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Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences Turkish J Earth Sci

(2013) 22: 414-426
Research Article doi:10.3906/yer-1201-4

Clay mineralogy of red clay deposits from the central Carpathian Basin (Hungary):
implications for Plio-Pleistocene chemical weathering and palaeoclimate
1,2,3, 1,3 1 4,5 6 2
Jnos KOVCS *, Bla RAUCSIK , Andrea VARGA , Gbor JVRI , Gyrgy VARGA , Franz OTTNER
Department of Geology, University of Pcs, Ifjsg u. 6, H-7624 Pcs, Hungary
Institute of Applied Geology, Peter Jordan Str. 70, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
Environmental Analytical & Geoanalytical Laboratory, Szentgothai Research Centre, University of Pcs, Ifjsg u. 34, H-7624 Pcs, Hungary
Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Csatkai E. u. 6-8, H-9400 Sopron, Hungary
Department of Lithospheric Research, University of Vienna, Althanstrasse 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria
Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
Budarsi t 45, H-1112 Budapest, Hungary

Received: 07.01.2012 Accepted: 19.07.2012 Published Online: 06.05.2013 Printed: 06.06.2013

Abstract: Geochemical and mineralogical studies of palaeosols provide essential information for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental
interpretation of continental deposits and can present a proxy for palaeoclimate. Red clays in the central Carpathian Basin (Hungary)
(Tengelic Red Clay Formation; Kerecsend Red Clay Formation), overlain by loesspalaeosol sequences, were studied. Results from
geochemical climofunctions applied to Upper PlioceneLower Pleistocene red clays and palaeosols located in the Carpathian Basin, and
clay mineralogy, indicate that the palaeoclimate was considerably more humid and warmer during the Late PlioceneEarly Pleistocene
in comparison to modern values.

Key Words: Palaeosol, red clay, loess, Pliocene, Pleistocene, palaeoclimate, East Central Europe

1. Introduction 1.1. Clay minerals as palaeoclimatic indicators

Representative parameters derived from the mineralogical Clay minerals are phyllosilicates, dominantly produced
and chemical composition of palaeosols are effective during chemical weathering processes (Chamley
proxies for palaeoclimatic interpretation, and their 1989). The nature of clay mineral assemblages (mineral
use, particularly when there is a lack of other proxies, composition of the clay fraction, <2 m grain-size) is
can provide quantitative and detailed palaeoclimatic primarily a function of climate, essentially affected by
information (Hamer et al. 2007). Palaeosols and the length of time of weathering, slope, waterrock ratio,
Pleistocene loesspalaeosol sequences preserve important and water chemistry (Chamley 1989; Nesbitt & Young
information on landscape stability, soil formation, and 1989; Nesbitt et al. 1997; Frsich et al. 2005). Therefore,
palaeoenvironment. Using both clay mineralogy and clay mineralogy is considered to be a powerful tool for
chemical composition, this article describes palaeoclimatic interpreting weathering conditions and palaeoclimate
trends in the Late PlioceneEarly Pleistocene of the (Chamley 1989; Ruffell et al. 2002; Sheldon & Tabor 2009),
Carpathian Basin that are recorded in red clay deposits and clay mineral assemblages may provide integrated
and palaeosols from outcrops and boreholes (Figure 1). records of overall climatic impacts (Thiry 2000). In
Because palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic general, illite and chlorite are formed during initial stages
data for the Late PlioceneEarly Pleistocene of the of chemical weathering (Nesbitt et al. 1980; Nesbitt &
Carpathian Basin are limited, the goals of this study are Young 1989). Their dominance in a sample indicates
to determine the changes of clay minerals due to chemical relatively fast erosion of the source area (Frsich et al.
weathering and age versus age/time. Moreover, this article 2005) and also cold and/or dry conditions. Illite and Al-
provides a higher-resolution proxy that refines previous rich chlorite have been considered to be less sensitive to
interpretations of the terrestrial palaeoclimate record of chemical weathering (e.g., Ruffell et al. 2002). During
the Carpathian Basin. advanced stages of chemical weathering, smectite and
* Correspondence:
KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

19 E

Western Carpathians
Danube Vienna
48 N
V Carpathians
Bp A Romania
Austria ARY
Dra va H UNG D
ia P
ven T
Alps Slo
Croatia Ba Serbia

B Southern Carpathians

es 0 200 km

Alpine-Carpathianflysch belt Pieniny Klippen Belt

InnerAlpine-Carpathian Mountain Neogene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks
belt and the Dinarides

Figure 1. The Carpathian Basin with the locations of sampling sites (map is modified
from Varga et al. 2011). Grey, dashed line outlines the area of the Carpathian Basin,
black dot-dashed line indicates the border of Hungary, black stars are sampling sites,
V Visonta; A Atkr; D Dunafldvr; P Paks; T Tengelic; veghuta; Ba
Br; B Beremend.

