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Name Period:

Quarter 3 Argumentative Inquiry Project

RI.9-10.2: Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it
emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.

Background: So far in this unit, you have read a variety of articles on personal responsibility and
injustice. From these articles, we have learned that injustices stem from people who avoid taking
responsibility and people who abuse their power.

Inquiry Overview: For your Inquiry Project, you will explore articles that address controversial topics
such as: catcalling, President Trumps travel ban, and police brutality. Each article will take a stance on a
topic by providing a claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, and/or call to action. Each article will also utilize
appeals such as ethical appeal, logical appeal, or emotional appeal to persuade readers to support their

1. Choose ONE topic you will be assigned an article that corresponds to your topic.
2. Read your article
a. make at least 3 annotations for each section
b. Highlight evidence that supports the claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, and call to action. You
will need to find 2 quotes for each.
3. Create a tree map that identifies the claim, counterclaim, rebuttal, and call to action with evidence
from the text.
4. Respond to ONE of the following focus questions using RACE. Include two pieces of textual
evidence from your article to support your claim.

Police Brutality Do the police abuse their power by using excessive force or are they
fulfilling their responsibility to keep people safe?

Travel Ban Does the government abuses their power by banning Muslim refugees from
traveling to the U.S. or are they fulfilling their responsibility to keep the country safe
from terrorism?

Catcalling Do men abuse their power over women by catcalling? Why or Why not?
What responsibilities do men have toward women?

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