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16 ornarnental Iake: The word to listen for is

17 swimming pool: Listen for: ... the top right-
p8-9 Listening Section 1 hand corner ...; Just here beside the pitches ...
Questions 1-4 18 (flower) garden: Listen for: .... in the top left-
hand corner.
1 Frarnlington
19 play area: Listen for: In tile bottom left corner
2 4411 92 and above the block of flats.
3 5/five nights (only) 20 cafe: Listen for: bottom right-hand corner of the
4 l/four park.

Questions 5 and 6 p13 Listening Section 3

Band C: in any order. John asks: What's the hotel Questions 21-23
like? The Receptionist describes it. Then John says:
iohat appeals to me most ... hotel's very convenient 21 C: The Registrar Andy Matthews asks:
for all the uiater buses. And ... 0 terrace with. the room I Have you any problems with the course
really find very appealing. These are big plusses! The itself? Rosana replies: l' think the course is
other items MC not given. really worthwhile (valuable). She does not
mention speed (B) and worthless (A) is the
opposite of worthwhile.
Questions 7-10
22 B: The Wednesday sessions make her: ... too
7 17th March: The receptionist says: Can you exhausted for my work on Thursdays and
lell me tohcn you'd like to leave? Note that depart Fridays. Even though she may arrive home
and leave are related. late on Wednesday, she doesn't give this
8 716: Listen for a question related to cost. as a reason. She likes the course tutors, so
C is not correct.
9 15/fifteen: The receptionist says: ... you get (J

further 15S~reduction ... 23 A: Andy says: ... but you realise it's possible
you'll have a different tutor. Neither B nor C
10 FAPSJMI5: The receptionist says: I'll just give are mentioned.
you a reference for the reservation.
Questions 24 and 25
Questions 11-13
D and E in any order. Listen for positive words
11 decade: Listen for the word development and about the new programme. Rosana says: It's the
lying unused for ... flexibility ... that iS1)ery useful. And what makes it
12 (small) business park Listen for pressure and
even more interesting iB that I don't have to spend
o lot of time travelling to and from the university
training to prepare for the answer.
011 the Wednesday. The other alternatives are not
13 (local) organizations/organisations: The mentioned,
sentence helps you predict the type of word. It
is some kind of group. Note the noun is in the Questions 26--30
plural. The word sponsorship helps you listen 26 course diary: Andy says: ... expected to keep a
for the answer. written course diary.
Questions 14-20
27 written exam: Andy says: ... a written exam
14 Parksid e: Follow the instructions. The street is ... "[oil!account for 30 per cent. The information
at the bottom. is the other way round, so you need. to be
15 40 studio flats: The block of flats is: on the left careful.
of the entrance, in the bottom left-hand corner of 28 design: Listen for the word course work. Andy
the plan. then says: The design portfolio, which you need to
present at the end ...

"-- __ /
29 50 per centlpercent/%: This comes closely
after the previous one, so be careful.
30 fashion show: Listen for the word present.

