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raKocyaa bauQavaarI p`ayaiScat kaLalaa sau$vaat haotaca AapNaasa

kpaLavar raK laavaUna maanavaI jaIvanaacyaa xaNaBaMgaurtocaI AazvaNa k$na
idlaI. maanavaI jaIvanaalaa janma maR%yaUcyaa saImaa Aahot AaiNa %yaatUnaca '*yaa
jaIvanaacyaa pilakDo kaya' Asao p`Sna maanavaI mana satt ]Bao krt
Asato. 'TO BE OR NOT TO BE?' *yaa t%vavaadI p`SnaaMnaa p`BaU yaoSaucyaa Aqa-pUNa- jaIvana marNa va
puna$%qaana *yaa rhsyaanao pUNa- ivarama doNyaacaa ivaSvaasa EaQdavaMt Aaplyaa AMtkrNaI baaLgat Asatat.
AapNa *yaa piva~ AazvaDyaacyaa ]Mbarzyaavar Aahaot. mhNaUnaca Aaplao icatMna p`BaU yaoSaUp`maaNaoca ek
EaQdavaMt mhNaUna AapNaasa svatcyaa jaIvanaavar krNao A%yaavaSyak Aaho.
p`BaU yaoSaUcyaa duK ghZmMm saPtah Aaplyaa p`%yaokacyaa jaIvanaatIla vaodnaa kYT duK va
marNaacao smarNa k$na icaMtnaaWaro AapNaasa *yaa jaIvanaatIla sava- ADcaNaIvar maat k$na AagaamaI jaIvanaasa
puva-tyaarI krNyaasa madt krto. tsaoca puna$%qaanaacyaa rhsyaaWaro *yaa jaIvanaapilakDo jaa}na
navajaIvanaacyaa Apoxaocao AaSaadayaI ikrNa Aaplyaa jaIvanaat navaa p`kaSa inamaa-Na krto. mhNaUna
puna$%qaanaacaI phaT AapNaasa xaiNakjaIvanaacyaa AMQaa`m gauhotUna p`kaSaacyaa navajaIvanaakDo Gao}na jaat
Asato. inasaga- iSaSaIr ?tutUna vasaMt ?tumaQyao p`vaoSa krtao JaaDMJauDpo AaplaI ihrvaIgaar panao JaTkuna
maRtavasqaot p`vaoSa krtat va kaovaLyaa ihrvyaa navaIna palavaI nao punha ekda Aaplao navaIna sva$p QaarNa
krtat.tsaoca 'krItsao maI navaIna saaro' *yaa ]i@tlaa p`BaU yaoSaUnao puna$%qaacyaa tInao spYTpNao ]<ar idlao
Aaho. *yaa puna$%qaana kaLamaQyao AapNa jaIvanaat AaSaonao jagaNyaasa p`vaRt hao} yaa. Aaplyaa
Qa@kabau@kIcyaa Aisqar ASaaMt va Asaurixat jaIvanaat p`BauyaoSaUcyaa puna$%qaanaacaa SaaMtIcaa saurixat va
isqartocaa saMdoSa Aa%masaat k$ yaa.
Aaplyaa iSaYyaaMnaa puna$i%qat iK`stanao "iBa} naka SaaMtI tumhabaraobar Asaao" *yaa SabdaMnaI
SauBaocCa idlyaa va %yaacyaamaQaIla nakara%mak Baavanaa naYT kolyaa va sakara%mak dRiYTkaoNa inamaa-Na kolaa.
Aajacyaa yaugaasaazI puna$i%qat iK`st AapNaasa doKIla haca saMdoSa dot Aaho. 'jaunao jaa} Va marNaalaagauNaI
AaiNa navyaacaI kasa Qara' ha maR%yaujaya iK`stacaa saMdoSa AapNaa p`%yaokacyaa jaIvanaat tsaoca Aaplyaa
kuTuMbaatIla p`%yaokasa *yaa navyaa yaugaatIla AavhanaaMnaa saamaaoro jaaNyaasa laagaNaaro p`ao%saahna ]<aojaNa va p`orNaa
dot Aaho. puna$i%qat iK`st PailakDcyaa iknaa`mvar Aaplyaa svaagatasaazI sadasava-kaL ]Baa Aaho.
Aaplaa isvakar krNyaasaazI Aaplyaa papaMcaI duYT p`vaRtIcaI raK kpaLavar Gao}na sau$ kolaolaa ha
p`ayaiScat kaL AapNaasa navajaIvanaacyaa puna$%qaanaacyaa phaTot sahBaagaI haoNyaasa AamaMi~t krIt Aaho.
calaa svaIka$ yaa ho Aavhana va to p`%yaxaat ]trvaUna *yaa valhaDNaacyaa saNaa p`maaNao jaa} yaa AMQaaratUna
p`kaSaakDo Asa%yaakDUna sa%yaakDo va maR%yaUkDUna AmaRtma puna$%qaanaakDo.
Aaplaa Qama-p`aMtatIla sava- EaQdavaMtanaa *yaa puna$%qaana saaohLyaacyaa haid-k SauBaoN>m. tsaoca calaa
p`aqa-naa va kaOTuMibak jaIvana *yaa ivaYayaavar icaMtna krtanaa Aaplyaa kuTuMbaat puna$i%qat iK`st AaSaocaa
sauyaao-dya hao}na *yaa phaTocyaa navaikrNaat AapNa AaplaI EaQda navatojaanao pllaivat k$ yaa.

The context in which we live today is not the same as that of fty or sixty years ago in which for instance we received
catechetical instruction or faith formation. Today we live in a world of information technology revolution, religious
fundamentalism and lack of consideration for traditional family values. The negative aspects of media and entertainment
industries are threatening traditional values and in particular the sacredness of marriage and the stability of the family.
The family is experiencing a profound cultural crisis as are all communities and social bonds. In the case of the
family, the weakening of these bonds is particularly serious because the family is the fundamental cell of society, where we
learn to live with others despite our differences and to belong to one another; it is also the place where parents pass on the faith
to their children.Marriage now tends to be viewed as a form of mere emotional satisfaction that can be constructed in any way
or modied at will Individualism of our modern day and globalization era lends its support to a life style which weakens the
development and stability of personal relationship and distorts family bonds.
Challenges families face today: Some of the common challenges that families face today are: changing scenario of
family life, media concerns, changing value systems, superstitious practices within and outside the church, lack of a sense of
inculturation, lack of awareness on the importance of family catechises, displacements due to migration while seeking
education and employment, mixed or inter religious marriages, single parent family. Besides there is a culture of non-
commitment and a presumption that the marriage bond can be temporary. Crisis of faith that leads to crisis in marriage and the
family. Other reasons of not less importance is loneliness arising from the absence of God in a person's life and the fragility of
relationships: difculty of raising children or a reluctance to welcome new life and the consideration of presence of older
persons as a burden: may be the practice of cohabitation before marriage or cohabiting with no intention of a legal binding
Cyberspace and social media poses a new treat to the family through its propagation of values that are not in keeping
with the values of the Gospel. Virtual relationships have substituted real ones based on human contact with its verbal and non
verbal communication. Unlimited access to social networking without adequate guidance leads the youth to believe that the
number of contacts determines their personal worth. As a result they develop supercial relationships and are very often
unable to meet the demands of loving relationships in marriage. Obsession with the internet causes isolation within the family
from the already limited family time availability, leading to psychological problems and moral issues.
Many other challenges can be reected up, like women taking up leadership roles and careers, bring home money. Male
members do not have the same dominant positions as before, besides gender discrimination and many other issues related to
the women who need more reection and space.
There is a need to afrm the beauty and goodness of marriage and family. Families experience love, joy, peace and
companionship when there is genuine communion among the members. The family is the nursery where the gospel values of
love, sharing, equality, truthfulness, caring self-sacrice, forgiveness and justice are nurtured. In the families today there is
more awareness of the need for personal freedom and greater attention to the demands of interpersonal relationships of mutual
self-giving, responsible parenthood and respect. The family is the sacred space where the ame of life is transmitted. It is here
that every person is given the love and care the nurture and support, the discipline and maturation that one needs to develop
into the full human person. The family is a temple dedicated to the God of Life as Pope John Paul II called it. In India among
the various religions marriage is seen as a sacred life giving union and most of the marriages are solemnized according to the
religious rites, bringing together not only two individuals but their families. Moreover the life of the church and the State
depends on the healthy families. The family created by marriage is seen as a sanctuary of love where the members are invited
to experience joy, contentment and fullness of life. Christian understanding of marriage as a sacrament adds to its dignity and
sanctity.We in our diocese are four months into this year of Prayer and Family Life. It is important for the Church at the local
level and at the diocese level with its many institutions of churches, Religious Communities, Schools, Social Centers and with
a well drawn out 'Socio-Pastoral Plan' to take stock of what has been done and what needs to be done to promote, evaluate,
sustain and support family life.
Fr. Mario D'Souza msfs
Episcopal Vicar

Thrust Areas : Faith Formation
Mmbrgm H$mb H$m gXoe
caalaIsaa kala hmaoM pScaatap krnao ka nyaaota dotI hO. puna$%qaana kao laxya banaakr hma [sa kala maoM ]pvaasa p`aqa-naa evaM
danaQama- Wara Apnao AaQyaai%mak jaIvana kao dRZ, banaa sakto hOM. AmaIr AadmaI evaM laaja$sa ka dRYTaMt ko tIna koMd` ibandU hmaoM [sa caalaIsaa
kala kao Aqa-pUNa- banaanao maoM madd krogaI.
1 dUsara vyai@t ek taohfa hO
[sa dRYTaMt ko Sau$vaat maoM hma dao vyai@tyaaoM kao doK sakto hOM. AmaIr [nsaana ka naama nahI idyaa gayaa hO prMtu laaja$sa ijasaka
Aqa- hO prmaoSvar sahayata krta h,,O ijasaka pUra ivavarNa hO. ]sakI baobasaI evaM dIna halat kao baKUbaI dSaa-yaa gayaa hO. laaja$sa hmaoM
jaIvana sao p`oma krnao tqaa Apnao pD,aoisayaaoM maoM yaogy kao doKnao kI caunaaOtI p`stut krta hO .
2 pap hmaoM AMQaa krtI hO
AmaIr vyai@t Apnao laaoBa AhMkar evaM idKavaT ko karNa [sa BaaOitk jaIvana ko maayaajaala maoM fsaa huAa qaa. yah saaro dugau-na
hmaoM AMQaa krtI hO tqaa AnaMt jaIvana sao hmaarI dRiYT kao BaTkatI hO.
3 p`Bau ka vacana ek taohfa hO
dRYTaMt ko AMtIma Baaga maoM hma doKto hO kI laaja$sa svaga- maoM hO bailk vah AmaIr [nsaana nark kI Aigna maoM tDpta hO @yaaoMik vah
piva~ vacana kao zukra dota hO. tao calaao [sa caalaIsaa kala maoM hma yaogy kao saMskaraoM maoM piva~ vacana maoM tqaa Apnao pDaoisayaaoM maoM doKoM. AaOr
piva~ Aa%maa sao saSa@t haokr Apnao idla ko drvaajaaoM kao garIbaaoM ko ilae Kaola doM.

