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Journal Title

AACE International Transactions

Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Marketing Science Review
Accounting and the Public Interest
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
Food Quality and Preference
Accounting Forum
Health Promotion International
Journal of Professions and Organization
Regional Studies, Regional Science
Accounting History
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
Discourse & Communication
Administration and Society
4OR: Quarterly Journal of Operations Research
Accounting Education: An International Journal
Accounting History Review (formerly Accounting, Business and Financial Histor
Accounting in Europe
Administrative Theory and Praxis: a quarterly journal of dialogue in public adm
Accounting Historians Journal
Advances in Accounting
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Consumer Research
Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
American Behavioral Scientist
Annals of Actuarial Science
American Journal of Psychology
American Review of Public Administration
Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics
Annals of Finance
Decision Analysis
Management and Organization Review
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Applied Financial Economics
Applied Mathematical Finance
Applied Psychological Measurement
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
Appraisal Journal
Asia Europe Journal: intercultural studies in the social sciences and humanitie
Asia Pacific Business Review
Socio-Economic Review
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics
Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance
Asian Population Studies
Strategic Organization
Journal of International Accounting Research
Australasian Journal of Regional Studies
Australasian Journal on Ageing
Australasian Marketing Journal
Australian Accounting Review
Australian Bulletin of Labour
Australian Journal of Career Development
Global Networks
Australian Journal of Environmental Education
Marketing Theory
Quantitative Finance
Emerging Markets Review
Australian Journal of Psychology
Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history
Australian Journal of Social Issues
Australian Journal of Volunteering
Australian Psychologist
Behaviour and Information Technology
Benchmarking: an international journal
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
British Actuarial Journal
Journal of Behavioral Finance
Business and Politics
Demographic Research
Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk
International Journal of Management Reviews
Built Environment Project and Asset Management
International Review of Finance
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Public Management Review
Business Ethics: a European review
Action Research International
Business Process Management Journal
Business Strategy and the Environment
Business Strategy Review
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne des Sciences d
Canadian Public Policy
Career Development International
CCH Journal of Health, Safety and Environment (formerly Journal of Occupatio
China Information: a journal on contemporary China studies
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Journal of Scheduling
Sport Management Review
International Journal of Auditing
Community Development Journal
Finance and Stochastics
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy
Computational Management Science
International Negotiation: a journal of theory and practice
Computers in Human Behavior
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Conflict Resolution Quarterly
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Consumption, Markets and Culture
Contemporary Pacific
Psychological Methods
Corporate Communications: an international journal
Supply Chain Management: an international journal
Critical Asian Studies
Critical Discourse Studies
Critical Perspectives on International Business
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Culture and Organization
Current Issues in Auditing
Customer Needs and Solutions
European Financial Management
European Journal of Industrial Relations
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
European Journal of International Relations
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of International Management
Journal of Management History
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management
E-Service Journal
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Electronic Commerce Research
Emergence: complexity and organization
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
European Urban and Regional Studies
Employee Relations: the international journal
Gender, Work and Organization
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Organization: the critical journal of organization, theory and society
Entrepreneurship Research Journal
Structural Equation Modelling
Equal Opportunities International
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
International Journal of Selection and Assessment
European Actuarial Journal
European Business Review
Journal of Brand Management
European Journal of Communication
European Journal of Housing Policy
Journal of Career Assessment
Journal of Empirical Finance
Journal of Strategic Marketing
European Journal of Population
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
European Journal of Public Health
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
European Sport Management Quarterly
The Journal of Derivatives
Evaluation: international journal of theory, research and practice
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
Corporate Governance: an international review
Industrial and Corporate Change
Finance Research Letters
International Business Review
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Financial History Review
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
Journal of International Marketing
Financial Services Review
Journal of Management Inquiry
Foundations and Trends in Finance
Production and Operations Management
Quality of Life Research
Global Finance Journal
Global Governance
Social Forces
Business Ethics Quarterly
Group Decision and Negotiation
Group Dynamics: theory, research and practice
Communication Theory
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Human Resource Management Review
International Review of Economics and Finance
International Review of Financial Analysis
Health Communication
Health Marketing Quarterly
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Higher Education Quarterly
Mathematical Finance
Housing Policy Debate
The Journal of Fixed Income
British Journal of Management
Human IT
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
Human Resource Development International
Human Resource Development Quarterly
Human Resource Development Review
Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and c
International Journal of Conflict Management
Human-Computer Interaction
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Journal of Service Management
Journal of Service Theory and Practice (formerly Managing Service Quality)
IIMB Management Review
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: perspectives on science & practice
Marketing Letters
Information Systems and e-Business Management
Information Technology and People
Innovation (Abingdon): the European journal of social sciences
The International Journal of Logistics Management
Behavioral Research in Accounting
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
International Finance
International Gambling Studies
Gender and Education
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Arts Management
International Journal of Asian Studies
International Journal of Public Opinion Research
International Journal of Bank Marketing
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Small Business Economics: an entrepreneurship journal
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
International Journal of Educational Management
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
International Journal of Finance Economics
Family Business Review
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
Human Performance
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (formerly the International
International Journal of Innovation Management
Human Resource Management Journal (UK)
International Journal of Knowledge Management
International Journal of Logistics: research and applications
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
International Journal of Managerial Finance
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
International Journal of Market Research
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management
Academy of Management Perspectives
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
Accounting Horizons
International Journal of Public Administration
Journal of Financial Services Research
International Journal of Public Policy
International Journal of Public Sector Management
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Interactive Marketing
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
International Journal of Sport Communication
International Journal of Sport Management
International Journal of Sport Psychology
International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Journal of Strategic Property Management
International Journal of Technology Management
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Work & Stress: An international Journal of Work, Health and Organisations
International Journal of Wine Business Research
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
International Labour Review
Work, Employment and Society
Housing Studies
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Services Marketing
International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Financial Accountability and Management
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Journal of Gambling Studies
International Review of Public Administration
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
Journal of Management in Engineering
International Social Science Journal
International Studies of Management and Organization
Journal of Marketing Management
International Transactions in Operational Research
Stress and Health
JASSA: The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance
Annals of Operations Research
Journal of Population Research
Journal of Accounting Education
Psychology and Marketing
Sociology of Sport Journal
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Journal of Applied Communication Research
American Business Review
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
Construction Management and Economics
International Journal of Project Management
International Marketing Review
Issues in Accounting Education
Sociological Theory
Journal of Business Ethics Education
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
International Small Business Journal
Journal of Business Market Management
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Accounting Literature
Journal of Career Development
Journal of Commodity Markets
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of International Money and Finance
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
Leisure Studies
Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Journal of Developing Areas
Journal of Education and Work
Journal of Emerging Market Finance
Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Operations Research Letters
Public Money and Management
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Journal of Financial Education
The Journal of Futures Markets
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Journal of Gambling Issues
International Journal of Manpower
Journal of General Management
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research
Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Journal of Health, Organization and Management
Journal of Higher Education
Personality and Individual Differences
Journal of Housing Research
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Population Research and Policy Review
Journal of Intellectual Capital
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Design Studies
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Journal of International Business Education
