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Another key to lifelong success is Attitude. Your attitude affectseverything in your

life. How is your attitude? Are you one of those peoplewho is always blaming outside
forces for your problems? Do you walk around in a negative state of mind most of the
time? I think not. Peoplelike that would never have opened this subject inthe first place.
However positive you may be most of the time, there will be days when you just
feelnegative. While this may be fine for a brief period, prolonging anegative attitude has
disastrous consequences. A negative attitude robsyour initiative and destroys
your discipline.Your attitude will determine your altitude and a man who struggles
withhis attitude will struggle with many other essential and important factorsand
elements that will lead him to his altitude in life.The so what or who cares attitude
stops you from taking the actionsthat will help you build the kind of life you want to have
for yourself andyour family.

Here how a negative attitude robs us of our potential for good. At one of the low
points in my own life, I had developed a who cares, what theuse attitude. I felt that I
was stuck where I was because of circumstancesoutside my control and blamed the world
for my conditions. I figured Iwas at the bottom, so why even care? The problem is, as I
learned througha lot of emotional pain, that there are always lower bottoms to which
wecan sink. As my attitude continued to be negative and blaming, mysituation
worsened.Only when I was willing to take responsibility for my life, stop blamingand
look for what little good remained, was I able to begin to turn thissituation around. A
negative attitude keeps us stuck by robbing us of theself-discipline we need to improve
our conditions. If you take a whatsthe use approach to your circumstances, they will
only get worse.Its imperative that you turn a negative attitude around and learn
to become a positive person.
The fastest and easiest way I know to change from a negative to a positiveattitude
is to develop an attitude of gratitude. You may even want to keep agratitude journal, a
place where you can build a list of the things you aregrateful for in your life. Its
impossible to have gratitude and be in self- pity at the same time, and most negative
attitudes are rooted in self-pitying,poor me self-talk. You can quickly change a negative
attitude to a positive one by becoming grateful.The simplest way I know to do this is to
ask a question like, What am Igrateful for today? Then, write down whatever comes to
mind. It may beall of the blessings you have like good health, a clear mind, a
lovingfamily, satisfying work, a comfortable home, friends, and pets and so on.Make a
daily habit of counting your blessings and list what you aregrateful for in your life. Doing
this first thing in the morning will help youfeel better immediately and begin your day on
a positive note.On days when you are feeling down, take out your gratitude journal
andreread it. Doing this simple exercise will make you feel better almostimmediately.

Even though this may seem clich but we can never get enough of the phrase
never give up. It motivates us to reach for the stars and no matter
how hard it is, we continue the job until it is perfected. Thomas A. Edisonsaid I have not
failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that dont work.Why do people quit so easily after
making a mistake? In my perception, amistake is not something terrible or negative but a
life lesson learnt.Sometimes, we can never have or get what we always wanted. So what?
Let it go and get on with life! If it is meant to be, then it is. Dont getdemotivated just
because something didnt go the way you intended it to be.Most importantly, never beat
yourself up for it. If we blame ourselves, thematter only gets worse. Well be wallowing
in sadness and we wont beable to think straight. This incident might eventually lead to
depression.Take a break and smell the flowers. Dont go too hard on yourself. After all,
we are only human.Think of Gods wonderful creations and all the beautiful things in
life. Lifeis magnificent if we look at it from a brighter perspective. Its not meant to be
about work, stress or depression. These things happen only if we letthem happen. Its not
anyone elses fault because you let it happen.Happiness starts within.

Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience, endurance. With

nodetermination and perseverance, we can kiss success goodbye.Perseverance is being
able to bear difficulties calmly and withoutcomplaint. We have to try and try again. Who
said life is a bed of rosesanyway? There definitely got to be ups and downs. We should
rejoice and be grateful when we are at the ups and pick ourselves up when we
areexperiencing the downs.All things will come round to him who will but wait. You may
bedisappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. When

