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Pop Culture

Final Project
The 4G Magic Radar


In the beginning I would like to explain how my magic radar and

navigation system works.

There are more than three things that this amazing piece can do. The

first thing it can do is regular radar, this allows the community to know

when there is a cop tracking your speed. Second, it has an amazing

navigation system. Last, it brings you a holographic person that sits

next to you and helps you with your direction while your driving. This

technology works with the holographic technology.

The first step is plugging the Magic Radar into your car and the

holographic man or women will come out and be next to you. At first,

you should be connected to the Internet to pick your holographic mate.

It can be any person you choose as long as the person you chose has

pictures from all side 360 degrees.

The next step is to download the map that you like from any website so

the Magic Radar can start recognizing the city and will be able to tell

you where to go.

Third, you can plug your iPhone, iPod or any MP3 device just by syncing

it to the Magic Radar.

Last, after doing all of these steps, your holographic mate will change

to the person you chose and the magic will start.

While your driving on the highway, if your driving faster than the speed

limit, your holographic will worn you if there are cops on the way and

will ask you to slow down, if there are curves on the way, or anything

that might affect you while your driving. Also, if you get bored from any

song or singer, you can ask him/ her to change it for you by voice

command. When you get a phone call, it will tell you the person whos

calling you and will ask you if you want to answer it or not. When you

get a text message, it will read it to you and it will ask you, what do

you want to respond?, so you wont get into an accident while texting

and driving.

Here are some statistics of accidents that happened in 2003.

2003 Driver Accident Involvement Rates per 100,000

Licensed Drivers by Age

Rate 15,559 8,974 6,365 5,218 4,347 3,584 3,733 2,688
Age 16-20 21-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+

After seeing this statistics, the question will be, How this artifact

related to Pop Culture? or what the Stake?

These are some terms and definitions from the book related to this


Ideology: this project can be in real life after applying the holographic

human in King Abdullah City for Science and Technology in Saudi

Practices: there will be a huge interact from all cultures in buying this

product and using it while driving.

Stake: is to have less accident, and to have someone worn you while


Community : All drivers.

Power: youll be having the power to buy this product and use it.

How its related to American culture?

There are so many benefits of having this amazing invention in real


As what the statistics shows, lots of accidents happened from using a

phone while driving. This is a really bad habit that lots of people still

cant stop doing it. This product will tell you everything that you need

to read, and it will write whatever you want to write, it will also respond

your texts or e-mails.

Next, this product can save you gas by having a navigation system

that tells you where to go, and no need to get lost and waste gas.

After this invention, lots of people will enjoy driving. While using this

product as a music-playing device, you just need to say the name of

the song and it will play it for you.

In Conclusion,

I have explained the Ideology of my magic radar and navigation

system and how it works. So when you buy it youll save lives and the
environment. So lets save our future and ourselves by getting this

product and supporting it. Hopefully, the product will be popular so the

non-users of it will be seen as marked. And not having it will make

them feel like others.


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