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
Research in Organizational Behavior
Science Communication
Journal of Business Logistics
Journal of Financial Research
Journal of Internet Commerce
Journal of Investing
Journal of Labor Research
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the sc
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Management Education
International Journal of Consumer Studies
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Journal of Marketing Behaviour
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing Education
Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing
Motivation and Emotion
Public Administration Quarterly
Australian Journal of Communication
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Australian Journal of Management
Group Organization Management: an international journal
Habitat International
Journal of Political Power
Health Care Management Review
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Journal of Property Management:
Investment and innovations
Finance in planning and applied resear
(Formerly Journal of Property Valuation and Investment)
Journal of Property Research
Mathematics of Operations Research
Journal of Public Affairs
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management
Psychology of Women Quarterly
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Studies in Higher Education
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Journal of Real Estate Research
Population and Development Review
Journal of Retail and Leisure Property (discontinued)
Public Relations Review
Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management
Journal of Risk
Sex Roles
System Dynamics Review
The Journal of Portfolio Management
Alternatives: global, local, political
Communication Research
Computers and Operations Research
Human Communication Research
International Journal of General Systems
Journal of Social Marketing
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Sociology
Journal of Sport and Social Issues
Journal of Sport Behavior
Social Indicators Research
Work and Occupations: an international sociological journal
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Environmental Management
Financial Management
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Social Policy
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Juncture (formerly known as Public Policy Research)
Just Labor
Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Organizational Dynamics
Labor Studies Journal
Labor: studies in the working class history of the Americas
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work
Labour History Review
Labour: journal of Canadian labour studies - revue d'etudes ouvrieres Canadi
Labour: review of labour economics and industrial relations
Science, Technology and Human Values
Language and Communication
Leadership and Organization Development Journal
Sociological Methods and Research
Loisir et Societe
European Journal of Social Psychology
Higher Education: the international journal of higher education research
Management Communication Quarterly
Management Decision
Local Government Studies
Personnel Review
Managerial Finance
Managing Leisure
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Market Microstructure and Liquidity
Accounting and Business Research
Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, de
Cognitive Psychology
Industrial Relations Journal
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Measuring Business Excellence
Media Culture and Society
MIS Quarterly Executive: a research journal dedicated to improving practice
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Management Learning
Multinational Finance Journal
R & D Management
Narrative Inquiry
Naval Research Logistics
Negotiation Journal: on the process of dispute settlement
New Directions for Evaluation
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
Security Dialogue
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
North American Actuarial Journal
Online Information Review
Operations Management Education Review
Small Group Research: an international journal of theory, investigation and app
Optimal Control Applications and Methods
OR Spectrum
Organization and Environment: international journal of ecosocial research
British Accounting Review
IIE Transactions
Organizational Psychology Review
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Journal of Quality Technology
People and Place
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Sociological Methodology
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Long Range Planning
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and researc
Financial Review (US)
Production and Inventory Management Journal
Multivariate Behavioral Research
Production Planning and Control
Project Management Journal
Prometheus (Abingdon)
Property Management
Public Administration and Development
Abacus: a journal of accounting, finance and business studies
Health Services Research
Journal of Employment Counseling
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Supply Chain Management
Journal of World Business
Public Finance and Management
The International Journal of Accounting
Public Performance and Management Review
International Migration Review
Qualitative Market Research: an international journal
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Quality and Quantity: international journal of methodology
Quality Management Journal
Studies in Comparative International Development
Journal of Small Business Management
British Journal of Social Psychology
Labour History: a journal of labour and social history
International Journal of Production Research
International Migration
Management International Review
Accounting and Finance
Research in Accounting Regulation
Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting
Research in International Business and Finance
Business and Society
European Journal of Sociology
Journal of Advertising Research
Review of Behavioral Finance
Review of Derivatives Research
Review of Financial Economics
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
Labor History
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
Scandinavian Journal of Management
MIT Sloan Management Review: MIT's journal of management research and id
China Quarterly
Journal of Industrial Relations
Security Studies
Service Industries Journal
Services Marketing Quarterly
Astin Bulletin: the journal of the International Actuarial Association
California Management Review
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
Research Technology Management: international journal of research manage
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Social Justice Research
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Social Problems
Social Psychological and Personality Science
Social Responsibility Journal
Social Science Quarterly
Social Service Review
Society and Business Review
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Socioanalysis Journal
Business History
Journal of Communication
British Journal of Sociology
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Sociologie du Travail
Journal of Vocational Education and Training
South African Statistical Journal
Sport in Society
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: human experimental
Sport Marketing Quarterly
Sport Psychologist
Sport, Education and Society
Strategic Outsourcing Journal
Population Studies: a journal of demography
Financial Analysts Journal
Population Bulletin
Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations
Journal of Social Issues
Acta Psychologica
Systemic Practice and Action Research
Public Administration Review
Australian Journal of Public Administration
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
Public Opinion Quarterly
Journal of Personality Assessment
The American Sociologist
The European Journal of Finance
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice
The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
The Information Management Journal
Communication Monographs
Journal of Personality
The Journal of Alternative Investments
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The Journal of Asset Management
Sociological Inquiry
Business History Review
Harvard Business Review
The Journal of Wealth Management
The Milbank Quarterly
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Public Administration: an international quarterly
The TQM Journal
Psychological Research: an international journal of perception, attention, me
Third Sector Review
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
Thunderbird International Business Review
Time and Society
The Sociological Review
British Journal of Psychology
Ethics: an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy
Transnational Corporations
Critical Finance Review
Foundations and Trends in Accounting
Global Strategy Journal
International Journal of Cultural Policy
UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal
Urban Affairs Review
Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance
Journal of Leisure Research
Voluntary Action
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations
Journal of Urban Affairs
The Pacific Review
Third World Quarterly
World Bank Research Observer
World Leisure Journal
Written Communication: an international quarterly of research, theory, and ap
Young Consumers
Publisher Year Inception Web Address
AACE International 1967
Academy of Management 2015
Academy of Marketing Science 1997 http://www.worldcat
American Accounting Association2001 http://aaajournals.or
American Psychological Associati2013
Association for Computing Machi1991 http://tomacs.acm.or
Elsevier 2011 http://www.journals.
Elsevier 1978 http://www.journals.
Oxford 2011 http://heapro.oxfordj
Oxford University Press 2014 http://jpo.oxfordjour
Routledge, Taylor & Francis 2014
Sage Publications 1996 https://au.sagepub.c
Sage Publications 2008 http://cqx.sagepub.
Sage Publications 2007 http://dcm.sagepub.
Sage Publications 1969 http://aas.sagepub.
Springer International Publishing2003 http://www.springerl
Taylor & Francis Online 1992 http://www.tandfonl
Taylor & Francis Online 1990 http://www.tandfonli
Taylor & Francis Online 2004 http://www.tandfonli
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfon
The Academy of Accounting Histo1977
Elsevier 1984 http://www.journals.
Emerald Group Publishing 1998 http://www.emeraldi
Association for Consumer Resear1974 http://www.acrwebsit
Emerald Group Publishing 1992 http://www.emeraldi
Emerald Group Publishing 1991 http://www.worldcat.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2007 http://interscience.w
Sage Publications 1957 http://abs.sagepub.
Cambridge University Press 2006 http://journals.camb
University of Illinois Press 1887
Sage Publications 1967 http://arp.sagepub.
Elsevier 2005 http://www.journals.
Springer International Publishing2005 http://www.springer.
The Institute for Operations Re 2004
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2004
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1987
Taylor & Francis Online 1991 http://www.tandfonli
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonl
Sage Publications 1976 http://apm.sagepub.
Springer International Publishing2003 http://www.springerl
American Institute of Real Estate1932
Springer International Publishing2003 http://www.springerl
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonl
Oxford University Press 2003 http://ser.oxfordjourn
Emerald Group Publishing 1989 http://www.emeraldin
University of Newcastle 1999 http://novaojs.newca
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfonli
Wiley 1962 http://onlinelibrary
De Gruyter 2005 http://www.degruyter
Taylor & Francis Online 2005 http://www.tandfonl
Sage Publications 2003 http://soq.sagepub.
American Accounting Association2002
Australian and New Zealand Regi1987 http://search.inform
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1966 http://onlinelibrary
Elsevier 1993 http://www.journals.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991
Flinders University of South Austr1974 http://search.inform
Sage Publications 1992 http://acd.sagepub.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001 https://authorservi
Cambridge University Press 1984 http://journals.camb
Sage Publications 2001 http://mtq.sagepub.