kaolinite are formed (Chamley 1989; Nesbitt & Young 2002; Kovcs et al. 2008, 2011). The age of the Tengelic Red
1989; Bronger 2007). Smectite is generally thought to form Clay Formation is ca. 3.51.0 Ma (Gyalog & Budai 2004;
during weathering in seasonally wet and dry climates Koloszr 2004, 2010), and that of the Kerecsend Red Clay
with low waterrock ratio and low relief (Ruffell et al. Formation ca. 1.50.5 Ma (Jmbor 2001).
2002; Frsich et al. 2005). The abundance of kaolinite is The red clays and palaeosols have a reddish (7.5YR 7/4)
an especially good indicator of landmasses with hot and or reddish-brown (5YR 5/6) colour, and vertic features
humid (subtropical to tropical) climate supported by high are most prominent in the older, reddest palaeosols. The
waterrock ratio and well-drained, steep slopes (Chamley reddish colour of soils and palaeosols is attributed to
1989; Ruffell et al. 2002; Frsich et al. 2005; Bronger 2007; hematite, goethite, maghemite, and/or amorphous Fe
Sheldon & Tabor, 2009). In general, dominance of smectite oxides, formed pedogenically or during early diagenesis as
and kaolinite indicates slow erosion rates or erosion of soil the result of dehydration or oxidation of Fe oxyhydroxides,
horizons formed over long periods of time (Frsich et al. or they may be inherited from the parent material.
2005). Generally, red clay displays a prismatic structure with
slickensides, stress surfaces, and brown and yellowish
2. Geological settings spots. Calcretes, 35 cm in diameter, occur in the lower
The red clay sediments in the Carpathian Basin are part of the red clay. Usually, the lower part (Bk horizon
known from both exposures and boreholes. Sections with carbonate nodules) is paler than the upper part (Bt
selected for this study are located mainly in the foothills horizon). Black FeMn stains are generally abundant
of the Hungarian mountains, except for those in the throughout the entire red clay unit. According to Fekete
central part (Figure 1). The red clays (Tengelic Red Clay (2002), the kaolinite-rich red clays (TRCF, Beremend
Formation: TRCF; Kerecsend Red Clay Formation: KRCF) Member) are ferralsols (oxisols); the younger red clays and
are widespread in the hilly and mountainous areas of the palaeosols are vertisol-type palaeosols.
Carpathian Basin underlying the Pleistocene Paks Loess In extensive areas of Central and SE Transdanubia
Formation (PLF) (Jmbor 1997; Schweitzer & Szr 1997; and in certain occurrences east of the Danube River, the
Viczin 2002, 2007; Kovcs 2003, 2008). The thickness lower part of the Pleistocene is represented by the TRCF,
of red clay ranges from 4 to 90 m (Jmbor 1997; Viczin consisting of red and variegated clay, sand, and silt of

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

fluvial facies. It is underlain unconformably by Upper from a few metres up to nearly 20 m. The red clay beds
Pannonian (Zanclean) or older deposits and generally are overlain by other red clay strata forming the lower
covered by loess. Loess is widespread in alluvial plains members of the PLF (Figure 2). The colour is actually less
and, to a lesser extent, on slopes of the mountainous areas deep red and has been called reddish by Schweitzer and
as well. However, it reaches its widest extent and greatest Szr (1997).
thickness in hilly regions of Central and SE Transdanubia 2.2. Kerecsend Red Clay Formation (KRCF)
(Jmbor 2001; Koloszr 2010). Loess is a wind-blown In the mountain areas of the northern part of the country,
sediment of silt-size formed in periglacial areas during red clay occurs in karstic limestone areas as depression
cold and dry periods of the Pleistocene. It may have and cave fills. Jmbor (2001) supposed that this clay was
transitions to, or may alternate with, aeolian sand deposits. formed during the Middle Pleistocene, or possibly even
Loess sequences can be interrupted by palaeosol horizons prior to the Quaternary. Red clay fillings, containing bone
formed during milder interglacial periods. In hilly and fossils, have been described in several places in the caves of
mountainous regions the loess complex is called the the northeastern mountains. Age determination was based
Paks Loess Formation (PLF), which is underlain in SE
on stratigraphical position and vertebrate fauna (Jnossy
Transdanubia by the TRCF. According to Jmbor (1997),
1986; Kretzoi 1987). The oldest vertebrate fossils are
loess was formed in hilly regions between 1.2 Ma and 12 ka
700,000 years old, although they mark only the age of the
ago. Stratigraphic relations of these terrestrial sediments
accumulation, while the red clays could be significantly
are described in classical studies of the vertebrate fauna
older. In the northern part of the country, in the southern
by Kretzoi (1956, 1969) and Jnossy (1986) and in more
foothills of the mountains, cross-bedded sand or sandy
recent summaries by Koloszr (2004), Koloszr and Marsi
clay is overlain by a 320 m thick red clay horizon (KRCF,
(2005), and Kovcs et al. (2008). Schweitzer and Szr
Figure 2), about 36 m thick (Atkr site, Figure 2; e.g.,
(1997) distinguished and characterised the subsequent
Kovcs et al. 2011, p. 38, figure 4A).
periods set up by the former authors as Ruscinian (4.53.0
Ma), Villanyian (3.01.8 Ma), and Biharian (younger than 2.3. Paks Loess Formation (PLF), lower palaeosols
1.8 Ma). The Paks loess profile is located in the mid-Carpathian
2.1. Tengelic Red Clay Formation (TRCF) Basin on the right bank of the River Danube (Figures 1 and
Red clays are widespread in the hilly and mountainous areas 2). Boreholes reveal that the whole loesspalaeosol series
of Hungary underlying the Pleistocene PLF. According to is underlain by a clay, silt, and red clay sequence called the
Schweitzer and Szr (1997), red clays can be subdivided TRCF (Koloszr 2004; Kovcs et al. 2008, 2011), which is
into 2 compositional groups: the first rich in kaolinite, ca. 60 m thick and represents approximately the last 1 Ma
and the other rich in illite and smectite. The kaolinite-rich (Pcsi 1979). Two lithological units have been distinguished
variety seems to be the older one (Beremend Member, within the Paks Loess Formation: 1) the Young Loess Series
Koloszr 2004), while the illitesmectite rich variety is (YLS; MIS 210) and 2) the Old Loess Series (OLS; MIS
generally younger, more widespread, and occurs in hilly 1122) (Pcsi 1995; Gbris 2007). Three loess layers and 3
areas (Tengelic Member, Koloszr 2004). Red clays Mediterranean (terra rossa) type palaeosols (in Figure 2,
(Beremend site, Figure 2; e.g., Kovcs et al. 2011, p. 38, PD2, PD1) constitute the lower part of the OLS, while the
figure 4B) of Late PlioceneEarly Pleistocene age (3.32.4 upper part of the OLS consists of 3 loess layers, 2 brown
Ma, MN16 mammal biozone) were dated using vertebrate forest soils, and a pseudogley soil (jvri et al. in press).
mammals by Jnossy (1986) and Kretzoi (1987). The red As shown in Figure 2, the PD2 fossil soil was the lowest
clay (in the Tengelic-2 borehole, Figure 2) is the uppermost palaeosol studied in the exposure (e.g., Kovcs et al. 2011,
bed of a 2560 m thick sequence consisting from the bottom p. 38, figure 4C). The stratigraphic position of red clays
upward of alluvial sand, occasional bentonite derived from (palaeosols), on the basis of the Middle Pleistocene PLF,
basalt tuff, eluvial-deluvial variegated clay and clayey silt, is Lower Pleistocene to lowest Middle Pleistocene (0.8 to
and finally the red clay, which is of residual facies. The ~1.2 million years). The stratigraphic position is given by
bentonite layer, derived from basalt, is important for age the scheme of Koloszr and Marsi (2002).
determination. These potassic volcanic rocks dated at 2.17
0.17 Ma (KAr method) were recovered from boreholes 3. Methods
at Br (Balogh et al. 1986). At Br, in B-4 borehole (Figure Red clay, palaeosol, and loess samples from the Carpathian
2), K-rich basalt and basalt pyroclastite intercalations can Basin were collected during fieldwork. A total of 80 samples
be found between red clay layers. The whole sequence was of red clay and palaeosol (and loess for comparison) were
deposited after a considerable hiatus on the eroded surface taken from the northern, southern, and the central part
of Upper Pannonian sediments. Its age is supposed to of Hungary. The sequences were continuously sampled for
be Early Pleistocene. The thickness of the red clay varies analysis at 1020 cm intervals.

