Zte On Its Best Way To 5G: Vimpelcom: A Digital Company in The Making An Analysis On 5G Implementation Feasibility

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FEB 2017 VOL. 19 NO.

1 ISSUE 168

VIP Voices

VimpelCom: A Digital
Company in the Making

Tech Forum

An Analysis on 5G Implementation

Special Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

ZTE on Its Best Way to 5G

Alexander Matuschka, VimpelComs Group Chief Performance Officer

VIP Voices

05 VimpelCom: A Digital Company in the Making

Reporter: Zhang Ying

Vodafone Cameroon: To Be the No.1
08 Broadband Provider in Cameroon
Reporter: Zhang Xiaofang

11 Kyivstar: Making Life Better by Providing

Best Services
Reporter: Zhang Ying

15 Orange Guinea Bissau: Offering More

Services to Subscribers
Reporter: Chen Zechuan
11 Special Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

17 ZTE on Its Best Way to 5G

By Zheng Hong, Liu Shouwen

21 5G: Stepping into Future

By Wang Xiaoming, Yu Guanghui

24 Adaptive Functional Splits Enable Brand-New

5G RAN Architecture By Xu Fang

ElasticNet: 5G-Oriented Network Reconstruction
27 Creates New Value
By Wu Guangwei

Advisory Committee
Director: Chen Jane
Deputy Directors: Xu Ming, Zhang
Jianguo, Zhu Jinyun
Advisers: Bao Zhongjun, Chen Jian,

17 Cui Li, Fang Jianliang, Wang Xiang,

Yang Jiaxiao

Editorial Board
Director: Wang Xiang
Deputy Director: Huang Xinming
35 Members: Bo Gang, Chen Zongcong,
Cui Liangjun, Han Gang, Heng Yunjun,
Huang Xinming, Liu Shouwen, Sun Jiruo,
Wang Xiang, Ye Ce, Zhang chao, Zhou Yong

Sponsor: ZTE Corporation
Edited By
Strategy Planning Department 2
Editor-in-Chief: Wang Xiang FEB 2017

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Huang Xinming ZTE

Editorial Director: Liu Yang
Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yue Lihua
Editors: He Xi, Zhang Ying
Circulation Manager: Wang Pingping

Tech Forum

31 An Analysis on 5G Implementation Feasibility

Address: NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South,
Shenzhen, P.R.China
By Xiang Jiying Postcode: 518075
Tel: +86-755-26775211
Fax: +86-755-26775217
Success Story Website: wwwen.zte.com.cn/en/about/
Email: yue.lihua@zte.com.cn
Commercial Reality to 5G: Cases of Pre5G
35 Massive MIMO
By Gao Qin
A technical
AUG 2016 VOL. 18 NO. 4 ISSUE 165

magazine that keeps

up with the latest
Solution VIP Voices
Orange Jordan: Simplify the Lives of
industry trends,
leading technologies
Tech Forum
OEID: A New Tag Technology in
Opcal Wireless Communicaons

and solutions, and

Special NG-PON

X-Site: The Best Choice for Site MIMO Evolution shares stories of our

A Discussion of NG-PON
Evolution Trends
Olivier Wicquart, CTO of Orange Jordan
customer success
By Zhang Jiong
TE News

ZTEs New X-Site ZTE Enables Telefnicas First Pre5G

Solution Enables Massive MIMO Trial in Europe
Smooth MIMO Network
Evolution 7 D e c e m b e r 2 0 16 , M a d r i d , interference through 3D-beamforming
Spain ZTE announced that they technology.
have successfully completed Pre5G New applications were also
12 December 2016, Shenzhen,
m a ssive mu lt iple -i nput mu lt iple - demonst rated in the t r ial, such as
China ZTE is pleased to
output (MIMO) live testing in Madrid, v i r t u al real it y a nd 2K st rea m i ng
a n nou nce t he availabil it y of
Spain. This is Telefnicas first Pre5G v i d e o s . A l l t e s t s we r e b a s e d o n
X-Site, a new solution designed to
Massive MIMO trial in Europe. existing 4G terminals, including ZTE
enable smooth evolution to MIMO
I n O c t o b e r 2 016 , Z T E a n d and other iconic smartphones.
networks for mobile carriers.
Telefnica started work on a Pre5G
The innovative new ZTE X-Site
Massive MIMO programme in the
solution will help carriers increase
Telefnica headquar ters in Madrid
site capacity by as much as 40%,
to assess its performance in hotspot
speed up time-to-market of new
and indoor coverage scenarios. The
s e r v ic e s , a n d r e d u c e n e t wo r k
performance of the Pre5G Massive
management and planning costs.
M I MO base st at ion has exceeded
W h i le U M TS se r v ice s w i l l
expectations, improving both network
provide a steady revenue source
37 capacity and cell-edge data rate up
for carriers in several more years,
2016 to 6 times compared to traditional
4G LTE services are growing at a
ZTE long-ter m evolut ion ( LT E) macro
much faster pace, so it is a critical
base stations and reducing end-user
challenge to balance the two for
smooth and f lexible evolution to
f ut u re net work s. X-Site of fer s
a s e a m le s s e volut io n p a t h fo r
evolution f rom U MTS and 22 Belgium Telenet and ZTE Break
MIMO LTE network to higher-order
MIMO future network, with three European Outfield Pre5G Speed Record
main feat ures: R RU cascading,
ve r t ical se ct or spl it , a nd sel f-
adaptive antenna. 13 December 2016, Belgium Telenet is taking towards future 5G
As a lead i ng prov ider of ZTE and Belgium Telenet, completed network evolution.
telecom mu n icat ion solut ions an outfield Pre5G test, making itself Consu mer s telecom behav ior
g loba l ly, Z T E h a s m a de g r e at the first operator in Europe to have ha s been evolv i ng r a d ically, a nd
effort focusing on helping carriers achieved 1.3 Gbps download speed t hei r dema nds for mobile d at a
manage and resolve thei r most in real network condition. Thats four will be four times greater in 2020
c r it ical net work chal le nge s a s t i mes faster t ha n 4Gs maxi mu m than now according to the network
next-generation technologies are download speed, enabling a successful traffic forecast by Ovum. With the
deployed. X-Site is designed to help download of 13.3 GB HD movie in no cooperation of ZTE, Telenet will finish
carriers address network evolution more than 90 seconds during the test. the Pre5G deployment in urban areas
issues, protect network investment As the sole net work vendor of in 2017. Besides, Telenet will also
to the greatest extent possible, and Telenet, ZTE has established and is deploy Pre5G at a number of large-
to offer a super smooth evolution strengthening a long-term strategic scale events, such as Tomorrowland
path to higher-order MIMO LTE partnership with Telenet. This Pre5G in 2017, ensuring the ultimate user
networks. demonstration is one of the first steps experience.
TE News

ZTE and China Telecom

Complete Pre5G FDD
Massive MIMO Testing

3 Januar y 2017, Shenzhen,

Chi na ZTE an nou nced the
ZTEs Cloud Works Wins Telecom Asia company successfully completed
joint-testing of its proprietar y
NFV Innovation of the Year Award P r e 5 G F D D M a s s i ve M I M O
solution, in partnership with China
1 D e c e m b e r 2 016 , S h e n z h e n , also test and verify their applications
Telecom Innovation Center.
Ch i na ZT E a n nou nced t hat its i n a si mulat ion env i ron ment a nd
The results of the joint test
Cloud Works solution has won the relea se t hei r appl icat ion s on t he
s h o w e d Z T E s P r e 5 G F D D
Innovation of the Year award from platform. The Cloud Works solution
Massive MIMO solution enhanced
Telecom Asia, one of Asias most also enables extended services to be
cell throughput by more than three
aut hor it at ive telecom mu n icat ions offered by apps running over mobile
publications, spotlighting its leading net works i n addit ion to st and a rd times using existing frequency
position i n the net work f u nctions services offered by the carrier. This spectrum and 4G LTE devices.
virtualization (NFV) field. will satisfy diversified 5G and IoT Based on the successful test, ZTE
Ba sed on a N F V net work of appl icat ion re qu i re me nt s, wh ich demonstrated the capabilities of
comp one nt s, Z T Es Cloud Work s developers and carriers will be able its innovative Pre5G FDD Massive
FEB 2017
solution is built on an open platform, to benefit from. MIMO solution to help operators
consolidating product development, This NFV Innovation of the Year offer ultrafast mobile broadband
verification, integration and release. award, together with the Best Core services on existing FDD-LTE
T h i rd-pa r t y developer s ca n u se Network Product award won by ZTE infrastructure, without requiring
atomic components from the carriers at the 5G World Summit 2016 for its u se r s t o ch a nge t hei r mobi le
m ic ro - se r v ice comp one nt l ibr a r y cloud-based core network solution devices and terminals.
i n a u s e r- f r i e n d l y d e v e l o p m e n t vCN, demonstrate ZTEs strength in ZTE is tak ing its indust r y
env i ron ment to create i n novat ive innovation and leading position in leadership in the development
applications satisfying individualized telecommunication cloud solutions, of P r e5G M a s sive M I MO o n
user requirements. The developers can cloud-based core networks and NFV. T DD -LT E net work s one st e p
f u r ther by deploying Massive
MIMO successfully on FDD-LTE
Successful Commercial Launch of ZTE Pre5G in Telkomsel Indonesia networks in the joint-test with
China Telecom. This will generate
23 De ce mbe r 2016, She n z he n , which is 2.6 times higher than the
i ncreased oppor t u n it ies for
China ZTE held a press current network rate. Media reporters
and at tendees exper ienced online ZTEs Pre5G technology as more
conference with Telkomsel for the
c o m m e r c i a l l a u n c h of i t s P r e 5G playback and high-speed download of than 85% of 4G LTE networks
networks, announcing the successful 4K HD video at the press conference. globally are based on the FDD-
de ploy ment of com mercial P re5G LTE standards. Massive MIMO
net work s i n Ma k a ssa r, capit al of is a critical technology in the
S u l awe s i a n d M a n a d o, a f a m o u s evolution of 4G networks towards
tourist destination. next-generation 5G net works.
Usi ng t he 20 M h z com mercial T h e s u c c e s sf u l joi nt t e s t o n
spectrum in Band 3, these commercial Pre5G FDD Massive MIMO will
net work s have ach ieved a si ngle - further deepen China Telecoms
user peak downlink rate of 398 Mbps, collaboration with ZTE.
IP Voices



