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Note: As first I have never thought that I am going to get so far...

with 44 boo
ks have published officially even what bothers me... they with each day ...more
and more get created and published, I can do that forever.
In the First Deeper Level Collection, I had the chance and the time to put only
few stories in the new Deeper Level Collection, I have put almost all stories wh
ich I have ever wrtten under the category Deeper Level.
P.S.: Please God Forgive me... I just feel like I should tell this story... true
or not I just want to free my mind from it, once and for all!
Pretty bit coughing and coughing and coughing... I am guessing that it's from th
e smoking. People just don't stop saying that this smoking and even so much alco
hol drinking soona or later it is going to take my life...
Sometimes strangers... other times are friends who try to judge me!
First I am not a biatch to cry for forgiveness, I just accept it like this... yo
u forgive or not... I am ain't going to ask... if you don't forgive me... after
all it's your problem... nothing as it follows it's going to make your life bett
er or the story in some kinda way to improve my life.
You could say "FUCK It" and just to go and do something else... but if you are h
ere it means that you have made your choi've and nobody can change your opinion.
Just to know as for now... I am not a fortunate teller.. I just do stuff... I ch
ange stories in the name of better... I change you in the name of better ending.
I could continue one way or another way... The Way which is filled with crap or
the way which is the story which is the main point here. I am not here to fill y
our time with shit...!
BUT BUT BUT ..... this is the only THING.... WHICH iin my life HAS LEFT, as on t
he record I don't have children, neither and wife or fiancee.
I am glad to say and to announce and to keep spreading this story, because as it
follows probably at least few drops are from my life... Before we start I shoul
d at least give you few details.
(Note: I know that I suck in details, but I should give you something after all,
What I have as for now is one room or probably let's put it as a house... A Wood
en one in the middle of nowhere the house is...
What you just have read is what's inside... or how do I see the world from my PO
As for outside is fucking cold, it's heavy snowing... few inches snow from the g
round. In both places out or inside is fucking freezing, I still can survive wit
h smoking and alcohol.
(Purely statically... science says that)
Which means... it could raises body temperature in our case... my body temparatu
If you look it from this here point, it's very damn useful, but if we look it fr
om the dead point, soon we will be in the dead zone.
(Note: That's a story ... You know that here I can be everything and everyone...
time has stopped here... But what's for sure, I am not an example of prosperous
person... I am one real example of failure - You name It.)
What I have done
I really can't excuse myself and even to be so selfish and impudent to ask for f
orgiveness. What I have done nobody can forgive me... I am full of sins, you kno
w me already... watching people... then illegaly entering in their homes.
It's still each day of mines a lucky one I haven't been caught from the police n
either and from somebody else... I just have principles of survival, I won't tel
l you my name... I won't give you any kinda of adress or something more which co
uld help you in easy way identifying me.
The truth is that I want to stay as much in the shadows as possible. Enough trou
bles, already I have been done! ...
There are three kinds of killers...

The FIrst one are the people which just go and tell to all people what they have
done and they get the proper consequences.

The Second just start sending to police messages like taking them as a joke... I
mean everything which they do they make it as a joke... they just mask it as a
joke, the last type of people they do stuff and they keep them for themselves. F
rom what I have now told to you, I really don't know which category I could go..
. probably in the second one!?!?!?!?!

Sometimes I feel guilty and I want to go in jail in others... I just say in my m

ind that jail isn't the place for me and the police or the let's put it like the
fucking cops are going to stop me from doing what I like...
Okay, anything about honesty ain't bad... the fucking TRUTH IS THAT...I am not
prepared to meet so much evil people in one place, this place is a place where y
ou get in and never get out... days go slowly and slowly and slowly and a lot of
people fuck with you.
(Note: When you end up in jail... nothing comes and goes well... always there wi
ll be someone or somebody or something which is going to screw you up... Piss yo
u off... one way or another way... that now you are calm it can't stay forever.)
Keep in Mind
Once in jail... you become somebody's biatch... once somebody biatch then you ge
t fucked and fucked and fucked... just pray to god everything to be good or let'
s say stop doing this... you just doing nothing in a zone of nothing.
But this doesn't mean someday it won't come in which I am going to be in jail...
In jail to pay for my actions... there are consequences for everything. Until t
hen I will do in what I am damn good.