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonli
Elsevier 2000 http://www.journals
Taylor & Francis Online 1949 http://www.tandfonli
Oxford University Press 2000 http://es.oxfordjourn
Australian Social Policy Associati 1961 http://search.inform
Volunteering Australia 1996 http://search.inform
Taylor & Francis Online 1966 http://www.tandfonl
Taylor & Francis Online http://www.tandfonli
Emerald Group Publishing 1994 http://www.emeraldin
Elsevier 2000 http://www.journals.
Cambridge University Press 1998 http://journals.camb
Taylor & Francis Online 2000 http://www.tandfonl
De Gruyter 1999 http://www.degruyte
Max Planck Institute for Demogr 1999 http://www.demograp
Sage Publications 1999 http://dis.sagepub.c
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1999
Emerald Group Publishing 2011 http://www.emeraldi
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1999 http://onlinelibrary
The Institute for Operations Re 1999
Taylor & Francis Online 1999 http://www.tandfonl
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992
Southern Cross University Press 1998
Emerald Group Publishing 1995 http://www.emeraldi
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1984
Canadian Public Policy 1975 http://www.utpjourn
Emerald Group Publishing 1996 http://www.emeraldin
CCH Australia Limited 1985
Sage Publications 1967 http://cin.sagepub.c
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998
Springer International Publishing1998 http://www.springerl
Elsevier 1998 http://www.journals
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997 http://onlinelibrary
Oxford University Press 1949 http://cdj.oxfordjourn
Springer International Publishing1996 http://www.springerl
Sage Publications 1996 http://cch.sagepub.
Springer International Publishing2003 http://www.springer.
Springer International Publishing1996 http://www.springerl
Elsevier 1985 http://www.journals
Sage Publications 1974 http://cmp.sagepub.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1983 https://authorservi
Emerald Group Publishing 1992 http://www.emeraldin
American Psychological Associati1996
Taylor & Francis Online 1997 http://www.tandfonl
University of Hawaii Press 1989 http://www.uhpress.h
American Psychological Associati1996
Emerald Group Publishing 1996 http://www.emeraldin
Emerald Group Publishing 1996 http://www.emeraldi
Taylor & Francis Online 1968 http://www.tandfonli
Taylor & Francis Online 2004 http://www.tandfonli
Emerald Group Publishing 2005 http://www.emeraldin
American Psychological Associati1995
Taylor & Francis Online 1995 http://www.tandfonl
American Accounting Association2007
Springer 2014 http://www.springe
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995
Sage Publications 1995 http://ejd.sagepub.c
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003
Sage Publications 1995 http://ejt.sagepub.c
American Psychological Associati1995
Elsevier 1995 http://www.journals.
Emerald Group Publishing 1995 http://www.emeraldin
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonli
Indiana University 2001 http://www.iupress
Emerald Group Publishing 1994 http://www.emeraldi
Sage Publications 1941 http://epm.sagepub.
Sage Publications 1972 http://ema.sagepub.
Springer International Publishing2001 http://www.springerl
New England Complex Systems In 1999 http://emergentpubl
Taylor & Francis Online 1965 http://www.tandfonl
Sage Publications 1994 http://eur.sagepub.c
Emerald Group Publishing 1979 http://www.emeraldin
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994 http://onlinelibrary
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonli
Elsevier 1994 http://www.journals.
Sage Publications 1994 http://org.sagepub.c
Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2011 http://www.degruyter
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonl
Emerald Group Publishing 1981 http://www.emeraldin
Emerald Group Publishing 1981 http://www.emeraldin
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1993
Springer International Publishing http://link.springer.
Emerald Group Publishing 1989 http://www.emeraldin
Springer International Publishing1993 http://www.springe
Sage Publications 1986 http://ejc.sagepub.c
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonli
Sage Publications 1993 http://jca.sagepub.c
Elsevier 1993 http://www.journals.e
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfonli
Springer International Publishing1970 http://www.springerl
Hogrefe Publishing Corp 1985 http://csaweb116v.c
Oxford University Press 1991 http://eurpub.oxfordj
Elsevier 1993 http://www.journals.e
Taylor & Francis Online 1991 http://www.tandfonl
Elsevier 1983 http://www.journals
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonl
Institutional Investor Journals Gr 1993 http://www.iijournal
Sage Publications 1995 http://evi.sagepub.c
Emerald 2013
Emerald Group Publishing 1983 http://www.emeraldin
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992
Oxford University Press 1992 http://icc.oxfordjourn
Elsevier 2004 http://www.journals.
Elsevier 1992 http://www.journals.
Elsevier 1992 http://www.journals.
Cambridge University Press 1994 http://journals.camb
Taylor & Francis Online 1992 http://www.tandfon
Springer International Publishing1986 http://www.springerl
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1928
American Marketing Association 1992 http://journals.ama.o
Academy of Financial Services - E1991 http://academyfinanci
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG 1884
Sage Publications 1992 http://www.sagepub
Now Publishers 2005 http://www.nowpubli
Elsevier 1968 http://www.journals.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992
Springer International Publishing1992 http://www.springerl
Elsevier 1989 http://www.journals.
Lynne Rienner Publisher 1995 http://www.rienner.c
Oxford University Press 1992 http://www.oxfordjou
Society for Business Ethics 1991 https://secure.pdcn
Springer International Publishing1992 http://springerlink.
American Psychological Associati1997
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991
Sage Publications 1998 http://gpi.sagepub.c
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.e
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonl
Taylor & Francis Online 1978 http://www.tandfon
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.
Oxford University Press 1991 http://jpart.oxfordjou
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1946
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991
Taylor & Francis Online 1990
Institutional Investor Journals Gr 1991
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990
University College of Boras, Swe 1997
Elsevier 1990 http://www.journals.
Taylor & Francis Online 1998 http://www.tandfonli
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990 http://www.josseyba
Sage Publications 2002 http://www.sagepub
Sage Publications 1990 http://das.sagepub.
Emerald Group Publishing 1990 http://www.emeraldin
Taylor & Francis Online 1985 http://www.tandfonli
Taylor & Francis Online 1990 http://www.tandfonli
Emerald Group Publishing 1990 http://www.emeraldi
Emerald Group Publishing 1990 http://www.emeraldin
Elsevier 1986 http://www.elsevier
Emerald Group Publishing 1990 http://www.emeraldin
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2008 https://authorservi
Springer International Publishing1990 http://www.springerl
Springer International Publishing2002 http://www.springerl
Emerald Group Publishing 1982 http://www.emeraldin
Taylor & Francis Online 1988 http://www.tandfonli
Emerald Group Publishing 1990 http://www.emeraldin
American Accounting Association1989
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonl
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonli
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonl
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1982 http://onlinelibrary
Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commer 1966 http://www.proquest
Cambridge University Press 2003 http://journals.cambr
Oxford University Press 1989 http://ijpor.oxfordjou
Emerald Group Publishing 1982 http://www.emeraldin
Taylor & Francis Online 1988 http://www.tandfonl
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonl
American Accounting Association1989 http://aaajournals.or
Springer International Publishing1989 http://springerlink.
Sage Publications 2001 http://ccm.sagepub.
