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FEED: Front End Engineering & Design

This the first stage of Engineering for any Project (Chemical / Petrochemical / Oil & Gas /
Refinery etc) where the following discussed & decided.

1. Technical / Process Wise:

a. Material Balance (Mass & Heat)
b. Process Flow - How the various raw materials flow from start to end & in what form
c. Major equipments of the process - pumps* vessels* heat exchangers* filters* etc
d. Safety Systems requirement for process

Engineering Wise:

1. Approximate Load List - for motors* transformers* drives* High Voltage Switchgear*
UPS size* Diesel Genertor requirements etc
2. Utilities required for the process - Air compressors* Nitrogen Plant* Fire Fighting
systems* Hot Oil Heating Systems requirement* Air Dryers etc
3. Major Instrumentation Systems - PLC / SCADA / DCS system (which one or combination
of the above etc)
4. Approximate Instrument List - Kind of Networks used* kind of Instruments used*
system architecture (rough sketch / drawing showing the different networks connectivity
between them)

Management Wise:

a. The total cost of the project - around X +20% approximation (within the accuracy of +/-
20% accuracy)
b. The total manpower requirement for the plant
c. Total List of Raw Materials requirement & their quantities
d. Approximate time required for completion of the project

Philosophies wise:

1. Plant Operating Philosophies / Plant Design Philosophy & design Basis

2. Instrumentation Engineering philosophy - Design & selection basis documentation
3. Control Systems Philosophies - Heirarchies being implemented* design basis for
selection of PLC / SCADA / DCS Systems* Third Party Interfaces* OPC Interfaces* Serial
Interfaces between systems* Interfaces between DCS* ESD* F&G systems
4. Safety Shutdown Systems philosophy - LOPA Studies / HAZOP studies / CHAZOP studies
etc including SIL calculations.

Now apart from the above* the following are the deliverables at the end of the FEED.

1. Mass & Heat Balance Calculations

2. Process Flow Diagrams
3. Process & Instrumentation Diagrams (only 70 - 75% accurate)
4. Load list for electrical
5. Major Equipments & their Sizing (Major Equipments 100% accurate* however* there
might be an addition of a one or two pumps / motors / blowers that might get added
during the detail engineering stages but not vessels / heat exchangers or tanks).
6. Instrument list - which is 80% to 90% accurate.
However* please do remember the following:

1. Instrumentation Datasheets / Process Datasheets / Mechanical Datasheets are not the

deliverables of FEED. They are preapred during the Detail Engineering Phase
2. Instruments Selection* Sizing Calculations are finalized / done during the detail
engineering phase only.

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