Who and How

Who am I?... Probably I have already done.... 3-4 killings, not too much, but th
is won't be the end. ...I have a car and I should at least use it... At least fe
w times in the week... you know that routine!?
Last time I just kill somebody... until now I should be on deathrow...Taking som
ebody's life... the proper judge is in jail... but I am still here and typing he
re this story and spreading it to a lot of people... killers and not killers...,
unfortunately... I am more fortunate and I am not planning to go there... - I d
on't know about you... but I know about myself... jail is for somebody else... w
ho is ready to lose his time there... my time is here... killing people!
Whatzoever you think, I have ways to safe myself from there and some stuff stay
in mind others go out... you know the drill.

You know... I know... we all know this profile... most people kill just for sex,
others for revenge in my case I could use and both reasons. As for revenge I co
uld make a lot of people lifes miserable like my own one...
"I never got the chance to be a happy child, all my life was just a hell, proble
ms and problems not only in school, but in home also I just was watching fights
and fights swearing, cursing... all types of horrible stuff were happening aroun
d me. Some people would say that it's because of me... I watch that and that...
I search for negative so after all I should get in my life negative actions and
re-actions. But I don't see what's in common... diseases and fights? Swearing an
d Facts?... Syndromes and desires!?"

As for sex, much better than this I can't tell you..

"I have been rejected in my life a lot of times, from different kinds of people
I hate the whole idea of being rejected. Why?... Why? You even didn't try to go
with me... you even don't know me!? And now rejecting me? Even if you know me...
School and RL are two different worlds, people behave in such places different,
you can't be the same guy from RL and in school too. Some people even rejected
me by lies... others just throwed the rock... and said "No" and that's all... no
explanations or something like that. You should at least give me a chance... gi
ve me time... let's try and we are going to see... STILL WHAT'S THE FUCKING PROB

But still I am better than them and better than all... I know a lot of people an
d I am very familiar with their mistakes, as you ready know I analyze people. Wh
y? Let's put it the reason because I want to get better, I want to try something
new something which hasn't been already tried....

(Notes: Always have in your hands few rough people around you... if you don't ha
ve you ain't ready for a combat. - DeYtH Banger)
(P.S. - And what to tell you... that I am writer and you are going to become my

You think you can be fooled?... Yeah you can if you want to be fooled... you can
be everyone and everything, just think about this little... play with the 60's,
80's and 90's century dices. YOu have dices in your hands at least use them pro
If you get fooled, it's maybe from too much data ... too much of it could kill y
But before all and as overall let me tell you one lesson

"None is as smart as the dick... think about it... You are now want to fuck beca
use the dick is up... when is out... Which means that you can't fuck anymore....
mhm.... mhm the answer is that you stop there and you just try something else.
There isn't anything bad about sex... and fucking... sucking dick nothing is bet
ter than this, but the whole truth of the wholly spirit of god is that.
You fuck so far up to one level... after you pass that level.. you just can't do
that... you should try something else. You ain't biatch... if you were... if yo
u weren't fuckeable... you could be at least make few deep throats... get few ti
mes choked by a dick... then as you put it footjob... blowjob and you know that.
We ain't here for first time, everyone has been here... you or me... or they."