p37 Listening Section 1

p13 Listening Section 4
Questions 1-5
Questions 31-37 1 70
31 A: The student says that the collection of the 2 September 15th/15th September
data was: ". to find out what effect, if any,
3 Mandela Suite
various buildings have on people's mood. So
the survey is not about collecting data 4 3.30/9
about buildings themselves (B), nor the
5 PA57CJ
attractiveness of buildings (C).
32 C: Listen for the word originally. The reason
given by the student is related to time.
Questions 6-10
The student says: ... were worried that 6 40: The number fort' (stress on the first
doing the questionnaire would be too time- syllable) can be confused with fourteen (stress
consuming jor people to fill in, so we gave up on the second syllable).
the idea. It is not about the time taken to
7 293381: numbers are usually said in pairs
produce (A) nor the difficulty of writing
or in threes: two nine three three (or double-
the questions (B).
three), eight one.
33 B: Listen for scale and using the scale. The
8 tables and chairs: Listen for the numbers.
result of using the scale was the fact that
Note the plural in both cases.
the information was easier to collect. The
student says: ... meant that it 'would be much 9 30/thirty: the pound sign is already there so
simpler to record people's reactions. do not write pounds.
34 C: Listen for the word images: The reason 10 damage and injury: Listen for the numbers.
given was to do with colour: we used
H' Be careful with the spelling: the c on the end
colour rather than black arid wllite to make the of damage and no plural.
detail on the images clearer.
p38-39 Listening Section 2
35 A: Listen for a word related to preserve:
protection. Questions 11-13
36 A: Listen for: We also asked a sample of the 11 C: Listen for the 'words gree/1 products. the
general public including H. B and C are not speaker says: ... lIew 'green products' cOlI/illg
mentioned although the word exited is onto the market for the enuironmcnmllu
mentioned in relation to tourists. conscious. Young people (D) and higher
prices (A) (HC not mentioned.
37 B: We found that we had to appoint a leader to
12 B: The speaker says: ... grass roofs as interest
stop us pulling in different directions. There
in sustainable ecological ouilding has led
is no mention of A or C.
to tile greening of the rooftop of residen t ia!
and conuuerciai buildings around the world.
Questions 38-40 So he is talking about homes and other
buildings (commercial buildings). Europe
38 A
(A) is not mentioned and we don't know
39 C if grass roofs are used more on residcntia I
buildings than others.
40 D
_ 13 :\: The speaker mentions ;\ twice: ... insulation Questions 24-28
and ,lro/lU/gc. (~r
'J7'('/1 0/1 top llu: insulation
and drnlJlI1ge layer is added a filial layer of soil 24 C: Listen for the example and then be
Cc) arc mentioned, but you need
... (I3) and prepared for the first name. You can
to concentrate until the words insulation predict that most of the answers will be
and drainage occur.
given by Dr Owen, When you look at
A-G, underline must read, recent articles,
abstracts, links, references, useful, limited.
Questions 14-18 This will reduce what you have to look
at as you listen. Dr Owen says skim the
14 maintenance: Listen for ridvl1l1fnges/bem!fiJs or
abstracts and then Karen says: It cuts out
positive words. Always keep the headings in
having to read everything.
the table in mind. The words ill summer/coo!
arc the key words to listen for. 25 G: Dr Owen is not very enthusiastic about
this one: If I remember it's not that useful. J
15 unattractive: Listen until the speaker finishes
'Would say that there are very few things that
talking about the advantages (biodivcrsityand
water absorption) and listen for words related
you need to read there.
to appearance (look). 26 B: Listen for the name of the website and
then the recommendation. Dr Owen says:
16 tidy: once the speaker starts talking about the
those that have come out in the last term or so.
tiles listen for how they look.
17 heat: The key words to listen for are <;U1II1Iler
27 F: Listen for the words helpful, beneficial
and then absorption.
(useful) after the name of the site.
18 pricey: Listen for the advantages and then
28 D: Listen for the name and Dr Owen's
the disadvantage introduced with the word
comment which comes immediately
afterwards: ... trying out the links that it
Questions 19 and 20
B and E in anv order. Trv to listen for educaiinv
..) 1,,)1
Questions 29 and 30
competition, celebrities, COSt/clH'i7/7J1CSS and media at
29 and 30 A and B in either order. Listen for
the same time. Underline only these words, not negative comments. Underline the noun in each
the whole phrase, and listen for them or related
alternative except for E. Listen as Or Owen
words. talks about the volume of information and her
p40 Listening Section 3 comments about visuals: How much should T
use? Avoid crowding the screen. If you have lots of
Questions 21-23 information at one time .... But what about visuals?
21 electronic Listen for the words:
,'(lltlg and present. Note the
to (puinnino), 1/5('
p42 Listening Section 4
answer begins wi th a vowel and is a noun or
adjective + noun.
Questions 31-40
22 back-up: Again the answer is a noun. Listen 31 taught
for the words power-point presentation. The 32 21/twenty-one
words cover myself do not fit here.
33 lecturers
23 specific background material: You need to
listen for the word toebsites and then what the 34 restoration
speaker's purpose is for asking for the names.
35 mechanism of printing
36 computer-literate
37 crash. programmes/programs
38 restorers, conservationists 12 (quick) tour: The speaker says: The mail! aim
of the Open Day is fa .... When YOll hear these
39 printing machines
words you know the answer is coming.
40 applications
Questions 13-15
13 oversee training: Listen for the name and
p66 Listening Section 1 then for the responsibility of the person.
Once YOll hear the name Scan Bond and his
Questions 1-5 responsibility, you know you a re abou t to
hear the others, In this case. the speaker S<lYs:
1 3.5 kg/kilogrammes/kilograms: TI1is is heavy Next we have Mrllsarcl Lloyd. Her mam fl/llctlOl/
these days as the Union Rep says. is to ...
2 (only) O.S/nought point five GB/gigabytes: 14 manage bookings: T11(' next person is [mues
The speaker says: ... only 0.5. Todd, who is: '" our Liaison Officer, WllI1t he does
3 37.5 cm: David says: Well, mmm ... the screen is is ...
... let's see, it's 37.5 cm. 15 prevent injuries: For the next person, Edward
4 2Yz: David says: The battery lasts for 2Vz hours Marks, the speaker says: 1-1is main roll' is to ...
which is okay but not enough. for lOHg train
journeys. Questions 16-18
5 wireless: The Union Rep again repeats the 16 E: In these three questions listen for the floor
information: Right. Okay. Not wireless. in each
case and then afterwards comes
the amenities. The speaker says: On the
Questions 6-10 ground floor there are ... with the sltap and
cafeteria over here ...
6 scanner and headphones: You can use your
own knowledge to help you predict what 17 C: The speaker says: all the first floor, wc have

equipment goes with computers. But always a full range affitm!ss machines '" atound
check that your prediction is correct. iohicl: there arc various offices.

