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University Town, Northern Samar




( Advanced Educational Psychology)

I. University Vision

A world-class university

II. University Mission

To develop the learners into well-rounded persons imbued with
enlightened sense o nationalism and a strong commitment to service,
globally relevant, honest, hardworking, competent, efficient and effective
accelerator of progress.

III. College Goal

The College of Education aims to produce God-fearing,
nationalistic, humanistic and ecologically responsive professional
teachers, leaders and managers.

IV. Master of Arts in Education Program Objectives

1. Update and enrich teachers content and knowledge in a
specific subject area or professional area;
2. Enhance and expand teachers theoretical and technical skills
for teaching a specific area or professional area
3. Develop the teachers research and extension capabilities
along the different aspects of the educational process; and
4. Produce God fearing graduates with desirable attitudes,
personal discipline , moral character, critical thinking skills,
ecological, nationalistic , humanistic, aesthetic and cultural

V. Course Description
This course is designed to familiarize students with the nature of
man, society and the world to be able to interpret concepts in education. It
introduces the students to the different theories of learning and their

VI. Time Duration 54 hours

VII. Objectives

A. General
Introduces a comprehensive view of the bases of human
behavior and recognizes the relationship between psychological principle and
teaching process for critical study of the educative process.

B. Specific
1. Recognize individual difference of the learners.
2. Relate new facts, principles, theories and research findings on
human behavior relevant to the teaching learning process.
3. Accept social responsibilities considering that the school is an open
4. Provide tools and techniques and necessary skills in dealing with
5. Device means to manage conflict or solve problem in teaching-
learning process.
6. Evaluate the behavior of the learners, giving stress in personality
differences without prejudice.
7. Manage the classroom with compassion without sacrificing the
academic performance of the learners.
VIII Course Content

Week 1

Overview of the Course

Sharing of Ideas
Requirement and Expectations

Week 2

Understanding the Psychology of Teaching and Learning

a. Education as Storm Center
b. Educational Psychology
c. Focal Areas of Educational Psychology
d. Personality-meaning and Characteristics
e. The School-as an environment and as a culture
f. The Science of Psychology and Art of Teaching

Week 3

The Teacher and the Educative Process

a. The Educative Act and Educative Process
b. The Teacher as a Decision Maker
c. The Learning Process and its Approaches
d. Theories of Learning
e. Basic Principles of Behavior Change
f. Analysis in the Study of Behavior
g. Principles for Culturally Responsive Teaching

Week 4

Motivation and Learning

a. Definition of Motivation and Learning
b. Theories of Motivation
c. Motives, Needs and Drives
d. Motivation and School Performance
e. Motivation Technique in School
f. Needs of the Child and the Educational Objectives
g. Measurement of Motivation
h. Social Influences on Personality and Motivation

Week 5
Growth and Maturation of the Learners
a. Principles of Growth and Development
b. Philippines Child Studies in Perspective
c. Cognitive and Non-Cognitive in Development
d. Implications for Education
e. Social Development as an Educational Goal
f. Factors influencing Development
g. Individual Differences

Week 6
Learning and Cognitive Process 1 and 2
a. The Cognitive Process
b. What is a Concept?
c. The Process of Concept Formation
d. Organizing Learning Experiences to Teacher Concept
e. Concepts and Personality
f. The Acquisition of Generalization
g. The Development of Critical and Associative Thinking
Week 7

Learning the Attitudinal Processes 1 and 2

a. What is Attitude?
b. Characteristics of Attitude
c. Acquisition of Attitude and Need Satisfaction
d. The Identification Process and the Acquisition of Attitude
e. Influences
f. Attitudinal Process vs. Content
g. The evaluative and Learning Values

Week 8
Midterm Examination
(Please Present Your Examination Permit)

Week 9

The Learner and Its Environment

a. The Learner and His Family
- Psychological Climate in the Home
- Incidental and Unintentional Teaching and Learning
- The Family as a Teacher of Cultural Values
- Teachers Needs to Understand Social Class
b. The Learner and the Peer Group
- Psychological Needs to Relate to Others
- Adult Demands vs. Peer Pressures
- The Psychological Climate of the Classroom
- The Teacher and the Peer Group
c. The Environment of the Struggling Learner

