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Lesson 1

Number of Students: 32
Length of period: 50 minutes
Students will be able to explain what police Do police abuse their power by using excessive form or
brutality, catcalling, and the travel ban is by are they fulfilling their responsibility to keep people safe?
discussing and responding to text-dependent Does the government abuse their power by banning
questions in pod groups. Muslim refugees from traveling to the US or are they

fulfilling their responsibility to keep the country safe

from terrorism?
Do men abuse their power over women by catcalling
What responsibilities do men have toward women?
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges
and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
KEY TERMS (Academic Language)
New Vocabulary: Police Brutality, Catcalling, Travel Ban
Previously learned terms: claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, call to action, injustice
OPENING - Length of time: 5 minutes MATERIALS
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Formative Assessment: Teacher Students will answer the following Think-pair-share
read the warm up questions to question in their warm up notebook. helps ELLs
students and ask them to respond develop and
in their warm up notebooks: practice their
Inquiry project

What is an injustice? Describe an discourse. handout,

injustice youve experienced or
seen on TV, social media etc.
Video clips for
Teacher asks students to share with
their partner for one minute, then
Students turn to their A/B partners
Warm up
will call on students to share their
and share their warm up responses for
answers with the class. one minute. Students will share their
answers when called on with Class
INTRODUCTION TO NEW MATERIAL - Length of time: 5 minutes
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will explain the inquiry Students will following along on their
project to students by reading the papers and copy notes that the teacher
prompt and highlighting important makes on the handout.
information about the final
assessment which is the
constructed response.

Periodically, teacher will call on When called on, students will read the
specific students to read the different steps they will take to
different steps for the inquiry complete the inquiry project.

Informal assessment: Teacher will Students will raise their cards to

ask students to raise their red, indicate if they understand the
green, or yellow cards to indicate instructions for the inquiry project.
if they understand the prompt or

Teacher will explain that today,

students will be learning about the
different topics for their inquiry
project and at the end they will get
to choose which topic interests
them most.
GUIDED PRACTICE - Length of time: 25 minutes
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will explain how students In their pod groups, students will Cooperative
will rotate through the learning watch a video on either catcalling, the learning groups
stations and what they will do. travel ban, or police brutality, help students with
Formative Assessment: generate a definition for the topic. IEPs, ELLs
6 minutes practice academic
Pod 1 and 2 will learn about language.
the travel ban. Students as a
group will determine what a Lower performing
definition for the topic. students benefit
Pod 3 and 4 will learn about from working
catcalling. Students as a group with higher
will determine a definition for performing
the topic. students.
Pod 5 and 6 will learn about
police brutality. Students as a
group will come up with a.
6 minutes
pod groups will rotate
clockwise to learn about the
next topic. Same instructions
from the last learning station
6 minutes
pod groups will rotate for the
last time clockwise to learn
about the next topic. Same
instructions from the last
learning station apply.

Informal Assessment: When

students are done rotating, teacher
will call on students to share their Students will share their definitions
definitions with the class. with the class.

Based on what students share, Students will have an opportunity to
teacher will clear up any ask questions about the material they
misconceptions about the topics. learned to clear up any confusion.

Informal assessment: Teacher will

ask students if they have any
questions about the topics covered
in their learning stations.
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Informal/Formative Assessments: In what ways will students
attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the objective?)
Length of time: 10 minutes
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Formative Assessment: Teacher Students will take 7 minutes to Students are asked
will give students 7 minutes to complete their learning station guiding questions
complete the handout they were handout. Whatever they dont finish to lead them to
given on the various topics. will be for homework. think about the
Whatever they dont finish will be topics.

CLOSING (Informal/Formative AssessmentsExtension Activities: How will students

summarize/reflect upon what they learned?)
Length of time: 5 minutes
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Informal Assessment: Teacher will Students will use their index card to
pass out index cards for students write which topic is most interesting
and ask them to answer the to them and why.
following question on the
document camera:

Which topic is most interesting to

me and why?

