Analysis of Student Work

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Analysis of Student Work

Chin Wu

EDEL 311 Elementary Methods Practicum 1

Professor Lois

First Lesson

Student Background

Lara is a six year old Latino female. Currently Lara is attending the first grade at Peterson

Elementary School in Clark County Nevada. Her primary language at home is Spanish. Lara

didnt start learning English until she entered Kindergarten last year. Lara reported that her

parents seldom read with her at home. She likes reading and enjoys reading by herself. Lara is

shy and doesn't like to read out loud in front of her friends. When her partners are reading, she

states she listens to them carefully. Her teacher has hard time checking her reading

comprehension because she does not like to speak. When Lara talks about the books she reads,

she is usually soft spoken and whispers. In the first week of school, Lara had an assessment for

counting and writing numbers. She was able to count and write numbers 1-120.

Grade Level Standards / Expectations

1.OA.C.6 Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within

10. Using strategies such as counting on, decomposing a number leading to a ten; using the

relationship between addition and subtraction; and creating equivalent but easier or know sums.

ASW Student Performance

When the teacher was reviewing the skill Make Ten with ten frames, Lara took longer time

than other students but was still be able to find two numbers to make ten by herself. When the

teacher demonstrated how to add bigger numbers with then double ten frames, Lara was able to

place two numbers counters on two separated ten frames. However, she repeatedly forgot to

move some counters from the second number and failed to find the correct answers.

Initial Strategy

Name the Steps: Break down complex tasks into steps that form a path for student mastery.

Guided/ Independent Group Practice,

1. Students will cut the addition questions from Interactive Math Notebook

and glue them in their Math Journals.

2. Teacher and students will complete the first questions together.

3. Teacher will ask one students to solve the second addition question using spider double ten

frames and spiders utilizing the Elmo presentation system.

4. Students will complete addition questions with their shoulder partners.

Three New Re-teach Strategies

1. Show Me: Flip the classroom dynamic by having the teacher glean data from a passive group

of students. Have students actively show evidence of their understanding.

2. Break It Down: When a student makes an error, provide just enough help to allow her to

solve as much of the original problem as she can.

3. Stretch It: Reward right answers with more challenging questions.

One Re-teach & Recheck Strategy Selected For The Lesson

Stretch It: Reward right answer with more challenging questions.

The teacher re-teaches the lesson using the strategy Stretch It. The teacher starts with smaller


What is 9 + 1? Ask students to put 9 counters on the first ten frame and put 1 on the second ten

frame. Remind student that they need to move the counters from the second ten frame to the first

frame when they add two numbers.

What is 9 + 2? 9 + 3? 9 + 4? Ask students to write the equations on their little whiteboard to

show answers.

Teacher challenges students to Stretch It for adding bigger numbers and ask them to show how

they get the answers.

Re-teach ASW or Alternate Student

The teacher used strategy Stretch It to re-teach Lara using small group instruction. The teacher

asked Lara to add smaller numbers (for examples, 2 + 3, 4 + 5, 3 + 7.) so she could be familiar

with the ten frame. The teacher asked Lara to show how she got the answers by using the ten


The teacher asked Lara to add bigger numbers by using double ten frames. Lara placed two

numbers in two separated ten frames. She sometimes forgot to move counters form the second

ten frame to the first ten frame. The teacher gave Lara more numbers to practice for two more

days during small group instruction. The teacher assessed Lara again after re-teaching for four


Reflect on A+B & Summarize Work Cited

The teacher asked Lara use double ten frames to find the sums for two addition.

7+8 and 8+9

Lara answered two questions correctly.


Second Lesson

Student Background

Lara, a six year old Latino female is the subject for this assessment. Currently, Lara is attending

the first grade at Peterson Elementary School in Clark County Nevada. Her primary language at

home is Spanish; Lara didnt start learning English until she entered Kindergarten last year. Lara

reported that her parents seldom read with her at home. She likes reading and enjoys reading by

herself. Lara is shy and doesn't like to read out loud in front of her friends. When her partners

are reading, she states she listens to them carefully. Her teacher has hard time checking her

reading comprehension because she does not like to speak. When Lara talks about the books she

reads, she is usually soft spoken and whispers.

Over the last six weeks Lara's teacher has evaluated Lara through a series of assessments to

determine her English language proficiency and literacy level. The teacher began by using the

comprehensive reading inventory to determine Laras reading abilities (McKenna & Kear 2009).

The comprehensive assessment aided the teacher in understanding Laras reading interests so that

the teacher could provide materials which she enjoyed reading.