something starts to bother you, wait as long as you can before you
expressfrustration. Focus on someone or something that ordinarily makes you loseyour
patience and try to understand it. Whatever happens in life, face andaccept it.Write your
problems down if it makes you feel better. When you look back at your entries, youll
either realise that your previous problemseemed so petty now or you had finally
overcame that problem you hadand youre ready to tackle a new one. Besides that,
relaxing or motivatingmusic will definitely perk you up.Beethoven persevered despite
being deaf and managed to compose many beautiful pieces like Fur Elise. Thomas Edison
(inventor) had a learning problem, Stevie Wonder (musician) is blind, Terry Fox (runner)
is anamputee with cancer, Helen Keller (author) was deaf and blind, Franklin
D.Roosevelt (president) was paralyzed from polio and Stephen Hawking(physicist) has
Lou Gehrigs disease. Great people always persevere nomatter what.
The right attitude
Many inventors were first frustrated when using the wrong resources for their inventions
but when they imbibed the right information with the rightattitude, their inventions
became known and they became inventors.Money, wealth, riches, good quality of life,
flashy cars or big houses etc.whatever is it that drives you to acquisition of anything is
not the greatestachievement in life but the right attitude to everything and everyone in
life.As we embark on this new journey this week, let us adopt the right attitudeto our
friends,neighbours, colleagues, workers, employers, businesses andto everyone we come
across, every relationship or friendship we findourselves in and more importantly our
relationship to our maker, our creator, the one who moulded us out of nothing, HE has
made ussomebody out of nothing, record how far your positive or negative attitudetakes
you this week and determine to change the world around you.
how hard it is, we continue the job until it is perfected. Thomas A. Edisonsaid I have not
failed. Ive just found 10,000 ways that dont work.Why do people quit so easily after
making a mistake? In my perception, amistake is not something terrible or negative but a
life lesson learnt.Sometimes, we can never have or get what we always wanted. So what?
Let it go and get on with life! If it is meant to be, then it is. Dont getdemotivated just
because something didnt go the way you intended it to be.Most importantly, never beat
yourself up for it. If we blame ourselves, thematter only gets worse. Well be wallowing
in sadness and we wont beable to think straight. This incident might eventually lead to
depression.Take a break and smell the flowers. Dont go too hard on yourself. After all,
we are only human.Think of Gods wonderful creations and all the beautiful things in
life. Lifeis magnificent if we look at it from a brighter perspective. Its not meant to be
about work, stress or depression. These things happen only if we letthem happen. Its not
anyone elses fault because you let it happen.Happiness starts within.

Perseverance is commitment,hard work, patience, endurance. With

nodetermination and perseverance, we can kiss success goodbye.Perseverance is being
able to bear difficulties calmly and withoutcomplaint. We have to try and try again. Who
said life is a bed of rosesanyway? There definitely got to be ups and downs. We should
rejoice and be grateful when we are at the ups and pick ourselves up when we
areexperiencing the downs.All things will come round to him who will but wait. You may
bedisappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try. When
something starts to bother you, wait as long as you can before you expressfrustration.
Focus on someone or something that ordinarily makes you loseyour patience and try to
understand it. Whatever happens in life, face andaccept it.Write your problems down if it
makes you feel better. When you look back at your entries, youll either realise that your
previous problemseemed so petty now or you had finally overcame that problem you
hadand youre ready to tackle a new one. Besides that, relaxing or motivatingmusic will
definitely perk you up.Beethoven persevered despite being deaf and managed to compose
many beautiful pieces like Fur Elise. Thomas Edison (inventor) had a learning problem,
Stevie Wonder (musician) is blind, Terry Fox (runner) is anamputee with cancer, Helen
Keller (author) was deaf and blind, Franklin D.Roosevelt (president) was paralyzed from
polio and Stephen Hawking(physicist) has Lou Gehrigs disease. Great people always
persevere nomatter what.
The right attitude
Many inventors were first frustrated when using the wrong resources for their inventions
but when they imbibed the right information with the rightattitude, their inventions
became known and they became inventors.Money, wealth, riches, good quality of life,
flashy cars or big houses etc.whatever is it that drives you to acquisition of anything is
not the greatestachievement in life but the right attitude to everything and everyone in
life.As we embark on this new journey this week, let us adopt the right attitudeto our
friends, neighbours, colleagues, workers, employers, businesses andto everyone we come
across, every relationship or friendship we findourselves in and more importantly our
relationship to our maker, our creator, the one who moulded us out of nothing, HE has
made ussomebody out of nothing, record how far your positive or negative attitudetakes
you this week and determine to change the world around you.

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