Lesson 2
Number of Students: 32
Period Length: 53
Students will be able to analyze the central idea of Do police abuse their power by using excessive form or
a text and how its developed by constructing a are they fulfilling their responsibility to keep people safe?
graphic organizer of the authors claim, Does the government abuse their power by banning

counterclaim, rebuttal, and call to action that cites Muslim refugees from traveling to the US or are they
textual evidence to support each part of the fulfilling their responsibility to keep the country safe
authors main argument. from terrorism?
Do men abuse their power over women by catcalling
What responsibilities do men have toward women?
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
KEY TERMS (Academic Language)
Claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, call to action, police brutality, catcalling, travel ban (previously learned terms)

OPENING - Length of time: MATERIALS

Teacher Action (10 min) Student Action Differentiation

Teacher will have students take Students will write their names on the Providing Students
out their KWL handout they KWL handout. graphic articles,
picked up by the door. organizers to Highlighters 2
students with different colors,
Teacher tells students to take 3 Students will list 3 things they know IEPs and ELLs Lined paper for
minutes to write down 3 things about their chosen topic and 3 rather than each student,
they know about their topic and 3 questions they still have. making them pencil/pens,
questions they have. (3) construct it cell phone for
themselves frees class dojo
Informal Assessment: Teacher Students will share their answers with them to focus on
will call on students using class the class if called on by class dojo. the content.
dojo to share their answers with
the class.

GUIDED PRACTICE - Length of time: (20)

Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
(1 min) Teacher provides Students listen for directions. Think-pair-share
directions by telling students to helps students
take 10 minutes to do the with IEPs and
following: ELLs practice
1. Read through the article academic
highlight where they think the language.
author provides evidence for his

PAG/PAU Process as Given, PAG/PAU Confirming directions PAG/PAU helps
Process as Understood Students will turn to their partner and students with
Teacher will ask students to share the directions for 30 seconds. If auditory
share the directions with their they are called on, they will repeat the processing and
elbow partner, then call on directions back to the class. those who werent
people at random to repeat the listening to the
directions back to the class. (the directions the first
directions will also be provided time.
on the white board)
Students complete what was required
Teacher gives students 7 mins for in the directions (read, identify claim,
reading and annotating. * where they think the author
provides evidence)
Teacher tells students to take 3 Think-Pair-Share
minutes in their groups to write Students will take 3 minutes to write
the claim on their tree maps and their claim on their tree maps and
highlight 2 pieces of evidence to highlight 2 pieces of evidence with
support the claim. their groups, then share their answers
with the whole class if called on by
Teacher will take 2 volunteers the teacher.
from each topic and write
students claims + evidence on
class tree maps as they share so
students can copy if necessary.

Informal Assessment
How does the author feel about
your topic? how do you know
What are some key ideas the
author brings up?
How do cops/the
government/men abuse their
power? where in the text does
he say this?
Based on what we know about
police brutality, the travel ban,
and catcalling, what are some
obvious examples of abuse?
does the author mention these
anywhere in the text?
Where in the text does it talk
about cops or Donald trump
trying to keep people safe?
Where in the text does it talk
about men taking responsibility
for women?

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE - Length of time: 15 min
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will have students take Students will take 3 minutes in their Working in
10 more minutes in their groups groups to highlight reasons and groups helps
to highlight reasons and evidence evidence to support the counterclaim students with IEPs
to support the counterclaim. or ELLs practice
using academic
Formative Assessment; Teacher Students will share their language and
will have students share their counterclaims with the class when builds
counterclaims with the class and called on and/or will copy down the understanding.
write down answers on the class notes that the teacher adds on the tree
tree map. map.
CLOSING (Informal/Formative AssessmentsExtension Activities: How will students
summarize/reflect upon what they learned?)
Length of time: (5 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher tells students to write 2 Students will write 2 things they
things they learned about their learned about their topic on their
topic on their KWL and turn it in KWL chart and turn it in for an exit
for an exit ticket. ticket.

Lesson 3
Number of Students: 32
Period Length: 50
Students will be able to analyze the central idea of Do police abuse their power by using excessive form or
a text and how its developed by constructing a are they fulfilling their responsibility to keep people safe?
graphic organizer of the authors claim, Does the government abuse their power by banning

counterclaim, rebuttal, and call to action that cites Muslim refugees from traveling to the US or are they
textual evidence to support each part of the fulfilling their responsibility to keep the country safe
authors main argument. from terrorism?
Do men abuse their power over women by catcalling
What responsibilities do men have toward women?
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
KEY TERMS (Academic Language)
Previously Learned terms: claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, call to action
OPENING (How will you engage students and capture their interest?) MATERIALS
Length of time: (5 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation

Teacher will ask students to think Students will have 30 seconds to Think-pair-share Document
about the following question: think about the following question: allows ELLs and Camera,
What is a rebuttal? What What is a rebuttal? What should a IEP students to Thinking maps,
should a rebuttal always rebuttal always include? practice their Pencil/pen
include? academic Student
Formative Assessment: Teacher Students will share their answers with language and articles,
asks students to share their their partners and then be ready to learn from their Highlighters,
answers with their partner and share their answers with the class if peers. Cell phone for
then calls on students to share called on using class dojo. Class Dojo
their answers with the class using
class dojo.

