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Social Engineering

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 1:06 PM


Speaker 1: Drexx Lagui

The Art and Science of Advanced Social Engineering

- Human Hacking
- Deception
- Manipulation
Online Presence leads to Cybercrime

1. Cybercrime
a. Cost Benefit Analysis
i. Bank Robber
1) Profit : 5m
2) Members : 10
3) CAPEX: 50k x 10
4) Detection Time : ~mins
5) Risks: Serious Injuries and Death
6) Share: 450k
7) Job opportunity: once a year
ii. Cyber criminals
1) Profit: 50m
2) Members: 5
3) Capex: 50k x 5
4) Detection time: ~ up to 9 months
5) Risks: none , to slap on the wrist lol (nakakawala)
6) Share: 9.75 m
7) Job: once per hr
b. PNP Anti Cybercrime
i. Online paluwagan, scams
c. Anonymity
i. Criminals are never anonymous given time and resources
2. Social Engg
a. Something to manipulate people
b. Physical manipulation people
3. Evil thought processes ( SE attack)
a. Step 0 : preparation
i. Law 29 , 47 - 48 laws of power
b. Step 1: choose the right victim (the fraud triangle)
i. Fraud triangle
1) Pressure/incentive
2) Opportunity - devs focus on this (logs, pw auth)
3) Rationalization
ii. 7 deadly sins to profile people
c. Step 2: establish Friendship
i. Insinuation
ii. Temptation
d. Step 3: Attack
i. Ransomware
1) Bitcoin
ii. Phishing
1) RA 10175
iii. Payload malware

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iii. Payload malware
iv. Credit Card Fraud

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Application Security
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 3:43 PM

Speaker 2: Rene Jaspe

Application Security

- Biggest threat in business

- Dev guys, not Network Guys
1. 2015 security attacks
a. SQL injection
b. DDoS
c. Misconfiguration
2. Gone are the days : "Once it works, its OK"
a. VA every week
i. Outside the fw
b. PenTest every week
i. Internal and External
3. Market Drivers
4. App Security Challenges
a. Devs lack Security Insights
i. Ontime and on budget vs secure apps
ii. Rare education
b. Security Team = SDLC Bottleneck
5. Software Security using MOB
a. Should be strategic level (Top level) - risk of legal responsibility
b. M - icrosoft Security Development Lifecucle
i. Training
ii. Requirements
iii. Design (Threat Modeling) - login page depends on industry PCI
iv. Implementation
v. Verification
vi. Release
vii. Response
c. SDL for Agile
d. O - penSAMM (OWASP group)
i. 12 key practices
e. B - SIMM 6
i. Measuring stick in industry

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Insecurities and Securities
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 3:43 PM

Speaker 3: Markku Kero

Insecurities and Securities

Security Loop hole case studies:

Case Study: BPI

- Server versions in HTTP headers
- Old versions
- EOL Support
- 24 out of top 30 FTSE-listed companies uses IIS 6.0

Case Study: Starbucks

- Unaware breaches
1. ADSL Routers vulnerable to hacking
4. Defacing websites
5. WORDPRESS! - source of hacking and defacement
6. Tutorial hacking WP in 5minutes
7. SSH, Ethernet and PC - IOT risk
8. Startup Recommendations
a. Authentication
b. Indexing
c. Load Balancing
9. Vulnerabilities - Denominator = Bad Code!
a. Bad Systems software and systems can be hacked
i. Do not deploy bad systems
ii. Fix and replace bad systems
iii. Teach yourself skills of a hacker.
iv. Use skills and practice.

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Prevention of Fraud with Cyber Security
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 3:47 PM

Speaker 4 : Angelo Radoble

Preventing Fraud through CS

1. Fraud Tree
a. Bribery and Corruption
b. Asset Misappropriation
2. Fraud Triangle
a. Opportunity has external/internal threats - Technology
3. Common Areas of Fraud
a. Purchase To Pay
b. Corporate CC
c. Payroll
d. Sales & Receivables
e. Financial Reporting
f. IS and Critical Data
4. Prevent Fraud
a. Confidentiality
b. Integrity
c. Availability
d. Accountability
e. Traceability
f. Non-Repudiation
5. Risk Assessment
a. IT Security - internal
b. Cyber security - internal and external enterprise
c. Risks
i. Operational
ii. Financial
iii. Compliance
iv. Reputational
v. Strategic
d. Controls (CyberSecurity)
i. Technical - OSI layer
ii. Physical - perpetrator gains access to assets
iii. Administrative - use technology to enforce policy
e. Security
i. Outside in
ii. Inside out - cores
1) Encryption
2) Secure Programming
3) Server Hardening

BackTrack - SQL injection

SQL Map - sql injection tool

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Wednesday, September 21, 2016 4:03 PM

Speaker 2 Speaker 1 Voice

and 3 001_sd

Speaker 4

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