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci


Atkr profile

Paks profile
Age (Ma)




MAP and MA T
Tengelic-2 bor ehole profile

clay minerals
0.01 Recent soil



Br -4 bor ehole profile


Paks LF


Kerecsend RC Fm

P = 9001000 mm
0.78 smectite

T = 810 C
Quate r na ry


weathering intensity and stages

illite, vermiculite,
1.5 chlorite


Tengelic Red Clay Formation

P = 11001200 mm
T = 1013 C
2 bentonite
mixed-layer illite

and smectite
Beremend profile
2.58 Br Basalt Fm well-crystallised
2.17 0.17 Ma
Red clay (from
3.3 to 2.4 Ma ,

MN 16 zone)

P = 12001400 mm

T = 1315 C
Neogen e


II (halloysite)
3.5 IV
3.60 V
Cretaceous VI
A global increase in uplift rates limestone
(Zuchiewicz 1998, 2009; Westaway 2002)

Figure 2. Geochronological and stratigraphical framework of the Hungarian red clays with the stratigraphic position of the studied
profiles. Global chronostratigraphy is from Gibbard and Cohen (2008). T Tarantian, Paks LF Paks Loess Formation, BM Beremend
Member, TM Tengelic Member, BRC Basal Red Clays of the Paks Loess Formation (after Kretzoi 1987; Jmbor 1997; Schweitzer
& Szr 1997; Koloszr 2004; Marsi & Koloszr 2004; Kovcs et al. 2008). Ph Paks sandy soil complex, PD1,2 Paks Double, MN 16
zone European Land Mammal Mega Zone MN 16 (roughly coeval with the Piacenzian between 3.600 and 2.588 Ma). Legend: I loess,
II sand, III sandy-loamy marl, IV palaeosol, V (terra rossa)/red clays, VI basalt/bentonite, VII sandy clay.

3.1. Grain-size analyses samples gathered from published papers and technical
The grain-size distribution of all samples was measured reports from the last 2 decades. Most of the measurements
by laser diffraction (Fritsch Analysette 22) methods using were performed at the Geological Institute of Hungary,
the approach described by Konert and Vandenberghe Budapest (Fldvri & Kovcs-Plffy 2002; Dezs et al. 2007;
(1997) and Kovcs (2008). After processing the samples
Viczin 2007 and references therein) and at the Department
with 10 mL of 30% H2O2 and 10 mL of 10% HCl to remove
of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of
organic matter and carbonate, respectively, 10 mL of 0.05
N (NaPO3)6 was added to the sample, which was then Pannonia, Veszprm, Hungary (Dezs et al. 2007; Viczin
ultrasonicated for about 15 min. Subsequently, the sample 2007; Varga et al. 2011; jvri et al. in press). Additionally,
was transferred to the laser grain-size analyser. results of Bernyi veges et al. 2003 and Vincze et al. 2005
3.2. Mineralogical analyses were also used and interpreted. Complete descriptions of
Clay mineralogy in this paper is based on X-ray powder the methods including instruments used for XRD analyses
diffraction (XRD) analyses of red clay, loess, and palaeosol are available in the aforementioned papers.

