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February 2017: GVI Chiang Mai

Dog Sterilization Clinic

To create a viable self-sustaining eco-tourism program for the village
Improve standards of living and increase job opportunities for the people of Huay Pakoot
Improve sustainable natural resource management in the Huay Pakoot area

We successfully had twenty-three animals spayed and neutered with the help of BEEs Elephant Sanctuary,
Loop Abroad, and our amazing volunteers and staff, using funds raised by the GVI Trust.

Coming to Huay Pakoot, there are a few things everyone who visits notices instantly. First, the gor-
geous scenery, then the simplicity of the architecture in the area, and finally the abundance of animals run-
ning around, particularly the dogs. Within the past few months we have had a huge boom in puppies
throughout the village. Although the puppies are very cute when they could barely move, they quickly
turned into little nightmares. Even other dogs in the village were producing more puppies than we could

Thankfully, Becca Winkler from the Mahouts Group Foundation reached out to us saying that Burm
and Emilys Elephant Sanctuary (BEES) were working towards getting a sterilization clinic to come out to
Mae Chaem; a town about an hour and a half away from the village towards Chiang Mai. Having this clinic
meant that we could get some of our dogs sterilized in order to prevent any more litters.

The veterinary staff team worked throughout the week to care for the animals bought to the clinic.
They ran solely on donations and didnt turn a single animal away. Over four days, volunteers, staff and vil-
lagers helped to transfer dogs from the village to Mae Chaem to ensure that our dogs could be cared for.
We had a great time working with them and they have told us to bring more animals back in the Fall when
they run the clinic again. It was a huge feat and incredible success for our hub here at GVI Chiang Mai.

GVI.2014.2 Written by Biodiversity Staff, Jina Marie Kim

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