Alexander Matuschka, VimpelComs Group Chief Performance Officer

IP Voices

A Digital Company in the Making
Reporter: Zhang Ying

impelCom is an international How are you satisfied with the execution
communications and technology and results?
company driven by a vision to unlock
new opportunities for its customers as First of all, Im German and by nature that means 6
they navigate the digital world. Present in Im rarely satisfied. Im very proud of what weve FEB 2017

some of the worlds most dynamic markets, VimpelCom achieved so far. We have begun by eliminating micro ZTE
provides more than 200 million customers with voice, teams and delayering the organization. As a result of
fixed broadband, data, and digital services. Recently, all of that effort, we are now more agile than weve
ZTE Technologies interviewed Alexander Matuschka, ever been before. To put that in numbers, since we
VimpelComs Group Chief Performance Officer. He began the program a year ago, we have reduced
shared with us his biggest challenge, VimpelComs headcount by 21 percent.
Excelerate Program and top priorities for 2017, and the The other dimension is that we really start to
partnership with ZTE. benefit from the groups scale. 70 percent of our
procurement volume is now covered by global
What is your biggest challenge as Chief contracts rather than local contracts.
Performance Officer? Our operating model consists of four elements,
of which we have begun work on two. First, we have
To transform VimpelCom from a traditional telecom started setting up global shared service centers, which
operator to a truly digital company, the biggest difficulty will bring higher quality transactional processes. Our
I faced was dealing with 14 independent OpCos and center in Lviv, Ukraine is already open, while our
trying to unite them as one organization. existing center in Yaroslavl, Russia, which employs
We see many functions being replicated in our nearly 1,000 people, is ramping up to shared service
OpCos across every function. As we consolidate specification. Next month, we will open another
those functions, we will become a leaner organization center in Islamabad, Pakistan. Second, we are
benefiting from the international scale that VimpelComs scaling managed service across our entire footprint,
geographical footprint brings to bear. consolidating seven countries in one managed service
contract and one network operations center.
A year ago, VimpelCom announced its Customer care is also moving into the right
Excelerate Program under your leadership. direction as we digitalize more and more processes,
IP Voices

and we have set up a regional

headquarters to cut down on
activities in the countries.
Everything is on track and,
although we are only 50 percent
of the way through, the financial
and operational benefits are
already showing up.

Do you think ZTE gives

the expected support
for execution of the
Excelerate Program?

You know, a year ago,

we signed a trusted partner
relationship, which is different
from typical customer and
vendor relationship. Trust is
difficult to build and requires
that partnerships are honest,
truthful, and straightforward.
I do believe that, in the last
twelve months, we have
established this kind of
If I look at how the
relationship between ZTE and us has developed, we have so many talented people in the company, but
we are growing together, which is nice to see, and they rarely get the chance to be heard. I want to build
I believe this will be a long journey for our two and encourage a culture where people feel they are
companies. able to speak out and share their ideas.

Could you tell us about your top priorities How do you think the partnership between
in 2017? VimpelCom and ZTE will evolve?

For 2017, our priorities are very simple. 2017 Were on a good track and I believe we can
will be the second year of the Excelerate Program, double or triple our business. But I also think ZTE
which is a very important year as every transformation needs to rethink some of its activities. Im confident
program should be finished in three years. Otherwise, that ZTE will follow my recommendations and even
you will not be successful. The first two years of outperform them.
Excelerate is implementation and execution, and
the third year is learning and modification. Another Do you have any advice or message for
priority is virtualizing our core infrastructure. We are the ZTE community?
heavily working on that so as to become a more digital
company. This is my second priority. I believe ZTE could also benefit from cultural
But my most important priority is changing our change and become a technology company rather
company culture. We are very dispersed, very local, than a traditional infrastructure vendor. If everybody
and we need to build a single, unified culture as we at ZTE is behind this, I think the company could be
move from telecom operator to digital company. This number one or number two in the industry.
is where I will concentrate my efforts because I believe
IP Voices

FEB 2017


Vodafone Cameroon:
To Be the No.1 Broadband
Provider in Cameroon
Reporter: Zhang Xiaofang

Abdallah Nassar, CTO of Vodafone Cameroon

IP Voices

odafone is one of the worlds largest What differentiate us from other operators are
telecom companies, providing the types of services and good customer experience
a range of services including that we are offering. Providing a more dynamic level
voice, messaging, data and fixed of customer support can create greater levels of trust
communications. Afrimax is a in the long-term. Service customization also has an
4G-LTE telecom operator in sub-Saharan Africa. important role to play.
Vodafone and Afrimax announced a new non-equity
partner market agreement for Cameroon. The two What criteria do you use to select supplier?
companies will launch LTE data services under the
Vodafone Cameroon brand initially in Cameroons Our criteria are reputation, technology and
two biggest cities, Douala and Yaound. Recently, knowledge. What we value most is reputation. From
ZTE Technologies interviewed Abdallah Nassar, experience, we know ZTE has built up its reputation
CTO of Vodafone Cameroon. He shared with us by being more and more engaged with its clients. What
Vodafone Cameroons major achievements, overall I have learned from ZTE is that customer satisfaction
networking strategy, challenges, and LTE project. is undeniable.
He also talked about his expectations for ZTE and
outlook on the global telecom market. What is the significance of the LTE project?
How will this affect your network evolution?
What were the major achievements of
Vodafone Cameroon in 2016? The LTE project is surely very important to
97 us, because a revolutionary network will position
Vodafone Cameroon made two major Vodafone separately in Cameroon market. With LTE
achievements in 2016. First, we began constructing technology, Vodafone will be leading the broadband
our new high class data centre. Second, we launched market in Cameroon and will be able to keep up with
the first official LTE network in Cameroon. the technology pace. I think technology is the key to
the LTE project. New and advanced technology is what
Could you tell us Vodafone Cameroons ZTE has contributed to Vodafone Cameroon.
overall networking strategy? Also our network infrastructure will always remain
as a concern. We expect to see 4G rollouts giving way
Vodafone Cameroons overall networking to more nuanced infrastructure strategies. While the
strategy is to be the number one broadband provider growth prognosis for 4G is not in doubt, we face very
in Cameroon that can deliver the highest data real choices about which iterations of LTE we will opt
network speeds. for as we focus on use cases in consumers and M2M in
different markets.
What major challenges are you facing At the same time, we should carefully weigh
as per your role? How do you optimal combinations of new technologies with
overcome them? bridging technologies that help extract better
performance from the existing assets.
The market is very challenging with aggressive
competition. I think the main challenge is to keep How would you assess ZTEs team and
the Vodafone network to its high standard. With solutions? What do you expect from future
the engagement with ZTE, Vodafone Cameroon cooperation with ZTE?
presented the highest LTE throughput in Cameroon,
new innovated data, and broadband products and ZTE has really invested in the relations with its
services. clients. I think it is a unique, respectful and fully
engaged experience with ZTEs team. ZTE can deliver
What differentiate Vodafone Cameroon to customers with respect to project targets at any cost.
from other operators? For its solutions, ZTE has presented its new Zsmart in
IP Voices

FEB 2017

Cameroon. It is an advanced and unbeatable system. the process. ZTE

We are looking forward to a full IoT engagement Its very well noticeable that voice revenue is
with ZTE. too much declining year-on-year in comparison
with data revenue, and the digital is taking its first
How do you foresee the global telecom position rapidly. If we look to this globally, for sure
market over the next few years? IoT is the future. Being connected with everything
at any time anywhere is changing the market and the
The telecom industry has changed radically in telecom concept. However in details, in the African
the past 10 years as data-hungry customers with market, for example, we noticed that the data and
smart devices consume ever more bandwidth. smartphones penetration is not at its peak, but still at
Over this period, operators have expanded their a very low percentage (less than 35%). In addition,
service portfolios and overhauled their price plans we noticed that the market is slightly changing.
to meet the explosive demand, while rising capital With new technologies that ZTE and others are
expenditures to underline the ongoing imperatives presenting, data networks are accessible in a very
to upgrade network capabilities. competitive manner.
Operator performance varies significantly by I believe that the vast majority of participants see
region. Telcos in mature markets have outperformed digital services accounting for an ever greater share
those in other markets, because they benefit of overall revenues. However, there is a significant
from increased scale and strong secular growth spread in these predictions. Many respondents
opportunities respectively. While many players expect digital services to contribute between 0%
are diversifying their revenue streams, ensuring to 5%, while others expect a contribution of 25%
that new services deliver healthy margins remains or more. Some of this could be explained by rates
challenging. At the same time, over-the-top (OTT) of attrition in operators legacy businesses, which
players are also expanding the scope of their would increase digital significance by default.
offerings, disrupting different industry verticals in
IP Voices



Kyivstar: Making Life Better

by Providing Best Services
Reporter: Zhang Ying

Peter Chernyshov, CEO of Kyivstar

IP Voices

yivstar, founded in 1994, is the largest 9% YoY, primarily because of successful commercial
Ukrainian telecom operator providing activities and the strong growth of mobile data
communications and data services revenue of 62%. Underlying EBITDA organically
based on a broad range of mobile and increased 18% in Q3 2016. The EBITDA margin grew
fixed-line technologies including 3G. just in excess of 55%: driven by higher revenue and
Kyivstar is a part of VimpelCom Ltd., one of the worlds lower interconnect costs, partly offset by an increase
largest integrated telecom companies, headquartered in in frequency fee, inflation on rent and utilities and
Netherlands. Recently, ZTE Technologies interviewed a negative currency devaluation effect on OPEX
Peter Chernyshov, CEO of Kyivstar. He talked about denominated in foreign currency.
Kyivstars performance in 2016, 3G deployment and I believe that these results are good enough,
CSR initiatives. He also shared with us his thoughts on but we have many things to do to keep the position
digital transformation, assessment on ZTE, and insights of leader in Ukrainian telecom market. I hope that
into the future global telecom market. ZTE would continue supporting us on this way of
Why did you decide to enter the telecom
industry? How did you prepare for the new In terms of 3G deployment, what phase of
role in Kyivstar? construction are you currently in?