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

3.3. Geochemical analyses for silicate weathering (Buggle et al. 2011). However, the
Loess and palaeosol samples were analysed for major CIA is used in this study, because all the former calculations
and trace element abundances with X-ray fluorescence were based on this index. Moreover, the chemical index
spectrometry (XRF) using a Thermo ARL AdvantXP+ of alteration minus potassium (CIAK) is used in the
sequential XRF spectrometer in the GeoAnalytical geochemical climofunctions (see in the next part).
Laboratory of Washington State University, Pullman, WA, Earlier reviews suggest generally that clay mineralogy
USA. After drying, samples were prepared for analysis by follows a weathering pattern, from hot and humid to cool
grinding to a very fine powder, weighing with di-lithium and dry, in the order of kaolinite smectite vermiculite
tetraborate flux (2:1 flux:sample), fusing at 1000 C in chlorite and mixed-layer phyllosilicates illite and
muffle oven, and cooling. The bead is then reground, mica (e.g., Retallack 2001; Sheldon & Tabor 2009). In the
refused, and polished on diamond laps to provide a smooth context of this study, the data collected from the bulk as
flat analysis surface. The major element concentrations are well as the clay mineral analysis are supposed to serve as
expressed as wt%, volatile-free, with all the iron expressed a proper basis for an estimate of the weathering intensity
as FeOtot. Loss on ignition (LOI) was obtained by weighing of the individual samples (Terhorst et al. 2012). The most
after 16 h of calcination at 900 C. Analytical uncertainties sensitive minerals, such as carbonates and chlorite, will
are 2% for the major elements (except Na2O). probably be dissolved or transformed first, and, with
Individual data were published by jvri et al. (in progressive weathering, the more stable minerals also,
press) for loess and palaeosol samples. Red clay data, with such as mica and feldspars (Terhorst et al. 2012).
a complete description of the method used for chemical 3.5. Geochemical climofunctions
analyses, come from Kovcs (2007). The degree of chemical weathering in soils increases with
3.4. Palaeoproxy Indicators mean annual precipitation (P; mm) and mean annual
A variety of semiquantitative and quantitative tools, temperature (T; C). These relationships were quantified
including mineralogical and geochemical proxies, by Sheldon et al. (2002) and Nordt and Driese (2010) using
have been developed to examine past weathering and a database of major-element chemical analyses of modern
pedogenesis, and to reconstruct both palaeoenvironmental soils, which were selected from the compilation of Marbut
and palaeoclimatic conditions at the time of palaeosol (1935). This is based on the spatial extent and continuity
formation (e.g., Bokhorst et al. 2009; Sheldon & Tabor of coverage on a continental scale to ensure representation
2009; Buggle et al. 2011; Gulbranson et al. 2011). The of a large range of climate regimes.
concept of geochemical proxies of mineral alteration (i.e. According to Sheldon et al. (2002), mean annual
weathering indices) relies on the selective removal of precipitation (MAP) can be related to the chemical index
soluble and mobile elements from a weathering profile of alteration without potassium (CIAK) and is calibrated
compared to the relative enrichment of rather immobile for precipitation values between 200 and 1600 mm/year:
and nonsoluble elements (Nesbitt & Young 1982; Buggle
et al. 2011). Based on this principle, simple ratios of bulk MAP (mm/year) = 14.265(CIA-K) 37.632,
element composition, together with chemical weathering (1)
indices, have successfully been used for the reconstruction
of palaeoenvironmental conditions of palaeosols and where CIAK = 100 [Al2O3/(Al2O3 + CaO + Na2O)]
loesspalaeosol successions (e.g., Retallack 2001; Sheldon and R2 = 0.73 (R2 is the coefficient of determination in
2006; Kovcs 2007; Bokhorst et al. 2009; Buggle et al. 2011; linear regression), with an error of 182 mm/year. Results
Muhs et al. 2011). obtained with this method are consistent with independent
Major element concentrations of red clays and estimates from other proxies, such as plant fossils (Sheldon
palaeosols have been used to reconstruct patterns in the & Retallack 2004).
long-term chemical weathering of the land surface through A function by Sheldon (2006) for use with inceptisols
the use of the chemical index of alteration (CIA; Nesbitt allows mean annual temperature (MAT) to be calculated
& Young 1982), the chemical index of weathering (CIW; as follows:
Harnois 1988), the chemical index of alteration minus
potassium (CIAK; Maynard 1992; Fedo et al. 1995), and MAT (C) = 46.94C + 3.99,
the chemical proxy of alteration (CPA; Buggle et al. 2011). (2)
As weathering progresses, the value of the CIA, CIW,
or CIAK of soil B horizons will increase relative to the where C = mAl/mSi and R2 = 0.96, with an error of 0.6 C
unaltered parent material. Considering element behaviour (m is the molar ratio).
during weathering or diagenesis, the chemical proxy of Another climofunction was used for MAP estimation,
alteration (CPA) is proposed as the most appropriate index as well established by Nordt and Driese (2010):

