Sop Perforation HSD

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1. Job safety meeting and review DOS.

2. Vehicle pre trip inspection and journey management.
3. Mobilize equipment.
4. Well site survey: Stray voltage, HSE risk assessment, and lifting plan.
5. Make sure that the well is done with circulation and in stable condition.
6. Setup logging truck. perform pre trip inspection of logging unit.
Follow Field Operation Manual FOM MAN-GL-HAL-WPS-021
Follow Truck and Skid operation FOM MAN-GL-HAL-WPS-051
7. Rig up operation.

Follow Rig up operation FOM MAN-GL-HAL-WPS-033

8. Make up and RIH BSAT CBL as per CBL BSAT Manual

9. Surface check tool:

Ensure all measurement for all tool string length

10. Ensure sensor delay are correct.
11. Depth Control Manual and winch operation FOM MAN-GL-HAL-WPS-029. Perform
correlation with reference log.
12. Slowing down in restriction
13. When all tool are in the mud. Check all depth correction. Verify that sonic wave is
normal. Continue RIH with maximum speed following the 80/120 rule. While running in
hole, down-log and check tension every 300 m. During RIH, try to find free pipe section
and calibrate the tool on this free pipe section. Even if it is in the double casing, perform
the calibration. This calibration will be used as backup calibration in the case no free
pipe section can be found in the single casing.
14. After calibration, continue RIH. If in the single casing we find free pipe section, perform
calibration and insure the CBL is not calibrated at a joint. Log up a 50 m free pipe
section at 10 m/min.
15. Preform down log to PBTD at 35 m/min or following 80/120 rule (which one reached
16. Tag PBTD and log up 100 m @ 10 m/min for repeat section. Drop back down, and
come up logging Main section @ 10 m/min.

Tool needed for correlation :


Correlation Reference Log :

Client will provide hardcopy of Open Hole log and Cased Hole Log (GR-CCL
Correlation Log or GR-CCL-CBL-VDL Log).
BSAT CBL Reference

Calibrate if found free pipe for backup cal

Depth survey as per clients
Log Main, repeat, and free pipe section
Perform correlation at target depth and compare
to GR-CCL at Open Hole Log


o Perform depth control as per procedure

o Record repeat pass 100 m
o Send the log to town for further analysis
o Insure you are reading the correct pipe travel time

17. Continue Record CBL log from PBTD to the surface with 35 m/min, and 5 m/min through
the BOP.

18. Pulling out hole safely, follow winch operational procedure.

19. Rig down and check tool string assembly.
20. Make up GR (optional) - CCL - Gun 4-5/8 or 3-3/8.
For CCL Perforation refer to CCL FOM Manual_D00621898
Ensure gun loaded as per ShockPro Lite underbalance simulation result
Please refer to this link for gun loading procedure Scalloped gun, Capsule,
After connect the gun to the tool string, measure CCL to top of shot distance. client
representative have to be present and confirmed that the measurement is correct

21. Surface check tool:


Ensure all measurement for all tool string length

Ensure CCL delay are correct.

22. RIH tool as per Depth Control Manual and winch operation FOM MAN-GL-HAL-WPS-
029. Perform correlation with reference log.

Tool needed for correlation :

CCL (GR as contingency if GR CCL not available or no CCL distinct pattern)

Correlation Reference Log :

CUSTOMER will provide hardcopy of Open Hole log and Cased Hole Log
(GR-CCL Correlation Log or GR-CCL-CBL-VDL Log).
If Hardcopy of Reference Log unavailable at Location, use latest BHA tally
and tubing tally
4-5/8 and 3-3/8 Perforation Reference

Run in hole
Correlation on well reference (if -
Surface TD available)
Correlate to reference log from 3 collar
below perforation zone to 3 collar above
Tag the line after first run


Ensure correlation log is correct, up to date, no hand writing and cover target
zone interval.
Count the collar between all well jewelry.
Ensure all sensor offset are correct.
Slowing down at restriction.

23. Pulling out of hole safely, follow winch operational procedure.

24. Rig down and check tool string assembly.
25. Perform post trip logging unit.
26. Perform journey management if applicable.
27. Demobilize equipment back to base.
28. Complete paperwork, Orion and LQA.

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