AVnbr` n[adma[aH$ ~m`~b Z _Oyfm

hmaara Qama-p`aMt [sa saala 'p`aqa-naa eva\M kaOTuMibak jaIvana' ka vaYa-
manaa rha hO. 10 frvarI 2017 kao icaKladara ko laud-maata tIqa- sqaana maoM
hmaaro Qama-p`aMt ko pirvaaraoM ko ilae ek AMtp-llaIya kaOTuMibak baayabala p`Sna
maMjaUYaa ka Aayaaojana ikyaa gayaa. [sa maukabalao maoM caar pllaIyaaoM nao ihssaa
ilayaa. icaKladara mautI-jaapur vaDalaI evaM AMjanagaaMva BaMDaraja sao Aae
caar pirvaaraoM nao [sa vacanaao%sava kI SaaoBaa baZ,a[-. yah p`Sna maMjaUYaa saMt
yaaohna ko sausamaacaar pr AaQaairt qaI. ba`dr isalar nao [sa p`Sna maMjaUYaa
ka saMcaalana evaM maaga-dSa-na ikyaa. fa. iSamaaona fa. kaonao-ilayausa iDkna
p`dIp tqaa saunaIla jaaMbaokr nao [sa p`Sna maMjaUYaa kao safla banaanao maoM BarpUr
sahyaaoga idyaa. p`Sna maMjaUYaa kafI raomaaMcak Wr evaM caarao pirvaarao ko baIca kaMTo ka maukabalaa qaa. AMt maoM icaKladara ka saavalakr pirvaar
ivajayaI huAa jabaik mautI-jaapur dUsara vaDalaI tIsara tqaa AMjanagaava BaMDaraja caaOqao sqaana pr rhkr Apnao pllaI ka naama raoSana ikyaa.
kaya-ma ko AMt maoM icaKladara ko pllaI puraoiht fa. iSamaaona nao caarao PairvaaraoM kao Qanyavaad idyaa. dUsaro idna 11 frvarI 2017 kao laud-
maata ko pva- ko imassaa ko baad hmaaro Qamaa-Qyaxa AadrNaIya ibaSap elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa nao caarao pllaIyaaoM kao sammaainat ikyaa.
ba`dr isalar
bwX_mVm VrW `mm _[a`nwa-2017
ha df H$s Vah Bg df ^r bwX_mVm _[a`_ Ho$
AmXa _| A_amdVr Y_mV Ho$ EH$_od VrWjo {MIbXam,
_[a`_nwa _| 1 \$adar 2017 go 11 \$adar 2017 VH$
bwX_mVm Ho$ AmXa _| `oH$ {XZ dOmamohZ, ZmamoOr mWZm Ed
{_gm ~{bXmZ H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m. Bg mWZm _| `oH$
{XZ {d{^ nbr Ho$ \$mXam| Zo AmH$a bmoJm| H$mo dMZ mam `mm
Ho$ {bE Am`mp_H$ $n go V`ma {H$`m Ama nbr Ho$ {d{^ Jmd
go {_gm ~{bXmZ H$mo ^pV_` ~Zm`m.
Bg `mm H$m {deof {d{Y 10 \$adar 2017 H$mo
em_ 6.00 ~Oo Owbyg Ho$ gmW ^Vr-^md go ew hAm. BgHo$
~mX n{d {_gm ~{bXmZ A{nV {H$`m J`m. 11 \$adar gw~h
9.00 ~Oo \$m. OmZ JwbXodH$a Zo MJmB H$s mWZm H$s, BgHo$ VwaV ~mX {_gm ~{bXmZ H$m Am`moOZ {H$`m J`m. Bg `mm _|
h_mao Y_mV Ho$ Y_m`j {~en Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg Zo {_gm ~{bXmZ AnU {H$`m. Chmo|Zo bmoJm| H$mo _mJXeZ H$aVo hE
CZHo$ {bE mWZm H$s.
Bg bwX_mVm H$s `mm _| Xa-Xa go AmH$a bJ^J Zm hOma bmoJm| Zo bwX_mVm H$m XeZ {H$`m. bwX_mVm H$s ^pV ~T>mZo
Ho$ {bE H$B OJhm| go nwamohrV, Y_~hZ| Ed ~Xg Zo VrW `mm _| ^mJ boH$a `mm H$mo g\$b ~Zm`m. {deof $n go _[a`_nwa nbr
Ho$ g^r {ddmgr`m| Zo l_XmZ H$aHo$ _XX H$s. ha df H$s ^m{V Bg df ^r JmoQ>mo H$s AN>r Ed gwXa gOmdQ> H$s J`r. AV _| {_.
{Xbrn _moao H$s Amoa go {X`o J`o {V^moO Ho$ gmW Bg bwX_mVm H$s `mm ^Vr-^md go gn hB.

_[a`_nw nbr _|
hmbr~mb nYm 2017
Bg df H$m rV O`Vr Ed ZyVZ df _[a`_nya nbr _|
Hw$N> AZmoIo V[aHo$ go _Zm`m J`m. _obKmQ> dm{g`m| H$m _ZngX
Iob hmbr~mb nYm H$m Am`moOZ _m. H$me H$mXoH$a BZH$s
A`jVm _| nwf _S>b Ed gnyU _[a`_nwa nbr dm{g`m| H$s Amoa
go {X.26 {Xg|~a 2017 VH$ {H$`m J`m Wm. Bg nYm Ho$ CXKmQ>Z
Ho$ {bE ZJan[afX Ho$ ZJamA`j Ho$ gmW H$B amO{Z{VH$ ZoVm, nw{bg H$_Mmar Ed _[a`_nya nbr Ho$ bmoJ ^r H$m\$s g`m _|
CnpWV hmoH$a Bg nYm H$m CXKmQ>Z g_mamoh gn {H$`m. Bg nYm _| _obKmQ> VWm ehar {d^mJ Ho$ Hw$b {_bmH$a 48 Q>r_m| Zo
gh^mJ {b`m. {X. 28 {Xg|~a 2016 H$mo `h nYm H$m A{V_ Iob hAm. {dO` m {H$`o g^r {IbmS>r`m| H$mo \$m. a_erZ Ho$ hmWm|
go, gmBZJa A_amdVr nhbm BZm_ 11,111/-. ~S>Zoam Xgam BZm_ 7,777/- $. ,Ama aZnwa Vrgam BZm_ 5000/- $
XoH$a g^r {IbmS>r`m| H$mo ew^H$m_ZmE {X`o.

The feeling of loneliness is more dreaded than any other sorrow; that
destiny has bestowed in the share of humanity. Nowadays, people have lost the
importance of social institutions such as marriage, family, faith etc. No wonder man
has advanced in all elds concerning his development such as science and
technology; but still he is struggling to put the pieces together in the puzzle called
'LIFE'. We come across so many things in our day to day lives. Suicides by
youngsters who are not able to cope up with their career, love life, job; heinous
crimes committed by juveniles, live-in relationships, addictions to drugs etc. Have
you ever pondered on this thought, that though we have a lot of liberty and comfort,
we are still struggling to understand the main essence of life that is 'INNER
PEACE'. Our elders if you have noticed were leading a life which according to our
perspective was very orthodox. They stayed in huge joint families, crucial decisions
of life such as marriage; education, career etc were all taken by their elders. But
don't you think in spite of so many restrictions and compromises they had a much
happier life than what we have today. This is because they had understood that
happiness is within oneself and not in the world outside.
The rule of life is simple no wonder what we may achieve in life, we cannot be
happy if our basic needs are not satised. I don't mean food, clothing or shelter here. You may have the best of food
served on your platter, but if you don't have the appetite; of what use is this delicious food to you. You may have the most
comfortable and uffy bed but you suffer from insomnia or you may have a magnicent mansion spread over acres of
land and yet you feel lonely and uncomfortable there; these are all nothing but dust if you are not at peace possessing
these riches. Our catholic church has always given prime importance to a virtuous life over a luxurious one. That's the
reason we are dedicating this year to 'PRAYER' and 'FAMILY'. Prayer and family life go hand in hand. If you have paid
attention the symbol of Christianity; the 'CROSS' depicts this relationship in a very beautiful way. The cross has two
planks, vertical and horizontal; joined together. The vertical plank symbolizes our relationship with God and the
horizontal plank symbolizes our worldly relationships. Both are inseparable. One cannot say that I will be spiritually
aware whereas I turn a deaf ear to the woes of humanity or I am so busy in my worldly affairs that I don't have time to
genuect before the creator. If we make God the centre of our lives, we will do justice to our relationships for the love of
God. Likewise, the essence of spiritual life is service to humanity.
I would like to share a beautiful story which I had come across. Once upon a time there lived three princes;
eldest was Aden, second was Alexander and youngest was Abel. Their uncle had fraudulently taken away their kingdom
and the brothers were driven out of the kingdom. The brothers were wandering through a desert, hungry, thirsty and
exhausted when all of a sudden they say an inn near an oasis. The brothers heaved a sigh of relief. After freshening up,
they met at the supper table. They began discussing ways of regaining their kingdom back from their uncle while Abel
was busy looking at the inn keepers beautiful daughter. The elder brother Aden said, I will go to China with the caravan
who are staying here and will be leaving tomorrow morning and do some business. I strongly believe that wealth is
more important in life. The second brother was in no mood of arguing with his brother and calmly said, I will go to the
Middle East and join the warrior tribes there. With power one can conquer the whole world. As both the brothers were
discussing their future plans they noticed their youngest brother sitting quietly with a smile on his face without a care in
the world. The brothers asked him, Abel what do you want in life? He just smiled and said, A true Christian wife. The
brothers were shocked to hear this; but as they he was youngest they did not bother much about his decision. The next

morning, after tearful goodbyes and loving embraces the brothers parted.
Time ew away with swift wings. The small inn was now more beautiful with roses blossoming around it.
The innkeepers daughter; now no longer a pretty girl but a beautiful women, was taking care of the inn as her father
had passed away. She was standing near the door of her inn with her two adorable children when she saw a cloud of
dust swooping towards her from one direction. As the dust cleared she saw a huge army marching towards her inn.
She was terried to see thousands of robust men, tanned with the heat of the battleeld and every trace of emotion
wiped off from their poker faces. She ran inside to call her husband. By the time she rushed out she saw a long
caravan of merchants moving slowly towards the inn with their carts lled with gold, silver, emeralds and pearls. The
caravan was dazzling in the sunlight. As the caravan and army approached close to the inn, one could see a man
sitting on a magnicent elephant. He was wearing a robe made of most precious silk. He was wearing jewelry worth
millions made out of precious emeralds, rubies and diamonds. He was sitting in a stone studded howdah made of
gold. His face reected the toils and turmoil's he had taken to build this prodigious caravan. He was none other than
The commander of the army, on the other hand was sitting on a big black Arabian horse. He was rugged and
erce to look at. His eyes were blazing in the hot sun. He was fearless and brave. He was 'Alexander'. As both the
caravan and the army came before the inn they stopped and their leaders got off; it took a while for the brothers to
recognize each other because of the changes that time had brought in them. But as soon as they did recognize each
other, their hearts leapt and they gave out a shout of joy and ran towards each other to embrace. The held each other as
if they will never let each other go and wept tears of joy. After the excitement was little subsided Aden said, How are
you Alexander? Alexander: I am ne Aden. Aden: I can see you have built a huge and powerful army!
Alexander: You have also accumulated a lot of wealth bother. Aden: I wonder where our little brother Abel is.
Alexander: Poor chap! I hope he is at least making a living.
As both the brothers were busy in conversation, the inn keeper's daughter returned with her husband who
was none other than their younger brother Able. What a sight it was! The brothers were in separable for a moment.
After freshening up and meals, the three brothers sat down for a hearty conversation. Aden said: Say whatever I
have the best thing in the world WEALTH. Alexander said rather proudly: Your wealth is nothing before my
massive army. As the brothers were discussing, Abel watched them in silence. The discussion soon turned into
argument. Aden said: You fool! I can bribe your soldiers with my wealth and they will use their swords against you
at my command. Alexander: Don't bother, at my command they will plunder all your wealth and arrest you before
you can even gulp down that wine. Abel calmly replied: I have the best gift in the world, FAMILY. The brothers
were listening in astonishment, how come wealth and power can be compared to an ordinary thing like a family. Abel
continued, Wealth can be stolen and power can be taken away. But what I have can neither be stolen nor taken away.
It will be with me till the end and it will grow more with care, love and time. It will be there with me in sickness and
health, good times and bad; because it is not a material gift but divine. The brothers were speechless. Finally, Aden
said: Yes brother, you have indeed the best gift in the world. We were running all these years behind worthless
treasure perishable and material. You have found something which will give you the ultimate happiness and inner
peace, a FAMILY.
I am not against modern thinking or lifestyle, growth is a sign of life. But somewhere I feel that a healthy
growth is better than a fast growth. We come across hybrid plants which bloom in a month and die in a year. What
good is such glory which fades off in a glimpse? But if you plant seed, nurture it with sunlight and water, watch it
grow each day. It will one day bear beautiful blossoms that will soak the hearts of people with joy for ages.
God bless you all!
Mrs. Deepa G. Fernandes