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

MAP (mm/year) = 22.69(CALMAG) 435.8, A

100 Ka; Ch; Gi
TRCF, Beremend
where CALMAG (calcium-magnesium index) = 100 90 Member
[Al2O3/(Al2O3 + CaO + MgO)]. This function is restricted
to vertisols; oxides are in units of moles. Sm Il
80 TRCF, Tengelic
The palaeoclimatological results are shown in the Member
Table. Mu


eri ng
4. Results KRCF and

ath asi
PLF lower palaeosol

we ecre
4.1. Granulometry 60

Grain-size distributions of detrital sediments are GAL
usually regarded as useful parameters in characterising UCC
sedimentary environments and dynamics. Grain-size 50
Pl Loess Palaeosol K-fp
distributions of red clay were analysed and compared with (YLS and OLS) (YLS)
typical aeolian loess and palaeosols developed on loess CN K
(Kovcs 2003, 2008; Kovcs et al. 2008; Varga 2011). The Figure 4. Ternary ACNK diagram (Nesbitt & Young 1982) of
grain-size distribution curves of loess deposits closely the red clay, palaeosol, and loess samples (in molar proportions).
resemble the red clays and palaeosols (Figure 3). The The samples plot subparallel to the ACN join, suggesting
bimodal pattern could also be identified, indicating that an ideal weathering of a slightly more felsic source than the
2 sediment populations have been involved in the loess UCC (Rudnick & Gao 2003). Abbreviations are as follows: Sm
Smectite, Il Illite, Mu Muscovite, Ka Kaolinite, Ch
formation. The pronounced peak in the coarse silt fraction
Chlorite, Gi Gibbsite, Pl Plagioclase, K-fp K-feldspar, UCC
and the secondary maximum in the clay-, fine silt fraction upper continental crust, GAL global average loess (jvri
is a common characteristic of loess deposits. The possible et al. 2008), PAAS post-Archaean Australian Shale (Taylor &
factors that could be the cause of secondary maxima are McLennan 1985). Note that only the top 50% of the triangle is
a second dust source area; background dust-load; and shown.
postdepositional weathering or dispersion of silt- and
sand-sized clay-aggregates. As demonstrated by Yang and
sedimentation than did the background dust. However, this
Ding (2004) and Varga (2011), pedogenic processes and
does not mean that the amount of the distal dust material
aggregation have restricted effect on the grain-size of loess.
was reduced, but the increased quantity of the local
The fine-grained component was mainly transported by
material caused a decrease in the relative proportion of
upper level air-flow, and was deposited far from the source
the fine-grained particles. Particle-size characteristics and
areas. Detailed discussion on the effect of background
micromorphological investigations suggest that most of
dust-load can be found in Varga et al. (2012). The fine- the red clay is wind-blown in origin (Kovcs 2008; Kovcs
grained populations in the grain-size distribution curves et al. 2008; Varga 2011). Detailed granulometric analyses
of loess deposits have a lower percentage than in the red of red clays show similar bimodal grain-size distribution
clay samples. This suggests that for loess the proximal patterns to loess horizons, as in the Chinese Loess Plateau
mineral material may have played a much larger role in the (Yang & Ding 2004; Kovcs et al. 2008). More detailed
8.0% grain-size properties of red clays and palaeosols can be
7.0% Loess found in Kovcs (2008) and Varga (2011).
6.0% Red palaeosol 4.2. Mineralogy
Red clay TRCF, Beremend Member. According to the unpublished

4.0% report by Marsi et al. (2001 in Viczin 2007), bulk red

clay samples are dominated by smectite with additional
disordered kaolinite. Hematite, Ti-oxides, and some
quartz and illite are present as well. In the separated <2
m fraction, dominance of highly disordered kaolinite is
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 the most obvious (60%80%), while smectite (20%40%)
Grain size (m) and illite + illite/smectite (<10%) are low, and gibbsite
Figure 3. Grain-size distribution curves of the red clay (TRCF), was identified only as traces in some samples (Marsi et al.
red palaeosol (KRCF), and Quaternary loess and palaeosol (PLF) 2001 in Viczin 2007). Dezs et al. (2007) reported red
samples from Hungary. clay samples with very similar mineralogy from the same