Emerald Group Publishing 1987 http://www.emeraldin
Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. 2006 http://www.indersci
Emerald Group Publishing 1995 http://www.emeraldin
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996
Sage Publications 1988 http://fbr.sagepub.c
Emerald Group Publishing 2008 http://www.emeraldin
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Field of Research ABDC Rating SSCI Country Language
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1501 B No No No
1505 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1501 B No No No
1504 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1501 A No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 A No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1501 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes AUSTRALIA English
1505 B No No No
1501 B Yes AUSTRALIA English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 A No No No
1502 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B Yes AUSTRALIA English
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes AUSTRALIA English
1504 B No No No
1503 B Yes AUSTRALIA English
806 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1501 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1502 B No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes GERMANY English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
806 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes CANADA Multi-Language
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1504 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1501 A No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1502 A Yes GERMANY English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
806 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1501 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1502 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes AUSTRALIA English
1503 B No No No
1504 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
806 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B No No No
1502 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes GERMANY English
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1505 A No No No
1503 B Yes NETHERLANDS Multi-Language
1503 B Yes GERMANY English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1502 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B Yes ENGLAND English
1502 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1502 B Yes GERMANY English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1502 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
806 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1502 A No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
806 B No No No
1501 A Yes English Yes
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
806 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
806 B Yes GERMANY English
806 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1501 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B Yes English Yes
1503 B No No No
1505 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1504 A Yes ENGLAND English
1501 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1504 B No No No
1503 A No No No
806 B Yes UNITED STATES English
806 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
806 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1504 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B Yes English Yes
1505 B No No No
1504 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes English Yes
1503 B No No No
1501 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1504 B Yes Multi-Language Yes
1505 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1504 B Yes LITHUANIA English
1503 B Yes SWITZERLAND English
1502 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes SWITZERLAND Multi-Language
1503 A No No No
1504 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 A Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1501 A No No No
1505 A No No No
1504 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1501 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1504 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes SINGAPORE English
1502 B No No No
1504 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 A Yes ENGLAND English
1501 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1501 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1505 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1501 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1505 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B No No No
1505 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1504 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1505 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes English Yes
1504 B No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1501 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1501 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes English Yes
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1501 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1504 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
806 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1505 B No No No
1502 A Yes AUSTRALIA English
1503 A No No No
1504 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B No No No
1504 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 B No No No
1502 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1501 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
806 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1502 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1502 B No No No
1501 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
806 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes NORWAY English
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
806 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1501 A Yes English Yes
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
806 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
806 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes CANADA Multi-Language
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes French Yes
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1502 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1501 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1501 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes SWITZERLAND Multi-Language
1503 A No No No
1501 A Yes AUSTRALIA English
1501 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1501 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1502 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
806 A No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B Yes ENGLAND English
1505 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1501 B No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes NETHERLANDS English
1502 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes FRANCE French
1503 A No No No
1502 B No No No
1504 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1505 B No No No
1504 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1504 B No No No
806 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1502 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes NETHERLANDS English
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes AUSTRALIA English
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1502 B No No No
806 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 A No No No
1503 B No No No
1502 A No No No
1501 A No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1504 A Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B No No No
1503 B Yes UNITED STATES English
1502 B No No No
1504 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1503 A Yes UNITED STATES English
1503 A No No No
1503 A Yes ENGLAND English
1503 B Yes ENGLAND English
1504 B No No No
1503 B No No No
1505 B No No No
Journal Title
AACE International Transactions
Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Marketing Science Review
Accounting and the Public Interest
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation
Food Quality and Preference
Accounting Forum
Health Promotion International
Journal of Professions and Organization
Regional Studies, Regional Science
Accounting History
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
Discourse & Communication
Administration and Society
4OR: Quarterly Journal of Operations Research
Accounting Education: An International Journal
Accounting History Review (formerly Accounting, Business and Financial History)
Accounting in Europe
Administrative Theory and Praxis: a quarterly journal of dialogue in public administration theory
Accounting Historians Journal
Advances in Accounting
Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
Advances in Consumer Research
Advances in Management Accounting
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
American Behavioral Scientist
Annals of Actuarial Science
American Journal of Psychology
American Review of Public Administration
Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics
Annals of Finance
Decision Analysis
Management and Organization Review
Applied Cognitive Psychology
Applied Financial Economics
Applied Mathematical Finance
Applied Psychological Measurement
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
Appraisal Journal
Asia Europe Journal: intercultural studies in the social sciences and humanities
Asia Pacific Business Review
Socio-Economic Review
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics
Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics
Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources
Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance
Asian Population Studies
Strategic Organization
Journal of International Accounting Research
Australasian Journal of Regional Studies
Australasian Journal on Ageing
Australasian Marketing Journal
Australian Accounting Review
Australian Bulletin of Labour
Australian Journal of Career Development
Global Networks
Australian Journal of Environmental Education
Marketing Theory
Quantitative Finance
Emerging Markets Review
Australian Journal of Psychology
Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history
Australian Journal of Social Issues
Australian Journal of Volunteering
Australian Psychologist
Behaviour and Information Technology
Benchmarking: an international journal
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems
British Actuarial Journal
Journal of Behavioral Finance
Business and Politics
Demographic Research
Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk
International Journal of Management Reviews
Built Environment Project and Asset Management
International Review of Finance
Manufacturing and Service Operations Management
Public Management Review
Business Ethics: a European review
Action Research International
Business Process Management Journal
Business Strategy and the Environment
Business Strategy Review
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences-Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Administration
Canadian Public Policy
Career Development International
CCH Journal of Health, Safety and Environment (formerly Journal of Occupational Health and Safety
China Information: a journal on contemporary China studies
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Journal of Scheduling
Sport Management Review
International Journal of Auditing
Community Development Journal
Finance and Stochastics
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy
Computational Management Science
International Negotiation: a journal of theory and practice
Computers in Human Behavior
Conflict Management and Peace Science
Conflict Resolution Quarterly
Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Consumption, Markets and Culture
Contemporary Pacific
Psychological Methods
Corporate Communications: an international journal
Supply Chain Management: an international journal
Critical Asian Studies
Critical Discourse Studies
Critical Perspectives on International Business
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
Culture and Organization
Current Issues in Auditing
Customer Needs and Solutions
European Financial Management
European Journal of Industrial Relations
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education
European Journal of International Relations
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Journal of International Management
Journal of Management History
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management
E-Service Journal
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Educational and Psychological Measurement
Educational Management Administration & Leadership
Electronic Commerce Research
Emergence: complexity and organization
Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
European Urban and Regional Studies
Employee Relations: the international journal
Gender, Work and Organization
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Organization: the critical journal of organization, theory and society
Entrepreneurship Research Journal
Structural Equation Modelling
Equal Opportunities International
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
International Journal of Selection and Assessment
European Actuarial Journal
European Business Review
Journal of Brand Management
European Journal of Communication