"But the problem of dick is that it controls your mood it makes you think that e
verything is good fucking a dead body is good... great state level of pussy... e
verything around that body is okay... still fuckeable. That you throw your food,
doesn't mean that there isn't somebody around there... who is going to eat... J
ust what you throwed. We are the reason that so many people these days are alive
... they are alive because of you and me... We throwed food and they were eating
We were making mess around the streets buy throwing our useless trash... but som
ebody tries to trade it for money. That's the cycle... you are already have buck
le up in this car and you can't get out in the mdidle of nowhere, just trust me.
.. sucking cock in the night is like fucking a biatch and don't giving fuck that
she have aids or other kinds of diseases. YOu can suck a cock... but still at l
east look it, few times... smell it... try it... see if it's fresh... lick it...
few times... don't go so fast in the blowjob... Slow or nothing... fast is an e
quation of the worst levels of the human race which could get."
No Time
There isn't time to stay here or there, I should go and drive with my car somewh
ere around my next victims. To be honest here I like randomness, I like to choos
e victims = random. Not somebody who is knows me or somebody around my family fr
iends... but somebody who is too... too far from this both checkpoints.
That's the way we are going to put this thing!
(Note: You know that I have things... specific kind of things)
.... I think that this is very smart as first as second I have a principles whic
h are saying that the killing point should be at night and I Shouldn't stay too
much in the victims rooms one hour max should be spend with each victim.
A book without rules is like a book without a story... empty pages... white blan
k pages... or let's put it having in one room two girls and wanting them to have
a sex... You can't do that... at least the one girl is shemale and the other is
female or both are shemales... then it gets interesting... "FUck me... Fuck her
" - State!
Rules are the guide throw this here story... you like it or don't it's your prob
lem... that you like dicks and I just like fucking girls are two different roads
, one road choosen by me and one road choosen by you.
Don't get selfish
1 Hour or you end up in prison
Wrong road... your problem
Don't try with more girls... more than one is insane... one or nothing
Speed should be normal... too much slow cots time... fast... is a bad move... af
ter all you get nothing from all. - Neither and little piece of experience!
No need to go after the bullshit as more authors do... telling shit or going ove
r the same thing over and over and over... using the same words... names... plac
es... over and over and over... Even by itself by the way I repeat this In a spe
cific way I am repeating myself.
But I can't do anything on that problem, that's how is going to go and it's plan
ned to go. The truth is that I already have choosen my victim and precisely lurk
ing my victim.
(Note: And Yeah you caught me... Now I am on my second victim.. and I haven't ev
er killed more than one... one has been killed and the killing spree is going to
continue. I won't stop, I have visions and dreams all about this.)
I am a man with visions a man who keeps promises, and I am going to do that... W
hat I have said, I won't stop here or there, what's going to happen, nobody can
stop it... Patterns as always aren't predicatable... how could you predict that
the next victim is going to be 50 miles away from the other one?... The same Cou
ntry of course - It's Mhm, let me THink, Oh yeah... California.
(Note: I know some kinda routine is comming... like eating... talking with fiend
s... chatting and so on and so on... It's kinda useless shit... the idea is you
go with the whole details or you just leave it... Do it or you don't do it... It
's not important the theories, but the actions, what we want from you is to watc
h the way people die... I want to make inside in you... A Paranoia... I want to
create it... inside in your mind... when you see something to keep it recalling
it over and over and over...)
(Note: I have paranoia... If I have paranoia then you also should have paranoia
these are the rules, rules are made to be followed... if you don't follow you ge
t punishment.)
To be honest here, I anlyse people like you from a veryyyyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYY A l
ong time. I want to get inside in your skin as deeper as possible, it's like the
fucking, if you did know what I did know you ain't gonna do what you now do. Fo
r Example, what If I can predict with the proper math who can win in this game?
What If I told you that... football is all about the money, you pay and they los
e... you pay and the other team loses or both (=).... It's matter of money, that
's the whole idea of sports... All are like these, you think that you can't neve
r win in Casino?... or let's put it like the system has allowed you to win few t
imes or to put it like...
You win few times, but now ... now you lose and lose and lose, let me tell you s
omething as for the sports a lot of money play there, such type of numbers that
you can't see them in your pockets as for the casinos that's the story in which
I tell you that such gaming rooms have ways to make you addicted.
The first idea is to show the sweetness of something... if it's a gaming room =
Casino, then we are talking about money, if it's a alcohol the idea somebody to
buy it, it's to make him to buy it by making this product very very special but
in real it's not true. Everywhere there are some kind of principles which they f
ollow, people say that in Shopping Malls, Markets and so on and so on they put c
Do you know why?
Here is the trick first to study you like what you are watching first, what do y
ou eat... like... buy and such type of data as second as evidence if you have tr
ied to stole something.
(Note: You chould try to repeat that, you don't have anything to lose.. .AIDS =
Ain't here)