Grade Level Standards / Expectations

L.1.2a Capitalize dates and names of people.

ASW Student Performance

When the teacher wrote the words on the whiteboard and asked students to determine if they are

nouns, Lara made several mistakes. She was confused by the concept of nouns. During the

Super Star game, Lara didn't correct some names that didn't have the first letters capitalized.

Initial Strategy

Circulate: Move strategically around the room during all parts of the lesson.

1. Teacher will demonstrate the Super Star activity and ask some students

for their autographs.

2. Students will use the KAGAN structure Stand up. Hands up. Pair up. to

get 8 signatures from other students.

3. The teacher will show some students names under the Elmo presentation

system. The teacher will use a blue marker to trace the first letter if it is

capitalized. The teacher will use a red marker to re-write the first letter is it is

not capitalized.

4. The teacher will ask some students to check if the first letters are capitalized.

During Guided/ Independent/ Group Practice, the teacher circulated around the room and made

sure students were on task. The teacher also helped students who weren't able to correct the


Three New Re-teach Strategies

1. Right Is Right: When you respond to answers in class, hold out for answers that are all-the-

way right or all the way to your standards for rigor.

2. Every Minute Matters:Respect students' time by spending every minute productively.

3. Begin With The End: Progress from unit planning to lesson planning. Define the objective,

decide how you'll asses it, and then choose appropriate lesson activities.

One Re-teach & Recheck Strategy Selected For The Lesson


Begin With The End: Progress from unit planning to lesson planning. Define the objective,

decide how you'll asses it, and then choose appropriate lesson activities.

The teacher re-teaches the lesson with the strategy Begin With The End. The teacher shows

students some word cards with names and dates under the Elmo presentation system and re-

addressed the objective for this lesson. The teacher gave students some copies of the word cards

and asked students to trace the capitalized letters in the proper nouns.

The teacher re-assessed students for capitalizing names and dates. Most of the students were able

to correct errors correctly.

Re-teach ASW or Alternate Student

The teacher used the strategy Begin With The End to re-teach Lara in a small group

instruction. The teacher showed Lara some word cards with names and dates and re-addressed

the objective for this lesson. The teacher gave Lara some copies of the word cards and asked her

to trace the capitalized letters in the proper nouns.

The teacher re-assessed Lara for capitalizing names and dates. Lara still made several errors.

The teacher asked Lara to write the alphabet and checked if she was able to distinguish upper

case and lower case letters. Lara wrote the entire alphabet correctly. The teacher reminded her to

check names and dates carefully.

The teacher showed Lara more word cards of names and dates and re-assessed her after two


Reflect on A+B & Summarize Work Cited

The teacher showed Lara some word cards and asked her to determine if they were nouns.

zebra, girl, turtle, school, walk, teacher, hot, park

Lara was able to identify all the nouns.

The teacher showed Lara some sentences. Lara was able to high light all nouns in the sentences

and correct the popper nouns that didn't have capital letter at the beginning.

john likes to run.

My birthday is on tuesday.

We played lego together.

They will come home in march.

Third Lesson

Student Background

Lara is a six year old Latino female. Currently Lara is attending the first grade at Peterson

Elementary School in Clark County Nevada. Her primary language at home is Spanish. Lara

didnt start learning English until she entered Kindergarten last year. Lara reported that her

parents seldom read with her at home. She likes reading and enjoys reading by herself. Lara is

shy and doesn't like to read out loud in front of her friends. When her partners are reading, she

states she listens to them carefully. Her teacher has hard time checking her reading

comprehension because she does not like to speak. When Lara talks about the books she reads,

she is usually soft spoken and whispers. In the first week of school, Lara had an assessment for

counting and writing numbers. She was able to count and write numbers 1-120.

Grade Level Standards / Expectations


1.OA.8 Determine the unknown whole number is an addition or subtraction equation relating

three whole numbers.

ASW Student Performance

During the guided practice, Lara couldn't decide whether she should use addition or subtraction

to find the missing numbers.

Initial Strategy

Board = Paper: Model and shape how students should take notes in order to capture

information you present.

During Concept and Skill Development, the teacher used the strategy Board = Paper to

introduce vocabulary and statement for finding missing numbers in equations.

1. Teacher will use Common Core Math Interactive Notebook to introduce the

vocabulary and definitions under the Elmo projector.

2. Students will complete the Statement and Vocabulary Flap book and glue

it on their Math Journals.

3. Teacher will show several math sentences and let students decide if they are complete

equations. Students use thumbs up and thumbs down to show their thoughts.