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

locality, emphasising a more significant role of gibbsite horizons. Kaolinite, illite, vermiculite, chlorite, illite/
in the clay fraction (up to 27%). Viczin (2007) found smectite, and chlorite/vermiculite were identified in
that kaolinite is disordered, with a mixed-layer kaolinite/ most of the samples. Smectites in the red palaeosol have
smectite character (Figure 2). primarily high layer charge; both montmorillonitic and
TRCF, Tengelic Member. A well-studied example of beidellitic character is present.
the upper part of the TRCF occurs in the fossil vertebrate PLF, Lower Palaeosol. The bulk mineralogical
locality Somssich Hill Nr. 2. The sequence was dated by composition of the sediments, estimated from XRD data,
Jnossy (1986) as the end of Lower Pleistocene. Based on indicates that quartz, smectite (up to 30% in loess and up
Viczin (2007), bulk composition of a fissure-filling yellow to 40% in palaeosol), and carbonates are the dominant
silt can be characterised by the dominance of calcite and minerals (jvri et al. in press). Loess samples contain
quartz with some feldspar. Discrete and well-crystallised higher proportions of calcite and dolomite compared
illite was found as the main clay mineral accompanied by to palaeosols, which can be characterised by smectite
minor chlorite, kaolinite with goethite, and amorphous dominance. Illitic material (illite muscovite), together
iron hydroxide. Discrete and well-crystallised illite phases with chlorite, is present in all samples but usually in
were found as the main clay components, accompanied by small proportions (<10%); YLS sediments, however, have
less abundant disordered smectite, chlorite, and kaolinite a relatively higher bulk illite muscovite and chlorite
in this monotonous silty clay sequence. The only systematic content compared to the OLS loess samples. Goethite is
variation is that kaolinite is at the bottom and chlorite at present in 3 samples in the lower part of the MB palaeosol
the top of the sequence; in the middle both minerals occur. (OLS), whereas hematite occurs only in a single YLS
In particular, at Dunafldvr (near Paks) mixed- palaeosol sample.
layer illite/smectites were identified as the main clay Other authors have also noted large amounts of illite,
minerals, accompanied by illite and kaolinite (Figures chlorite, and smectite (especially in lower palaeosols)
1 and 2). In borehole Tengelic-2, which is the type with heterogeneous distribution in the Paks section
section of the formation, brownish-reddish clay contains (Pcsi-Donth 1979; Nemecz et al. 2000). Pcsi (1993)
poorly crystallised but discrete smectite and illite, demonstrated that bulk samples of the PLF older
and minor chlorite. Recently detailed geological and palaeosols are composed of quartz, feldspar, calcite,
palaeopedological studies were carried out on occurrences dolomite, abundant hydromica, and chlorite, with
of the TRCF (e.g. veghuta; Figure 1). This clay is poor minor montmorillonite and kaolinite. Kaolinite-bearing
in carbonates and contains predominantly smectites. samples also contain traces of Al-hydroxide phases. At the
Bulk composition of the reddish clay samples examined Beremend site, Dezs et al. (2007) showed that reddish
by Fldvri and Kovcs-Plffy (2002) shows dominance lower palaeosol of the PLF is dominated by quartz and
of quartz, feldspars, and smectite, which is replaced well-crystallised illite (probably 2M polytype), with minor
by vermiculite in some samples. Illite, minor chlorite, kaolinite and smectite. Goethite is present as well. As
and very scarce kaolinite are present as well. As for the for the clay fraction, the above-mentioned clay minerals
separated clay fraction, illite and 14 phases (smectite are identified, but chlorite also occurs. Interestingly, the
and/or vermiculite) are the major clay minerals. A variety smectite described from the whole rock samples shows a
of different mixed-layer clay minerals between vermiculite, highly expandable mixed-layer illite/smectite character.
smectite, chlorite, and illite were identified. Kaolinite was 4.3. Geochemical properties
detected in traces. The chemical composition of the red clay deposits in
KRCF. Vincze et al. (2005) showed that in the bulk red Hungary is dominated by SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO,
clay samples collected from the NE Hungarian region, the and K2O (Kovcs 2007; Kovcs et al. 2008). The chemical
most abundant minerals are quartz and phyllosilicates, index of alteration (CIA) for the samples varies from 64 to
while feldspars are minor constituents. Goethite, hematite, 93 (Figure 4). As shown in the ACNK diagram (Figure
and dolomite are accessory phases but the systematic 4), samples are distributed along the ACN line and tend
presence of the amorphous material is significant. to approach the A-pole, reflecting a process in which K2O
Among the clay minerals smectite (montmorillonite) is leached out and Al2O3 is increased in the samples, i.e.
and illite are dominant, while kaolinite and chlorite are the dissolution of feldspar minerals and the production
subordinate. It should be noted that lithostratigraphy of of new clay minerals (smectite, illite, and kaolinite). This
these red clays is debated, while they can represent either pattern suggests that the chemical weathering of the
the TRCF or the KRCF (Vincze et al. 2005). Based on the sediments resulted in removal of Ca and Na (primarily
XRD investigations of Bernyi veges et al. (2003), in a plagioclase) from the source rocks and less intense
representative palaeosol profile near Visonta (Figure 1), leaching of K, whereas the stronger chemical weathering
the dominant clay mineral is smectite in all layers and in the sediments caused considerable dissolution of Ca

