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Hey, how are you?
How about Alex, you all right?
Yes, quiet
I was going to ask a question
Tell me
When we will make the draft structure and what programming language we will
It may be this weekend, about language ... what you think should we believe?
I think the ideal would be java
Great! I was thinking the same language
Well then we begin on the weekend
Where will we meet?
It could be in the university library
Yes, is a good place
Yes, but ... what is ours project structure?
Investigate an automated system
I remember that we select the casino slot machines
Yes, it was about that
Well, then see you on Saturday at the university library
Ok, until then
------------------------------ I arrive the weekend (Saturday Day)
Always arriving late for meetings...
Hello, excuse me for the delay ... we can start?
Yeah right
Well, and what you investigated?
Well I found information about the machine, and you?
Well I brought an example of the code used for these machines
And in the end to what language you get it?
This developed in Java, so we just have to analyze the functioning and
structures used by the program.
Okay, let's start

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