Professional Development Plan Goals

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Meera Khalifa Ali H00298056

Professional Development Plan Goals (PDP Goals)

My First goal is to improve reward system.

My strategies to achieve this goal is.

1- Positive feedback and words

I believe that I have achieved my goal in rewarding the students behaviours and work. First
of all, using positive feedback and words is a successful strategy. The students were
collaborative and they would work together as a team to behave positively and get rewarded.
By the second week of my teaching practice the students were well behaved and engage in
the lesson and the activities that I had through there good work I attached their work on the
classroom presentation board.

My second goal is to improve my classroom behaviours and management strategies.

My strategies to achieve this goal.

1- Use different strategies to improve students behaviours. Example: facial expressions

and voice tone.

I believe that Ive achieved the goal, of managing students behaviours during the class. First
of all, using facial expressions and being natural is a successful and effective. The students
were well behaved and self-managed during the class. By my third week of my teaching
practice the students were involve in the lesson and activities. They had good behaviours and
they were able to manage them self in the areas and while doing the activities on the tables.

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