European Journal of Housing Policy
Journal of Career Assessment
Journal of Empirical Finance
Journal of Strategic Marketing
European Journal of Population
European Journal of Psychological Assessment
European Journal of Public Health
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
European Sport Management Quarterly
The Journal of Derivatives
Evaluation: international journal of theory, research and practice
Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship
Corporate Governance: an international review
Industrial and Corporate Change
Finance Research Letters
International Business Review
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Financial History Review
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management
Financial Markets and Portfolio Management
Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments
Journal of International Marketing
Financial Services Review
Journal of Management Inquiry
Foundations and Trends in Finance
Production and Operations Management
Quality of Life Research
Global Finance Journal
Global Governance
Social Forces
Business Ethics Quarterly
Group Decision and Negotiation
Group Dynamics: theory, research and practice
Communication Theory
Group Processes and Intergroup Relations
Human Resource Management Review
International Review of Economics and Finance
International Review of Financial Analysis
Health Communication
Health Marketing Quarterly
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory
Higher Education Quarterly
Mathematical Finance
Housing Policy Debate
The Journal of Fixed Income
British Journal of Management
Human IT
Critical Perspectives on Accounting
Human Resource Development International
Human Resource Development Quarterly
Human Resource Development Review
Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and communication in the
International Journal of Conflict Management
Human-Computer Interaction
International Journal of Human Resource Management
Journal of Service Management
Journal of Service Theory and Practice (formerly Managing Service Quality)
IIMB Management Review
Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Industrial and Organizational Psychology: perspectives on science & practice
Marketing Letters
Information Systems and e-Business Management
Information Technology and People
Innovation (Abingdon): the European journal of social sciences
The International Journal of Logistics Management
Behavioral Research in Accounting
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development
International Finance
International Gambling Studies
Gender and Education
International Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Arts Management
International Journal of Asian Studies
International Journal of Public Opinion Research
International Journal of Bank Marketing
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Small Business Economics: an entrepreneurship journal
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
International Journal of Educational Management
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research
International Journal of Finance Economics
Family Business Review
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis
Human Performance
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (formerly the International Journal of Man-Machin
International Journal of Innovation Management
Human Resource Management Journal (UK)
International Journal of Knowledge Management
International Journal of Logistics: research and applications
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
International Journal of Managerial Finance
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
International Journal of Market Research
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management
Academy of Management Perspectives
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
Accounting Horizons
International Journal of Public Administration
Journal of Financial Services Research
International Journal of Public Policy
International Journal of Public Sector Management
International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Interactive Marketing
International Journal of Social Research Methodology
International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
International Journal of Sport Communication
International Journal of Sport Management
International Journal of Sport Psychology
International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing
International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Journal of Strategic Property Management
International Journal of Technology Management
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
Work & Stress: An international Journal of Work, Health and Organisations
International Journal of Wine Business Research
International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion
International Labour Review
Work, Employment and Society
Housing Studies
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Services Marketing
International Review for the Sociology of Sport
Financial Accountability and Management
Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing
Journal of Gambling Studies
International Review of Public Administration
International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research
Journal of Management in Engineering
International Social Science Journal
International Studies of Management and Organization
Journal of Marketing Management
International Transactions in Operational Research
Stress and Health
JASSA: The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance
Annals of Operations Research
Journal of Population Research
Journal of Accounting Education
Psychology and Marketing
Sociology of Sport Journal
Systems Research and Behavioral Science
Journal of Applied Communication Research
American Business Review
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Asia Pacific Journal of Management
Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
Construction Management and Economics
International Journal of Project Management
International Marketing Review
Issues in Accounting Education
Sociological Theory
Journal of Business Ethics Education
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
International Small Business Journal
Journal of Business Market Management
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Journal of Accounting Literature
Journal of Career Development
Journal of Commodity Markets
Journal of Business Ethics
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Constructivist Psychology
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology
Journal of International Money and Finance
Journal of Consumer Behaviour
Journal of Consumer Marketing
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
Leisure Studies
Research in the Sociology of Organizations
Journal of Developing Areas
Journal of Education and Work
Journal of Emerging Market Finance
Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science
Journal of Macromarketing
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management
Operations Research Letters
Public Money and Management
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Journal of Financial Education
The Journal of Futures Markets
Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Journal of Gambling Issues
International Journal of Manpower
Journal of General Management
Journal of Global Mobility: The Home of Expatriate Management Research
Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting
International Journal of Operations and Production Management
Journal of Health, Organization and Management
Journal of Higher Education
Personality and Individual Differences
Journal of Housing Research
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Population Research and Policy Review
Journal of Intellectual Capital
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
Design Studies
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Journal of International Business Education
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting
Research in Organizational Behavior
Science Communication
Journal of Business Logistics
Journal of Financial Research
Journal of Internet Commerce
Journal of Investing
Journal of Labor Research
Journal of Language and Social Psychology
Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, comm
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Management Education
International Journal of Consumer Studies
International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance
Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Journal of Marketing Behaviour
Journal of Marketing Communications
Journal of Marketing Education
Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing
Motivation and Emotion
Public Administration Quarterly
Australian Journal of Communication
Journal of Organizational and End User Computing
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Australian Journal of Management
Group Organization Management: an international journal
Habitat International
Journal of Political Power
Health Care Management Review
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
Journal of Property Management:
Investment and innovations
Finance in planning and applied research
(Formerly Journal of Property Valuation and Investment)
Journal of Property Research
Mathematics of Operations Research
Journal of Public Affairs
Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management
Psychology of Women Quarterly
Journal of Public Relations Research
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering
Studies in Higher Education
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Journal of Real Estate Research
Population and Development Review
Journal of Retail and Leisure Property (discontinued)
Public Relations Review
Journal of Revenue & Pricing Management
Journal of Risk
Sex Roles
System Dynamics Review
The Journal of Portfolio Management
Alternatives: global, local, political
Communication Research
Computers and Operations Research
Human Communication Research
International Journal of General Systems
Journal of Social Marketing
Journal of Business Finance and Accounting
Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Sociology
Journal of Sport and Social Issues
Journal of Sport Behavior
Social Indicators Research
Work and Occupations: an international sociological journal
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan
Journal of Business Research
Journal of Environmental Management
Financial Management
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Social Policy
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Juncture (formerly known as Public Policy Research)
Just Labor
Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Organizational Dynamics
Labor Studies Journal
Labor: studies in the working class history of the Americas
Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work
Labour History Review
Labour: journal of Canadian labour studies - revue d'etudes ouvrieres Canadiennes
Labour: review of labour economics and industrial relations
Science, Technology and Human Values
Language and Communication
Leadership and Organization Development Journal
Sociological Methods and Research
Loisir et Societe
European Journal of Social Psychology
Higher Education: the international journal of higher education research
Management Communication Quarterly
Management Decision
Local Government Studies
Personnel Review
Managerial Finance
Managing Leisure
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Market Microstructure and Liquidity
Accounting and Business Research
Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demons
Cognitive Psychology
Industrial Relations Journal
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Measuring Business Excellence
Media Culture and Society
MIS Quarterly Executive: a research journal dedicated to improving practice
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
Management Learning
Multinational Finance Journal
R & D Management
Narrative Inquiry
Naval Research Logistics
Negotiation Journal: on the process of dispute settlement
New Directions for Evaluation
New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations
Security Dialogue
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
North American Actuarial Journal
Online Information Review
Operations Management Education Review
Small Group Research: an international journal of theory, investigation and application
Optimal Control Applications and Methods
OR Spectrum
Organization and Environment: international journal of ecosocial research
British Accounting Review
IIE Transactions
Organizational Psychology Review
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Journal of Quality Technology
People and Place
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Sociological Methodology
Technological Forecasting and Social Change
Philosophy of the Social Sciences
Long Range Planning
Journal of Consumer Affairs
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research
Financial Review (US)
Production and Inventory Management Journal
Multivariate Behavioral Research
Production Planning and Control
Project Management Journal
Prometheus (Abingdon)
Property Management
Public Administration and Development
Abacus: a journal of accounting, finance and business studies