The extra ordinary jubilee year of mercy has ended and the Holy Door is closed. But the Door of Mercy of our
Heart must continue to remain wide open says Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter Misericordia et Misera (Latin for
Mercy and Misery) marking the conclusion of the Holy Year of mercy.
Our world today is marked by the culture of indifference which needs to be replaced by a culture of Mercy.
This is the roadmap for individuals, societies, communities and for the family itself. We are called to build our lives,
relationships and our world on mercy.
Pope Francis Apostolic Letter Mercy and Misery is from St. Augustine's commentary on the meeting of
Jesus with the woman caught in adultery in the gospel of John (8:1-11). As per the law she is to be stoned to death, her
accusers are ready with stones here Jesus intervenes Let him who is without sin be the rst to throw a stone at her..
one by one they disappear. Jesus is left alone with the woman. An image of Mercy and Misery. What happens from then
on is something worth emulating. Jesus helps the woman to look to the future with hope and to make a new start n life.
This is that rich time of mercy in the life of the woman and this is that rich time of mercy that we celebrated in the Holy
Year of Mercy which must continue to be celebrated and lived here after.
Pope Francis says we are called to celebrate Mercy. We celebrate mercy in the word of God, in the liturgy in
the sacraments, especially in the Sacrament of penance. Pope Francis wants his priests to prepare carefully for the
ministry of confession, where God shows us the way to turn back to him ad invites us to experience his closeness anew
and a fresh. Addressing his priests Pope Francis gives a few qualities they should have while in the confessional. Be
welcoming to all, witnesses of fatherly love, whatever the gravity of sin may be, attentive in helping the person to reect
on the evil they have done, clear in presenting moral principles, willing to walk patiently besides the faithful on their
penitential journey, farsighted in discerning individual cases and generous in dispensing God's forgiveness. Pope
Francis appeals to make the Sacrament of Reconciliation `regain its central place in Christian life`. Recently at the
election of the Superior General of the Jesuits Fr. Arturo Sosa the newly elected Superior General said his focus will be
Family a privileged place for Mercy: The family is the rst school of mercy, because it is here that we have
been loved and learnt to love, have been forgiven and learnt to forgive. Pope Francis said the name of God is Mercy. He
reminds us that the grace of the sacrament of marriage strengthens the family to be a privileged place for practicing
mercy. The experience of mercy enables us to view all human problems from the standpoint of God's love, which never
tires of welcoming and accompanying.
Social Character of Mercy: Pope Francis tells us that now is the time to unleash the creativity of mercy, to
launch new initiatives which are the fruits of grace. He wants new ways of practicing the Corporal and Spiritual works
of mercy to respond to the new situations. In the New Leader (Nov 16-30, 2016) Pope Francis offers a new list of
beatitudes for modern Christians. Blessed are those who remain faithful while enduring evils inicted on them by
others and forgive them from their heart. Blessed are those who look into the eyes of the abandoned and marginalized
and show them their closeness. Blessed are those who see God in every person and strive to make others also discover
him. Blessed are those who protect and care for our common home. Blessed are those who renounce their own
comfort in order to help others. Blessed are those who pray and work for full communion between Christians
The social Character of mercy invites us to banish our indifference and hypocrisy. Mercy should help us to roll
up our sleeves and set about restoring dignity to peoples
The Holy Door that we have crossed in this Jubilee Year should set us on the road of mercy on which we meet
so many of our brothers and sisters who reach out for someone to take their hand and become companion on the way.
St. Pope John Paul II called for a culture of life. Pope Francis invites us to promote a Culture of mercy, a

culture in which no one looks at another with indifference or turns away from the suffering of our brothers and sisters. It
urges us not to overlook situations that call for our involvement, thus we can set into motion a real cultural revolution,
beginning with simple gestures that touch peoples lives.
Pope Francis has set as the Thirty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time of the liturgical calendar as the World Day
of the Poor. It would be a day to help communities, families , church goers to reect on how poverty is at the very
heart of the Gospel and that as long as Lazarus lies at the door of our homes (Lk 16:19-21), there can be no justice or
social peace .

Fr. Mario D'Souza msfs

Episcopal Vicar

First Holy Communion at Mount Carmel Church, Akola

What thanks can I render the, for the gifts Thou has showered on me. The words of the Psalmist, spring
forth from the heart of the people of Akola, as they witnessed 5 boys and 6 girls received First Holy Communion on 30th
Dec. 2016. We praised and thanked God for his constant love for us. Sr. Lily SCC and Sr. Marie Therese M.C. took a lot
of trouble to train the children. Parish Priest, Rev.Fr. Cyriac trained them for the last three days.
The Holy Eucharist began at 5.30 pm. Rev. Fr. M.J and Rev.Fr. Mathew Concelebrated the Mass with Fr.
Cyriac the Parish Priest. Meaningful liturgy was arranged for this occasion. The rst Holy Communicants took active
part in the liturgy. The choir sang beautiful hymns keeping in mind the theme of the occasion. There was a large
gathering for the Eucharistic celebration. Since it was the feast of the Holy family, Fr. Cyriac enlightened the people on
the importance of family life. He stressed on receiving Jesus worthily in order to live fruitful lives. The role of the
parents was given much importance during his homily.
Eucharist celebration lasted about two hours. All eleven children offered useful gifts during Mass and
received Jesus in a worthy manner. After the Mass all went back with a sense of praise and thanks giving.
Sr. Lily, Akola Parish

{MIbXmam nbr Ho$ `wdH$m| H$m dm{fH$ {e{da

11 idsaMbar 2016 kao icaKladara ko yauvakaoM ko ilae ek AanaMd ka idvasa qaa. icaKladara ko yauvakaoM ko ilae [sa idna
ek iSaivar ka Aayaaojana ikyaa gayaa. [sa iSaivar ka Aayaaojana gaaivala gaZ, naamak ek p`isaw ikllao maoM ikyaa gayaa. ba`dr isalar
nao [sa iSaivar ka maaga-dSa-na ikyaa. isa. saMgaIta scc, isa. vaoraoinaka scc nao BaI [sa iSaivar kao kamayaaba banaanao maoM kao[- ksar nahIM
CaoD,I. ba`dr isalar nao yauvakaoM kao k^qalaIk Qama-iSaxaa evaM Qaaima-k [-Sa&ana ko baaro maoM batayaa ijasaka palana krko yauvak ek AcCa
iK`stIya jaIvana ibata sako. [sako Alaava raomaaMcak KolaaoM ko evaM saMgaIt ka BaI Aayaaojana ikyaa gayaa. pllaI ko 25 yauvakaoM nao [sa
SaOxaiNak tqaa majaodar iSaivar ka AmZX ]zayaa.
ba`dr isalar

"naarI Sa@tI mahana krto hOM sanmaana"
jaagaitk maihlaa idvasa
8 maaca- ha idvasa sava-~ jaagaitk maihlaa idna mhNaUna saajara kolaa jaatao.
jyaa raYT/at jyaa samaajaat EaoYz maihlaa inamaa-Na haotat to raYT/ tao samaaja rsaatLalaa
jaat naahI. s~I mah%va va EaoYz%va pTvaUna doNyaakrIta id. 12 maaca- 2017 raojaI saMt
aMnsaIsa JaoivaAr kiqaD/la caca- maQyao maihlaa idna maaozyaa ]%saahanao saajara krNyaat
AmaravatI Qama-p`aMtacao mahagau$svaamaI ibaSap elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa *yaaMcyaa
Waro imassaa bailadana saajara krNyaat Aalaa. sadr kaya-maat samast Qama-gau$MnaI Qama-BaiganaIMnaI va p`apMicakaMnaI maaozyaa saM#yaonao Baaga Gaotlaa.
mahagau$svaamaIMnaI %yaaMcyaa p`vacanaaWaro s~I sabalaIkrNaavar maaga-dSa-na kolao tsaoca s~I caI KrI AaoLK pTvaUna idlaI. maihlaa maMDLIMnaI %yaaMcyaa saumaQaUr
gaayanaaWaro p`aqa-naamaya vaatavarNaacaI inaima-tI kolaI va maaozyaa Ba@tIBaavaanao maihlaaMkrIta ivaSaoYa p`aqa-naa krNyaat AalaI. tdnaMtr maihlaaMcyaa klaagauNaaMnaa
vaava imaLNyaakrIta saxama maihlaa gaIt gaayana spQaa- AayaaojaIt krNyaat AalaI. fadr maairyaao isasTr jayap`Baa isasTr imalana isasTr SaaoBanaa va isasTr
Svaota *yaaMcyaa maaga-dSa-naaKalaI maihlaaMnaI yaa spQao-cao Aayaaojana kolao. kaya-maakrIta mau#ya AitqaI mhNaUna ibaSap elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa fadr gaa^DI
fadr jaaoyala va fadr jaaosailana tsaoca pirxak mhNaUna isasTr raNaI isasTr iT/jaa jaaosa va isasTr lausaI ma^qyaU ]pisqat haoto.
hI spQaa- laGaU iK`stIya samauhamaaf-t GaoNyaat AalaI. p`%yaok samauhatIla maihlaaMnaI maaozyaa saM#yaonao Baaga Gaotlaa va A%yaMt ]%YzpNao saadrIkrNa
kolao. spQao-d\vaaro maihlaaMcyaa sauPt gauNaaMnaa vaava imaLalaa va %yaaMcyaamaQyao saxama banaNyaacaI p`bala Sa@tI inamaa-Na JaalaI.
mahagau$svaamaI ibaSap elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa yaaMnaI punha ekda p`ao%saahnapr Sabda d\vaaro maihlaaMnaI duba-la ikvaa kmajaaor navho tr yaSaacao ]Mca ]Mca
iSaKr gaazNyaacaI [cCa Sa@tI inamaa-Na krNyaacao Aavhana kolao.
yaanaMtr spQao-tIla ivajaoto ga`up 'p`qama saMt pa^Mla iWtIya saMt laud-maata va tRtIya saMt Alfaonsaa' hyaa laGaU iK`stIya samauhaMnaa mahagau$svaamaI ibaSap
elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa *yaaMcyaa hsto pairtaoYaIk doNyaat Aalao. tsaoca saMt f`ansaIsa JaovaIAr va saMt jaa^na maorI ivayaanaI hyaa laGaU iK`stIya samauhaMnaa ]%tojanaaqa-
baixasa doNyaat Aalao.
maihlaa idnaacyaa kaya-k`maad\vaaro Qama-ga`amaatIla maihlaaMmaQyao naivana jaagaRtI inamaa-Na JaalaI va ha kaya-k`ma maaozyaa jallaaoYaanao va AanaMdanao par pDlaa.
maihlaa maMDL
AmaravatI Qama-ga`ama