I believe that a real CEO should work in fast-moving Kyivstar continues to roll out its 3G networks,
consumer goods (FMCG) segment, in service company reaching in November 2016 62% of population
and in B2B sector. I had had more than 10 years of coverage, up from 35% at the end of 2015. Our 3G
experience in utilities, electro-engineering and brewing services are available in more than 4,000 cities and
FEB 2017
industries before I decided to switch to telecom. settlements. We started provision of mobile
I started working in VimpelCom group on 13 May broadband in ATO zone (Donetsk and Lugansk
2014 and since then it was clear that I did not understand region), being the first telecom operator who came
anything in telecom. It was necessary for me to take a there with 3G services.
basic training in VimpelCom holding. I was offered Recently, we have successfully launched
to go to two countries: Bangladesh and Italy. I spent a mobile broadband in Zaporizhzhia. We create equal
week in Bangladesh and one and a half month in Italy. opportunities for our subscribers and do our best
Republic of Bangladesh was chosen because it was a to provide each Ukrainian with the possibility to
poor country (as Ukraine), and I had to get acquainted enjoy full advantages of 3G internet connection. In
with peculiarities of the sales for very poor consumers. partnership with ZTE, we have swapped almost
Italy took more time because there was Windthe 2,000 sites.
second company in the group by revenue. Wind is
considered the best in Group in terms of operating How does 3G benefit your customers?
business. After these trainings, I became the President
of Kyivstar. Ukrainians have begun to talk more and to use 3G
Who could imagine that in two years CK Hutchison services. In the third quarter of 2016, MoU increased
and VimpelCom will create a strong new operator in to 544 minutes, and 3G data traffic in our network
Italy, merging Three Italy and Wind to drive competition reached 9,111 TB. Mobile data revenue experienced
in the market and serving over 31 million mobile strong increase primarily due to the popularity of
customers and 2.7 million fixed line customers? data-oriented tariff plans targeted at smartphone users.
I would like to remind that Kyivstar was the first
How would you evaluate Kyivstars among telecom operators in Ukraine who could offer
performance in 2016? customers unlimited access to social networks, and
the possibility to listen to music and watch videos
In 3Q 2016, the service revenue grew organically online without any restrictions. As a result, in the third
IP Voices

An interview


quarter of 2016, revenues from mobile data services to Campaign Management solution, where a personal
grew to 61%. offer is created. The user gets that personal offer and
feels the care of Kyivstar. These personal offers are very
How will Kyivstar react to the digital popular among our users.
transformation that the global major We have created a digital womanZoryana, who is
operators are currently undertaking? not only beautiful but also smart and speaks only when
you ask her. The smart chat bot is created by natural
Actually, all VimpelCom Group is now in the language processing technologies. She knows more
process of digital transformation and Kyivstar is than 5,000 unique answers and is a part of more than
not an exception. We face not only challenges from 400,000 dialogs. Our customers love her75% of them
telecom users, but also from technologies. The return to her and 70% give her positive feedback.
capacity of existing telecom systems does not meet
the requirements of new technologies. That is why we Kyivstar is known as a socially engaged
use new approaches to our IT infrastructure, replacing corporation. Could you tell us your initiatives
20% of existing systems in our project with Digital related to CSR?
Stack. With this new Digital Stack, we will create
simple and understandable products and services for Kyivstar is really a social responsible company.
customers, and the launch of new services will take Our corporate social responsibility stands for a
hours, not days. We can also create such new solutions business conducted in harmony with society, voluntary
like mobile financial services and mobile payments. commitments of the company, and active participation
We also learn how to work with big data using in social and economic development of Ukraine.
customer service management system. How does it Since 2015, Kyivstar has launched the global
work? For example, we get the signal that a user has program Make Your Marka nationwide social
topped up in a second after he did that. Our big data and educational initiative implemented by the
machine gathers all data about him and transfer them international group VimpelCom. The program is aimed
IP Voices

to support talented pupils, IT students, startups and VimpelCom Group. The next step for ZTE is to
young entrepreneurs. It involves the support of the increase its market share in the group and become a
Ukraine students who show the best results in exact strategic partner.
disciplinesnatural sciences and technologies We need high level of expertise on both
(including IT, engineering, robotics, and mathematics). commercial and technical fields, as well as business-
In 20152016, Kyivstar supported 25 academic oriented approaches, win-win partnership spirit and
competitions in Ukraine, including 6 international, professionalism in all our activities.
as well as other educational initiatives in STEM
disciplines involving more than 4,200 schoolchildren What insights can you share about the
throughout Ukraine. future global telecom market?
Kyivstar also organizes a series of meetings with
opinion leaders in the field of economics and social It is useless to make prognoses. Technologies are
sciences based on Kyivstar Business Hub. This changing every single moment, so it is impossible to
project is aimed to develop the entrepreneurial spirit predict how they will change. I can only tell you about
and technological skills of the youth to stimulate changes that I expect to happen in Ukraine in the
the creation and development of socially significant nearest future.
software products, which are based on mobile People will have a SIM card, for not only
technologies. The total number of young entrepreneurs smartphone and tablet, but also a dozen of other
of these events has already reached more than 4,717. IoT devicessmart home and wearable electronics.
In 2016, Kyivstar supported the launch of telecom We will work in such a way that managing these
accelerator VDNG-TECH. It is a unique case for devices would be as easy as today you manage your
Ukraine telecom market. We got 120 applications, and smartphones. People will use mobile internet as the
picked 11 teams that had a chance to study and work
main even at home, even on the computer. Mobile
FEB 2017
with our specialists. Kyivstar team spent lots of time account will be used just like a bankcardto pay for
helping startups improve their ideas and make them ZTE
any goods and services both online and offline (MFS).
work. In October 2016, we picked 4 winners. Now We will be able to sign a document electronically
we are in the process of commercial negotiations with using a mobile phone, and it will be valid (Mobile ID).
them. In 2016, for the first time Ukraine took part in Versatile SIM cards will be embedded in the devices,
Eurasia Mobile Challenge. VimpelComs initiative and they will be able to work with any telecom
aiming to unlock development opportunities for young operatorto select and change the operator, you
people, irrespective of their technical skills, will wont need to change SIM card (eSIM). Management
help shape the future and drive economic growth in interfaces will become more similar to interactions
their country or region. Kyivstar also supported this in the real world: augmented and virtual reality and
initiative. 88 Ukrainian startups got the chance to win personal assistants will be allowed to more intuitively,
$20,000 to develop their products. fast and effectively solve problems. For now it is
necessary to formulate a query in Google, to move
In what other areas ZTE could be to any site, to understand its navigation, to search for
contributed to the development of Kyivstar? information, and to download and customize different
ZTE can cooperate with Kyivstar in many The world is changing. Many of these changes
areas, such as core network (CS/PS) and core revolve around the mobile operator. Data transfer
network virtualization, transport network, big data and mobility of data sources play a huge role in
monetization, and eGovernment solutions. these changes. One of the concepts is that the mobile
operator will be the operator of the virtual reality.
Are you satisfied with ZTEs team? What Yesterday, we passed through a network of voice,
is your outlook for future cooperation today we pass the 360 videos, and tomorrow is yet
between Kyivstar and ZTE? to pass sensations. The world is changing and we,
as telecom operator, should be a part of this change,
ZTE is a trusted partner already for the entire driving the innovation process.
IP Voices



Orange Guinea Bissau:

Offering More Services to Subscribers

Reporter: Chen Zechuan

Mouhamadou Moustapha NDAO, CTO of Orange Guinea Bissau

IP Voices

range is the most recent its leadership in all of its market segments,
entrant in a market provide more services for subscribers and
shared by two operators. enterprises, and have the best technologies,
With more than 560,000 services and processes.
active mobile customers
and a market share of 51.2%, Orange Guinea What are you focusing on in terms
Bissau reclaimed the leadership position of the SDM project?
in volume market share at the end of
December 2015, and consolidated its leading For the SDM project, we want to have the
position in the value market. Recently, ZTE best provider. Currently, our SDM is supplied
Technologies interviewed Mouhamadou by Alcatel and Nokia. However, our SDM is
Moustapha NDAO, CTO of Orange Guinea very old, and we want to upgrade it. This is
Bissau. He shared with us Oranges network the reason why we have launched a request
development and strategy in Guinea Bissau, for proposal (RFP).
his thought on the SDM project, the criteria
to select providers, and his priorities for the How do you select you partners?
next few years.
Our goal is to select the best partners to
What is the current status of help Orange Group develop its businesses.
Oranges network development in Partners should be referenced in the short list 16
Guinea Bissau? of Orange Group, and we choose the best one FEB 2017

referenced from the Group. ZTE

Currently, there are two operators in
Guinea Bissau: Orange and MTN. Orange What are your priorities for the next
has been the leader in Bissaus telecom few years?
market since 2013.
The first priority is to secure and improve
What distinguishes Orange from the Orange Bissau network. Orange Bissau
other operators in Guinea Bissau? has many projects. As one site is not secure,
we plan to deploy a disaster recovery site in
I think there are four aspects. The the near future. The second priority is that
first difference between Orange and other we plan to provide more data services for
operators is the price. Orange just charges customers.
what the subscribers consume. Second, the
customers in Bissau trust Orange brand. How do you evaluate the
Third, Orange has introduced some offers performance of ZTE IN?
that are dedicated to the enterprises and
companies. At last, I can say that Orange Honestly, I am very satisfied with ZTE
launched the first 3G network in May 2015, IN. If any problem occurs, Im comforted
and was also the first operator to launch 4G that ZTEs experts will connect it remotely.
at the end of 2015 in Guinea Bissau. Within 24 hours after the incident, we will
receive a root cause analysis (RCA). I think
Could you introduce to us Oranges the incident management of ZTE team is
overall strategy in Guinea Bissau? excellent. Our expectation for ZTE is to
continue to be accessible and available for
Oranges overall strategy is to maintain customers.
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

onIts BestWayto5G
By Zheng Hong, Liu Shouwen

n 2016, ZTE was named as a phase. Its recently improved marketing
leader for its 4G LTE solution communications also help it gain visibility.
in Gartners Magic Quadrant According to the LTE eNodeB Assessment
for LTE Network Infrastructure report released by the competitive analyst
report, its cloud networks were firm Current Analysis in December 2016,
widely recognized in the industry, ZTE was promoted from a Strong
and its award-winning Pre5G was rating in the previous year to a Very
commenced to go into commercial use. Strong rating, taking the lead in overall
ZTE also kept ahead in its 5G research product rating. Recognitions from the
and tests. With significant improvements two professional analysis firms have
in technology innovation, market demonstrated that ZTE has won good
expansion and stable operation as well market and analyst reputation and has
as great contributions to the industry, established as a leader in the industry.
ZTE has established as a leader in the In 2016, ZTE made a triumphant
global wireless arena. breakthrough with its wireless products in
untapped markets such as Japan, Russia,
Zheng Hong 4G Leader in the Wireless Market Poland, Hungry, India, Indonesia, and
Wireless Branding Peru. ZTEs performance in the 4G market
Manager, ZTE Gartners Magic Quadrant is one of was remarkable, with total shipments
the most influential industry research exceeding 25% of the global market share.
reports. According to the latest Magic ZTE has become the global fastest growing
Quadrant, ZTE is a key player in the 4G supplier for four consecutiveyears.
global 4G mobile infrastructure market. Technology innovation is one of ZTEs
Objectively, this is a witness to ZTEs core strategies. With innovative technical
fast growth and notable achievements solutions and differentiated product series,
in the wireless sector. Gartner says ZTE has achieved outstanding performance
ZTE has become increasingly visible in 4G market applications. ZTE continued
in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. to win 4G commercial network tests
Liu Shouwen Feedback from CSPs includes praise conducted by third parties and could build
Wireless Branding for ZTEs flexibility and responsiveness best networks for operators. ZTE helped
Director, ZTE specifically during the initial rollout China Mobile build a quality 4G network,
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FEB 2017


which was awarded the Best 4G Network of the Mobilink build a 4G mobile network that secured
Year by China Mobile. ZTE also helped China the top spot in the local inter-operator benchmark
Telecom deploy a 4G network, which ranked first (IOBM) test.
in network performance. In a third-party network
evaluation organized by Guangdong Unicom, ZTEs Pre5G Paving the Way for 4G-to-5G
4G network came first in performance. In a network Evolution
rating by Guangdong Mobile, ZTEs 4G EPC ranked
first in customer satisfaction. With the explosive growth in demand
In overseas markets, ZTE helped Hutchison Drei for mobile broadband and internet of things
Austria build a mobile network that was awarded the (IoT) services, 4G networks are gradually
Service Champion award in the most authoritative confronted with two bottlenecks: capabilities and
service value rating and was also rated as the best performance. To address these issues, ZTE was
network in Austria by three professional evaluation the first vendor to propose its Pre5G concept and
agencies (Open Signal, CONNECT, and CHIP) series solutions in 2006. Pre5G enables operators
within one year. ZTE deployed a 4G network for to provide 5G-like performance and service
U Mobile, which was evaluated as the fastest 4G experience upon their 4G networks.
network in Malaysia through a third-party network As the bridge from 4G to 5G, Pre5G achieves
test. In Panama, Movistars 4G network built by ZTE a sixfold system capacity increase, a fivefold
was awarded the best local network. In India, ZTE average bandwidth increase and a hundred-
won the best network supporter award by Bharti for fold the number of connections per unit area.
its quality network delivery. In Indonesia, ZTE built It involves not only the application of key 5G
an advanced mobile network for Telkomsel, who technologies with commercial capabilities (for
was awarded the 2016 Best Network Technology example, Massive MIMO and UDN) on 4G
Provider by local media. In Pakistan, ZTE helped networks, but also the enhancement of LTE-A
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Pro technologies in 3GPP architecture such as had won several international awards from GTB,
Massive CA, 256QAM, LAA, LWA, and NB-IoT. GTI, and Frost & Sullivan.
Pre5G allows for a smooth evolution based on At present, Pre5G has been highly recognized
existing 4G networks. This enables rapid network in the industry and widely deployed by operators
deployment at lower costs, thus greatly increasing worldwide. In 2016, ZTE cooperated with China
cost-effectiveness. Through a combination of Mobile by pre-commercially deploying Pre5G
technologies including Giga+ MBB, Massive IoT, Massive MIMO in 90% of provinces in China. In
and network cloudification, ZTE can completely September 2016, Pre5G Massive MIMO was put
help operators evolve their 4G networks to 5G. into commercial use in scale by Softbank in Japan,
In February 2016, ZTE won the Best Mobile which became the worlds first commercial Massive
Technology Breakthrough award and Outstanding MIMO system. In December 2016, Indonesias
Overall Mobile TechnologyThe CTOs Choice largest mobile operator Telkomsel announced the
2016 for its Pre5G Massive MIMO technology commercial use of its Pre5G network. ZTE also
at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) held in worked with Telefonica Group and H3G to run Pre5G
Barcelona. The MWC 2016 hosted by the GSM Massive MIMO trials respectively in Spain and
Association (GSMA), is the worlds most influential Austria. Using the Pre5G FDD Giga + MBB solution
gathering in the mobile communications industry, combined with key multicarrier aggregation, 44
and the GSMAs Global Mobile Awards represent MIMO, and 256QAM technologies, ZTE successfully
the highest honor. In October 2016, ZTE again won completed tests with a speed of over 1 Gbps in
the Best Wireless Broadband Innovation award for Malaysia, Belgium, Hungry and Austria. All these
its Pre5G MIMO at the Broadband World Forum in paved the way for Pre5G FDD commercialization.
London. Previously, ZTEs Pre5G Massive MIMO To date, commercial use and field tests of Pre5G
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

related products and solutions have been undertaken by euros) into 5G research and development every year.
operators in China, Japan, Korea, Austria, Singapore, Based on its comprehensive layout, ZTE has
Spain, Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. They will be invested heavily in key 5G technologies. ZTEs
more widely deployed around the world in 2017. 5G research covers network architecture, multi-
antenna technique, high-frequency communication,
Forerunner in a Cloud Network Era IoT convergence, and new services such as D2D,
M2X, and URC. ZTE also proposes innovative 5G
Responding to the network function virtualization unified air interface (UAI) and cloud aware soft-
(NFV) trend, ZTE has made outstanding achievements network (CAS) technologies based on its Massive
with its quality cloud-based network products. The MIMO, MUSA, FB-OFDM, Virtual Cell, and SLA.
company has become a forerunner in the cloud The UAI enables unified, flexible, and configurable
network era. 5G air interfaces, while the CAS provides cloud-
In February 2016, ZTE cooperated with VimpelCom, aware soft network architecture for 5G. These
a multinational operator group, to build the industrys leading technologies have been widely accepted in
largest commercial vEPC network across five countries. the industry. The MUSA proposed by ZTE is the
This network supports the convergence of 2G, 3G, and only one multiple access solution in the industry that
LTE networks. In the Digital Transformation and the uses spreading codes in the short complex domain to
Role of the Virtualized Core Network released by Ovum, enable high-load multiple access without the need of
VimpelComs vEPC project was specially studied and scheduling. The solution is of great significance to 5G
recommended as a classic case. large-capacity IoT scenarios in the future.
In June 2016, ZTEs virtualized core network (vCN) ZTE has maintained industry-leading position in
the 5G technical validation and product development
was awarded the Best Core Network Product at the 5G
FEB 2017
World Summit held in London. This award honored process. In September 2016, ZTE took the lead to
ZTE for its role as a brave, outstanding future network complete the first phase of Chinas 5G test. ZTE ZTE

advocator and leader in the new telecom era. outperformed other vendors in both the number of
In October 2016, the RCS network built exclusively test items and the test progress, and obtained the 5G
by ZTE for China Mobile was put into commercial technology R&D test certificate issued by the IMT-
service. Serving 100 million users, this network has 2020 (5G) Promotion Group.
become the worlds largest commercial vIMS/RCS. 5G will be an open ecosystem in the future. ZTE
In November 2016, ZTEs Cloud Works solution is now working closely with multiple players in
won the NFV Innovation of the Year award from the industry in a joint effort to create abundant 5G
Telecom Asia , one of Asias most authoritative experience. At present, ZTE has signed 5G strategic
telecommunications publications, spotlighting its leading cooperation agreements with operators worldwide
position in the network functions virtualization field. such as Deutsche Telecom, Telefonica, Softbank,
To date, ZTE has deployed more than 100 Korea Telecom, China Mobile, China Unicom, and
commercial cloud core networks and PoC trial China Telecom. ZTE has also become a member of
networks around the world and has established in-depth the EUs Horizon 2020 dedicated to the 5G innovation
cooperation with global mainstream operators such as and research. Moreover, ZTE has been included by
Vodafone, Telefonica, VimpelCom, Deutsche Telecom, Deutsche Telecom in the list of the first 5G innovation
Bharti Group, Telekom Austria Group, Telenor, and lab partners.
China Mobile. Tomorrow never waits. ZTE will continue to
invest in the wireless market, implement the M-ICT
5G Pioneer with Leading Technologies strategy, and explore business opportunities in MBB,
5G, IoT, SDN, NFV, and big data. ZTE will also lead
As one of the world-leading 4G telecom equipment a healthy development of the wireless communication
and solution providers, ZTE has always been committed industry, make constant innovations, and create win-
to technology innovation. ZTE takes 5G as its future win cooperation with operators worldwide.
core strategy, investing over 1 billion yuan (100 million
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

