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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff (KOMPAK)

District Administrative Support Assistant (16

Position Title:
1. Aceh: 3 positions (Bireuen, Bener Meriah &
Aceh Barat)
2. Central Java: 3 positions (Pemalang,
Pekalongan & Brebes)
3. East Java: 4 positions (Pacitan, Trenggalek,
Position Location: Bondowoso & Lumajang),
4. NTB: 4 positions (Lombok Utara, Lombok
Timur, Bima & Sumbawa),
5. South Sulawesi: 2 positions (Bantaeng and

Position Type: STC

Contract Duration: Initial assignment up to 6 months

Estimated Start Date: 1 April 2017

Application Closing Date: 28 February 2017


Thank you for your interest in the position of District Administrative Support Assistant with
the KOMPAK Program, as managed by Abt Associates on behalf of the Australian

This document includes information on the following:

Program Overview;
Introduction to Abt Associates;
Application process;
Terms of Reference; and
Key Selection Criteria.

Please read this document carefully as applications that vary from the specified requirements
may not be accepted.

Program Overview
KOMPAK is an Australia-Indonesia government partnership supporting the Government of
Indonesias efforts in reducing poverty through improvements in basic service delivery and
creating opportunities for work. KOMPAK focuses its efforts on three result areas:
1. Improving access, quality and delivery of basic services in health, education and legal

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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

2. Strengthening village governance, community participation in governance as well as

community-led development and;
3. Creation of opportunities for off-farm employment and economic development.

Abt Associates Who We Are

Abt Associates is a global development consulting firm with over 10 years experience
operating within the health and social sectors in the Australian and Asia-Pacific region. We
are a company that has a personal commitment to its staff and as such we value the long-
term relationships that we build with the people who work with us. For more information about
our company and what we do visit our website at

Our Values

We are united by our mission to improve the lives of people worldwide.
We are a global community, bringing diverse knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the
many challenges faced by today's world.
Committed to Excellence.
We strive to meet and exceed the highest professional standards.
We know that working collaboratively produces excellence.
We take responsibility for what we do and how we do it.
We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to our roles by promoting a healthy
balance between our personal and professional lives.

Preparing Your Application

Please read the following information carefully as incomplete applications may not be
To submit an application:
1. Visit the Abt Associates website ( and navigate to the
Careers section.
2. Locate the position you are applying for and select Job Details.
3. Click on the Apply Online button and follow the prompts.
It should take between 10-20 minutes for you to complete the online application. Before
submitting your application it is recommended that you have the following documentation
prepared so that these can be readily uploaded during the application process:

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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

1. An electronic version of your CV in MS Word or PDF format (less than 3MB);

2. A statement addressing the key selection criteria (maximum 3 pages). This document
should clearly describe how your skills, experience and qualifications will enable you
to meet the requirements of the position; and
3. Details of at least 3 professional referees (preferably your current supervisor and 2
previous supervisors).

Other Points to Consider:

1. You will need to submit a separate application for each position that you apply for.
2. If you are successful in being short-listed or are selected for this position you may be
required to undertake a police check, psychometric test and/or a medical examination.
3. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
4. Women are encouraged to apply.

Lodging Your Application:

All applications should be submitted online through our website at:
Should you experience any difficulties with the submission process, or have any questions
about this role then please contact:
Contact Name: KOMPAK HR Team
Closing Date: 28 February 2017

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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

Terms of Reference

The Services that the successful candidate is to provide include, but are not limited to,
fulfilling the following Terms of Reference:

Terms of Reference Kerangka Acuan Kerja

Position Title: District Administrative Support Nama Jabatan: Asisten pelaksana administrasi
Assistant (16 positions) Kabupaten (16 posisi)
Location: Lokasi:
1. Aceh: 3 positions (Bireuen, Bener Meriah & 1. Aceh: 3 positions (Bireuen, Bener Meriah &
Aceh Barat) Aceh Barat)
2. Central Java: 3 positions (Pemalang,
2. Central Java: 3 positions (Pemalang,
Pekalongan & Brebes)
Pekalongan & Brebes)
3. East Java: 4 positions (Pacitan, Trenggalek,
Bondowoso & Lumajang), 3. East Java: 4 positions (Pacitan, Trenggalek,
4. NTB: 4 positions (Lombok Utara, Lombok Bondowoso & Lumajang),
Timur, Bima & Sumbawa),
4. NTB: 4 positions (Lombok Utara, Lombok
5. South Sulawesi: 2 positions (Bantaeng and
Timur, Bima & Sumbawa),
5. South Sulawesi: 2 positions (Bantaeng and

