Communication Style Inventory

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Communication Style Inventory

Mark the response to each of the following situations that you think would describe your behavior.
Remember to pick the one that best fits you most of the time. Be honest with yourself and answer
how you actually behave, not how you think you should behave.
1. When I talk to others, I like to 10. My greatest weakness in communicating with others is my
a. get to the point a. demand for details
b. talk b. reacting too quickly
c. tell only what I want others to know c. desire for personal attention
d. go into great details d. speaking without adequate preparation

2. At times I may be 11. Most of the people I work with think of me as

a. blunt a. neighborly
b. slow b. cautious
c. overly strict in my interpretations c. open to change
d. very subjective in my description of things d. sincere

3. Most of my communication is directed toward 12. My greatest need is to

a. being friendly with others a. be with people
b. precision b. be given time to adjust to changes
c. cooperation c. be encouraged
d. getting results d. be given frank direction ad evaluation

4. I am sometimes accused of directed toward 13. The basic idea of communication is to

a. being tentative a. Cooperate with others
b. not listening b. Gain power over others
c. procrastinating c. Persuade others
d. talking too much d. Bring things under control

5. When I am in a discussion with people, they 14. When I use written communications, I tend to
a. know I desire the facts a. be brief or not write at all
b. know I dont like surprises b. oversell the idea
c. know where I stand c. go by the book
d. know I am enthusiastic d. over-document or write long messages

6. I like communicate which is 15. I function best in an environment which

a. positive a. is free
b. logical b. includes other people
c. straightforward c. is organized
d. calm d. is pleasant

7. I like conversations which are 16. Conversation which motivates me the most gives me
a. stimulating a. a challenge
b. optimistic b. comfort
c. sincere c. friendly relationship
d. controlled d. recognition

8. I dont like conversations which are 17. when those around me are under stress, I tell them
a. create stress a. about positive
b. are not cooperative b. what to do
c. dont accept my view c. to adjust to the situation
d. I cant control d. to stay calm

9. I feel best when I am 18. My greatest strength in talking with others is that I am
a. listening to others a. conscientious
b. following an agenda b. outgoing
c. telling others what to do c. decisive
d. smooth and poised d. willing to listen
Each of us has a set of general behavior patterns. These express themselves in our personality and in
the way we communicate with others. If we can identify how we communicate with others, it makes
us aware of how we are perceived. We can then avoid unproductive behavior and learn how to
control our communication.

Communication Style Score Sheet

Directions: Circle your answers and total the number in each column.

1 2 3 4

1 a b c d
2 a d b c
3 d a c b
4 b d c a
5 c d b a
6 c a d b
7 a b c d
8 d c b a
9 c d a b
10 b d c a
11 c a d b
12 d a b c
13 b c a d
14 a b c d
15 a b d c
16 a d c b
17 b a d c
18 c b d a

When you have identified the column, which has the most responses, you can determine you BEST
communication style. The interpretation of each column is as follows.

Column I Bold Column III Sympathetic

The BOLD type uses a style of communication that is The SYMPATHETIC type is a quiet and calm
most often direct. The Bold type likes bottom line and communicator. In fact, they like to listen more than
works at making things practical. Consequently, the talk. They make good counselors because of the ability
Bold types conversation is short, to the point and to be a good listener. They present a very sincere image
sometimes can be blunt. In addition, the Bold type when they communicate and like the Expressive type,
sometimes likes to be combative because he/she likes people orientated.
challenges. In other words, the Bold is stimulated by
the adventure of a heated discussion. The discussion However, their low-key approach displays less
can end up with the Bold intimidating others into enthusiasm in conversation. The Sympathetic type is a
silence. team player and loyal. Consequently, their conversation
reflects a need to be part of the group. They like for
The Bold type is a divergent thinker and because of relationships to be friendly and cordial and are actually
this, is sometimes accused of not listening. That is, the turned off by aggressive communicators. Because
Bold is thinking of a rebuttal while you are talking. Sympathetic types like routine, their conversations
However, this same quality makes the Bold type a good often give support to little or no change in the
problem-solver. organization. They need to feel appreciated and given
time to adjust before being asked to make changes in
The Bold types communication style reflects a need to their work habits.
be independent, free, practical and domineering. While
the Bold is good at visualizing the big picture, details of
how to make it happen are sometimes a problem.

Column II Expressive Column IV Technical

The EXPRESSIVE type personality uses a style of The TECHNICAL type of personality has a style of
communication that reflects a need to be involved with communicating which is characterized by order, detail
people. On other words, the Expressive type likes to and logic. They function best in organizations that
talk and is good at it. To the Expressive type, follow procedures and will communicate their
persuading others is stimulating. Consequently, the displeasure if things are not orderly. The Technical type
Expressive type is a good presenter by nature because focuses on the details of a task because they are
of his/her ability to relate to people. In fact, research convergent thinkers. They must see the big picture in
indicates that Expressive types have a natural ability to small parts or steps before moving on. Technical types
understand the emotional state of others and researchers work will with numbers, systematic procedures and
think this ability is actually a kind of human precise tasks.
intelligence. Another characteristic of the Expressive
type is that they often talk with word pictures and in Technical types are sometimes accused of being
emotional terms. They like to communicate a positive perfectionists and may overlook the human aspect of
and optimistic message. accomplishing a task. They like to follow procedures
because it takes the risk out of the environment for
The Expressive type is driven be a need to influence them. Their communications style is structured and has
others, be popular, and to gain public recognition. Their definite points. Note takers by nature, the Technical
communication abilities make them good salespeople, type strive to work and live an orderly environment.
teachers, presenters, politicians and actors. The
Expressive type, of all the personality types is the
natural communicator.

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