Stepping into Future
By Wang Xiaoming, Yu Guanghui

ince the beginning of technologies that have been gradually
7 commercial 4G launch, accepted in the industry and will play
imaginations have run important roles in 5G standards.
ZTE wild in the industry
about next-generation Massive MIMO
mobile communications
technology. The future technology Massive MIMO has contributed
can provide super-fast peak data rates, much to 4G LTE and will contribute
support massive connections, have a more to 5G, especially in high-frequency
very short latency, and use frequency communication systems. The core of a
bands above 6 GHz. All this obscure high-frequency communication system
Wang Xiaoming understanding of 5G has been made is to use the beams formed by multiple
Solution Manager of clearer under the joint effort of telecom antennas at the sending and receiving
5G Product Team, ZTE operators, manufacturers and research sides to resist against high propagation
institutes. Today, we can clearly feel loss of high-frequency signals. The
that the era of 5G is approaching. concept of beams is also used in low
The diverse expectations about frequencies to further improve coverage
5G vision have been converged. and capacity.
5G user case has fallen into three
typical scenarios: eMBB, mMTC, Lean Design
and URLLC. KPIs relating to each
scenario have also been thoroughly Lean design is vital for network
discussed and accepted by major efficiency and forward compatibility. Its
Yu Guanghui players in the industry. In order to principle is to send few signals that are
Chief Engineer of achieve the anticipated 5G KPIs, many not directly associated with user data
Advanced Wireless new technologies have been proposed. distribution. Such design is applicable
Research, ZTE The following are some of these key not only to common macro coverage but
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

also to scenarios with dense node deployments millimeter waves will also be used for access
or a variety of services. The lean design allows links (base stations and terminals). When
the nodes that are not transmitting data to quickly transmission points are densely deployed
enter a state of deep dormancy, so that power can and have low power, radio backhaul should
be saved. Moreover, these dormant nodes can also be expanded to the non-line of sight (NLOS)
reduce interference to their neighboring nodes. environment as access links. Radio access
links and backhaul links, therefore, cannot be
Separation of User and Control considered as two independent links in the 5G
era. This is why the unified design of backhaul
Control here refers to some system and access is proposed, in which the same
information, for example, the system information infrastructure and techniques are used to enhance
that a UE needs to access a network. User and spectrum utilization and reduce O&M costs.
control may have different scalable design, if As 5G technologies have gradually been
they are separated. Generally, user data should established, global telecom operators and
be supported by densely-deployed transmission regulators are stepping up their efforts in 5G
nodes, while control should be supported by a preparation work. 5G network infrastructure
wide coverage. The separation of user and control is viewed as the cornerstone of future network
can be extended to different frequency bands and society and also an excellent opportunity to
RATs. For example, user data is carried over 5G push traditional industries into the digital age.
high frequency bands, while control information Governments worldwide have all been gearing 22
is transmitted on low-frequency LTE bands. The up and investing heavily in the research of 5G FEB 2017

separation of user and control also makes it easy and 5G-based new applications. ZTE
to transmit beam-based 5G user data in future. In July 2016, the U.S. government released
an Advanced Wireless Research Initiative
D2D (AWRI), claiming that it would invest $400
million in four cities to build 5G platform
A D2D communication function with certain trials in the next seven years. The IMT-2020
restrictions has been introduced in LTE. At the (5G) Promotion Group initiated by the Chinese
beginning of 5G design, D2D communication government has directed Chinas national 5G
was considered as a part of the whole wireless tests and attracted the participation of major
communication solution rather than an mobile equipment vendors worldwide. The
independent solution. In addition to direct UE-to- European Union has launched the 5G-PPP
UE communication, 5G D2D communication also project to maintain its leadership in the future
involves using a UE as a relay to extend network mobile communication industry. In 2014, South
coverage. To avoid uncontrollable interference, Korea announced a plan dubbed Creative 5G
5G D2D communication should be defined under Mobile Strategy that would inject 1.6 trillion
the overall control of a network, especially under won through 2020 with local firms to build the
the licensed spectrum. country as 5G market activator, 5G technology
leader, and 5G standard innovator. To support
Unified Design of Backhaul and Access the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics, the Japanese
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
Wireless technologies have been applied to (MIC) has made its radio policy drafts toward
backhaul usually for high-frequency millimeter 2020 to encourage the 5G research.
waves in fixed point-to-point line of sight (LOS) ZTE has been devoted to developing 5G.
environment. In the 5G era, high-frequency The company has proposed multiple 5G
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Massive MIMO

Lean design

Unified backhaul and access design

Separation of user and control




candidate key technologies. Among them is the first to complete the phase 1 testing of key 5G
multi-user shared access (MUSA) that supports technologies organized by the Chinese Ministry
grant-free transmission and can significantly of Industry and Information Technology. The tests
increase the number of connections supported verified performance of multiple ZTEs key 5G
by the system. ZTE has creatively applied in technologies including massive MIMO, 5G high-
advance the massive MIMO technology into frequency communications, MUSA&MUST, and
4G network and has successfully rolled out 5G network architecture.
Pre5G commercial products for operators With the joint effort of industrial players, 5G
worldwide. At the ITU-R WP5D#25 meeting preparation work is carrying through smoothly.
in October 2016, ZTE was recognized by the The 5G technical architecture is taking shape, its
ITU Expert Group for its 5G high-frequency standardization is speeding up, and 5G prototypes
hybrid channel model based on the 3D digital are closer for commercial readiness. Looking
map. The channel model has been included into future, 5G is not just a simple substitute for
in the framework of IMT-2020 (5G) technical next-generation mobile communications, but an
evaluation report. In addition to researching 5G enabler of innovations on which an abundance of
standards and key technologies, ZTE has also new services will be developed. With more than
invested heavily in developing different kinds of 30 years of development, mobile communications
5G prototypes, and has cooperated with operators have greatly changed peoples daily life. With the
and regulatory authorities to carry out a variety advent of 5G, bigger changes will be taking place
of related tests. In September 2016, ZTE was in the future.
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

Adaptive Functional Splits Enable

Brand-New 5G RAN Architecture

By Xu Fang

G is more and more close to that need to be placed near the antenna
peoples life. With the arrival elements. Cloud RAN can adapt to user
of 5G, many new business scenarios such as ultra-low latency and 24
opportunities will be created ultra-high throughput and also to different FEB 2017

such as driverless car, massive transmission environments such as ideal ZTE

sensors, high quality video, fronthaul (FH) or non-ideal FH. Adaptive
and virtual reality. How to introduce 5G software-defined split architecture will be
into todays 4G networks and to satisfy the deployed for general-purpose and special
diverse requirements have become a major hardware, with functions ideally placed to
concern of the new network architecture. maximize scalability as well as spectrum
This article will focus on 4G evolution and and energy efficiency.
5G RAN architecture. Therefore, how to split the RAN
With the 4G evolution well under functions has become the focus of
way and the 5G being introduced at a fast attention. The RAN functions will be split
pace, RAN architecture is undergoing a in two steps: first determine functional
transformation. The RAN architecture splits and then split the functions
needs to increase deployment flexibility dynamically and appropriately.
and network dynamicity so that operator
networks can meet increasing performance Functional Splits
requirements while reducing costs. In the
3G and 4G stage, RAN consists of base In the study item for a new radio
band units (BBUs) and remote radio units access technology, 3GPP is expected to
(RRUs), and can be gradually transformed study different functional splits between
to Cloud RANa redefinition of the different functional split options. In the
Xu Fang
BBU-RRU architecture that determines legacy RAN, FH refers to the interface
where to place anchor points to enhance between BBU and RRU, which is called Senior Architect of
the network needing combined operations common public radio interface (CPRI), as Wireless Product
and identifies the latency-critical functions shown in the Option 8 in Fig. 1. However, Planning, ZTE
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

Figure 1. General description of split options (Source: 3GPP TR 38.801 V0.2.0).

in the new RAN, user data rates are high and the considered, and the fronthaul interface shall not be
throughput transmitted in FH is very huge, while made quite complex. Therefore, it is recommended
the latency requirements of CPRI are still very that the legacy Option 8 be remained for ideal FH,
strict, so the transmission condition of FH will and Option 1 and Option 2 for the non-ideal FH. In
be more critical. If an operator has ideal FH, the this way, a flexible split of RAN functions can be
Option 8 will be suitable for existing C-RAN provided for different scenarios.
architecture. But if the operator has non-ideal FH, Option 1: RRC is in the central unit. PDCP,
7 new options must be figured out for functional RLC, MAC, physical layer and RF are in the
splits between central and distributed units. distributed unit. In this case, signaling can be
If the same radio protocol stack as used coordinated smoothly, and applications can choose
in LTE will be used, then there could be the to be offloaded to a mobile edge application running
following options for functional splits between on a mobile edge host.
central and distributed units, as shown in Fig. 1. Option 2: RRC and PDCP are in the central
The signaling overhead, resource pool sharing, unit. RLC, MAC, physical layer and RF are in the
CAPEX and OPEX for RRU as well as strict distributed unit. This can reduce latency requirement
latency requirement for HARQ response shall be by an HARQ process in a remote node.