P`aqama iK`st SarIr

iK`st SarIr ga`hNa krNao mhNaOo kaya ha p`Sna barocada maaJyaa manaat haota. maaJaI bahIna
jaUlaI ihnao saud\Qaa iK`stSarIr Gaotlao haoto. itcaa p`qamaiK`stSarIr ga`hNa ivaQaI maI baGaItlaa haota.
%yaat maulaaMnaI sauMdr SauBa` vas~ pirQaana k$na sauMdr tyaarI k$na sava- maulao A%yaaMnaMdI Asalaolao maI pahIlao
haoto. %yaaca idvaSaI maulaaMnaI saaamaoMt isvakarlyaavar savaa-Mnaa camacamaIt jaovana haoto. *yaa sava- gaaoYTI
mhNajao kmyauinayana Asao malaa vaaTayacao. *yaa vaYaI- AapNa saud\Qaa *yaa AnauBavaatUna jaaNaar ho eokuNaca
maaJao mana p`sanna Jaalao. maaJao Aa[-vaDIla dovaLat gaolyaavar savaa-t p`qama Aamacao fadr jaaosailana *yaaMnaa
BaoTlao. %yaaMnaI malaa AaQaI sava- p`aqa-naa iSakavyaa laagatIla va naohmaI p`aqa-naa vagaa-saazI hjar rahNyaasaazI
saaMigatlao va maaJao naava p`qama iK`stSarIr isvakarNyaasaazI [tr vaIsa maulaaM baraobar ilahUna Gaotlao. AamhI drraoja saaMyakaLI p`aqa-naa iSakNyaasaazI [tr maulaaMbaraobar dovaLat
jaavaU laagalaao. fadr saurjaIt isasTr SaaoBanaa va isasTr SaiSaikrNa *yaa Aamhalaa yaoSauivaYayaI iSakvaU laagalao. iK`stacao SarIr mhNajao naomako kaya ho malaa Aata
kLayalaa laagalao. AamhI mana laavaUna Qama-gau$Mcao Qama-BaiganaIMcao Sabd eokt Asau.
maI p`qama iK`stSarIr GaoNyaa Agaaodr papisvakar k$na nmnm pasaUna mau@t Jaalaao. tdnaMtr maI Aa[-baabaa tsaoca maaJao Qama- Aa[-vaDIla *yaacyaa saaobat p`qama
iK`stSarIr ek~pNao isvakarlao. yaoSau maaJyaat Aalaa va %yaanao maaJaa isvakar kolaa mhNaUna maI Kup Kup KuSa haotao. AjaUnahI maI kmyaUinayana maQyao yaoSaulaa ga`hNa krtao
tovha malaa ittkaca AanaMd haotao. %yaa idvaSaI imaLalaolao baayabala va piva~maaL *yaacao maI raoja vaacana krtao va GarI raoja sava- kuTuMbaasaaobat japmaaLIcaI Ba@tI mana laavaUna
maaJyaa AayauYyaatIla *yaa xaNaasaazI prmaoSvaralaa va sava- Qama-gau$Mnaa Qama-BaiganaIMnaa va maaJyaa Aa[-vaDIlaaMnaa kaoTI kaoTI Qanyaavaad. ek kmyauinayana Qaark
saMdoSa p`kaSa ipllao
vaga- 5 vaa

H$[a_m{Q>H$ (Xodr gm_`)mWZm H$m` emim,{~eg hmD$g,A_amdVr
Sainavaar id.24 maaca- 2017 raojaI sakaLI 1030 to
1230 pya-Mt ibaSaPsa ha}sa AmaravatI yaoqao vasa[- yaoqaUna k^irsmaaiTk
p`aqa-naa saMGaa kDUna AmaravatI Qama-p`aMtIya maMDLIsaazI p`iSaxaNa kaya-SaaLocao
Aayaaojana kolao. vaogavaogaLyaa Qama-ga`amaaMtUna p`iSaxaNaaqaI- hjar Jaalao AaiNa
vaoLonausaarca kaya-SaaLa sau$ JaalaI. fadr saamaI yaaMnaI Aaplyaa AanaMdI
AaiNa KoLkr BaaYaotUna pahUNyaaMcao fula dovaUna svaagat kolao AaiNa %yaaMcaa
Alpsaa pircaya do}na kaya-SaaLa sau$ krNyaacaI AnaUmatI idlaI.
pihlyaa sa~at sava-p`qama p`iSaxak mhNaUna Aalaolyaa
k^irsmaaiTk saMGaanao Aaplyaa saumaQaUr AaiNa )dya spSaI- gaIto saMigatmaya
lahirMnaI p`BaU prmaoSvaranao kolaolyaa AdBaut AaiNa mahana kayaa- ba_la stutI
saumanao gaa[-laI. SaovaTI SaaMt hao}na p`BaUcyaa naama smarNaa maQyao sava- trZ Jaalao.
Xg`m sa~at k^irsmaaiTk p`aqa-naocaa ]gama k^irsmaaiTk p`aqa-naa saMGaacaI sqaapnaa itcao kaya- va ivastar jaagaitk iK`st saBaocaa
sahBaaga k^irsmaaiTk p`aqa-naocao ]i_zyao hotU mah%va AaiNa flaEaRit p`%yaokacyaa vaOyai@tk AaiNa saava-jainak jaIvanaat ]pyaaoga AaiNa laaBa
AXaa ivaiBanna pOlaUMvar p`kaSa TakNyaat Aalaa. puZo k^irsmaaiTk p`aqa-naa saMGa ksaa ]Baaravaa %yaacaI kaya- AaiNa pQdtI kSaI AsaavaI
svatcao yaaogadana AaiNa Qama-gau$Mca maaga-dSa-na AaiNa samaupa doSanaacaI AavaSyakta *yaa ba_lahI saivastr saaMigatlao gaolao. EaI. AmaRt gaavaMDo
vaDaLI Qama-ga`ama yaaMnaI sava- p`qama dovaacao naMtr fadr saamaI va ]pisqat pahuNyaaMcao ba`dr ilanasa ima. romaMD ima. eDivana ima. maolara^ya imasa
Saainana va imasa Anaasqaaisayaa *yaaMcao AaBaar maanalao. SaovaTI fadr saamaIMnaI ibaSap elaayasa fadr Aaoinala AaiNa ]pisqataMcao punaSca AaBaar
maanalao va kaya-maacaI samaaiPt JaalaI.

The General Body Meeting of CRI Amravati Unit.

The mandatory General Body meeting of CRI
Amravati Unit was held at Dayasagar Hospital
auditorium on 12th of March 2017. The schedule for
the day was specic. It was the evaluation session
with the input on the topic of 'Family & Prayer life'.
The resource person for the day was Rev. Fr.
William Anthony, msfs, the director of the
Fransalian Technical Institute, Aurangabad. We
were glad to hear him on the given topic. He
highlighted the mission of Abraham. It was an eye
opener for us to evaluate our vocation. He explained the topic with various real examples of our
religious and social life. Fr. Marcus msfs was the moderator for the session. Fr. Mario was our chair
person for the second session of evaluation of the yearly activities. All the groups presented the report
with the help of power point presentation. We were glad and overjoyed to have His Lordship, Rt. Rev.
Bishop Elias. He exhorted and encouraged each member of CRI to do the work of the Lord with great
zeal. The president Sr. Hira and the team worked hard to have this event meaningful.
Fr. Marcus R.msfs
Secretary CRI Amravati Unit.

As we are in the season of Lent and almost nearing to celebrate our
FAITH, i.e. the Resurrection of the Lord, I would like to pen down my pulses of
Lent following the footsteps of Jesus.
Jesus made the difference in my own and in your lives too. We need to
make a difference too in all our dealings with God and with one another.
You can make a DIFFERENCE
A young man used to pick up the regular arguments with God. O,
God. He used to say, you call yourself the Creator of this world; you better
know what a mess you have made in creating it this way: Poverty, hunger, inequalities, injustices of all
kinds, ethnic conicts, riots and what not!
God didn't answer him for quite some time; the young man did not stop complaining either. He
was at his wit's end; One Day, and he asked God impatiently. God, are you deaf ? Don't you hear my
queries at all? Why don't you do something about making this world a better place?
This time around God did answer. He said, My son, I agree with all that you say about the
world; but remember, I created you with the power to make a difference! Stop complaining and start
working! You can make a difference.
But as we strive hard to make a difference, we will face challenges. Jesus himself is the model
who had the biggest challenge of carrying the Cross. And he did take up the challenge.
Face the Problem not to run away from it
Sea birds always swim against the waves. The kite ies against the wind. Fish swims against
the ow of the water. These are lessons for life. We must face problem, not run away from them. When
we run away from problem, they follow us. When we face them we get courage to solve them. Often
we complain of the situation and problems. But the problem is with us, not with others. How to face
them? First accept them as they are; then be ready to offer it to God, and nally surrender them to
We need to face the problems that come our way instead of running away or putting on
somebody else.
For which we need to approach the source which is available to us in the Eucharist.
Amazon River
Amazon River gives fresh water. A ship near the harbour sent a
message for drinking water We have no water to drink. Reply came,
Now you are in the fresh water river base. Take the water and drink it.
So also there is much spiritual sources around us, yet we are thirsty and
look for help from elsewhere.
When we approach the source which is available to us in the
Eucharist, the Lord who himself experienced the thirst will certainly
quench our thirst.
May the Eucharistic Lord strengthen us during this season of
Wish you all a Happy Easter!

Fr. A. Samy

Master Vivek S. Makhija of Mount Carmel School, Akola
Awarded Best Cadet of Maharashtra
Master Vivek Makhija, a student of Mount Carmel High School,
Akola was selected to be the Best Cadet of Maharashtra Directorate of 11
MAH BN NCC and 4th Best Cadet of India in the Best Cadet competition in
Delhi in RDC 2017. He was the participant of the PM Rally and part of the
JD-JW Drill Contingent this year. He was privileged to meet the Hon'ble
Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi, the Defence Minister Mr. Manohar
Parrikar, the Chief of Army Staff Lt. Gen. Bipin Rawat, the Chief of Air
(For Photo)Vivek Makhija along with his parents felicitated By
Principal Fr. Mathew Karickal, and Rita Solanke Teacher
Staff, Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa, Chief of Navy Staff,
Admiral Sunil Lanba, Director General of NCC, Lt. General Vinod Vashisht, Education Minister of Maharashtra, Mr. Vinod
Tawade, RRM, and many other dignitaries during his camp in Delhi and Mumbai. He was also interviewed by the ADG of Air
Staff in Delhi. He was received at the Railway Station at Akola on Wednesday, 8th February with a warm welcome by the
Principal of the School, Rev. Fr. Mathew Karickal, and 2nd Ofcer Rita Solanke, Caretaker Sagar Nile sir, his Parents,
Relatives and friends. He, along with his parents, was felicitated in the School by all the Staff and students at a special
function. He thanked his teachers, school, parents and the NCC for all his achievements and inspired the students to become
achievers in their life.