Health Services Research
Journal of Employment Counseling
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Supply Chain Management
Journal of World Business
Public Finance and Management
The International Journal of Accounting
Public Performance and Management Review
International Migration Review
Qualitative Market Research: an international journal
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Quality and Quantity: international journal of methodology
Quality Management Journal
Studies in Comparative International Development
Journal of Small Business Management
British Journal of Social Psychology
Labour History: a journal of labour and social history
International Journal of Production Research
International Migration
Management International Review
Accounting and Finance
Research in Accounting Regulation
Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
Research in Governmental and Non-Profit Accounting
Research in International Business and Finance
Business and Society
European Journal of Sociology
Journal of Advertising Research
Review of Behavioral Finance
Review of Derivatives Research
Review of Financial Economics
Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
Labor History
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems
Scandinavian Journal of Management
MIT Sloan Management Review: MIT's journal of management research and ideas
China Quarterly
Journal of Industrial Relations
Security Studies
Service Industries Journal
Services Marketing Quarterly
Astin Bulletin: the journal of the International Actuarial Association
California Management Review
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
Research Technology Management: international journal of research management
Social and Environmental Accountability Journal
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Social Justice Research
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Social Problems
Social Psychological and Personality Science
Social Responsibility Journal
Social Science Quarterly
Social Service Review
Society and Business Review
Applied Psychology: An International Review
Socioanalysis Journal
Business History
Journal of Communication
British Journal of Sociology
Journal of the Operational Research Society
Sociologie du Travail
Journal of Vocational Education and Training
South African Statistical Journal
Sport in Society
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: human experimental psychology
Sport Marketing Quarterly
Sport Psychologist
Sport, Education and Society
Strategic Outsourcing Journal
Population Studies: a journal of demography
Financial Analysts Journal
Population Bulletin
Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations
Journal of Social Issues
Acta Psychologica
Systemic Practice and Action Research
Public Administration Review
Australian Journal of Public Administration
Technology Analysis and Strategic Management
Public Opinion Quarterly
Journal of Personality Assessment
The American Sociologist
The European Journal of Finance
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice
The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
The Information Management Journal
Communication Monographs
Journal of Personality
The Journal of Alternative Investments
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The Journal of Asset Management
Sociological Inquiry
Business History Review
Harvard Business Review
The Journal of Wealth Management
The Milbank Quarterly
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Public Administration: an international quarterly
The TQM Journal
Psychological Research: an international journal of perception, attention, memory and action
Third Sector Review
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
Thunderbird International Business Review
Time and Society
The Sociological Review
British Journal of Psychology
Ethics: an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy
Transnational Corporations
Critical Finance Review
Foundations and Trends in Accounting
Global Strategy Journal
International Journal of Cultural Policy
UNLV Gaming Research and Review Journal
Urban Affairs Review
Venture Capital: an international journal of entrepreneurial finance
Journal of Leisure Research
Voluntary Action
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Organizations
Journal of Urban Affairs
The Pacific Review
Third World Quarterly
World Bank Research Observer
World Leisure Journal
Written Communication: an international quarterly of research, theory, and application
Young Consumers
Publisher Year InceptWeb Address Field of Research
AACE International 1967 1503
Academy of Managemen 2015 1503
Academy of Marketing S1997 1505
American Accounting As2001 1501
American Psychological 2013
Association for Comput 1991 1503
Elsevier 2011 http://www.journals.elsev 1505
Elsevier 1978 http://www.journals.elsev 1501
Oxford 2011 http://heapro.oxfordjourna1505
Oxford University Press 2014 http://jpo.oxfordjournals.o1503
Routledge, Taylor & Fran2014
Sage Publications 1996 1501
Sage Publications 2008 1504
Sage Publications 2007 1503
Sage Publications 1969 1503
Springer International P2003 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1992 http://www.tandfonline.c 1501
Taylor & Francis Online 1990 http://www.tandfonline.co1501
Taylor & Francis Online 2004 http://www.tandfonline.co1501
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfonline. 1503
The Academy of Account 1977
Elsevier 1984 http://www.journals.elsev 1501
Emerald Group Publishi 1998 http://www.emeraldinsigh1501
Association for Consum 1974 http://www.acrwebsite.org1505
Emerald Group Publishi 1992 http://www.emeraldinsigh1501
Emerald Group Publishi 1991 1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2007 http://interscience.wiley. 1503
Sage Publications 1957 1503
Cambridge University Pr2006 http://journals.cambridge.1502
University of Illinois Pre 1887 1503
Sage Publications 1967 1503
Elsevier 2005 http://www.journals.elsev 1501
Springer International P2005 1502
The Institute for Oper 2004 http://pubsonline.informs.1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2004 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1987 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1991 http://www.tandfonline.co1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonline.c 1502
Sage Publications 1976 1503
Springer International P2003 http://www.springerlink.c 1505
American Institute of Re1932
Springer International P2003 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Oxford University Press 2003 http://ser.oxfordjournals.o1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1989 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
University of Newcastle 1999 http://novaojs.newcastle. 1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfonline.co1501
Wiley 1962 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1503
De Gruyter 2005
Taylor & Francis Online 2005 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Sage Publications 2003 1503
American Accounting As2002
Australian and New Zeal1987 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1966 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1503
Elsevier 1993 http://www.journals.elsevi1505
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991 1501
Flinders University of So1974 1503
Sage Publications 1992 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001 https://authorservices.w 1503
Cambridge University Pr1984 http://journals.cambridge.1503
Sage Publications 2001 1505
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonline.co1502
Elsevier 2000 http://www.journals.elsev 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1949 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Oxford University Press 2000 http://es.oxfordjournals.or1503
Australian Social Policy 1961 1503
Volunteering Australia 1996 1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1966 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Taylor & Francis Online http://www.tandfonline.co806
Emerald Group Publishi 1994 http://www.emeraldinsight. 1503
Elsevier 2000 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Cambridge University Pr1998 http://journals.cambridge.1502
Taylor & Francis Online 2000 http://www.tandfonline.c 1502
De Gruyter 1999
Max Planck Institute fo 1999 http://www.demographic-r1503
Sage Publications 1999 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1999 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2011 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1999 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1502
The Institute for Oper 1999 http://www.msom.pubs.inf1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1999 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992 1503
Southern Cross Universi1998
Emerald Group Publishi 1995 http://www.emeraldinsigh806
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1984 1503
Canadian Public Policy 1975 http://www.utpjournals.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1996 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
CCH Australia Limited 1985 1503
Sage Publications 1967 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998 1502
Springer International P1998 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Elsevier 1998 http://www.journals.else 1504
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1997 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1501
Oxford University Press 1949 http://cdj.oxfordjournals.o1503
Springer International P1996 http://www.springerlink.c 1502
Sage Publications 1996 1503
Springer International P2003 1503
Springer International P1996 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Elsevier 1985 http://www.journals.else 806
Sage Publications 1974 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1983 https://authorservices.w 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1992 http://www.emeraldinsight1504
American Psychological 1996
Taylor & Francis Online 1997 http://www.tandfonline.c 1505
University of Hawaii Pre1989 http://www.uhpress.hawaii1503
American Psychological 1996
Emerald Group Publishi 1996 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Emerald Group Publishi 1996 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1968 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Taylor & Francis Online 2004 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2005 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
American Psychological 1995
Taylor & Francis Online 1995 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
American Accounting As2007
Springer 2014 1505
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1995 1502
Sage Publications 1995 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003 1503
Sage Publications 1995 1503
American Psychological 1995
Elsevier 1995 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1995 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Indiana University 2001 http://www.iupress.indi 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1994 http://www.emeraldinsigh1504
Sage Publications 1941 1503
Sage Publications 1972 1503
Springer International P2001 http://www.springerlink.c 806
New England Complex Sy 1999 http://emergentpublicati 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1965 http://www.tandfonline.c 1502
Sage Publications 1994 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1979 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Elsevier 1994 http://www.journals.elsevi1505
Sage Publications 1994 1503
Walter de Gruyter Gmb 2011
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1981 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1981 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1993
Springer International P 1502
Emerald Group Publishi 1989 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Springer International P1993 1505
Sage Publications 1986 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Sage Publications 1993 1503
Elsevier 1993 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfonline.co1505
Springer International P1970 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Hogrefe Publishing Corp1985 1503
Oxford University Press 1991 http://eurpub.oxfordjourna1503
Elsevier 1993 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1991 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Elsevier 1983 http://www.journals.else 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
Institutional Investor Jo 1993
Sage Publications 1995 1503
Emerald 2013 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1983 http://www.emeraldinsight1504
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992 1503
Oxford University Press 1992 http://icc.oxfordjournals.o 1503
Elsevier 2004 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Elsevier 1992 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
Elsevier 1992 http://www.journals.elsev 1505
Cambridge University Pr1994 http://journals.cambridge.1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1992 http://www.tandfonline. 1505
Springer International P1986 http://www.springerlink.c 1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1928 1502
American Marketing Asso 1992
Academy of Financial Ser 1991 http://academyfinancial.or1502
Mohr Siebeck GmbH & C1884
Sage Publications 1992 1503