Core network

Centralized unit
Ideal FH 8 2 Non-ideal FH 1

Distributed unit
Typical eNB C-RAN CU-DU

Local service

Figure 2. Deployment of functional splits in the RAN.

pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

Option 8: RF functionality is in the distributed Core network

Control plane flow
User plane flow
unit and upper layers are in the central unit. This is Control plane flow aer moving
the traditional BBU-RRU split that has been used in RRC User plane flow aer moving

the C-RAN architecture in ideal FH.

Centralized unit

Implementations and Deployments

Lets see the whole topology of how
these functions are deployed in the split RAN
architecture. On the left side of Fig. 2 is a typical
NB((NR1) M
N Distributed unit
eNodeB protocol stack topology that is now used
by LTE. The protocol stack topology can support
normal services with ease. In the middle of Fig. 2 High throughput with mobility

is a classical solution in the context of C-RAN

within the CPRI. The solution is used in Option 8. Figure 4. Protocol deployment in a mobility scenario.
The A/D conversion is performed in RRU, while
other functions are centrally processed. Option 1
and Option 2 are on the right side of Fig. 2. If fibre
fronthaul is not available, low latency connectivity
between centralized processing and RRU cannot Option 1 (e.g. mobile edge clouds)
be guaranteed. Therefore, an option is needed
The functional split in this option is similar as 1A 26
to split the functions that are closely tied to and
FEB 2017
synchronous with the radio such as PHY, MAC and architecture in dual connectivity. In this scenario, 5G
RLC related functions, and the functions that are user plane has complete and separate process and can ZTE

less tightly tied to and in LTE asynchronous with be used in mobile edge services with tight latency or
the radio such as PDCP and RRC functions. be used to meet local content caching requirements
Now lets see how different scenarios work on (Fig. 3).
this architecture.
Option 2 (e.g. high throughput with mobility)

The functional split in this option is similar as

3C architecture in dual connectivity. In this scenario,
SgNB (NR) mobility is hidden to core network, so the
Core network Control plane flow requirements for NR mobility such as watching the
User plane flow video in a high-speed vehicle can be relaxed (Fig. 4).

RRC LTE Option 8 (e.g. C-RAN)

Centralized unit

CP LTE PDCP NR If fiber fronthaul is available and a high degree
of centralization is desired, the legacy solution with
LC NR Local
applicaon current C-RAN architecture can be used.
AC NR Besides these alternatives, ZTEs proposal for split
HY NR RAN architecture also supports the flexibility to move
MeNB(LTE) SgNB(NR) Distributed unit
Distr functions as required by services. New use cases and
transmission conditions are flexibly supported. As an
llocal service
evolution of 4G RAN, the split architecture can be
gradually introduced with new business models, new
Figure 3. Protocol deployment in a local application scenario. services and new products.
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

ElasticNet: 5G-Oriented Network

Reconstruction Creates New Value

By Wu Guangwei

n the competition with over- the fast-changing market.
the-top (OTT) providers, Therefore, operators have to
telecom operators are transform themselves thoroughly
7 disadvantaged with slow in terms of network architecture
2016 business growth and are facing and operation model. To achieve
ZTE the following challenges: digital transformation, they need to
Networks are vertically reconstruct networks by adopting
constructed by proprietary SDN/NFV technologies, focusing on
equipment, causing poor data center, and building an open, agile
expansibility, great dependence on and intelligent cloud network.
vendors, and high cost. Network reconstruction is generally
Services, especially highly- divided into three phases (Fig.1):
customized mobile internet Infrastructure reconstruction:
services and internet of things building a cloud-network
(IoT), are hard to be developed. convergence infrastructure layer.
Traditional closed service Function reconstruction:
development model cannot meet constructing an agile and open
user requirements for rapid service function layer.
customization. Operation reconstruction: creating
Proprietary hardware equipment a smart operation orchestration
from various vendors exists in the and management layer.
existing network, and network ZTEs ElasticNet, a 5G-oriented
planning, construction, and O&M open network architecture based
become increasingly complicated, on the SDN/NFV technology,
resulting in high operating costs. enables operators to achieve the
The key to business success is above reconstructions, provides
Wu Guangwei to quickly respond to user demands, them with end-to-end telecom cloud
SDN/NFV Senior shorten time-to-market of new solutions, and assists them in network
Architect, ZTE products, and get products out early in transformation.
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Operation reconstruction
Capability exposure Intelligent and automatic network operation

Function reconstruction
On-demand customization and agile delivery

SDN VDC Infrastructure reconstruction

Network resource sharing and utilization

Figure1. Network reconstruction.

FEB 2017


Infrastructure Reconstruction: Building range of telecom-enhanced IT hardware products

a Cloud-network Convergence tailored for telecom services, and optimizes
Infrastructure Layer NFVI performance with the NUMA, CPU PIN,
SR-IOV, and DPDK technologies based on
In a future network, the cloud data center OpenStack optimization. Meanwhile, costs are
will be as the core, and software will decouple greatly reduced through hardware acceleration,
from hardware. With the SDN technology, traffic without affecting the performance of telecom
among various clouds can be optimized, clouds applications. In addition, software-based carrier-
and networks can be deeply converged, and class enhancement achieves a system reliability
computation, storage, and network resources can be of more than 99.999%, and a reliable disaster-
managed and scheduled in a unified way. Networks recovery center system implements remote data
can be dynamically deployed, and resource pools, backup to switch services seamlessly without
such as VMs, bare computers and containers, losing data.
can be fully used as needed to satisfy user ever- The SDN provides complex connections
changing demands. In this sense, the new network among clouds, meeting tenants requirements for
architecture based on cloud-network convergence cross-WAN distribution, and achieving cross-
is the only way to win customers and develop domain migration of VMs. It also automatically
services in the future. adapts to service adjustment and implements
The question is how to make clouds better end-to-end network orchestration through
adapt to telecom applications. ZTEs TULIP elastic programmable interfaces. Moreover, the SDN-
cloud system virtualized data center solution based backbone network can collaboratively
(TECS-VDC) gives the answer. It provides a full optimize the IP layer and optical layer, and
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality



adjust services as needed according to the service resources, and improve resource utilization through
bandwidth and service level agreement (SLA). dynamic resource allocation and scheduling. In
This optimizes global traffic scheduling and addition, the automatic service provisioning of VDC
reduces transmission cost. can reduce O&M costs and enhance user experience.
Another point of network infrastructure Now, users can use network-wide resources to
reconstruction is how to use resources in a simpler innovate services and improve operation efficiency.
way. VDC technology realizes one-stop shopping
of user resources. With the VDC, users can define Function Reconstruction: Constructing an
the SLA of services, and customize calculation, Agile and Open Service Function Layer
storage, and network resource specifications.
Users can also virtually pool and integrate In the digital era, users value themselves more
physical resources, freely create, delete, or change than ever and therefore have pressing needs for
pecial Topic: 5G Going Beyond Reality

personalized and customized products and services. services, channels, and contents for users, further
Network function reconstruction complies with improving user experience, creating user value,
this trend. Through micro services, and achieving business goals.
componentization, and three core frameworks
(development, services, and O&M), network Successful Applications Worldwide
function reconstruction builds a carrier-class
innovative NFV PaaS platform for operators to meet Up to September 2016, ZTE had deployed
the rapid customization requirements of enterprises, more than 100 commercial ElasticNet networks
individuals, and partners. and PoC trials worldwide in partnership with
With the componentization and network slicing global mainstream operators, including Vodafone,
technologies, ZTEs Cloud Works enables on- Telefonica, VimpelCom, Deutsche Telekom,
demand generation of networks, experience, and Bharti Group, Telekom Austria Group, Telenor,
services, which rapidly builds basic network services and China Mobile.
at low cost. Whats more, the three capabilities (NFV In 2016, cooperating with VimpelCom, a
application hosting, efficient Dev development, leading international communications and
and Ops optimization) of ZTEs Cloud Works technology company, ZTE constructed a vEPC
create a component-based cloud factory, integrating network, which is the largest commercial
operation and service management, and attracting network in the industry and across five
numerous developers to cost-effectively introduce countries. Ovum, a well-known market-leading
personalized services. ZTEs Cloud Works helps research and consulting company, issued the
operators achieve network cloudification, business Digital Transformation and the Role of the 30
innovation, and management transformation, so as to Virtualized Core Network whitepaper, in FEB 2017

smoothly evolve to 5G networks. which VimpelComs vEPC network project ZTE

was specially studied and recommended as a
Operation Reconstruction: Creating a classic case.
Smart Operation Orchestration and In June 2016, ZTEs vCN won the Best Core
Management Layer Network Product award at 5G World Summit
2016 held in London. This award honors ZTEs
ZTEs MICT-OSTM, as the core of the exploration and achievements in the new era of
intelligent management and capacity openness of telecom sector as an initiator and leader.
ElasticNet, is a new-generation management system In November 2016, ZTEs Cloud Works won
integrating unified orchestration, automatic O&M, the NFV Innovation of the Year award
and open operation. By learning from the successful issued by Telecom Asia , an authoritative
O&M concepts of IT enterprises and adopting SDN/ Asian telecom magazine. This award fully
NFV and big-data analysis technologies, ZTEs demonstrates the innovation ability and leading
MICT-OSTM builds a unified service and resource position of ZTE in the NFV field.
orchestration and management system. Currently, ZTE has joined more than seventy
With this system, services are developed standardization organizations. As a gold member
and released in a unified way, and network-wide of Openstack, a platinum member of OPNFV and
resources are allocated and extended flexibly. OPEN-O respectively, and a silver member of
Therefore, the system enables agile service design, OpenDayLight, ZTE comprehensively cooperates
automatic operation, and intelligent O&M, thus with the mainstream manufacturers in the industry,
accelerating innovation and reducing OPEX. such as HP, VMware, and Redhat, plays its role
With big data analysis and artificial intelligence in open source communities, and is committed
(AI), ZTEs MICT-OSTM deeply interacts with to building an inclusive and win-win industry
consumers, and provides personalized products, ecosystem.
ech Forum

