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20, 2016

To Whom It May Concern:

My name is Dr. Stephanie Kim and I am writing to you on behalf of Karen Gallegos, who was a
student in my class for the Fall 2015 term in USCs Master of Arts in Teaching program.
Throughout the course Karen demonstrated a strong desire to learn and grow as a future

I am pleased to recommend her for the current teaching position for which she is applying at
your school site. Karen has showed competence in her skills as a teacher candidate, completing
her coursework and demonstrating the ability to work collaboratively with her fellow
colleagues. In addition to her successful completion of all course work for my class, she has
proven to be a positive team player who willingly contributes to the learning culture. From my
interaction with her throughout the course, I believe that she would be a great asset to your
school and team.

If you wish to speak further or have any questions, please feel free to contact me via email:

Thank you for your time.


Stephanie J. Kim, Ed.D
Adjunct Assistant Professor

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