Akola, 13.02.2017: Reso-Vista 2016, an Inter-State
School Level Scholarship Examination conducted by Resonance
Group brought laurels to Mount Carmel High School, Akola.
Master Parth Saraf of Std. X excelled in this competition securing
2nd position in Vidarbha securing Vidharbha Vista Runner-up
award with a Percentile score of 99.968 . He is also declared City &
School Topper in Akola district. He was awarded a Lap-top, Gold
medal & 50 % Scholarship for IIT-JEE. The other winners Master
Harsh Agrawal,& Ku. Disha Agrawal of Std. X stood City &
School Runner-up received an Encyclopedia and a silver medal. Ku. Spandan Agrawal of Std. IX stood City Runner-up &
School Topper and was awarded an Encyclopedia and Gold medal. Master Himesh Agrawal of Std. IX stood School
Runner-up and won a silver medal. These students were felicitated in the school for their great achievements.
Assisi Asha Deep Special School for Mentally Disabled, Amravati

We, the Religious belong to the North Indian Mission Province of the congregation of the Assisi Sisters of
Mary Immaculate (ASMI). The main apostolate of our congregation is the development of socially neglected
people. Sisters have dedicated themselves to the service of God and mankind. Assisi sisters have more than 100
branches throughout India in various states namely Kerala,
Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Utter Pradesh etc. Rev. Bishop
Edwin Colaco the then Bishop of Amravati felt the need of
helping these socially deprived people. The late rst Bishop
Joe of Amravati diocese took keen interest in this project. It
was his inspiration which prompted the Assisi sisters to
take up this mission here. Bishop Edwin Colaco
willingly handed over a big plot of land in Christ Colony as a
gift deed to the Sacred Heart province of the Assisi sisters
of Mary Immaculate on 6 April 1998.
Assisi Ashadeep is a special school for the mentally challenged. We have 100 children who are receiving
special education and training. By education we mean the process by which the child learns to utilize all its
abilities and talents, in order to turn out to be truly educated, human being. God is the supreme Educator from the
beginning to the end of time. The divine work in God's plan is to educate the chosen people. This is done by love,
care and service to these mentally challenged children. Teaching mentally children is a supernatural art wherein
we join our hands with Almighty God to lift them up to the status and standard of the normal children.
Several activities are planned out and implemented for the integrated growth and development of the
children. We begin each day with an invocation to the Almighty God for, they must understand that everything is
impossible without God's touch and it is God Himself moulds them and builds them through the human hands. We
teach them to honour and respect the motherland through the celebration of the National Festivals. Our children
get ample opportunities to exhibit their talents on the occasion of sports and other cultural events. Awareness
classes to the students and parents, classes on health and hygiene are arranged every year to make both groups'
parents as well as students more efcient in life. Besides all these there are indoor activities which consists of
physiotherapy, speech therapy, music therapy, dance class, computer education to make them skilled in different
spheres of human activity. Outdoor activities and classroom activities are taken up daily providing the most
favorable and suitable atmosphere for each child's growth. In nutshell Ashadeep special school teaches and trains
every child with utmost care, understanding that each child is God's gift to us and what we do with each child is
our gift of God. Almighty God has rewarded us richly all these years and we are proud and happy to state that
many of our students are working and earning for their livelihood which is a matter of joy and fulllment to all of
us and to the family and society as well.
Sr. Asha (ASMI), Amravati.

Dreams Never Ending Dreams! Badnera
The grand blessing and Inauguration ceremony of St. Francis
De Sales Sr. Sec. School was held on 21st January 2017. Most Rev. Elias
Gonsalves, the Bishop of Amravati was the President for the Programme
who ofcially blessed the Building and all within it. In his opening
address, he reiterated the need for value education, education that fosters
multi-dimensional growth, as he appreciated the Fransalians' presence in
Amravati diocese. Honourable Ravi Rana, the MLA of Badnera was the
Guest of Honour who cut the ribbon, released balloon and inaugurated
the building; he praised the works of catholic missionaries in Amravati,
appreciated the mighty works Christians have done in the eld of education and the help given to the Poorest of the Poor in
different parts of the world. Fr. Jacob Karamakuzhiyl MSFS, the Provincial unveiled the Inauguration and Foundation stone
and broke the coconut. He exhorted the school to mould the young minds like that of a ower. The ceremony was attended by
priests and religious of the diocese, Fransalians from far and wide graced occasion. Fransalians who served the Badnera
mission were felicitated along with the architect and the builder. SFS Badnera is poised to for a giant leap in Schooling as it
embraces the new academic year 2017-2018. Parents hailed the hard work of Teachers and Management for training the
students in comparing and stage performance.



A woman is the best creation and a gift of God to the world. To

appreciate the political, social and economic achievements of women,
women's day was celebrated in Holy Cross Convent High School with
great fervour on the 8thof March 2017. The programme began with a small
exercise where in the students were asked to close their eyes and to
imagine their life without mother, grandmother sister and so on. The
speaker made the assembly aware of the womanly qualities attributed to a
woman. The head mistress Sister Nita Fernandes, supervisor Sr. Anjana
and one of the teachers Miss.Smita Deshmukh were welcomed with a
sapling. There after the PTA members were welcomed with a beautiful
stalk of rose. The guests of the day were welcomed warmly with the
melodious song, sung by the school choir. Sister Nita Fernandes along
with the guests garlanded the portrait of Mother Mary and lit the ceremonial lamp. It was followed by a meaningful prayer,
thanking the Almighty for the most beautiful creation and also seeking His blessing on all the women who suffer great
miseries. A skit was enacted depicting the mediocrity of the people's mindset. An inspirational poem 'Who you are' was
recited by Miss. Vedika and Taiba meaningfully. A heart throbbing dance was performed especially dedicated to women.
Then Anushree Deshmukh NCC cadet of std IX shared her rich experience of the Republic Day Camp where she
was also awarded with the title of 'A best cadet'. Prize distribution ceremony was also held wherein the students of classes 5th,
6th, 7th, 8th and 9th were awarded trophies and certicates by the PTA members for their outstanding performance in co-
curricular activities which were conducted throughout the year.
Miss Smita Deshmukh shared her views to mark the occasion. Sister Nita Fernandes encouraged the students
through her speech highlighting on the importance of being a women. Thus the programme concluded with the most
motivating and uplifting speech.

Grand Annual Day Celebration at Fatima Convent School

Fatima Convent School celebrated its Annual Day on

the 20th of December 2016, amidst great zest, vibrant and
elation. The presence of His Excellency, Most Rev. Bishop
Elias Gonsalves, Bishop of Amravati, as the chief guest of
the function, added more grandeur to our school. The
Programme commenced with the welcome of the esteemed
guests with an enthralling song, followed by lighting of the
ceremonial lamp by the honorable chief guest Most Rev.
Elias Gonsalves, Bishop of Amravati, Rev. Fr. Ramsheen,
Resp. Sr. Hazel Manager of the school, Resp. Sr. Annie H.M. of primary school and Resp. Sr. Joylet, H.M. of
High school.
God's blessings were then implored through a beautiful prayer dance. The tiny tots of nursery and K.G.
section rocked the stage with their scintillating and eye-catching performance. The little rock stars mesmerized all.
More colors were added to the programme by the students of primary section. An astounding visual treat was
presented by their melodious foot tapping and reverberating performances on the stage. A drama giving the
awakening message of clean India, Healthy India was presented by the students of primary section. The students of
Std X then presented the school report giving an insight into the success story of the Fatimaites followed by the
felicitation Programme. Resp. Sr. Hazel manager of the school welcomed & felicitated the honorable chief guest
Most Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves with a Shawl, shriphal and bouquet. Sr. Annie H.M. of primary section
felicitated Rev. Fr. Ramsheen with a shawl, shriphal and a bouquet. Sr. Hazel, manager of the school was warmly
welcomed with a bouquet.
The honorable chief guest Most Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves, Bishop of Amravati while addressing the
audience contended that the students had indeed given a splendid performance. Most Rev. Bishop Elias
Gonsalves praised the Fatima Sisters for their devotion and dedication and expressed happiness that the school was
imparting quality education to the students. He praised the 'all ladies management' for the wonderful organization
and presentation of the Programme. The honourable chief guest appreciated the SSC batch for their commendable
performance in the board exam. Most Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves chief guest of the function also lauded the
performance of the students in sports & praised the students for the beautiful performances and presentation. After
the felicitation Programme, the theme dances presented by the students of high school section captivated the
audience, and also communicated to them the messages of Save girl Child, united India & ght cancer with a
strong will. The beautiful rendition of culture of India and the various folk dances in the traditional attire were
The essence of the cultural diversity and rich heritage of the country was beautifully presented by the
creative and artistic talents of the students. The programme ended with the presentation of vote of thanks & singing
of the National Anthem.

The Annual Sports Meet of Sacred Heart English Medium
School, Paratwada was held on 15th February 2017 on the school
playground. The inaugural program commenced with the school choir
singing the prayer song invoking God's blessings upon the gathering.
The Chief Guest of the day Bishop Elias Gonsalves, Guest of Honor
Mr. Maneesh Kumar IFS along with the other dignitaries received the
salute during the parade. The sports torch-symbol of harmony and
goodwill was carried by worthy sports persons of the school. The Chief
Guest received the torch and declared the sports meet open. During the
oath taking ceremony Sports minister recited the pledge. This was followed by a spectacular March past display by the students
of Green House, Red House, Blue House and Yellow House.
The students of STD I to IV were divided into four groups. They were Good News, Ambassador, Life Guard and Task
force. The four groups and houses were given the theme based on the family for their action display. Each group and house
students did their very best. The students displayed a wide array of energetic and bouncy sports events ranging from the PT
displays, dances, track events, and school drills. They mesmerized the audience with their energetic performances. Various
sports events like 100m race, 50m race, Relay Race were witnessed. The proud parents could be seen lled with happiness to see
their children performing.
The Chief Guest and Guest of Honor awarded the medals and certicates to the winners of various sports events. Fr.
Ramsheen J. A., the Manager awarded the Trophy to the winning house team, the Yellow House and to the runner up team, the
Red House. The Green House was declared as the Best House of the year.
The Chief Guest addressed the gathering. He emphasized the importance of family relationship and sports. He was
delighted to see girls participating in almost all the Sports Events. He wished all the students good luck. The sports day ended
with the school anthem
Sr. Arkan Fernandes


The blessing and inauguration of the New School Building and Annual Day
Celebration of Dnyanmata English Medium School, Tiwasa was held on 4th
March 2017, at 4.00 p.m. The Blessing ceremony and prayer service was
conducted by Most Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves, Bishop of Amravati; while
the inauguration was done by Honorable Minister of State for Home, Dr.
Ranjit Patil. The Children put up a colourful cultural programme; with
variety of dances, songs and a play on Mother Teresa of Kolkatta depicting as
Mercy is Love in Action. The Principal of the School Fr. John Mathew,
welcomed the august gathering of Rev. Fathers, Sisters, Parents and well
wishers. Master Shatayu Bolke and Kumari Roshni conducted the programme while Sr. Monica D'Mello proposed the vote
of thanks. All the staff, students and parents worked hard for the success of the programme.

