How The Brain Works-And How Students Can Respond: 1. Reticular Activating System (RAS)

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How The Brain WorksAnd How Students Can

- first filter data passes through your brain
-located at lower back of you brain
-receives input from sensory nerves that come from nerve
1. Reticular endings in eyes,ears,mouth,face,skin,muscles and internal
activating organs
system(RAS) -if you feel overwhelmed,reactive brain will take over
-what you experience,focus on,and remember will no longer in
your control

-keep yourself physically healthy,well rested and develop

awareness of-some control over-your emotions
-then,you can approach learning calmly with positive emotions
-practice focusing and observing yourself
-For example,take a few minutes think about your feeling,if its
What student can do? good feeling,take time to enjoy and consider how it affects your

-After the information coming through your senses gets through

the RAS, it travels to the sensory intake centers of your brain
-new information becomes memory stored in the sensory cortex
are located in brain lobes
2. Limbic system: the -these data must first pass through your brains emotional
emotional care core,the limbic system,where your amygdala and hippocampus
evaluate whether the information useful
-it is because it will help you physically survive or bring you

- central train-routing station;system for routing information based

on emotional system
-when experience negative emotions like fear,anxiety,or even
boredom,amygdalas filter takes up excessive amounts of your
Amygdala brains available nutrients and oxygen
-this puts your brain into survival mode,which blocks entry of any
new information into prefrontal cortex
-for example,if your day starts off badly,your brain also stressed.
This stress close off the pathway through RAS and amygdala.
-but if you can turn things become calm and focused,you amygdala
will decide to send new info to your prefrontal cortex
- slow down & take a moment to reflect instead of react
What student can
-might take a deep breath and visualize yourself in peaceful place
-imagine you are directing yourself in a play
-if your teachers set up lessons include some fun activities,your
amygdala will add neurochemical enhancement,like memory
chip,that strengthens staying power of any info
-people actually remember more of what they hear

-next to the amygdala is the hippocampus;link new sensory input to

both memories of your past and knowledge
3. The hippocampus -already stored in your long-term memory to make new relational
-these new memories ready for processing in your prefrontal
-when you are focused and in a positive or controlled emotional
state, your executive functions can more successfully organize

-reviewing and practicing something you have learned

What student can do? -nerve cells forge info into memories by sending messages to
other neuron
-repeated stimulation-for example studying time tables many
times-make network stronger

-the most important nuerotrasnsmitters

-carry electrical messages across gap(synapses) from one neuron to
-your brain release extra dopamine when an experience is
4. Dopamine : enjoyable
feeling good helps you -What you can do? =laughing,physical activities,interacting with
learn friends,acting kindly increase dopamine levels,leadership
skills,athletic skill.
-do them well-you will find you can use your brain power more
successfully make judgements and solve problems

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