Now Publishers 2005 http://www.nowpublishers1502
Elsevier 1968 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992
Springer International P1992 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Elsevier 1989 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Lynne Rienner Publisher1995 1503
Oxford University Press 1992 http://www.oxfordjournals.1503
Society for Business Eth1991 1503
Springer International P1992 http://springerlink.metap 806
American Psychological 1997
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991 1503
Sage Publications 1998 1503
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.else 1503
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.elsev 1502
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1978 http://www.tandfonline. 1505
Elsevier 1991 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Oxford University Press 1991 http://jpart.oxfordjournals1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1946 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1991 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1990 http://www.psc.isr.umich.e1503
Institutional Investor Jo 1991 1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990 1503
University College of B 1997 806
Elsevier 1990 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Taylor & Francis Online 1998 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990 1503
Sage Publications 2002 1503
Sage Publications 1990 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1990 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1985 http://www.tandfonline.co806
Taylor & Francis Online 1990 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1990 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1990 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Elsevier 1986
Emerald Group Publishi 1990 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2008 https://authorservices.w 1503
Springer International P1990 http://www.springerlink.c 1505
Springer International P2002 http://www.springerlink.c 806
Emerald Group Publishi 1982 http://www.emeraldinsight806
Taylor & Francis Online 1988 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1990 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
American Accounting As1989
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1998 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 2001 http://www.tandfonline.co1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1982 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1505
Ecole des Hautes Etude1966
Cambridge University Pr2003 http://journals.cambridge.1503
Oxford University Press 1989 http://ijpor.oxfordjournals.1505
Emerald Group Publishi 1982 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1988 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
American Accounting As1989 1501
Springer International P1989 http://springerlink.metap 1503
Sage Publications 2001 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1987 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Inderscience Enterprises2006 http://www.inderscience. 1505
Emerald Group Publishi 1995 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996 1502
Sage Publications 1988 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2008 http://www.emeraldinsight1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1988 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.co806
Elsevier 1969 http://www.journals.elsev 806
World Scientific Publishi1997 http://www.worldscinet.co1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1988 1503
IGI Global 2005 806
Taylor & Francis Online 1998 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1988 http://www.emeraldinsight1504
Emerald Group Publishi 2005 http://www.emeraldinsight1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1988 1503
Market Research Societ 1959 1505
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1996 https://authorservices.w 1505
Springer International P1988 http://www.springerlink.c 1504
Emerald Group Publishi 1993 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Inderscience Enterprises http://www.inderscience. 1502
Academy of Managemen 1987 http://journals.aomonline 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1952 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
American Accounting As1987 1501
Taylor & Francis Online 1978 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Springer International P1987 http://springerlink.metap 1502
Inderscience Enterprises2005 http://www.inderscience. 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1995 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1985 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1990 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Elsevier 1987 http://www.journals.elsevi1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1998 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1976 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Human Kinetics Publisher http://journals.humankine1504
American Press, Boston 2000 http://www.americanpress1504
Edizioni Luigi Pozzi, Ro 1970 http://www.ijsp-online.com1504
Inderscience Enterprises2005 http://www.inderscience. 1505
Winthrop Publications 1998 http://www.imrpublication1505
IGI Global 2010 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1994 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
Inderscience Enterprises1986 http://www.inderscience. 1503
World Scientific Publishi1998 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1987 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1989 http://www.emeraldinsight1504
Inderscience Enterprises2005 http://www.inderscience.c1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1921 1503
Sage Publications 1987 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1986 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
Springer International P1986 http://springerlink.metap 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1986 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Sage Publications 1966 1504
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1985 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1501
Emerald Group Publishi 1985 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Springer International P1985 http://www.springerlink.c 1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1996 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1505
American Society of Civi1985 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1949 https://authorservices.w 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1971 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1985 http://www.tandfonline.c 1505
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1985 https://authorservices.w 1503
Financial Services Instit 1966 1502
Springer International P1984 http://springerlink.metap 1503
Springer International P1984 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Elsevier 1982 http://www.journals.elsev 1501
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1984 1505
Human Kinetics Publisher 1984 http://hk.humankinetics.c 1504
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1984 http://onlinelibrary.wile 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1973 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
University of New Have 1983 http://journalseeker.res 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1971 1503
Springer International P1983 http://springerlink.metap 1503
Elsevier 2014 http://www.journals.elsev 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1983 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
Elsevier 1983 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1983 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
American Accounting As1983 1501
American Sociological A1983 1503
Senate Hall Ltd. 2004 http://www.senatehall.com1503
Elsevier 1982 http://www.journals.else 1502
Sage Publications 1982 1503
Springer International P2007 http://www.jbm-online.net1503
Elsevier 1982 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Emerald Group Publishi 1980 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1993 http://www.tandfonline. 1505
Elsevier 1982
Sage Publications 1972 1503
Elsevier 2015 http://www.journals.elsev 1502
Springer International P1982 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1996 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1988 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
American Psychological 1937 1503
Elsevier 1982 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001 1505
Emerald Group Publishi 1983 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
American Marketing Asso 1982 http://www.marketingpow1505
University of Nevada 1988 1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1982 http://www.ebscohost.com1504
Emerald Group Publishi 1982 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Tennessee State Univers1966 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1987 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Sage Publications 2002 1502
Sage Publications 1982 1503
Sage Publications 1981 1505
Elsevier 1981 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1981 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1948 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Elsevier 1981 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1981 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Elsevier 1981 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1996 http://www.emeraldinsigh1505
DePaul University Coll 1972 1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1981 1502
Springer International P1996 1505
Centre for Addiction & 2000 1504
Emerald Group Publishi 1980 http://info.emeraldinsight 1503
Baybrooke Press 1973
Emerald Group Publishi 2013 1503
American Accounting As2012 1501
Emerald Group Publishi 1980 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1986 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
Ohio State Press 1930 https://ohiostatepress.or 1503
Elsevier 1980 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
American Real Estate So1990
Taylor & Francis Online 2000 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
American Institute of M 2005 1503
Springer International P1980 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2000 http://www.emeraldinsight1501
Springer International P1990 http://springerlink.metap 1503
American Academy of Ave 2000 http://www.tandfonline.co1505
Elsevier 1980 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
Elsevier 1979 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Elsevier 1992 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Neilson Journals Publish2002 http://www.neilsonjournals1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1988 1502
Elsevier 1979 1503
Sage Publications 1979 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1978 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1978 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 2002 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Institutional Investor Jo 1992 1502
Springer International P1980
Sage Publications 1982 1503
Springer International P1978 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Cambridge University Pr1995 http://journals.cambridge.1503
Sage Publications 1975 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1977 1505
Elsevier 1977 http://www.journals.elsevie 1503
Sage Publications 1977 1501
Elsevier 1982 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1982 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
Now Publishers 2015 www.journal-marketing-be1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1995 http://www.tandfonline.co1505
Sage Publications 1979 1505
Taylor & Francis Online 1977 http://www.tandfonline.co1504
Association of Marketin 1992 http://www.jmtp-online.or 1505
Elsevier 1964 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1992 http://interscience.wiley. 1503
Elsevier 1990 http://www.journals.elsev 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1986 http://www.tandfonline.c 1505
Springer International P1977 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Southern Public Adminis1977
Australia and New Zeal 1976 https://search.informit.c 1503
IGI Global 1989 806
Taylor & Francis Online 1977 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1988 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2014 http://emeraldgrouppublis1503
Sagamore Publishing LL1983 1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1980 http://www.tandfonline.c 1505
Sage Publications 1976 1502
Sage Publications 1976 1503
Elsevier 1976 http://www.journals.elsevi1504
Taylor & Francis Online 2011 http://www.tandfonline. 1503
Wolters Kluwer Health, I1976 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1992 http://www.emeraldinsight1505
American Society of Civi1956 1503
Duke University Press 1976 http://jhppl.dukejournals.o1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1991 http://www.informaworld. 1505
Emerald Group Publishi 1982 http://www.emeraldinsight1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1984 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
The Institute for Oper 1976 http://pubsonline.informs.1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1505
PrAcademics Press, Flori1989 http://www.pracademics.c1501