EH$ H$X_ ~ohVa {ejm H$s Amoa
idnaaMk 26 janavarI 2017 kao gaNatM~ idvasa ko SauBa Avasar pr malakapur
purvaNaI @laasa ko Alaga Alaga saonTsa- ko ivaVaiqa-yaaoM ko ilae ica~klaa inabaMQa AaOr
saamaanya &ana spQaa- ka Ayaaojana ikyaa gayaa. [sa spQaa- ka mau#ya ]d\doSya ek kdma
baohtr iSaxaa kI Aaor baZ,avaa donaa qaa.
[sa idna saubah 8.00 bajao malakapur purvaNaI @laasa ko saBaI ivaVaqaI-gaNaaoM nao
ApnaoApnao skUlaaoM maoM QvajaaraohNa AaOr saaMsitk kaya-ma maoM Baaga ilayaa. [sako baad
4.00 bajao Saama kao gaa^Mva ko purvaNaI @laasa saonTsa- maoM Aayaaoijat ica~klaa inabaMQa AaOr
saamaanya &ana spQaa- maoM baD,o AanaMd ko saaqa Baaga ilayaa. saonTsa- p`baMQak fa. ivaipna nao [sa
spQaa- ko ivajayaI ivaVaiqa-yaaoM kao [naama dokr ]naka haOsalaa baZ,ayaa AaOr saBaI Aayaaojak
TIcasa- kao AiBanaMdna dokr p`ao%saahna idyaa.
frvarI mahInao maoM Kaivalya Education Foundation, Delhi ko kaya-kta-e^M imasa. maugQaa AaOr imasTr hir nao malakapur
AaOr kulaMganaa maoM rhkr saBaI skUlaaoM ko TIcasa- AaOr ivaVaiqa-yaaoM ko pirvaaraoM sao maulaakat kI. [nhaoMnao saBaI maataipta sao imalakr ]nhoM ek baohtr
iSaxaa kI ijammaodarI ko baaro maoM batayaa evaM saMpUNa- pairvaairk ivakasa ka mah%va samaJaayaa AaOr skUla inarIxaNa krnao ko ilayao ek kimaTI ka gazna
ikyaa. malakapur p^rISa Kaivalya Education Foundation, Delhi ko saBaI kaya-kta-AaoM imasa. maugQaa AaOr imasTr hir faitmaa
ka^nvhoT ko isa. isalvaI AaOr isa. ip`isalaa ko sahyaaoga ko ilae haid-k AiBanaMdna krta hO.
Gar Gar maoM iSaxaa ka dIp jalao
ek kdma baohtr iSaxaa kI Aaor Aagao baZ,o. fa. ivaipna


An annual education tour was arranged under the

guidance of the principal Dr.Fr.Joselin from 26 December
2016 to 29 December 2016; to enhance the knowledge of
our children about the glorious past of ancient India with a
twist of fun. The tour included a visit to the historic towns
of Pune, Daulatabad and Ajanta caves; with the cherry on
the cake being 'Imagica'.


Sports day was held on 22 February 2017. The chief guest for the occasion
was Mr.Surendra. Bhovate. The guest of honor was Mrs. Preeti. The whole school
including the pre-primary and the primary sections participated in the event. Games
like lemon spoon race, running race, book balancing, potato race, frog race etc were
held for tiny tots of pre-primary and races like snatch and eat race, zig zag race, get
ready for school race, face the cookie race, hurdles race, skipping race, spoon
feeding race etc were held for the primary section. Apart from this, there was skating
and badminton as well. The Cherrie on the cake was Tug of war which was enjoyed
by both teachers as well as the students belonging to the Red, Yellow, Blue and Green
houses. The event concluded with felicitation of the winners and motivating
speeches by the guest of honor and chief guest.

kmZ_mVmMo Zohg_obZ
A_amdVr pWV kmZ_mVm hm`Hy$b _`o dm{fH$ Zohg_obZ {X.22
{S>g|~a bm Am`mo{OV H$a`mV Ambo hmoVo. `m H$m`H$_m`m A`jWmZr
A_amdVr Y_mVmMo _hmJw {~en Ebm`g Kmogmb{dg hmoVo, Va _wI
nmhUo hUwZ A_amdVr ehamMo nmo{bg Am`wV lr. Xmm` _mS>{bH$
hmoVo. H$m`H$_mMr gwdmV A`jmZm d _wI nmh`mZm _mZdXZm XodyZ
Pmbr. `mZVa Xrn dbZ Am{U mWZm Pmbr.
ho OrdZ gwXa Amho, `m {df`mda _hmZmQ>` gmXa H$a`mV Ambo H$s
`m_`o {d{dY H$mQw>{~H$ {df`mda H$me nmS>`mV Ambm. {d{dY Z`
gmXa H$a`mV Ambo. emioVrb nwd mW{_H$, mW{_H$, _m`{_H$ {dm`mZr g{H$` gh^mJ Zm|X{dbm.
gmH${VH$ H$m`H$_mgmo~VM {d{dY ImnXmW Am{U _ZmoaOZm_H$ IoimMo Q>mb bmd`mV Ambo hmoVo {dmWu d
nmbH$ dJ `mZr m gd gYrMm nwaonwa AmdmX KoVbm.
H$m`H$_m`m `edrVo gmR>r emioMo _w`m`mnH$ \$mXa Amamo` gm_r, Cn_w`m`m{nH$m {gQ>a eab bmo~mo,
n`dojH$ Omogo\$ ga, {ejH$dX, {ejHo$Va H$_Mmar `mZr Iwn _ohZV KoVbr.
Am^ma XeZmZo H$m`H$_mMr gmJVm Pmbr.

Dnyanmata Pariwar is happy to announce that 9 students received

Gold Medals, 8 students received Silver Medal and 7 students
received Bronze Medals out of 191 students who appeared for
National Science Olympaid (NSO) exam conducted by Science
Olympaid Foundation, New Delhi: and 26 students received Gold
Medal, 25 students received Silver Medals and 18 students
received Bronze Medals out of 171 students, NIMO, NISO, IGO
Exams conducted by Education Head Foundation, New Delhi.

g_mnZ g_ma^
kmZ_mVm emio V rb {dm`m _ `o nYm _H$ dmVmdaU {Z_m U
hmo`mgmR>r {dm`mMr Mma JQ>mV(JhmV) {d^mJUr H$a`mV Ambr hmoVr.
nyU df ^amV {d{dY nYm, H$m`H$_mMo Am`moOZ H$a`mV Ambo hmoVo
`m gd nYmMo {dOoVo VgoM JQ> {dOoVm `mMr KmofUm {XZmH$ 02 \o$~wdmar
2017 bm H$a`mV Ambr d {dOoVm `y JQ>mbm nXH$ Xo`mV Ambo.
`m H$m`H$_mbm \$mXa _m[a`mo _wI nmhUo hmoVo. `mZr _wbmZm `e An`e
`m {df`mda _mJXeZ Ho$bo d {dO`r JQ>m`m ZmdmMr KomfUm Ho$br d nXH$
XmZ Ho$bo.
emioMo _w`m`mnH$ \$mXa gm_r `mZr Am`moOZ g{_VrMo `edr
Am`moOZm~b A{^ZXZ Ho$bo.

kmZ_mVm`m em`- gmWH$bm gwdUnXH$
Wm{ZH$ kmZ_mVm emio`m {dm`mZr _hm_m JmYr amQ>^mfm
qhXr Mma gWm, nwUo mao Am`mo{OV A{Ib ^maVr` qhXr
Amob{n`mS> narjo_`o gwdU nXH$ m Ho$bo. dJ 4 Wr em` g{MZ
dmZIS>o bm mW{_H$ Va d dJ 8 dr `m gmWH$ AmZX JmOaobm
_m`{_H$ Vamda nXH$ d _mUn Am`moOH$mH$Sy>Z XmZ
H$a`mV Ambo. Xmohr `edr {dm`mMo emioMo _w`m`mnH$
\$mXa Amamo`gm_r Cn_w`m`m{nH$m {gQ>a eoaob bmo~mo d
n`dojH$ Omogo\$ ga `mZr A{^ZXZ Ho$bo. Xmohr gwdU nXH$ m
{dm`mZm AZV Q>m|Jbo gamMo _mJXeZ {_imbo.

n[adma _| Xmn`mo H$s {O_oXmar

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Rs.1,00,000/- Scholarship Prize for Sankalp Gawande

in Reso Vista Exam.
The Dnyanmata High School students excelled in the Reso Vista Exam 2016 where
st st st
Sankalp Gawande stood 1 at Vidharbha level, 1 at District level, 1 as a city topper and school
topper winning prize money worth 1,00,000 as scholarship and 1 laptop and gold medal. Jaydeep
Gawande stood second from X class Scoring 99.89% in the School. While Chirag Kalantri and
Mizwan Adnan stood rst and second respectively from IX class. Around 300 students from both
IX and X class participated in the exam. The credit of outstanding result goes to Fr. Samy
(Principal) Sr. Sheryl (Vice Principal) Benita Raphael (Co-ordination) staff and students of
Dnyanmata High School.

Tablet as a gift for securing 2nd International Rank.
Master Manish Laddha of Std 9 from Dnyanmata High School, stood 2 at
international Level in GK Olympiad exam conducted EduHeal Foundation,
New Delhi. He received Tablet as a gift for securing 2nd International Rank. He
gives thanks to his Principal Fr. Arockyasamy, Teacher and Parents for their
valuable guidance and support.

16 Chapter of IIMUN Hosted by Dnyanmata High School
The 16th Chapter of Indian International Model United Nation was held in
Dnyanmata High School from 10th February to 12th February 2017. It was
great privilege and honour that a state board school because the host for
IIMUN where only CBSC school were in lead opening ceremony was
graced by Dr. Ravindra Ambekar Principal DIET College Amravati and
host school Principal Fr. Arockia samy. Around 150 delegates from all over
Maharashtra were part of IIMUN. 3 committees. CSW, UNSC and Lok
Sabha were formed where 1) Prevention and Eradication of Violence
against Women & Girls, 2) Threats & challenges to world peace from Cyber
Van and 3) Implementation of the Demonetization policy to curb parallel
money were the issue and problems discussed by the 3 committees
respectively. The conference was held under the supervision of faculty Advisor Mr. Shubham Ramchandani and 5
Executive Board Members. The Director General was Ms. Sanchi and Ms. Ishah was the Secretary. Closing ceremony
was held on 12th February where Bishop Elias Gonsalves Bishop of Amravati Diocese presence and speech inspired all
the delegates. Delegates from the 3 committees were awarded for their outstanding performances. 'The Best Delegation'
Award was bagged by School of Scholars. The hard work of the principal Fr. Arockiasamy and staff Mr. Patil, Sr.
Benita, Ms.Manjusha and Mr. Shrikant proved fruitful and was worth the prize of hosting. The IIMUN at Amravati by
a State Board School


The Sports Day was celebrated on 4 February 2017
at Dnyanmata English Medium School, Tiwasa. Fr. Oniel
Gonsalves, the former Principal and Manager was the Chief
Guest, who took the salute of Red, Blue, Green and Yellow
houses with the beat of the drum. Then the Sports Day torch light
was lit by the Chief Guest and handed over to the Captains
who took turns to run the lap. Master Shatayu Bolke took the
oath on behalf of all the students. Various competitions were
conducted for the students including running, jumping,
relays etc. The winners were felicitated along with prizes and certicates. Fr. Oniel, the Chief Guest,
congratulated all the students and teachers and addressed the gathering advising the children to take active part
in all the activities of the school and also study well, behave well and to be good and honest always. The Sports
day was concluded with the National Anthem. All the teaching and non teaching staff worked hard for the
success of the day.