Week 10
Problem Behavior in the Classroom-Solving Process
a. What is Problem Situation?
b. Teachers Attitude toward Problem Behavior
c. How Problems are Solved
d. Tips For Problem Solving in The Classroom
e. Reaction of the Individual in the Problem-Solving Situation
f. Effects of Success and Failure in Problem-Solving
g. Influences of Experience in Problem Behavior
h. Realistic and Unrealistic Problems
i. The School and the Development of Problem Solving

Week 11
Psychological Concepts of the Teaching-Learning Process
a. The Importance of Theory
b. The Development of Theoretical Concepts
c. Requirements of a Usable Teaching Theory
d. Effective Teaching-Learning-Assumptions
e. Educational Psychology Interactive: Overview of Classroom
f. Theories and Approaches- Teaching and Learning
g. Learning Theory and Teaching Experiences- an unabridged

Week 12
Management of Classroom Learning
a. The Importance of Teachers
b. The Teachers as a Psychological Weather Maker
c. Different Roles of Teachers
d. Teachers Expectation and Students behavior
e. Teacher- Student Relations
f. Increasing Complexity of Teaching- Learning Problems
g. An Effective Classroom Management
Week 13
Discipline and the Learning Situation
a. Meaning of Discipline
b. Styles
c. Teacher- Imposed Discipline and other Forms of Imposed
d. Punishment
e. Methods and Techniques
f. DISCIPLINE APPROACHES: The Guided Discipline Approach
g. Teachers Anxieties about Discipline

Week 14
Psychological Services
a. The Shortcomings of Mass Education
b. The Need of Individual Attention
c. Psychological or Guidance Specialists
d. Educational Psychology and Guidance
e. The Problem of Academic Pressure
f. Principles of Guidance

Week 15
Measurement and Evaluation in School
a. Measurement and Evaluation Differentiated
b. Purposes
c. Characteristics and Considerations
d. Nature
e. Types of Tests
f. Grades and Grading System
g. Issues
h. Why Study Evaluation in Educational Psychology

Week 16
The Teacher and the Improvement of Educational
a. The Improvement of Educational Practice
b. Decision-Making and Improved Prediction of Behavior Change
c. Attitudes appropriate to Critical Inquiry
d. Procedures for Critical Evaluation of Educational Practice
e. Obstacles to Critical Inquiry

Week 17
Student- Oral Activities
Submission of Requirements
Review/ Recapitulation
Week 18
Final Examination

IX. Course Requirements/Grading System

Active Class Participation
Written Activities/Synthesis/Reaction/Oral and written
reports/Output 30%
Major Examinations (Midterm and Final)
Total 100%
Midterm Period Grade (MPG) (Start of the semester until the
midterm examination week)
Final Period Grade (FPG) (Class after the midterm
exam until the final examination week)
Final Grade (FG) ( Average of the MPG and FPG)
MPGFPG/2=FG MPG= 1.25 FPG= 1.75
1.25+ 1.75= 3.0
3.0/2= 1.5


Aquino, Gaudencio., and Perpetua U. Razon. Educational Psychology: A

Contemporary Approach.
Bichler, Robert F., Psychology Applied to Teaching. USA, Houghton, Mifflin
Company, 2012

Gazda, George M., Human Relations Development: A Manual for Educatiors.

3rd Edition Allyn and Bacon. Inc. 2011

Gibson, Janice., Educational Psychology. Psychology. 2nd edition Kelly, William

A., Educational Psychology, Milwaukee. The Bruce Publishing
Company. 2013

Laird, Donald A., Psychology, Human Relations and Motivation. Gregg

Community College

Leveriza, Jose P., Human Behavior In Organization: A Multi Disciplinary

Approach. Metro Manila, National Bookstore,

Lindgreen, Henry C., Educational Psychology in the Classroom.

Lupdag, Anselmo D., Educational Psychology Metro Manila, National

Bookstore, 2014

McDonald Frederick J., Educational Psychology

Sphere, Adam., Personality and Human Relations Gregg Publishing Relations.

Prepared by:


Professor, Graduate School


Dean, Graduate Studies

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