An Analysis on 5G
Implementation Feasibility
By Xiang Jiying

his article analyzes a couple of 5G candidate their theoretical limitation; however,
technologies, particularly focusing on their the analytical method has higher
implementation feasibility. It comes up with theoretical limits and thus achieves
7 a conclusion that most of the 5G technologies better performance. This is determined
depend on analytic methods rather than statistical by its own principle.
ZTE methods to achieve performance improvement at The single-channel capacity has
the cost of increased complexity. For example, more antennas almost reached the Shannon limit. If
in massive MIMO systems may not necessarily bring linearly more independent, non-interfering
better performance. Although TDD massive MIMO has and equivalent channels (or SDMA
technological advantages, precise calibration is required channels) are built on the same band,
in implementation. Multi-user shared access (MUSA) and in the same time frame and within
filter bank-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (FB- the same radio propagation space, the
OFDM) offer a better trade-off between the performance and capacity can be increased significantly.
complexity. Theoretically, the statistical method
cannot implement SDMA, while
Fundamental Methods for 5G Technologies the analytical method can do. The
amplitude and phase of signals are
There are two problem solving methodologies: analytic described in the form of complex
method and statistical method. Statistical method is used to numbers, and a separate logical space
predict future events based on a large amount of historical can be built by using the orthogonality
data (big data) as well as a series of extensive regularities. of instantaneous phase.
Analytical method accurately measures relevant input The first issue that the analytical
parameters and calculates unknown events through a precise method needs to solve is un-measurable
regularity or an analytic expression. random signal. Randomness is not
Both statistical and analytical methods are kinds of absolute but relative. An event is an
mathematical modeling of events. The statistical method is a un-measurable random event for the
sub-optimal solution based on simple approximate modeling method A, but may become a certain
with less input, while the analytical method is the optimal measurable parsing event for the
solution with a large amount of input. Both methods have method B. For example, Rayleigh
ech Forum

fading was considered as random, un- should be used to achieve optimal performance at the cost
measurable sensitive events. However, of higher complexity. 5G SDMA and anti-interference
if a coherent method (multi-antenna are such technologies that increase capacity through
joint equalization is essentially a spatial complex analytical calculation. Non-orthogonal telecom
coherence) is used, Rayleigh fading technologies in 5G massive IoT also improve near-far effects
becomes parsing events that can be and increase the number of accessed users through the
accurately measured. Therefore, the complex calculation. However, the filter bank multi-carrier
avoidance of Rayleigh fading by using (FBMC) method introduces inter-symbol interference
the statistical method has evolved and then eliminates the interference to reduce frequency-
into man-made Rayleigh fading for domain leakage. The above-mentioned calculations are more
nullsteering so as to multiply the complicated than linear calculations. Achieving even small
capacity. capacity enhancement through the huge, disproportionate
In the existing radio communications analytic calculations will become quite normal in driving
systems still operating upon the 5G technologies.
classical wave theory, most of the
events can be parsed at the cost of Non-Linear Growth of Massive MIMO Capacity
complex implementation. 5G is seeking
a trade-off between the complexity and The massive MIMO technology can achieve SDMA and
performance. In other words, events are multiply the capacity. Although in principle the maximum
parsed at the appropriate time so that capacity of a single site is directly proportional to the
maximum performance can be achieved number of antennas. For example, 64 antennas should 32
at appropriate costs. provide 64-fold capacity, but actual networking capacity is FEB 2017

As the potential for communications far below the theoretical linear value due to many factors ZTE
has been gradually exhausted and the such as noise, non-ideal spatial channels, and measurement
theoretical limits have been gradually errors. Especially when too many antennas are used, non-
approached, more analytical methods ideal factors may offset the gain brought by additional

Analytic calculations are more complicated

than linear calculations. Achieving even small
capacity enhancement through the huge,
disproportionate analytic calculations
will become quite normal in driving 5G
Xiang Jiying, Chief Scientist, ZTE Corporation
ech Forum



antennas. Therefore, the number of massive MIMO towards 5G, devices are faced with
antennas is not the more the better. Actual implementation two challenges: the more antennas
conditions should be considered for the best price- the higher requirement for calibration
performance ratio. precision, and the higher frequency
TDD provides symmetric uplink and downlink, so the higher requirement for absolute
massive MIMO can be implemented with TDD and even calibration precision.
offer better performance by keeping standards transparent Another problem to be addressed
(with the same air-interface on mobile phones). for TDD massive MIMO is the number
However, there are still some problems with TDD of transmit channels at the terminal
massive MIMO. To leverage its symmetry, TDD massive side. Since terminals are sensitive to
MIMO has extremely high requirements on accurate cost and power consumption, more
calibration. For example, a 2.6 GHz carrier with a phase antennas are used for reception while
difference of around 10 degrees accounts for about fewer antennas or even a single
1/300 ns calibration error, and no device can directly antenna is used for transmission. This
meet this requirement (GPS can only reach up to several damages symmetry to some extent.
nanoseconds). In this case, a two-level calibration Currently, switching transmit is used
mechanism is needed. In the future, when evolving or the amount of single-user streams is
ech Forum

reduced to avoid this damage. division multiplexing (OFDM) has solved the orthogonal
issue between the time domain and frequency domain,
Reducing Receiver Complexity but in principle a serious out-band leakage problem still
for Non-Orthogonal Technology exists. Therefore, a large-enough protective band must be
reserved between the OFDM system and other systems.
MUSA is a non-orthogonal In the time domain, each OFDM symbol is transmitted
5G technology proposed by ZTE. at a constant power within the symbol period and is
Traditional telecom technologies such orthogonalized. As the spectrum of rectangular waves is
as 4G use the orthogonal method a SINC function that features oscillation, it is difficult to
to differentiate users, in which two control the interference between adjacent systems.
users cannot share the same degree 5G proposes to change the shape of filters to
of freedom (DOF). However, MUSA improve frequency domain performance, which is called
allocates a code sequence to each user generalized frequency bank multicarrier (FBMC).
and assigns the same DOF (time, sub- Because the time domain and frequency domain are two
carrier, or space) to these users. A mathematical descriptions of the same signal, the two
successive interference cancellation descriptions are eventually equivalent. Following the
(SIC) receiver is needed to identify principle of energy conservation, the more compact the
users and solve near-far effect time domain response, the looser the frequency domain
problems. In this way, the number of (serious out-band leakage). Therefore, theoretically it
accessed users can be increased. is impossible to find a method that meets the infinite
FEB 2017
MUSA can use the SIC receiver, compactness in both time and frequency domains.
which is relatively simple but can Researchers have proposed a variety of new filtering
significantly improve performance. methods. Their differences are as follows:
With its code energy evenly distributed, Time-domain windowing, cross-signal convolution, and
MUSA provides better coverage under narrowing each sub-carrier in the frequency domain;
the same circumstances. Furthermore, Time-domain convolution and frequency-domain filter
there are abundant available MUSA over the entire bandwidth.
code resources, and even if the In addition to the differences in the time domain, the
extended code length is short (as short filter is also divided into complex-domain filtering and
as 4), there are still thousands of code real-domain filtering according to the filter function.
resources available (complex number From the complexity perspective, since all filtering
value is 9). Therefore, it is easier to methods introduce inter-symbol interference (ISI) in
eliminate scheduling operations, the time domain, their complexity is higher than that in
and a base station can even identify OFDM. Under the same circumstances, the complexity
users through blind detection, with its of real-domain filtering is higher than that of complex-
complexity being controllable. This is domain filtering.
of great significance to the IoT, for it In addition to suppression effects, receiver complexity
increases the standby time and makes and its related delay should also be considered. In short,
it possible for a button cell to work for a trade-off is needed between the time domain and
several years. frequency domain. FB-OFDM proposed by ZTE uses
time domain windowing and complex-domain filtering,
FBMC: A New Filter-Based 5G which is applicable to all bandwidths regardless of the
Waveform Technology number of sub-carriers. With good near-end suppression
effects and simple receivers, FB-OFDM is fairly a
Traditional orthogonal frequency balanced filtering method.
uccess Story