Length of time: (10 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher provides a definition of Students will write down the Teacher reads
abuse of power to clarify what definition for abuse of power on definition and has
students should be looking for in their tree maps. it also written on
their articles. the board for
Abuse of power When a students with
person uses the power they auditory
have for their own personal processing
gain OR when a person in an deficiencies.
official position breaks the law
Think time
Teacher tells students that an benefits ELLs and
abuse of power is all about students with
intentions. Teacher says So in auditory
your article, if the police, Students take 30 seconds to think processing
catcallers, or the government is about the answer, then when called on deficiencies.
intending to use their powers in using class dojo, students will answer
an unlawful way or for personal the question.
gain, this would be an abuse of

Teacher tells students to take 30

seconds to think back to Fridays
activity. Formative assessment: Students will copy the sentence
Where in the articles did they see starters the teacher writes down on
an abuse of power? Teacher will their tree maps so they can use the
call on students using class dojo correct wording when they write their
to share their answers. counterclaims and rebuttals.

Teacher will model for students

how to use the sentence starters
on their cheat sheets by writing
police do not abuse power
because etc. on the tree

Teacher will model for students

how to write the rebuttal by
writing the sentence starters on
their tree maps. Although
opponents of this view say that
the reality is that

GUIDED PRACTICE (How will you ensure that all students have multiple opportunities to
practice? How will you scaffold practice exercises and questioning from easy to hard?)
Length of time: (25 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will give directions for Students listen for directions. Collaboration
the group activity: benefits ELLs as
Students will get 4 minutes to the will have
discuss and answer the plenty of
questions with their group or opportunities for
partners and highlight evidence practicing
that supports it. academic
Formative Assessment Questions
Police Brutality Group
(counterclaim) According to
the article on paragraph 3, if a
cop thinks a person has a gun,
how do they react? What does
this say about their intentions?
(counterclaim) According to
the article, why are the police
AND the public equally likely
to shoot first in an altercation?
Catcalling group
(counterclaim) Why might
people think its okay to
catcall? What did the men
interviewed say in their
Travel ban group
(counterclaim) What is the
main reason for stopping these
refugees from coming to the

Informal Assessment PAG/PAU

Process as Given/Process as
Teacher will ask students to turn
to the person next to them and PAG/PAU Process as
share the directions. Teacher will Given/Process as Understood
call on students to share the Students will share the directions with
directions with the class. the partner and then be ready to share
their answers when called on by the

Teacher will ask 2-3 students in Students will have 4 minutes to
each group to share their answers discuss the 2 questions on the
and where they found the document camera with their group or
evidence that supports their partners and highlight evidence that
answers. supports it.

Teacher will highlight the text as Students from each group will share
students share for those who did their answers and where they found
not get the answers. the evidence in the text that supports
their answers.
Teacher will also write the
answers on the tree map as Students who did not find the answers
students answer. will copy where the teacher
highlighted the text and the answers
on the class tree maps.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Informal/Formative Assessments: In what ways will students

attempt to demonstrate independent mastery of the objective?)
Length of time: (10 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will give student 10 Students will have 10 minutes to Sentence starters
minutes to complete their tree complete their tree maps by doing the and guiding
maps by writing the rebuttal to following: questions help
the counterclaims presented as Find the authors rebuttal to the ELL students and
well as the call to action. They counterclaim by highlighting students with IEPs
will need to highlight evidence in evidence in the text and writing the focus their
the text that supports both. answers on the tree map. attention to find
Find the authors call to action by the answers
Formative Assessment Questions highlighting evidence in the text and easier.
See Instructional Materials. writing the answers on the tree map.
Working in
groups allows
students to
scaffold each
other and help
ELLs and student
with IEPs.
CLOSING (Informal/Formative AssessmentsExtension Activities: How will students
summarize/reflect upon what they learned?)
Length of time: (3 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will pass out a notecard Students will write whether they
as an exit ticket and have agree or disagree with the authors
students will write whether they claims and why.
agree or disagree with the
authors claims and why.