Three New Re-teach Strategies

1. Without Apology: Embrace rather than apologize for rigorous content, academic

challenge, and the hard work necessary to scholarship.

2. Wait Time: Allow students time to think before answering. If they aren't productive with that

time, narrate them toward being more productive.


3. No OPT Out: Turn I don't know into success by ensuring that students who won't try or

can't answer practice getting it right.

One Re-teach & Recheck Strategy Selected For The Lesson

Wait Time: Allow students time to think before answering. If they aren't productive with that time,

narrate them toward being more productive.

The teacher re-teach the lesson with the strategy Wait Time. The teacher asked students to find

the missing number in an equation

5+ =7

and reminded students not to shout out the first answer they had. The teacher gave students more

thinking time (5-8 seconds). More students gave correct answer to the teacher. The teacher

redirected some students with different methods. Then, the teacher gave students more thinking

time for find the missing numbers.

Re-teach ASW or Alternate Student

The teacher used the strategy Wait Time to teach Lara in a small group instruction. When the

teacher asked Lara to find the missing number in an equation, Lara first said, I don't know. The

teacher told Lara not to answer so quickly. The teacher gave Lara some cubes and more thinking

time. Lara started to think more and gave a correct answer. The teacher gave Lara more

equations to practice and give her more time (30 seconds) to operate cubes.

Reflect on A+B & Summarize Work Cited


The teacher asked Lara to find missing numbers in two equations. Lara was able to use correct

strategies to find the unknown numbers.

8+ = 12 =4

13 - =7 =6

Lara used the strategies count on and count back to find the missing numbers correctly.

ASW Future Application

Describe how you will apply the AWS process to your future teaching in K-6 classrooms.

Future applications for the AWS in my teaching would include utilizing both summative and

formative assessments as a basis for planning and designing lessons. Differentiating lesson

planning in response to formative assessments while providing both corrective and enrichment

activities for students who require additional support. Providing corrective instruction, designed

to help students and presenting concepts in engaging ways. The expanded implementation of

reading and writing workshops as well setting high academic expectations are key to a successful

classroom. The importance of systems and routines in the early childhood environment as well

as utilization of the five principals of classroom culture.

making your room a place where students work hard, model strong character, are polite and

attentive, and strive to do their best (Lemov, 2015)

Performing the four tasks for checking understanding as well as gathering data on student

understanding and mastery is one of the more effective teaching principals for analysis of student

work. The analysis of student work will allow me to customize and differentiate lessons to

support my students in more accurate and effective ways. Utilizing both small groups and larger

groups in ways that will increase comprehension and encourage learning that might not have

been achieved using other methods. The use of small groups with peer to peer interaction can be

an extremely effective teaching tool resulting in higher achievement.

Achieving Common Core standards is the ongoing goal that both myself and my students strive

to achieve. It is through analysis of my students work through formative and summative

assessments that they will achieve these goals. It is the ultimate goal that my students will

achieve, through the use of the techniques learned, that they will graduate and go to college.

Philosophy Teach, Check, Re-teach, Recheck

What is your philosophy of teach, check, re-teach, recheck? Why is this important to student


My philosophy of teach, check, re-teach and recheck are key to student learning, not just

teaching. Reteaching is most effective when teachers have made an assessment of students

academic needs. Educators are responsible to create different strategies to assist those students to

be successful learners. Teachers initiate formative assessments in the classroom , then

differentiate material for students who need. The initial pretest done either in paper or on

computer will allow educators to analyze the results. This initial assessment will make teachers

to become aware of the academic strengths and weaknesses of their student. Identification of

problem areas and addressing specific needs as they arise will set the support level upon which

academic improvement can begin. Modifying and changing the unit of teaching to better help the

students to achieve prescribed levels of academic achievement. Reteaching is most effective


when teachers reteach what the students do not know or cannot do yet. The use of formative

assessments and analysis of those assessments is crucial to differentiating material to best suit

student needs. Educators should focus on reteaching the parts of the lesson that students have not

yet mastered. Regular follow ups on student progress and continued formative assessments by

teachers are necessary to achieve prescribed standards. The teach, check, re-teach and re-check

are a cycle that can be repeated and used as a standard teaching tool that can be utilized for

greater academic achievement. Used in conjunction with both formative and summative

assessment as well as effective differentiation to meet student needs make the cycle most



Kagan, Spencer & Kagan, Miguel. Kagan Cooperative Learning. San Clemente, CA: Kagan

Publishing, 2009.

Lemov, Doug (2015) Teach Like A Champion 2.0

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