Sage Publications 1976 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.c 1505
Elsevier 1992 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Emerald Group Publishin http://www.emeraldinsigh1504
Taylor & Francis Online 1976 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
American Real Estate So1995 1504
American Real Estate So1986
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1975 1503
Springer International P2000 http://www.palgrave-journ1502
Elsevier 1975 http://www.journals.elsevi1505
Springer International P2002 1505
Incisive Risk Informatio 1999 http://www.thejournalofri 1502
Springer International P1975 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1975 1503
Institutional Investor Jo 1975 1502
Sage Publications 1974 1503
Sage Publications 1974 1503
Elsevier 1974 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1974 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1974 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishin http://www.emeraldinsight1505
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1974 1501
Taylor & Francis Online 1929 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Sage Publications 1965 1503
Sage Publications 1977 1504
University of South Ala 1978
Springer International P1974 http://springerlink.meta 1503
Sage Publications 1974 1503
International Academic P 1957 https://www.jstage.jst.go.j1503
Elsevier 1973 http://www.journals.elsevi1505
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1972 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1972 http://www.ebscohost.com1505
Cambridge University Pr1972 http://journals.cambridge.1503
Sage Publications 1972 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1503
York University 2002 http://www.justlabour.york1503
Springer International P2003 806
Elsevier 1972 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Sage Publications 1976 1503
Duke University Press 2004 http://labor.dukejournals.o1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1987 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Liverpool University Pre1960 http://online.liverpooluniv1503
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1987 1503
Sage Publications 1972 1503
Elsevier 1981 http://www.journals.else 1503
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Taylor & Francis Online 1975 http://www.tandfonline.co1504
Sage Publications 1972 1503
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1971 1503
Association Internation 1998 1503
Springer International P1971 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Sage Publications 1987 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1967 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1971 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
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Taylor & Francis Online 1996 http://www.tandfonline.c 1504
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1971 1503
World Scientific 2015 http://www.worldscientifi 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1970 http://www.tandfonline.co1501
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Elsevier 1970 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1970 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1970 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
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Sage Publications 1979 1503
Kelley School of Busine 2002 806
Sage Publications 1970 1503
Sage Publications 1970 1503
Rutgers University 1997 1502
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1970 1503
John Benjamins Publish 1991 https://www.benjamins.co1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1954 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1985 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1979 https://authorservices.w 1503
ER Publishing Ltd. 1976 1503
Sage Publications 1970 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1990 1503
Society of Actuaries 1997 1502
Emerald Group Publishin http://www.emeraldinsight806
Neilson Journals Publish2005 http://www.neilsonjourna 1503
Sage Publications 1970 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1979 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1970 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Springer International P1979 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
Sage Publications 1987 1503
Elsevier 1969 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Taylor & Francis Online 1969 1503
Sage Publications 2011
University of British Co 1927
Association for Informat2009 http://journal.ecrc.nsysu. 806
American Society for Qua 1969
Monash University 1993 1503
Springer International P2001 http://www.springerlink.c 806
Sage Publications 1969 1503
Elsevier 1969 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Sage Publications 1971 1503
Elsevier 1968 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1967 1505
Institut national d'tu 1946 1503
Springer International P1967 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1967 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1966 1502
Bond University & Masse 2003
The Educational Societ 1959
Taylor & Francis Online 1966 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1990 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1970 https://authorservices.w 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1983 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1982 http://www.emeraldinsigh1504
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1966 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1501
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965 1503
Elsevier 1965 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1965 http://onlinelibrary.wile 1503
Elsevier 1965 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
Southern Public Adminis2000
Elsevier 1965 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Springer International P1964 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1975 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1964 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 1994 http://www.emeraldinsigh1505
Emerald Group Publishi 2005 http://www.emeraldinsigh1503
Springer International P1967 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
American Society for Qua 1993 1503
Springer International P1964 http://www.springerlink.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1963 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1962 https://authorservices.w 1503
Australian Society for t 1962 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1961 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1961 1503
Springer International P1961 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1960 http://onlinelibrary.wile 1501
Elsevier 1987 http://www.journals.elsevi1501
Emerald 2012 http://emeraldgrouppubl 1503
Elsevier 1985 http://www.emeraldgrou 1501
Elsevier 1979 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
Sage Publications 1960 1503
Cambridge University Pr1960 http://journals.cambridge.1503
Cambridge University Pr1960 http://journals.cambridge.1505
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Springer International P1996 http://springerlink.metap 1502
Elsevier 1965 http://www.journals.elsevi1502
World Scientific Publishi1998 http://www.worldscinet.c 1502
Springer International P1991 1502
MDPI AG 2013 1502
Taylor & Francis Online 1960 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
University of Aalborg 1989 806
Elsevier 1984 http://www.journals.elsev 1503
Thomson Reuters 1960 http://scientific.thomson 1503
Cambridge University Pr1959 http://journals.cambridge.1503
Sage Publications 1959 1503
American Statistical Ass1959 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1991 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
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Cambridge University Pr1958 http://journals.cambridge.1502
University of California 1958 1503
Society for Industrial a 2010 1502
Taylor Francis Online - I 1958 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
Taylor & Francis Online http://www.tandfonline.co1501
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1957 1502
Springer International P1986 1503
SIAM Publications Onlin 1953
Oxford University Press 1953 http://www.ucpressjournal1503
Sage Publications 2010 1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2004 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1920 1503
The University of Chicag1927 http://www.journals.uchica1503
Emerald Group Publishi 2006 http://www.emeraldinsight1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1951 1503
Group Relations Australi1999 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1951 http://www.tandfonline.c 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1951 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1950 http://onlinelibrary.wiley 1503
Springer International P1950 1503
Elsevier 1959 http://www.journals.elsevi1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1948 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
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Taylor & Francis Online 1948 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
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Human Kinetics Publisher 1987 http://hk.humankinetics.c 1504
Taylor & Francis Online http://www.tandfonline.co1504
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John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1940 1503
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1937 1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1989 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
Oxford University Press 1937 http://poq.oxfordjournals.o1503
Taylor & Francis Online 1936 http://www.tandfonline.co1503
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Now Publishers http://www.nowpublisher 1502
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Taylor & Francis Online http://www.tandfonline.co1503
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A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
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B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
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B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
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B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
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B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A Yes GERMANY English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes CANADA Multi-Language
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes GERMANY English
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B No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
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A No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
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A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
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B Yes GERMANY English
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B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
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A No No No
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A Yes UNITED ST English
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A Yes NETHERLA English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes GERMANY English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes English Yes
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes GERMANY English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes English Yes
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes English Yes
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes English Yes
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes Multi-Lang Yes
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes SWITZERL English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes SWITZERL Multi-Language
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes NETHERLA English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes English Yes
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes English Yes
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes NETHERLA English
B No No No
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes NORWAY English
B No No No
B No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes English Yes
A No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes CANADA Multi-Language
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes French Yes
A No No No
A No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes SWITZERL Multi-Language
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes NETHERLA English
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes FRANCE French
A No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes NETHERLA English
B Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
B No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
A No No No
B No No No
A No No No
A No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
B No No No
B No No No
A Yes UNITED ST English
A No No No
A Yes ENGLAND English
B Yes ENGLAND English
B No No No
B No No No
B No No No

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