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

Na-bearing host minerals and even K-bearing minerals (Figure 5a) and 8841774 mm/year (using Eq. [3]). The
(mainly K-feldspar) as well. MAT values from palaeosols (Eq. [2]) ranged from 9 to 14
In the OLS palaeosol samples (PLF) from the Paks C (Figure 5b), with a mean value of 11.5 C (SD = 1.5 C).
section, a heterogeneous chemical composition is The MAP values from TRCF, Beremend Mb., vary from
apparent. SiO2 content and CaO content both vary widely 1200 and 1400 mm/year using Eq. (1) and fall between
(jvri et al. in press). Nevertheless, other major elements 1400 and 1800 mm/year using Eq. (3). The estimated MAP
have a less pronounced variation. CIA values are in the values from TRCF (Tengelic Mb.) range from 1100 to 1200
range of 6171 (average: 68 1), which are higher than the mm/year (Eq. [1]) and 1200 to 1400 mm/year (Eq. [3]).
UCC (upper continental crust) and GAL (global average The MAP values from KRCF vary from 900 and 1000 mm/
loess) values of 53 and 60 (Rudnick & Gao 2003; jvri et year (Eq. [1]) and are 10001200 mm/year (Eq. [3]). The
al. 2008) and slightly lower than the PAAS (post-Archaean calculated precipitation values of PLF (lower palaeosols)
Australian Shale) value of 70 (Taylor & McLennan range from 800 to 900 (Eq. [1]) and 900 to 1000 mm/year
1985). Palaeosol samples show higher CIA values than (Eq. [3]).
intervening loess (OLS loess average: 64 2), indicating The MAT values of TRCF, Beremend Mb., are 1315
stronger weathering of fossil soils. The YLS samples have C, and for the Tengelic Mb. they fall between 10 and 13
slightly lower CIA values, ranging from 60 to 68 (Figure C. The calculated temperature values of KRCF range from
5). The PLF samples plot subparallel to the ACN line, 8 to 10 C and 7 to 10 C for the PLF, lower palaeosol.
suggesting ideal weathering of a slightly more felsic source
than the UCC (Rudnick & Gao 2003). Furthermore, a 5. Discussion and conclusions
general trend of decreasing chemical weathering intensity 5.1. Palaeoclimatological interpretation
from the TRCF to the PLF is unequivocal, as demonstrated Reddish palaeosols are common in Pleistocene loess
by CIA (Figure 4). palaeosol sequences throughout Central and SE Europe
4.4. Palaeoprecipitation and palaeotemperature and East and Central Asia, as well as throughout the
Reconstructed palaeoclimate results indicate that during geological record. Thus, colour alone may not be diagnostic
the development of red clays and palaeosols, the climate for of palaeosol climate (Sheldon & Tabor 2009).
most of the time was considerably wetter than the modern The older type (Beremend Mb of the TRCF) is red
climate (Table). The modern climate of the Carpathian kaolinitic clay containing typically disordered kaolinite,
Basin (Hungary) is dominated by Cfb climate with hot mixed-layer smectite/kaolinite, smectite, and rare
summers and mild winters (Fbin & Matyasovszky 2010). gibbsite (Viczin 2007; Kovcs et al. 2011). According
In the Kppen climate classification, Cfb means temperate to the previous model (Dezs et al. 2007; Viczin 2007),
marine west coast climate (Kottek et al. 2006). Current gibbsite in low amounts was most probably formed during
MAP within the Carpathian Basin is 500750 mm/year, the Csarntan period, together with kaolinite in the
and the MAT is 1011 C, with a seasonal range from 20 weathering crust on the surface. In exceptional cases the
C in July to 1 C in January (Justyk 1998). The MAP preservation of high-gibbsitic clays in an older generation
values obtained from palaeosols (Eq. [1]) had a range of of fissures cannot be completely excluded. Transformation
8901370 182 mm/year and a mean of 1200 mm/year in the ground water may have produced smectites but

1600 16
TRCF - Beremend Mb. TRCF - Beremend Mb.
1200 TRCF - Tengelic Mb. TRCF - Tengelic Mb.
MAP (mm)

1000 12

600 10

200 A

0 6
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22
CIA mAl 2 O3 /mSiO2

Figure 5. Relationship between A) mean annual precipitation (MAP) and CIAK and B) mean annual temperature
(MAT) and the molecular weathering ratio of Al2O3 and SiO2 in the red clays, palaeosols, and loess deposits.

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

Table. Climate data set of Carpathian Basin obtained from previous studies and the new results. 1 Eronen & Rook 2004; 2 van Dam
2006; 3 Montuire et al. 2006; 4 Haywood et al. 2000; 5 Haywood & Valdes 2004; 6 Chandler et al. 2008; 7 Mosbrugger et al.
2005; 8 Justyk 1998.

Munsell MAT MAPa MAPb Studied

Age (Ma) MN zone MAT MAP Ref.
colour (dry) (this study) (this study) (this study) deposits
4.23.2 MN15 5YR 4/4 1015 1150 1, 2, 3 1315 12001400 14001800 TRCF, BM
3.15 n.d. 951 4, 5, 6 1315 12001400 14001800 TRCF, BM
3.22.5 MN16 5YR 4/6 n.d. 700 1 1013 11001200 12001400 TRCF, TM
7.5YR 7/4
2.51.8 MN17 10.612.4 990 1, 7 810 9001000 10001200 KRCF
5YR 5/6
PLF, lower
1.80.9 2.5YR 4/8 n.d. n.d. 710 8001000 9001000
recent 1011 500750 8

Note: MAT values in C; MAP values in mm; Ref. references; n.d. no data; MAPa Eq. (1); MAPb Eq. (3).