Reporting To: District Coordinator and Office Melapor Kepada: District Coordinator and Office
Coordinator Coordinator
Duration of Assignment: 6 months Jangka Waktu Penugasan: 6 bulan
Abt Associates Values Nilai-Nilai Abt Associates
The incumbent must demonstrate a high level of Pihak yang menjabat harus menunjukkan tingkat
commitment to following values of Abt Associates: komitmen yang tinggi terhadap nilai-nilai Abt
Associates berikut:
Digerakkan oleh Misi.
We are united by our mission to improve the lives of
people worldwide.
Kami disatukan oleh misi kami memperbaiki
kehidupan orang-orang di seluruh dunia.

Global. Global.
We are a global community, bringing diverse Kami merupakan sebuah masyarakat global, yang
knowledge, expertise, and perspectives to the menghadirkan pengetahuan, keahlian, dan
many challenges faced by today's world. perspektif yang beragam terhadap banyak
tantangan yang dihadapi oleh dunia saat ini.
Committed to Excellence.
Berkomitmen terhadap Keunggulan.
We strive to meet and exceed the highest
professional standards. Kami berupaya memenuhi dan melampaui standar
profesional tertinggi.
We know that working collaboratively produces
excellence. Kami tahu bahwa bekerja secara kolaboratif akan
menghasilkan keunggulan.

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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

Accountable. Akuntabel.
We take responsibility for what we do and how we Kami bertanggung jawab dengan apa yang kami
do it. lakukan dan bagaimana cara kami melakukannya.

Balanced. Seimbang.
We sustain the energy and commitment we bring to Kami mempertahankan energi dan komitmen yang
our roles by promoting a healthy balance between kami bawa pada peran kami dengan
our personal and professional lives. mempromosikan keseimbangan yang sehat antara
kehidupan pribadi dan kehidupan profesional kami.
Project Summary Ringkasan Proyek
KOMPAK is an Australia-Indonesia government KOMPAK adalah kemitraan Pemerintah Australia
partnership supporting the Government of dan Indonesia yang mendukung Pemerintah
Indonesias efforts in reducing poverty through Indonesia untuk mengurangi kemiskinan melalui
improvements in basic service delivery and creating peningkatan pelayanan dasar dan menciptakan
opportunities for work. KOMPAK focuses its efforts kesempatan ekonomi yang lebih besar. KOMPAK
on three result areas: akan memfokuskan kegiatannya pada tiga area:

1. Improving access, quality and delivery of basic 1. Peningkatan akses, kualitas pelayanan dasar di
services in health, education and legal identity; bidang kesehatan, pendidikan dan identitas
2. Strengthening village governance, community hukum;
participation in governance as well as 2. Penguatan tata kelola pemerintah desa,
community-led development and; partisipasi masyarakat dalam tata kelola
3. Creation of opportunities for off-farm pemerintahan dan pembangunan berbasis
employment and economic development. masyarakat;
3. Penciptaan peluang-peluang ekonomi di sektor
non-pertanian dan pembangunan ekonomi.

Purpose Tujuan
Reporting to the District Coordinator, the District Melapor kepada Koordinator Kabupaten, Asisten
Administrative Support Assistant is responsible for Pelaksana Administrasi Kabupaten bertanggung
assisting the District Coordinator to manage jawab dalam memantu Koordinator Kabupaten
administrative and logistical tasks at KOMPAK dalam mengelola tugas-tugas administrasi dan
district office. Tasks will include assisting with logistik di kantor KOMPAK kabupaten termasuk
small scale procurement and financial membantu kegiatan pengadaan dalam skala kecil
administration in order to support the events such dan administrasi keuangan dalam mendukung
as meetings, seminars, FGDs and workshops at pelaksanaan kegiatan seperti pertemuan, seminar,
district level. Diskusi terfokus (FGD) dan lokakarya di tingkat

Specific Duties and responsibilities Tugas dan Tanggungjawab

1. Coordinate with kabupaten and kecamatan 1. Berkoordinasi dengan pemerintah
for any events supports, kabupaten dan kecamantan untuk
pelaskanaan setiap kegiatan,
2. Provide logistics/supplies for the office and
events, 2. Menyediakan kebutuhan logistik untuk
kantor dan kegiatan,
3. Mendukung secara administrasi dan
3. Support provision of administrative/logistical
persyaratan logistic yang berkaitan dengan
requirement related to the events

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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

