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Reflection on Unit Plan

Subas Bk

International Teachers College, UPH

Dr. Spanogle

Instructional Alignment II

12 April 2017

Reflection on Unit Plan

Instructional Alignment course helped me a lot to know how to make a unit plan. The fist

I have learned that I need to have planned for the unit plan that how long, what grade, subject

area, and a topic I am going to teach. I should know that what I want my students to learn from

the whole semester, how I am going to achieve my goals, what kinds of assessments would be

given for students, what kinds of activities I need to find, and how I can find suitable objectives

for students. To make a unit plan next time, I will find the relevant unit plan topic based on grade

level. If I want to teach mathematic for grade two then I cannot choose algebra topic for my unit

plan because grade two students cannot understand about algebra. I will research about students

profile and grade standard which helps me to find relevant unit plan topic. I will make the theme

as what I want my students to achieve an end of the semester. I will connect my unit plan topic in

biblical perspective. I will find some essential questions for the until plan which helps enduring

understanding. I will determine what knowledge my students will get, what skills students will

able to do, and what disposition students will value from the unit plan. I will find various kinds

of formative assessments for students and summative assessment. I will make a unit schedule so

I would know how many lesson plans I have, what objectives, assessments, and activities that I

am going to use for each lesson.

Talking about my strengths and weakness on making unit plan, my first strength is that

how to choose a relevant Unit Plan Topic based on grade level. I made a unit plan of

Autobiography Writing for grade 5. I think it was a good topic for the grade five because they

already can write the paragraph. I chose this topic because it helps them to improve writing

skills. Students will value their own personal history. If I teach this unit plan topic for the grade

five, students would able to write an autobiography. In my teaching practicum, I taught all the

topics that related with grade level. One of my topics was Read Aloud I choose a book name

Stone Soup. The book was an illustration book and it did not have a long paragraph. It was a

related book for a grade two. I was able to teach that book very well. If I chose a book that does

not have illustrations and have long paragraph then it would be hard to understand book for

grade 2.

My second strength on a unit plan is that Assessment part because I have many kinds

of assessments that are relevant to my lesson plans. As I learned in the class that effective

teachers need to find many various assessments. Using diverse types of assessments help a

student learn from diverse ways. I used group work, worksheet, practice to write, create a story

map, and revising essay individually as assessments for my 10 lesson plans of the unit plan. If I

give just worksheet to my students in each class they would not prefer to work on worksheet

anymore. Group work helps them to collaborate each other and they can learn from each other by

sharing their ideas and knowledge. Students can improve writing when they get an opportunity to

practice writing in the classroom. I put to create a story map as an assessment because it will

help students to know what to write on their autobiography writing.

As I got feedback from Dr. Spanogle Subas your objectives listed in the knowledge,

skills, and dispositions are different than those listed in your assessment mapping. These should

both contain the same objectives. I found my weakness on Assessment Mapping. I thought

that knowledge, skills, and dispositions parts are different from objectives assessed. For the I

time, what I will do is I will research what students Need to know, what they can do and what

they value from my unit plan topic. I will list all objectives on Assessment Mapping. I was

struggling with finding good objectives during my practicum. My cooperating teacher said that

You should connect your objective that students will do in the classroom. This was my

objective Student will get some information about Nepal (For example, a location of Nepal, a

capital city of Nepal, presidents name of Nepal, the papulation, the currency, official language,

landscape, divisions, districts, and religions. The student will respect others culture for the

lesson Instruction of Nepal I will use the objective that students will discuss Nepal. It will help

students to learn about Nepal when they share in a group.

In conclusion, I have learned how to make a unit plan. I have some strength and

weakness areas on unit plan. I will try my best to use the strategies on unit plan what I have

learned in the classroom. I will work on my weakness areas more.

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