did not go far enough to produce kaolinite or gibbsite. 2500 mm (10 humid months) on the windward side of the
The vertebrate fauna of the Csarntan biostratigraphic Western Ghats, it leads also to the formation of gibbsite.
stage (Kretzoi 1969) indicates warm and humid climatic Pedogenic formation of kaolinites also in the seasonal
conditions, which were compared by Kaiser (1999) to tropics needs a longer time, probably some 100 ka. In the
the recent climate along the Atlantic coasts of Portugal, Atlantic coastal region of Morocco, in a time span of several
and by Koloszr et al. (2000) to the recent climate of SE 100 ka, the direction of weathering goes towards strong
Asia. According to Marsi et al. (2001) the source material pedogenic kaolinite formation, showing poor crystallinity
of the red clay fill in the Beremend quarry was mainly of the fireclay type.
an autochthonous weathering crust on the top of the On the other hand, depending on the global climate,
isolated elevation of the limestone block at Beremend. weathering conditions in the Alpine realm changed
Viczin (2007) considered that it was formed in the local from tropical (Eocene) to subtropical (Early and Middle
subaerial weathering crust in a warm, humid, subtropical, Miocene) to temperate wet (Late MiocenePliocene)
or monsoon climate. Our palaeoclimatic results show that conditions, reflecting regional cooling and continuing
this red clay was developed under a humid subtropical uplift (Kuhlemann et al. 2008). The Late CretaceousEarly
climate (Kppen climate classification Cfa), which is a Tertiary kaolinitic event with bauxite formation on the
climate zone characterised by hot, humid summers and carbonate platforms of the Alpine belt is well identified
generally mild to cool winters (Kottek et al. 2006). This in the sedimentary record, especially in western Europe
type of climate is found in northern Vietnam, the south- (Thiry 2000; Kuhlemann et al. 2008). Additionally, the
eastern quarter of mainland China, the northern half of Hercynian basement was coated with thick kaolinitic
Taiwan, and narrow coastal areas of South Korea. palaeosols formed throughout the Cretaceous (Thiry
It is important to note, however, that kaolinitic 2000 and references therein). During the Early Neogene,
palaeoprofiles may have not all formed in tropical to corresponding to the first Alpine tectonic movements
subtropical climates, and some may even not have formed together with drying of the climate, the kaolinitic palaeosols
under wet conditions (e.g., Chamley 1989; Thiry 2000). were eroded, causing the onset of the most important
Therefore, other effects (e.g., tectonic rejuvenation and detrital discharge of the whole Neogene in western Europe
the role of surface uplift) on the mineralogy and the CIA (Thiry 2000). In the Eastern Alps, reexhumation probably
values must be taken into consideration as well (e.g., started in the Late Miocene and accelerated from the
Kuhlemann et al. 2008; Mikes et al. 2011; Varga et al. 2011; Pliocene (~2.7 Ma) onwards (Kuhlemann et al. 2002, 2008;
jvri et al. in press), although the climatic control seems Kuhlemann 2007; Willett 2010). According to Westaway
to be obvious in explaining our dataset. (2002), long-term river terrace sequences indicate a global
On one hand, Bronger (2007) has stated that the increase in uplift rates in the Late Pliocene, followed by a
efficiency of weathering under tropical climates has often calm period and then a renewed increase around the Early
been overestimated. In South India, above a threshold of Middle Pleistocene boundary. Additionally, the amount
about 2000 mm (6 humid months), deep weathering is a of uplift in the Carpathians was greatest also in the Late
recent process leading to the formation of kaolinites; above Pliocene and Early Quaternary (Zuchiewicz 1998, 2009).

KOVCS et al. / Turkish J Earth Sci

Red clays from Cenozoic palaeosols of the Eastern are well crystallised detrital illite and illite/smectite mixed
Alps record periods of stagnating uplift and decrease of layer minerals. The relative abundance of smectite and the
relief (Kuhlemann et al. 2008). Exposure of kaolinitic smectite/illite ratio is significantly lower in loess samples
palaeosols to temperate weathering conditions due to relative to palaeosol and red clay samples, suggesting clear
accelerating uplift may, therefore, have been fairly short in fluctuations in weathering intensity during the evolution
order to modify the mineralogy and chemical composition of the Paks sequences (jvri et al. in press). Additionally,
of previously formed clay minerals (e.g., Bronger 2007; relative abundances of smectitic material are higher in
Kuhlemann et al. 2008). Therefore, formation of the palaeosols, whereas the illite (illite muscovite) content
older type (Beremend Mb.) of the TRCF under humid is higher in loess. The apparent inverse behaviour of illitic
subtropical climate during the Pliocene in the Alpine realm material and smectite in the depth profile can indicate
seems to be improbable. Consequently, kaolinite together the transformation of illite into smectitic material in
with gibbsite in this type of the studied red clays may be periods of soil formation. Less frequent clay minerals are
inherited from pre-Pliocene lateritic soils, potentially smectite + kaolinite or vermiculite + chlorite, depending
formed under subtropical climatic conditions during the probably on slight climatic fluctuations during this period.
EoceneMiddle Miocene. The slightly but significantly lesser degree of weathering
The younger member of the TRCF contains red (or (more illite and chlorite, less smectite) indicates cooling
reddish) clay beds. It contains relatively fresh material of the climate. It is expressed in minor but clearly defined
(illite, chlorite); the weathering products are predominantly differences in the quantity of minerals (Viczin 2007).
smectite and goethite formed in a warm and dry climate in Based on the results, the climatic conditions were similar
environmental conditions of savannah and steppe or forest to those previously discussed. It was also Csb, but cooler
steppe (Viczin 2007). The enrichment of resistant minerals with less precipitation.
such as quartz in the samples of the Tengelic Member
indicates long-lasting semiarid weathering (Marsi 2000). Acknowledgements
Our data suggest that this type of red clay was developed This contribution was made possible through financial
under a warm-summer Mediterranean climate (Csb). This support by Developing Competitiveness of Universities
subtype of the Mediterranean climate experiences warm in the South Transdanubian Region (SROP-4.2.1.B-10/2/
(but not hot) and dry summers, while winters are rainy KONV-2010-0002) and the Austrian Agency for
and can be mild to chilly (Kottek et al. 2006). Csb climates International Education & Research, financed by the
are found in north-western Iberia, coastal California, and Scholarship Foundation of the Republic of Austria (OeAD).
parts of the Pacific Northwest (Kottek et al. 2006). It was additionally supported by the Jnos Bolyai Research
The basal red clay layers of the Paks Loess Formation Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences for
and KRCF contain similar material to the underlying G. jvri, A. Varga, and J. Kovcs. We appreciate the
red clays belonging to the younger member of the TRCF editorial handling of Selim Kapur and the editorial staff
(Viczin 2007; Kovcs et al. 2011). at the Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences. Many thanks to
They contain relatively abundant quartz and other those who reviewed this manuscript and offered helpful
detrital minerals. In both formations typical clay minerals suggestions for its improvement.

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