of ratios and equivalent ratios and then use this knowledge to define similarity.

Lesson Assessment(s):

Checking for student understanding throughout the lesson by going over problems as a class.
Asking students what they learned during this class period.
Asking the final question of the lesson to check for their understanding.

5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)

Materials Needed
24 copies of 4.1 handout
12 sets of geometric figures
20 rulers

Overarching 5E Approx. Students Activities Anticipated Student Thinking & Teacher Activities
Lesson Phases Timing Questions
(details about how students are (details about what work the teacher
configured, what work they are doing is doing including specific actions
[in CMP] and how they are recording their performed and questions asked/
work) responses given)

Engage Start the lesson making sure that Have figures on each table.
each student has a shoulder
partner, will make adjustments as Start with introduction, who we
we need to at the beginning of are, what we will be talking about.
class. Briefly overview the lesson and
1-3 minutes then begin.
Lesson will start when students
attention is at the front on the Overview: Today we will learn
teachers. about ratios and equivalence ratios
and how those apply to similarity.
LAUNCH Then we will do an activity based
on these ideas.
ST: Same picture. Different sizes.
How are they different? Height and
Show Slide 2. What do the students
ST: Imposters would be not similar. notice about the figures. What is
So, stretched in the length and the difference between the figures?
width different amounts. Relate it to the wumps. Which
3-5 minutes would be imposters to the original?
SQ: What do you mean by measure Since there are no straight sides to
them? the figures, what measurements
5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)
ST: Theres height and width of the could we make in order to compare
picture. What about diagonals? the figures?

ST: Asked for measurements, so Set up the table. Have students

height and width. How can we think through how we would set up
compare them? The scale factor? the table, what are important
aspects to include, which
information is relevant to solving
the problems?

ST: So, we are no longer looking at Introduce the idea of a ratio, what
how much you multiply and divide it is, how to describe it, and then
each figure by. Just looking at the introduce the height to width ratio.
3-5 minutes ratio of the sides.
Students will learn how to find the Pass out Handout 4.1
height to width ratio and the ratio
Walk through the process of finding
SQ: Why is the ratio height to width the height to width ratio using the
and not width to height? original figure. Then walk through
the process of finding the ratio.
It can go either way, but for this
activity, we want height to width
ratios so we can compare
Then have students work with
everybodys answers in the same
Students will work with their shoulder partners to find the next 3
shoulder partners to find the ratios. ratios.

5 minutes Students will share their findings After students have found all 4
and either agree or disagree. Reciprocals could come up, so height to width ratios, have 3
Students will share their ideas until explain that they found the width different students share their
an agreement on the right answer to height ratio instead of height to answers, and see if the class is in
is formed. width agreement. If not, have them
explain what they did.

Next, introduce equivalent ratios.

Students will discuss with their ST: The ratios are height to width. What is it? Then have students
shoulder partner to see which So take the length of the side and work with shoulder partners to
5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)
3-5 minutes figures have equivalent ratios, if compare it to the width of the determine if there are any
any and come up with a reason bottom equivalent ratios.
Come together as a class, ask
Students will share their findings. students to share what they found,
ST: Whats the difference between
And either agree or disagree. are there any equivalent ratios? If
equivalent ratios and
so which ones are and why.
non-equivalent ratios? Can
non-equivalent ratios tell us
Lastly, show the students the slide
ST: What is similarity and how do I that reviews similarity. What does it
Students will define similarity and apply it to my new knowledge mean if two shapes are similar?
then use their knowledge about about ratios? Which of our figures are similar?
2 minutes
ratios to figure out shapes are Why?

Explore Students will work with shoulder

Explain the next activity. Shoulder
partners to complete the 4.1
Explain partners should have sets of 4
handout questions with regards to
rectangular shapes and will
Elaborate the 7 sets of geometric figures. In
determine which shapes are similar
the order listed below.
Evaluate SQ: How do we know what the by figuring out the height to width
Students will work with their height and width are? ratios of each figure. Explain that
shoulder partners to first find the measurements will be to the
5 minutes height to width ratios of each shape ST: Does it matter how the height nearest half inch and the height
EXPLORE by making measurements with their and width are measured? Will it and width are defined by H and W.
rulers. always be measured in the same This feeds into Problem A. Have
way for all shapes? students complete this with their
Students will first work on problem
shoulder partner.
A together with their shoulder
partners. After partners have Teachers will be walking around,
finished, they can talk and compare challenging students to think about
answers with the groups. how they came to their conclusions
as well as taking questions.

Keep in mind that the 5E phases of Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate should occur within the Explore and/or Summarize phases, but they do not need to occur in both.
Color coding can help you to identify the phases throughout your plan
5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)
A pair of shoulder partners will After students have completed part
share what they found. The rest of A, we will come back together as a
2-3 minutes
the the students will compare their class and discuss their answers.
answers and either agree or
disagree. A discussion will be
formed until an agreement on the
right answer is found.

1-2 minutes As the class is discussing, we are

looking that students are using the
terminology correctly. Such as
saying the height to width ratio is 2
inches to 4 inches which gives us a
ratio of one half.

After discussing part A, ask students

ST: The height and width arent how we can find the ratios for
necessarily the same. parallelograms? What is different
about the parallelograms?
Looking at the worksheet, it says
the shorter side to the longer side

ST: Can we take the height and

width ratio and still find if they are
similar? How different does the
problem become if we take the
Students will find the ratio of the height instead of one of the side
Students will then complete
length of the longer side of the lengths?
Problem B using the 3
5 minutes parallelograms to the shorter side parallelograms with their shoulder
and use these measurements to partner. Once done with Problem B,
answer questions 1 and 2 from SQ: Height and width are not
have them answer Problem C with
problem B and Problem C. After marked, so what are we measuring
their shoulder partner.
partners have finished, they can and comparing with the
compare answers with their groups. parallelograms? Teachers will be walking around
challenging students to think about
SQ: Does it matter what side is first
how they came to their conclusions
in the ratio?
as well as taking questions.
5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)
ST: How is this similar to the
rectangles. How can we compare
sides in the same way that we
compared height and widths

SQ: What does adjacent mean?

SQ: What does corresponding sides


ST: What makes a parallelogram

different than a rectangle?

A pair of shoulder partners will Come together as a class and

share what they found. The rest of discuss their answers to both parts.
the the students will compare their Ask them what they notice about
2-3 minutes
answers and either agree or the angles of the parallelograms.
disagree. A discussion will be
formed until an agreement on the ST: What do I know about squares
right answer is found. and other shapes? Squares have
the same length all the way around,
so the ratio would be 1. So, all Bonus Discussion Question Are all
squares are similar squares considered similar? What
If time allows, students will answer
2-3 minutes about rectangles? How about
the bonus question as part of a
hexagons? Etc..
class discussion.

Explain Students will be a part of a class Students should be thinking about Have each table group of 4 come up
discussion about what they learned what they learned, which includes with what they learned today, it
SUMMARIZE1 today, including talking with their height to width ratios, equivalent should be along the lines of the
Evaluate 5-8 minutes groups to come up with one thing ratios and how those relate to summary sentence.
that they learned as group and then similarity. Summary Sentence: Students
sharing this with the class. understand how to set up a height
to width ratio and understand how
5E Thinking through a Lesson Protocol (5E-TTLP)
For the final question: to use equivalent ratios to
determine if figures are similar.
What do you mean by height to
height/ width to width ratios? Have groups share with the class.
Then ask the following question:
Students should think about the
prior knowledge they have gained What if we measured height to
about similarity and their new height ratios or width to width
ratios? Could we prove equivalence
knowledge about ratios to answer
this way?
these questions.

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