Commercial Reality
to 5G: Cases of
Pre5G Massive MIMO
By Gao Qin

hat progress has where Beijing and Zhejiang rank at the interference verification, and strategic
Pre5G Massive top in the number of sites. Beijing has research on networking interoperation.
MIMO made completed a series of Pre5G validations, In terms of vertical depth coverage,
within one year verifying that Pre5G Massive MIMO the 3D coverage verification shows
since ZTE won can improve site traffic and the average that compared to macro stations on
the Best Mobile number of RRC users in the commercial the same site, Pre5G Massive MIMO
Technology Breakthrough award environment. The experimental results gains more at middle and far points.
and CTOs Choice award at the show that in the areas where Pre5G The download rate gain is 239 percent
7 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Massive MIMO is deployed, the average and upload rate gain is 284 percent. As
2016 February 2016? Lets take a look at the number of RRC connected users is it moves towards cell edge, the gains
highlights of Pre5G Massive MIMO in increased by 24 to 50, the average daily become greater. With the excellent
the actual commercial environment. traffic is increased by 28 GB to 35 GB, weak-field coverage capability, Pre5G
and the daily downstream traffic of each Massive MIMO is propitious to the
Beijing: Pre5G Massive MIMO cell is increased by 53 percent to 82 vertical coverage of tall buildings.
Enables More Users to Stay percent. In terms of hotspot coverage, the
Online On the one hand, Pre5G Massive pressure test and air separation
MIMO alleviates network pressure and performance verification for
The commercial trials of Pre5G reduces the full load probability in busy commercial large traffic indicate that
Massive MIMO have been deployed hours by 30 percent. On the other hand, when the RRC connected users in a
in 38 cities of 29 provinces in China, Pre5G Massive MIMO has good network Pre5G Massive MIMO cell reaches
performance, so the service frequency, 500, the answer-seizure ratio and
rate, and duration are increased. switch success ratio are higher than 99
percent. Meanwhile, the air separation
Zhejiang: The Most performance of Pre5G Massive MIMO
Comprehensive Commercial is excellent. The upstream 4-flow air
Performance Evaluation of Pre5G separation ratio reaches 76.22 percent
Massive MIMO with the throughput of 26.25 Mbps,
and the downstream 7- or 8-flow
In 2016, Zhejiang Branch of ratio is nearly 70 percent with the
China Mobile and ZTE verified five throughput of 231.6 Mbps. The tests
topics of Pre5G Massive MIMO in real show that Pre5G Massive MIMO is
commercial scenarios, including 3D propitious to areas with dense users
Gao Qin
coverage verification, pressure test for and heavy traffic.
Product and Solution commercial large traffic, air separation In terms of networking, the same-
Manager of TDD Product performance verification for commercial frequency networking interference
Team, ZTE large traffic, same-frequency networking verification and strategic research
uccess Story

network in heavy traffic and dense

urban areas in Japan.
In addition to Japan, Pre5G
Massive MIMO is favored in other
Asian markets and the European
market. For instance, Orange, China
Mobile, and ZTE have conducted
three-party cooperation on Pre5G
Massive MIMO. A1 Telekom Austria
chose Pre5G Massive MIMO to
guarantee its largest ski event. Whats
more, Pre5G Massive MIMO trials
are blooming in Austria, South Korea,
Singapore, Indonesia, Spain, Saudi
Arabia and other countries.

Outlook: Pre5G Massive MIMO

2.0 Will Lead the Gbps Era

On September 20, 2016, ZTEs

Pre5G Massive MIMO 2.0 won the
Most Competitive Technology
award at the PT/EXPO COMM
CHINA 2016. Pre5G Massive MIMO 36
2.0 supports multiple frequency bands FEB 2017
and adapts to the mainstream TDD
frequency band. With a small size, it
fits into the BBU+AAU architecture
and is conducive to 5G evolution.
on networking interoperation launched 5G project commercial It also supports multicarrier CA to
indicate that Pre5G Massive services at 100 Massive MIMO meet large capacity requirements
MIMO base stations can inherit base stations in 43 cities nationwide of operators. Through 16-flow
the commercial parameters of since September 2016, and the transmission, it enables the peak
existing networks and offload corresponding 20 GB package has traffic rate of a site to exceed
traffic. Compared with a normal been put on sale, opening a large 1 Gbps. Pre5G Massive MIMO 2.0
4G site, the service beam of a traffic data era in Japan. SoftBank is expected to be put into large-scale
Pre5G Massive MIMO site is claimed to be the first operator in commercial use worldwide in 2017.
narrower, so its same-frequency the world to put Massive MIMO
interference is much smaller than technology into commercial use. At Conclusion
that in a macro station cell. the beginning of 2016, Softbank and
ZTE cooperated on Pre5G Massive Pre5G Massive MIMO focuses
Overseas: Pre5G Massive MIMO products, and they took a on high-end markets, aiming at
MIMO Ushers in 5G Projects commercial test in Softbank in the balancing the surge in traffic demand
first half of 2016. The test results and limited spectrum resources that
Many international operators proved the good performance of operators in the developed market
foresee the future trend of traffic Pre5G Massive MIMO, and the key are facing. It not only enhances the
growth. They made a strategy performance, such as throughput and spectrum efficiency of each site but
of investing in the 5G-oriented mobility, and commercial KPIs meet also is compatible with the existing
mainstream technologies in advance, Softbanks requirements. Therefore, 4G terminals. Pre5G Massive MIMO
so as to seize the initiative. Pre5G Massive MIMO relieves puts the future at operators fingertips.
It is reported that Softbank has the capacity pressure of traditional

X-Site: The Best Choice

for Site MIMO Evolution
By Zhang Jiong

Challenges Enhance both UMTS and LTE network capacity.

Get ready for 44 MIMO LTE evolution timely and effectively.
owadays most of mobile Protect the existing network investment.
operators around the world
operate both UMTS and Problems
LTE networks. UMTS
services are still growing Several solutions are available in the industry for MIMO evolution.
in many countries and will These solutions can improve network capacity but do not have enough
continue to be a main source of revenue flexibility in network evolution or are even difficult to protect existing
7 streams for operators over the next network investment.
2016 few years. But in the meanwhile LTE These solutions cannot reuse the widely available four-port antennas.
ZTE services are growing rapidly, and mobile Although multi-port antennas such as six-port or eight-port antennas
networks need to evolve from existing provide more ports, they still have a limited number of ports available
22 MIMO to 44 MIMO to meet the for low bands such as 1.8GHz and 2.1GHz. Operators often need to use
explosive growth of data traffic. The external combiners for multi-band site deployment. This complicates
evolution will be a long-term process installation and maintenance and thus increases costs.
for most operators. Horizontal six-sector split is a common solution for UMTS capacity
There are three major challenges enhancement, but it has distinct disadvantages. This solution requires new
operators have to face when they evolve network planning, takes long time to deploy, and may waste the investment
their networks from UMTS/LTE to in existing six-sector antennas when three-sector LTE antennas will be
higher-order MIMO LTE. used in future.
Therefore operators expect a complete solution that can address all
these issues. The solution should not only enhance network capacity but
also be easy to deploy, save costs and protect investment. X-Site is such a
complete and effective solution put forward by ZTE.

Features and Benefits

The X-Site solution consists of three parts: RRU cascading, vertical

sector split, and X antenna.

RRU Cascading

Zhang Jiong
RRU cascading is a technology that uses internal combiners and
Solution Manager of FDD supports cascading of multiple RRUs on different frequency bands (Fig. 1).
Product MKT & Solution X-Site RRU cascading enables service provision on multiple bands without
Team, ZTE changing existing two-port or four-port antennas. This saves costs in

#A #B #C #D




1.8G/2.1G 1.8G/2.1G 1.8G/2.1G 1.8G/2.1G/2.6G
2-port antenna 4-port antenna 4-port antenna 4-port antenna

1.8G 2T2R 1.8G 4T4R 1.8G 4T4R

2T4R 2T4R

1.8G 2.1G
2.1G 2T2R/2T4R 2.1G 4T4R
2.1G 2T2R

2.3G/2.6G 4T4R


Figure 1. X-Site RRU cascading.

external combiners and makes possible easy installation and maintenance. MIMO without any investment waste.
The cascading also has flexible application scenarios. Using NMS software to monitor in
a real-time manner basic network
Vertical Sector Split conditions (such as the penetration
rate of 44 MIMO terminals),
Vertical sector split leverages the widely available four-port dual-RET operators can switch with ease and
antenna that can be set with different tilts so that the original single sector in efficiency to the evolution network
the same antenna is split to form two different sectors (Fig. 2). The vertical when conditions are satisfied.
sector split solution can provide a capacity gain close to that obtained by the 38
conventional horizontal sector split solution. Moreover, the vertical sector Trials and Results FEB 2017

split solution can address the problems underlying in the horizontal sector ZTE
split solution. It does not need to renew network planning, nor deploy new X-Site has been put into trials in
antennas. Instead, X-Site can be deployed overnight and quickly delivers overseas markets. A leading operator
mobile services. X-Site also uses a full array of interference cancellation in Indonesia is among the first ones
solutions to eliminate interferences introduced in GSM, UMTS and LTE to run an X-Site trial. The recent joint
respectively to an acceptable low level. This ensures that the vertical sector UMTS test by the operator and ZTE
split solution is flexible, cost-efficient, and also has high performance. has shown that the X-Site solution can
significantly increase voice capacity
X Antenna by up to 33% and data capacity by
up to 32% and 44% respectively in
X-Site has innovative X antennas that can switch freely between three- HSDPA and HSUPA.
sector mode and six-sector mode by dynamically adjusting lobe width. This
gives operators one more solution for easy and smooth evolution to 44 Conclusion

X-Site is an innovative site
solution with high flexibility,
efficiency and performance that
can help operators worldwide make
smooth evolution from UMTS or
low-order MIMO LTE to high-order
MIMO LTE. X-Site outperforms other
sector #1#1 LTELTE
Sector #2 #2
UMTS Sector
sector #1#1 UMTS
UMTSSector #2 #2
sector alternative solutions in each key sector
GSM sector #1#1
GSM Sector GSM Sector #2
GSM sector #2
of the evolution process and will
certainly help operators increase their
competitiveness in the competition.
Figure 2. X-Site vertical sector split.

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