Health Medical Camp at central Jail, Amravati
Medical Camp at Central Jail Amravati was
conducted by the Team of Doctors and Nurses
from Dayasagar Hospital, Amravati for the
inmates of the Women's cell at Central Jail,
Amravati on 17/02/2017. It was an initiative of
the Jail Ministry Team and Dayasagar Hospital
Staff. At our request the Jail Superintendent
and his staff welcomed and allowed us to
conduct the Medical Camp for all the women
inmates. Under the guidance of Dr. Sr. Lissy
Jose, medical checkup, investigation and
medicines were distributed to all the needy
women. One could see the satisfaction and relief on the faces of those unfortunate women. It
was a happy experience for everyone. For us it was an occasion for reaching out to the less
fortunate people of the society with a healing touch both bodily and mentally after the example
of Our Lord Jesus Christ the divine healer.
Sr. Dr. Viji Paulose (FCC)
Dayasagar Hospital, Amravati

Face of Jesus in the healing Ministry

The Holy Cross Dispensary Mariampur,
Chikaldara believes that reaching out to poor and
suffering person is a call to seek the face of Christ in our
healing ministry. Throughout the year we accompany
tribal patients to different hospital to diagnose and get
medical as well as surgical help. We are grateful to
Dayasagar Hospital Amravati, Kothara Community
Hospital Paratwada and Government Hospital at
Chikhaldara for doing a great service of free treatment to
BPL patients. During last 3 months we were able to help
30 patients of severe complicated diseases. They were
able to receive treatment and are enjoying a good health.
On 16 th March 2017, 10 patients were taken by
Government Ambulance to Dayasagar hospital for diagnosis and treatment. 2 patients had fracture of
hand and leg, 2 patients suffered from psychiatric disorder, one patient for kidney stone, 2 for severe
anemia, one for hysterectomy, and one patient for thrombosis of vein of leg, one patient for stroke was
We are grateful to Dayasagar Hospital who gives concession as well as free treatment for BPL patients.
May the Doctors, Staff and the Community of Dayasagar continue to reach the poor suffering humanity
and make the Good God known and loved through their healing ministry.

Sr. Mukta Parkhe SCC


De-addiction programme in Dayasagar Hospital Amravati
was started almost 10 years ago. Many broken people and families
from near and far come to us for peace in their families and in their
lives. Dr. Sr. Lissy Jose initiated this De-addiction programme
along with community Sisters. Two of our sisters are fully engaged
in counseling the alcoholics and their family members, praying
for/with them and distributing prayer leaets and medicines.
Slowly the persons who gave up their drinking habits , who
experienced the bright ash of light in their lives, came together
with a request to provide a place for them, to share their experience and to strengthen each other and to discuss their
problem. We whole heartedly supported them and also provided a place for them, which led to the birth of
'Alcoholic Anonymous Programme' at Dayasagar.
Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) is an International Mutual Aid Fellowship, founded in 1935 in Akron, Ohio.
The purpose is to help Alcoholics to stay sober and help other Alcoholics to achieve sobriety. The members admit
that they are powerless over alcohol and need help from a higher power. They seek guidance and strength through
prayer and meditation. They are prepared to list their weaknesses and shortcomings and make amends for the
wrongs done. The reach out and help other alcoholics. AA programme extends beyond abstaining alcohol. Its goal
is to effect enough changes in the alcoholic's thinking to bring about recovery from alcoholism through a spiritual
awakening. Spiritual awakening is achieved by taking the twelve steps, and sobriety is furthered by volunteering
for AA and regular AA meeting or contact with AA members. It is a self supporting group.
Dayasagar Hospital is now considered as one of the centers for AA, and it is given in the web site of AA.
Near about 40 people are regularly attending the meeting in Dayasagar, twice a week on Wednesday and Fridays at
7pm to 9pm.They come to discuss, pray and support each other to be free from alcohol and achieve sobriety. Let us
support them through our prayers, collaborate and cooperate with them.


1. We admit we are powerless over alcoholthat our lives are unmanageable.
2. We believe that a Power greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity.
3. Make a decision to turn our will and lives to the care of God
4. Make an honest moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Admit to God, to ourselves, and other human being the nature of our wrongs.
6. Open to God to remove all these defects of character.
7. Humbly ask Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. Make a list of persons we harmed, and willing to make amends.
9. Make direct amends to such people, except if it would injure them or others.
10. Continue to take personal inventory and when we wrong promptly admitted it.
11. Seek through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with
God, praying for knowledge of His will and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we try to carry
this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

World TB Awareness Day
World TB Day falls on March 24th each year and is
designed to build public awareness that tuberculosis
today remains an epidemic in much of the world
causing the death of nearly one and-a-half million
people each year. This annual event commemorates
the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his
discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus
that causes tuberculosis, opened the way towards
diagnosing and curing TB.
In Dayasagar Hospital we celebrated world TB day very solemnly, we had invited city
tuberculosis ofcer Dr. Sushma Thakare Madam and Dr. Sunil Reguwanshi Medical Ofcer RNTCP,
Amravati. The programme started with a prayer dance, followed by a skit on awareness, and prevention,
diagnosis and treatment conducted by the staff and students of Dayasagar hospital which was an eye
opening for the public. Dr. Thakare spoke on the importance of the day that 48 million people are suffering
from Tuberculosis each year, causing death of one out every seven people, and she acknowledged that in
Amravati district the maximum number of TB detection are from Dayasagar hospital. Dr. Reguwanshi
gave instructions on tuberculosis, about signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure.
Through his classes he gave deeper understanding about TB. Dr. Sr. Lissy Jose spoke about the bulk of TB
patients who come to our hospital for regular treatment and also she emphasized that now it is the time to
ght against TB. We distributed leaets on awareness of tuberculosis. We also received reports from all
our Hospitals and Health Centers in Amravati Diocese regarding the various programmes they conducted
about the awareness of TB and the importance to receive proper treatment for the same. The theme of
World TB Day 2017 is "Unite to End TB."

Inter Religious Dailogue & Ecumenical Prayer

{Vr` EH$Vm {Xdg
"saba ko saba ek hao jaae^M ho ipta ijasa trh tu mauJamaoM hO AaOr maOM tuJamaoM ]saI trh vao BaI hma maoM ek haoM jaae^M ijasasao saMsaar yah
ivaSvaasa kro ik tunao mauJao Baojaa hOyaaohna 17 2021.
20 janavarI 2017 kao malakapur kulaMganaa p^rISa maoM iK`stIya ekta idvasa manaayaa gayaa. fa. ivaipna nao sauMdr SabdaoM Wara
]pisqat laaogaaoM ka svaagat ikyaa. t%pScaat [sa kaya-ma maoM AamaMi~t caar iK`stIya pirvaaraoM ko dla ko ekek sadsya nao dIp p`jvalana
krko kaya-ma kI Sau$vaat kI.pScaatap ivaiQa ko turMt baad ]pisqat Baa[-bahnaaoM nao klaIisayaa evaM pirvaaraoM ko ilae ivaSaoYa p`aqa-naa
kI. piva~Saas~ kao jaulaUsa maoM laakr baayabala ka puYpap-Na AaOr AartI ko baad p`BauSabd p`arMBa huAa.[sako baad [sa kaya-ma maoM
ivaBaaijat caar pirvaaraoM ko dlaaoM maoM sao ekek sadsya nao caunao hue baayabala vacana pZ,kr ]sapr AaQaairt Apnaa AnauBava evaM ivacaar
vya@t ikyaa.
fa. ivaipna nao Apnao p`vacana maoM [-saa[-yaaoM ko ivaiBanna dlaaoM AaOr pirvaaraoM kao Alaga krnao vaalaI dIvaaraoM kao ifr sao jaaoD,nao AaOr
saba ko saba p`Bau mao ek hao jaanao ka saMdoSa idyaa. kaya-ma kao safla banaanao ko ilae isa. jaaohanaa isa. isalvaI AaOr isa. ip`isalaa nao
Apnaa yaaogadana idyaa.

loZ /kehZ; izkFkZuk lHkk
^^fganq] eqLyhe lh[k bZlkbZ ge lc gS HkkbZ&HkkbZ** ;k mDrhizek.ks vkeP;k lsaV esjht bafXySa Ldqy
iqln ;sFks 10 uksOgsacj 2016 jksth loZ/kehZ; lkeqnkf;d izkFkZusps vk;kstu dj.;kr vkys gksrs- ;k izkFkZuse/;s
ck;cy] dqjku] Hkxon~xhrk xq#xzaFklkghc ;kaps okpu dj.;kr vkys o euu fparu dj.;kr vkys-
ekGsP;k eq[;k/;kihdk flLVj ek;uh lcsLVh;u Qknj eWF;q o loZ fSk{kdo`an o {dm`mZr vkiyk
lgHkkx uksnafoyk- ;k loZ/kehZ; izkFkZuse/;s laiw.kZ ekGslkBh] fon;kF;kZlkBh izkFkZuk dj.;kr vkyh- rlsp
vkeps egkxq#Lokeh o iksi ;kaP;klkBh izkFkZuk o R;kaP;k ekx.;k iw.kZ gks.;klkBh izkFkZUkk dj.;kr vkyh-
laiw.kZ txHkjkrhy nhunqcGs vktkjh cs?kj dqVqacs ;kaP;klkBh izkFkZuk dj.;kr vkyh-

{Vr Eo` gmh d mWZm g^m

16 vha SatkatIla Aa^gasTa[-na saMGaacao jama-na vaMSaIya
k^qaaoilak Qama-gau$ maaTI-na lauqar yaaMnaI 31 Aa^@TaoMbar 1517 raojaI paop
ilaAao 10 vao yaaMcyaa kaya-pd\QatIvar matBaod dSa-ivat raomacaI sa%ta
Jaugaa$na ]<ar yauraopat Qama-sauQaarNaa caLvaLIcaa ibagaula baajavalaa
AaiNa lauqarna yaa p`aoTosTMT pMqaacaI sqaapnaa kolaI. raoma yaoqao 1964
laa Barlaolyaa ivdtIya vh^iTkna prIYadonaMtr iK`scana Qamaa-t
ekIkrNaacao vaaro vaahu laagalao. jaagaitk stravar 1967 pasauna
k^qaaoilak caca- 18 to 25 jaanaovaarI eo@ya p`aqa-naa saPtah saajara
ibaSap elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa yaaMcyaa ZoVdmV va
AQyaxatoKalaI saoMT ainsasa JaovaIyar kqaID/la AmaravatI yaoqao 22 jaanaovaarI 2017 laa eo@ya p`aqa-naocao Bavya Aayaaojana krNyaat Aalao haoto.
saBaot ibaSap elaayasa yaaMnaI p`qama baayabalacyaa piva~ ga`Mqaasa maalyaap-Na va vaMdna kolao. idp p`jvalanaanao saurvaat k$na ]pisqat ivaivaQa caca-cao
paLk p`itnaIQaI rovhroMD va Qama-gau$ p`amau#yaanao fadr rmaSaIna maarIAao iDsaaoJaa jaa^ja- p`dIp rovh jaa^na [Mgaaolao iT. esa.lavhaLo ArivaMd
javaMjaaL saaobaIna saMdIp gaayaQanao saMjaya idvao va [%yaadIcao puYpgaucC do}na svaagat kolao.
saBaolaa saMbaaoQaIt krtaMnaa ibaSap elaayasa Gaaonsaalaivasa mhNaalao dovaacao rajya javaL Aalao Aaho. Aaplyaa )dyaat %yaaMcaI p`itsqaapnaa
JaalaI Aaho. krIta yaoSaucao p`oma baMQauta va xamaa yaa maulyaaMcao p`%yaokanao saMvaQa-na k$na AanaMd saaohLa saajara kravaa. puZo %yaaMnaI AsaohI Aavaahna
kolao BaartIya laaoksaM#yaot iK`Scanaacao p`maaNa kovaL 2 T@ko Aaho. mhNauna savaa-MnaI matBaod baajaUlaa zovaUna saamaajaIk va rajakIya xao~at ek~
yao}na samaajaacao sabaLIkrNa kravao pyaa-yaanao doSaacaa ivakasa saaQalaa jaa[-la va hI kaLacaI garja Aaho.
kaya-maacao p`astaivak va saMcaalana fadr $poSa Dabaro yaaMnaI kolao. yaomaona yaa doSaat baMDKaoraMnaI fadr Ta^ma yaaMcaI sauTka kravaI
mhNaUna fadr rmaSaIna sava- Qama-gau$ AmaravatI Qama-p`aMt yaaMnaI ivaSaoYa p`aqa-naa kolaI. rovh saMjaya idvao yaaMcyaa AaBaar p`aqa-naonao saaMgata JaalaI.kaya-
maacyaa yaSasvaItosaazI fadr jaaosalaIna ro@Tr kqaID/la p^rISa fadr saurjaIt p`a. rajaoMd` gaavaMDo ivajaya kumaar qaaorat p`a. p`maaod
gauladovakr va [traMnaI Aqak prIEama Gaotlao.
P`aa. P`amaaodkumaar gauladovakr