Lesson 4
Number of students: 32
Length of period: 50
Students will be able to explain whether they Do police abuse their power by using excessive form or
agree or disagree with central idea of a text by are they fulfilling their responsibility to keep people safe?
writing a short constructed response that cites Does the government abuse their power by banning
strong and thorough textual evidence to support

Muslim refugees from traveling to the US or are they

their claims. fulfilling their responsibility to keep the country safe
from terrorism?
Do men abuse their power over women by catcalling
What responsibilities do men have toward women?
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text.
Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
KEY TERMS (Academic Language)
Previously learned terms Abuse of power, claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, call to action, RACE
OPENING - Length of time: 5 min MATERIALS
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation

Teacher asks students to hold Students write on their white boards Think-pair-share
up white boards indicating Agree or Disagree to indicate helps students
whether they agree or disagree whether they agree with the authors with IEPs and
with the authors claims. claims or not. ELLs to practice
Lined paper,
Informal assessment: Teacher Students share turn to their partner discourse
Index cards for
asks students to share why they and share why they agree/disagree 3-2-1
agreed or disagreed with their with their author and why.
authors claims.
Students will be prepared to share
their answers with the class.

INTRODUCTION TO NEW MATERIAL - Length of time: 10 min
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Informal Assessment: Teacher Students will read along with the
will read the directions to the directions on their handout and copy Explicit modeling
class and ask students, how down any notes the teacher writes of writing
many pieces of evidence do down. strategies helps
you include? students with low
reading skills
Teacher will ask students to
respond in chorus. Students will answer all together.

Teacher will then read the

prompt to the class and tell
students that their goal is to
agree or disagree with the
authors claim using 2 pieces
of evidence from the text to
support their answers.

Informal assessment: Teacher

asks, So if we are using 2
pieces of evidence what format
are we using to write this

Teacher will ask students to

respond in chorus.
Class Response in Chorus Students will respond in chorus.

Teacher will also remind

students to fully explain quote
by explaining what it means
just like when you explain
jokes to a little kid.

Review the checklist and tell

students that this is how I will
grade them.

Informal Assesment:
Ask random students ____,
for this paragraph, how many Students will respond when called on
quotes do I need? by the teacher.
____, for this paragraph, do I
put my quotes back to back?
What do I need after each

GUIDED PRACTICE - Length of time: (10 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation

Teacher tells student to get Students will get out their tree maps Sentence starters
out their tree maps and article and articles from yesterday. help students with
to get them started with their IEPs and ELLs
paragraphs. build their
Teacher asks students to show Students are called on to share how language.
her how to start her they would start their constructed
paragraph. response. Think time helps
Police abuse/dont students with
abuse power auditory
because processing
Catcalling is/is not an deficiencies
abuse of power understanding the
because questions.
The travel ban is/is
not an abuse of power

Teacher will write down how

to start the article.

Teacher will give students 30 Students will take 30 seconds to think

seconds to think about why about their topic and why they
they agree with the authors agree/disagree.

Then, teacher will have Students will write down their claim
students write down their first statement and reason 1.

Informal Assessment:
Teacher walks around the
room to check and stamp off
on students topic sentences.

Teacher will ask students to

share their reasons with the Students will share their reasons with
class. Teacher will write the class when called on by the
reasons on the overhead so teacher.
other students can see and use
it if needed.

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE - Length of time: 20 min
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will give student the Students will complete their RACE Sentence starters
next 15 minutes to write the paragraphs using the checklist and help ELLs with
rest of their paragraph. sentence started provided. syntax and
building academic
CLOSING (Informal/Formative AssessmentsExtension Activities: How will students
summarize/reflect upon what they learned?)
Length of time: ( 5 min)
Teacher Action Student Action Differentiation
Teacher will hand out index Students will write about three things 3-2-1 gives
cards to each student and tell they learned in todays lesson, two students a chance
student to write three things things they found interesting, and one to ask questions in
they learned in todays lesson, question they still have on the index a non-threatening
two things they found cards provided. way.
interesting, and one question
they still have.
Students will turn in their RACE
Teacher will ask students to paragraphs on the way out.
turn in their RACE
paragraphs on the way out.


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