4. Follow up, receiving, collecting quotations 4. Menindaklanjuti, menerima dan

from the vendors mengumpulkan penawaran dari penyedia
5. Support the venue hire/accommodation/
meeting package/catering arrangement 5. Membantu persiapan sewa
tempat/akomodasi/ paket rapat / catering
6. Distribute invitation and follow up with
participants attendance; 6. Menyebarkan undangan dan
mengkonfirmasi kehadiran peserta;
7. Prepare handouts or materials for events;
7. Menyiapkan handout dan materi untuk
8. Prepare and collect the attendance list for
any events;
8. Menyiapkan dan mengumpulkan daftar hadir
9. Attend the events;
untuk setiap kegiatan;
10. Prepare and submit after event financial
9. Menghadiri kegiatan-kegiatan;
10. Mempersiapkan dan mengajukan laporan
11. Undertake all other duties as reasonably
keuangan paska kegiatan;
11. Melakukan tugas-tugas lain yang selayaknya
apabila dibutuhkan.

Deliverables and Timeline Capaian dan Batas Waktu

Provide administrative and logistical services Menyediakan dukungan jasa administrative
pre, post and during the events dan logistik sebelum, sesudah dan selama
Administrative/financial event report latest 3 kegiatan
days after the event completion Laporan administrasi kegiatan setidaknya 3
hari setelah acara selesai
Other tasks Tugas-tugas Lainnya
Segera melaporkan kepada atasan anda atau
Immediately report any suspected fraudulent or
corrupt activities to your KOMPAK supervisor or Direktur yang relevan setiap ada kecurigaan
relevant Director. adanya kegiatan-kegiatan kecurangan atau
Proactively identify and report risks, and korupsi.
manage risks within your level of accountability. Secara proaktif mengenali dan melaporkan
Undertake other duties as required by your resiko, dan mengatasi resiko sebatas tingkat
supervisor. akuntabilitas anda.
Comply with Abt Associates and Programs
Melakukan tugas-tugas lain yang diperlukan
policies on gender, disability, fraud and
anticorruption, HIV and AIDS, child protection oleh atasan anda.
and the environment. Mematuhi semua kebijakan-kebijakan Abt
Associates dan Program mengenai jender,
keterbatasan gerak, kecurangan dan anti
korupsi, HIV and AIDS, perlindungan anak
dan lingkungannya.
Core Competencies Kompetensi Utama
Delivers Results Memberikan Hasil
Builds Internal and External Customer Membangun Loyalitas dan Kepuasan
Satisfaction and Loyalty Pelanggan Internal dan Eksternal
Develops People Mengembangkan Orang
Communicates Melakukan komunikasi
Sets Vision and Direction Menetapkan Visi dan Arah
Demonstrates Sound Financial and Menunjukkan Praktek Keuangan dan Praktek
Business-Related Practices Terkait Bisnis yang Baik
Builds Teams and Cooperation Membangun Tim dan Kerjasama

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Information for Applicants Locally Engaged Staff

Promotes Technical Excellence and Quality Mempromosikan Mutu dan Keunggulan

Promotes Diversity Teknis
Acts as a Role Model Mempromosikan Keragaman
Bertindak sebagai Panutan

Key Selection Criteria

For your application to be considered by the panel, interested applicants must submit a
response to each of the following Key Selection Criteria:

KSC 1. University graduate with at least 1 year Sarjana dengan paling kurang satu
working experience on administrative tahun pengalaman kerja di bidang
and logistical supports; pelaksanaan administrasi dan logistik;

KSC 2. Must have the ability to work effectively Harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk
in a fast-paced, stressful environment; bekerja secara efektif di dalam
lingkungan yang bergerak cepat dan
penuh tantangan;

KSC 3. Must be flexible, willing to perform other Haruslah fleksibel, bersedia melakukan
duties and work irregular hours; tugas-tugas lain dan bekerja di luar jam

KSC 4. Able to communicate fluently and Mampu berkomunikasi dengan lancar

effectively in Indonesian and/or English; dan efektif baik dalam bahasa
Indonesia dan/atau dalam bahasa

KSC 5. Must be capable of working both Harus mampu bekerja baik secara
individually and as part of a team; individu maupun sebagai bagian dari
sebuah tim;

KSC 6. Must be familiar with using Microsoft Harus terbiasa dan paham penggunaan
office, email, and website. Microsoft office, email dan website.

If no response to the above Key Selection Criteria is made, applications will not be
considered further.
We encourage applicants from experienced and capable women, and people with

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