g|Q> _oar emioV {XdmirMm gU CgmhmV gmOam
_hmam> EgVay dh fofo/k l.k&mRlokaph vkBo.k ;srs- osxosxG;k izdkjps l.k osxosxG;k i/nrhus
lktjk dsys tkrkr- R;ke/khyp ,d l.k tks vki.kkl lrr fnO;klkj[ks mtGr jgk] vlk lansSa nsrks rks
Eg.ktsp fnokGhpk l.k-
fnokGhP;k lqV~V;k EgVys dh uohu diMs xksM inkFkZ rlsp QVkds mMo.ks g;k loZ ckch ;srkr-ijarq
g;k Jmo>r vki.k izR;sdkP;k ?kjh djr vlrks-g;k fnokGh l.kkps vkSfpR; lk/kqu vkeP;k lsaV esjht bafXySa Ldqy
;sFks fnokGhpk l.k lktjk dj.;kr vkyk- LVstph ltkoV dj.;kr vkyh- R;ke/;s osxosxGh vkdkSa fnok o
i.kR;kapk okij dj.;kr vkyk-
emGsP;k fizUlhaiy flLVj em;uh o O;oLFkkid Qknj eWF;q ;kauh gk dk;Zdze ikj ikM.;klkBh osGksosGh
fon;kF;kZl ekxZnSkZu dsys-
osxosxG;k xVkP;k {dm`mZr vkiY;k ^mfUmVyZ fnokGh l.kkps egRo o vki.k fnokGh dk lktjh djrks
;kps egRo iVoqu fnys-;ke/;s laiw.kZ fon;kFkhZ o iSa{kdo`na ;kauh lgHkkx ?ksu dk;Zdzekpk vkuan yqVyk-
emGsps O;oLFkkid Qknj eWF;q ;kauh fnokGh l.kkps egRRo iVoqu fnys o lokZuka fnokGh l.kkP;k
gknhZd SaqHksPNk fnY;k-

Social Justice & Developments

The diocese of Amravati celebrated the sainthood of Mother Teresa at the Diocese level.

24TH September 2016:

Rally of the school children around Amravati Irwin Chowk. Over 2000 children
and people participated Police Commissionaire of Amravati was the chief Guest and
Bishop Elias the Guest of Honour. Thanks to the Principals & staff of the schools on the
campus, and others who participated.

25th September 2916:

Blessing of the Icon of St. Mother Teresa at the Charity Home, Amravati.
Solemn Eucharistic Celebration at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral with Bishop Elias as the
main celebrant and concelebrated by many of our diocese Priests. Cathedral was packed
to capacity. Cultural Programme at Holy Cross Marathi School Auditorium. Bishop Elias was the Chief Guest Honorable
Deshpande, Honorable Yeshumati and Honourable Rana where the Guest of Honour Felicitation of the Missionaries of
Charity Sisters of Akola and Amravati. Thanks to all those who collaborated in
making this day a memorable one. Special Collection was made all over the
diocese: Thank the Parish Fathers and Sister Animators of BCC who encouraged
the people to contribute: Amount collected Rs. 91,493.00

Amount used to Built a House in Bhopapur of Mr. Francis Damodare &

Fly and Toilet of Mr Someshwar Sadar & y. The above works were supervised by
Fr. Sanjay Bodak and Fr. Surjeet Respectively.

Hw$Qw>~ {dH$mg `moOZm
OrdZ {dH$mg gWm,A_amdVr Jo`m 26 dfmnmgyZ
Am{Xdmgr VgoM Jm_rU jom_`o {d{dY H$nm`m _m`_mVyZ
gm_m{OH$ H$m` H$[aV Amho. `m CnH$_m`m _m`_mVyZ Jm_rU
VgoM Am{Xdmgr OZg_wXm`m`m gj_rH$aUmgmR>r VgoM `mZm
g_mOm`m _w` ndmhm_`o AmU`mgmR>r gWm A{daV H$m`
H$arV Amho.
`mM H$m`mMm EH$ ^mJ hUyZ gWo_m\$V, Hw$Qw>~ {dH$mg
`moOZm, `m H$m`H$_mVJV OrdZ [dH$mg gWm Hw$Qw>~ {dH$mg
H$m`H$_m`m _m`_mVyZ _oiKmQ> _Yrb Am{Xdmar g_wXm`m_`o
H$m`aV Amho. Save Family Plan AVJV {ejU,Amamo`, Jh{Z_mU, CnOr{dH$m gmYZdr B`mXr CnH$_mda
H$m_ Ho$bo OmVo. _w`doH$$Z ~mbHo$, V$U, _{hbm d nwf dJ `mda {deof H$me Q>mHy$Z `m Hw$Qw>~mZm emdV d
{dH${gVVoH$S>o Zo`m`m Coe ~miJVo. Hw$Qw>~ ghm`Vm H$m`H$_m`m _m`_mVyZ bm^m`mMm KS>dyZ AmUbobm ~Xb
hm Cm_ d CboIZr` Amho.

OmJ{VH$ _{hbm {Xdg

8 _mM hm {Xdg gnyU OJ^am_`o OmJ{VH$ _{hbm {XZ
hUyZ gmOam Ho$bm OmVmo. `mMo Am{M` gmYyZ gWo`m
dVrZo OrdZ {dH$mg gWm naVdmS>m `oWo 18 _mM 2017
bm R>rH$ 10,00 dmOVm OmJ{VH$ _{hbm {XZmMo Am`moOZ
H$a`mV Ambo hmoVo. `m H$m`H$_mV 135 gd bm^mWu _{hbm
^{JZr AmZXmZo gh^mJr Pmbo hmoVo. `m H$m`H$_m_`o AZoH$
bm^m`mZr Amn`m ^mfUmVyZ _[hbm {XZmdao H$me
Q>mH$bm. gmo~VM gmH${VH$ H$m`H$_m_`o gwXa Z`
Zm{Q>H$m, gmXa Ho$bo. d {d{dY IoimMo Am`moOZ gwm
bm^mWu _{hbmgmR>r H$a`mV Ambo hmoVo. `m_`o bm^mWu
_{hbm Z m `dgm` dmT>rgmR>r do J do J `m {Q>`, d
hVnwpVH$mMo dmQ>n H$a`mV Ambo. `m gnyU H$m`H$_mV bm^mWu _{hbmZr _moR>`m AmZXmZo ^mJ KoVbm. {gQ>a,amog_oar
A~mh_, H$n g_d`H$ OrdZ {dH$mg gWm, naVdmS>m `mZr Amn`m eXmV bm^mWu _{hbm~amo~a Amnbo _ZmoJV
`V Ho$bo. hm OmJ{VH$ _{hbm {XZ Zoh_r Amn`mbm oaUm d Y` XoV amhmo d Amhr _wbrbm H$moU`mhr _mVo`m J^mV _$
XoUma Zmhr Va Amhr {VMo AmZXmZo {VMo dmJV H$$ d Zoh_r Vr`m dajZmgmR>r V`ma amh ,Aer {Vkm Ko`mV Ambr.
VgoM H$m`H$_mMo A`j hUyZ bm^bobo {gQ>a Abrg VgoM H$m`H$_mMo CXKmQ>H$ {gQ>a gw{ZVm, \$mXa
a_grZ,\$mXa ~oOm_rZ, {gQ>a nwnm, AH$Z VgoM lr. _wHw$X Xoe_wI `mZr gwm OmJ{VH$ _{hbm {XZmda _mJXeZ Ho$bo.

Training on Marketing and Linkages for
Farmers Association and Staff
On 27th January2017, Centre for Environmental Studies in
Social Sector (CESS) Malkapur conducted Training on Marketing
and Linkages for Farmers association and Staff at Ashadeep Vikas
Kendra Conference hall. The resoure person for this training was
Mr.Vikram Bhusari from Amravati, while all the staff from CESS
Malkapur,Mr.Mukund Deshmuk, Mr. Nagesh were present for this
training along with Fr. Vipin.From near and far villages' farmers
more than 25 and 10 staff members participated and benited from
this training.

AZmnMm[aH$ {ejU d g|r` eoVr {e~ra

A_amdVr Y_mVmVrb Xhm g_mOgodm H|$m_Yrb
AZmnMm[aH$ {ejU H|$ Mmirg Jmdm_`o gw AmhoV. m
H|$ _wImgmR>r _mJXeZ {e~ramMo Am`moOZ {X. 13 Vo 14
_mM amoOr \$mXa JmS>\$s Eg. Oo. d \$mXa `moEb Eg. Oo.
mZr darb Xmohr {df`mda MMmg, _mJXeZ d ej{UH$
gmYZmMm dmna d {Z{_Vr {df`H$ _mJXeZ Ho$bo. `oUm`m
df^amV gXa {df`mda AmYm[aV A` 40 A{YH$
Jmdm_`o ho H$m` nga{d`mV `oUma Amho.

{dm`mMo dgVrJh _wImMr g^m

A_amdVr Y_ m V mVrb {dm`m g mR>r
Mmb{d`mV `oUm`m dgVrJhm`m _wImMr g^m {X.
13 _mM 2017 amoOr Am`mo{OV H$a`mV Ambr hmoVr.
mdoir \$mXa OmZ _`y d \$mXa JmS>\$s mZr
dgVrJhmMo Y` d YmoaUmda AmYmarV _mJXeZ Ho$bo d
n>rH$aU {Xbo. nwT>o mda AmYm[aV nyU {XdgmMo
{e~ra E{b AIoa Ko`mV `oUma Amho d gXa ~m~VrV
`mo` `dWmnZ d YmoaU {ZpMV H$a`mV `oBb.
g_mOmVrb X~b KQ>H$mVrb {dm`mZm MmJbo {ejU
d _y`OrdZmda AmYmarV gH$ma H$a`mMm hoVyZo ho {e~ra Ko`mV `oBb.


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