7 300/Three hundred pounds: Be careful with 18 B: The speaker says: Or! the second floor, there
the numbers. The seller says: It's 'worth about is a series of sniall therapy rooms with waitil"1:{
900-1000 new. The Union Rep points out it's areas Ivr cl ien ts.
second hand. The Union Rep then says: ... So
shall we say 300? and David says: Okay put Questions 19 and 20
19 3/three: Check the other items on the table.
8 Bristow: Be careful with the letters P, Band R. This will help you predict the type of answer.
9 09875423387. Remember the numbers are In thi case it is a number.
usually said in threes or twos: zero nine 20 Thursday 4.30: Check the other items on the
eight/seven five/four two/three three (or table. This will help you predict the type of
double three)/ eight seven. answer. In this case it is a day and a time.

10 22nd October. ote the correct spelling of

p69 Listening Section 3
Questions 21-30
p68 Listening Section 2 21 2nd December: The word Date tells VOll what
is required here.
Questions 11 and 12
11 permanent staff members: Listen for the
number 9. Be careful with the plural.
22 academic: Use the heading on the table to 32 C: Listen for the words centre and focus. The
the left to gUide you. Listen for the tutor's other two are incorrect because neither are
question about what they thought overall and mentioned.
then Mark's comment that the presentation
went well generally. Then listen for Anna's 33 B: Listen for snapshot research and conducted.
comment about what Mark says. The word The speaker does not mention the Internet (A)
thorough or a synonym follows this and or personal contact (C).
prepares you for the answer.
23 professional: Use the heading on the table to Questions 34 and 35
the left to guide you. Listen carefully when
34 33lthirty-three %/per cent/percent: Listen for:
Mark mentions the hand-outs.
The most common reasons given for the businesses
24 about a third: After the two students closing were: first, high rents 'H

comment on the hand-outs, the tutor then

comments on the length and says: Perhaps, 35 21two: Listen for: Since the centre came into
YOl/ could have cut them by ....
existence three years ago, we have helped to change
this climate of failure, The current statistics ...
25 sequence: Use the heading on the table to the
left to guide you. You can perhaps predict the
meaning but not the exact word. The word Questions 36-40
order might come to mind first.
Use the headings, Size of business/Companies to
26 technical ability: The tutor's comment gives guide you and then the size and names of each
you a clue that it is something technical. business. When they mention what the company
Listen far synonym of overestimated: rated ... is doing, listen for the support given afterwards.
loo highly.
36 stock
27 set out: Use the heading on the table to the
left to guide you. You can perhaps predict 37 production targets
the meaning not the exact words. When the 38 expansion plans
'words aim and o/Jjccfivl's are said by the tutor
and Mark has given his comment, be ready 39 (company's) product range
for Anna's. 40 team building
28 average: Use the heading on the table to the
left to guide you. When the tutor asks about
this be ready for Mark's comment.

29 most improvement: After the twa students

have given their comments and the tutor
p95 Listening Section 1
gives some ncg<.ltivl' feedback listen for the
Questions 1-4
words: To me this is the area that requires ...
1 C: Listen for the words: two types of
30 71 even: Use the heading on the table to the
left to guide you. membership/life-time membership. Be careful
about the order of the numbers.
p71 Listening Section 4
2 C: The answer comes fairly closely after
Questions 31-33 number 1. When you hear ordinary
membership, listen carefully.
31 A: Listen when the speaker says; We
established the Centre in response to approaches 3 B: You can perhaps predict from the question
from seteral bIlSill(,.-;s pl'ople ... Moreover, they that there is a discussion about week-day
11Ild all tcithout exception come up against ... and week-end openings. Listen carefully
t> 15 incorrect because it is the opposite. C when you hear the words: week-days and
is incorrect because although obstacles is opening times.
mentioned, the speaker says: ... enormous
bureaucratic obstacles - we do not know how

4 B: Once the woman asks about the 17 B: The winner will be given a cash prize, not
programme, listen for an adjective vouchers (A). The two runners up will
(extensive) to describe it. A is the opposite receive book tokens (C).
of Band C is not mentioned. 18 A: The purpose of the donation is: to help
fund much needed specialist apparatus
Questions 5-10 (equipment). Band C are not mentioned.
19 B: The speaker mentions last year's
5 Rochester: Be careful with the name spelling,
organization: to help make sure the actual
especially the ending.
parking is more organized than last ymr,
6 Stone Avenue: Remember not to write the -whicl! was a mees. This means there was a
number as it is in the question. Be careful with problem. A and C arc not mentioned.
the letter 'e' at the end of the words Avenue 20 C: The speaker mentions that the bags arc
and Stone.
only for all the recyclable material, like
7 MA74PQ: Be careful with the numbers. glass and plastic, not all rubbish (A) and
not food (B).
8 6633:You will normally hear the numbers in
pairs: six six/three three/rather than sixty-
six/ thirty-three or double six/ double three. p98 Listening Section 3
9 (monthly) instalments: Note the plural. Questions 21-23
10 fortnight: Listen when the woman asks about 21 B: When Mary asks about the exam, Adam
bringing in a friend as a guest. replies: Of the eueu exams, ... So A and C
are incorrect.
p96 Listening Section 2
22 A: Listen when Adam and then Mary
Questions 11 and 12 mention the two essay papers. Adam
says: / don't think it's a good way of fcstin!?
Band 0 in any order. When the speaker mentions
our theoretical medical knowledge. So His
the word changes, listen carefully. Listen for the
wrong as it mentions practical and C is the
nouns in the list A-E and listen for the adjectives
opposite of i\.
or their synonyms (for the word free: without
chargelwillllot have to pay). 23 C: Mary and Adarn have a discussion about
multiple-choice questions. Listen carefully
when Mary says they disad vantage
Questions 13-15 women. She then says: Multiple-choice
questions benefit men more than 71)Olllen. They
13 shop: When the speaker mentions the number
are a male construct. A is wrong because
of teams, listen for the name of the first
this is not mentioned and B says they
which is the Beach Team. Follow through the
benefit females not males.
information in the table. After the speaker
mentions the litter, listen carefully.
Questions 24 and 25
14 seating: Immediately the speaker mentions
the second team, listen for their purpose: Band E in any order. Listen when they start
...will be responsible for setting out seating. discussing the role-play. Be careful with A (resl
not test). There is no mention of C and D.
15 9.30: The time is given after the meeting point
is mentioned. Questions 26-30
26 prioritize/prioritise actions: With the
Questions 16-20 summary, pick the key words to help you
predict when the answer is coming. Listen
16 A: The speaker says: On the whole, the [udge
first for problem-solvi1i?( and then working ill
will have had experience of judging before. So
groups of 'four,
not all the judges, but most of them will
have experience. So C is wrong and B is
not possible.
27 (four/4) examiners: Listen carefully when 39 bank: Listen for the phrase constantly processed
Adarn asks if \:lary Ielt comfortable with 'four shortly after the answer for number 38.
examiners watching.
40 experts/centres: Both answers are correct.
28 listen: Listen carefullv when Adam says: The Listen for the word collated and then analysis.
test doesn't just assess ;uiIcther people can" talk a
lot, It's about ....
29 learn: The answer comes immediately after
number 28.
30 appeal: When Adam asks about the policy on
re-sits, the answer is coming.

p99-100 Listening Section 4

Questions 31-33
31 A: The speaker says: tile Indian Ocean is
diffewlt from the two larger oceans in that it
is landlocked 10 lite north. She does not say it
is warmer (8) nor does she say it does not
extend into cold regions (C).
32 B: Listen carefully when the speaker starts
t'llkmg about figl1fe. She says: ... the
ocean constitutes approximately one-seoentli
of the earth's urfnce and about 20 per cent of
the world's total ocean area. The word one-
seventh relates to the proportion of the
total earth's total surface (seven in A). C is
33 C: The speaker says: Madagascar (and Sri
Lanka) ... stmctllrnlly parts of the continents
of t\{rica and Asia. The Seychelles are
mentioned in relation to submerged
ridges (A). Mauritius and Reunion are
volcanic cones (B).

Questions 34 and 35
34 acidity: Listen for the words oceanographers
and lIteteorologists.
35 habitats, peoples: Listen for the words
osseesmen: and impact.
Questions 36-40
36 observing ice packs: When the speaker starts
talking about the ship and the buoys, she is
beginning to talk about the data collection and
processing. Immediately after she mentions
the number of buoys, she gives the answer.

37 size: Listen for the word saicltito.

38 raw: When you bear the phrase: here at the
Institute, listen for the type of data that is

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