The truth is that I spen d time analysing all kinds of people from prostitutes -
by talking to them and studying it's expression and impression the way they wor
k. The way they go in under your skin up to biatches and women and sex and all o
ther kinds of stuff. The truth is that in sex you never ever touch and unfortuna
tely you even don't know what in real this word does it mean, touch is just an i
llusion like everything in this world. Nothing has been real and nothing will be
You are now saying... that you know what's touching... but still what's touching
?... Replace it with another word... try without showing to tell it... describe
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
"Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin" "Touching... Skin..."
.... "Touching Skin"
What's "Touching" and what's "Skin"?... You just putted another ain't familiar w
ord here, don't try to play dumb and go to search in the dictionary here on the
internet or in your home dictionary, don't try to ask somebody else. This puzzle
was created by one = by me and it's going to be solved by one, don't try to ins
ult me or try after all I don't give a shit what you are going to say after the
ugly words...
The insult is just some ugly words which even them you can't describe you... you
"Fuck You"...
Okay if you are woman... how are you suppose to fuck me? Okay if you are man...
what type of person are you to come and fuck me?
Oh words... irony and just to don't take them serious... You never take stuff se
rious, do ya? ...
Everything around you is full of not serious people and you are one of them, you
are an example of them. YOu have never taken stuff serious, saying stuff then y
ou don't mean it... jokes which are even not funny... talking with people in whi
ch you are in real aren't interested. Talking about stuff which has never happen
, saying lies over and over and over... ruining people's life. That's what you a
re doing and you are continuing doing, somebody has ruin your life and you are n
ow trying to ruin somebody else life... without even knowing him or her.
Trying to play with people's feeling and taking them as joke and being so fuckin
g bad that you even make holy god knows what...
(Note: I am just not in the mood to think what you even thinking about doing wit
h all that information.)
"Fucking as always have been eashy... you put inside the dick... then you just g
o out... in... the biatch sucks the dick.. .whole... fresh... then in... out...
semen comes out... and she sucks it or she just spit it out somewhere... or eati
ng it... Pornography nowadays has reached such level that fucking is a job... yo
u pay and you fuck... they pay you and then they fuck you... Deal for deal... tr
ade for trade... I jus told you the law of biatch."
Has and Action
I even don't know what to say, nothing has ever been finished as first... people
work on a lot of and read a lot of stuff but in the end they never... never fin
ishes them.
(P.S. - And still this looking in the eyes and the other stufff kinda... useless
... but still throw the ball and let's see how far it will go... that few cars a
re going to go on this way where the ball is heading to it doesn't mean that the
ball, simply is going to stop there, does it?)
What I have said, it has lost some little time and so far this new victim, which
I should name Ella, she is now preparing to sleep... I am just looking down wit
h my own binoculars... The lights are still on and I am looking her body... it's
great that I have parked my car few miles... direction backward... on the stree
t... It's great that she is on the 3 floor + I have found good spot in the bushe
s and I am now with the best camouflage, which can be found in the store and I a
m staring and gazin at her body...
(Note: Hahahaah... you should just hear this setence... how it sounds... how doe
s it fucking sounds... it sounds like I am some kinda seller... I sell stuff...
.. )
First she was naked... starts some kinda of routine of streching, strangely enou
gh her whole body is naked from feet up to head, pussy can be saw... her ass...
and it's great to say that she doesn't have any type of hair in around her pussy
. She is one damn good girl!
From here I can tell, clear as day that I am going to have a lot of fun with her
Come on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! C
ome on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Co
me on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Com
e on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come
on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come
on sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come o
n sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on
sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are! Come on
sweety... come on sweety show your daddy how flexible in real you are!
(- He was saying in his mind.... over and over... and I he was staring with open
Time goes by
After 25 Minutes
Hey, hey... finnaly... she finished and she turn of the lights and went to sleep
... it's good that i can't hear any type of voices or talking or something speci
fic hearing around her room which means that she is sleeping... and now is damn
good time 21:45... until 23:00 - I have plenty of time.
So now let the fun start!
I am going to try something very interesting... I am going to try to enter from
her windows... by climbing from the first up the 3 floor, it ain't too much floo
rs, right? ...
Told... done!
I am now watching her, how she is very sweety sleeping... under the sheets! ...
Carefully openning the window which has been half open, I take of my clothes and
start watching her how she is sleeping... slowly and very silently going around
her bed,...
With the tme my dick starts to get bigger and bigger and bigger... it starts mak
ing me more interested in fucking her... but so far I decide to shut her mouth m
y putting tape... but very very carefuly while I put my hand on her mouth to shu
t it... when I tape her... she after all open's her eyes, I go and tie her hands
, now after well tied hands... I put my dick between her hands and start moving
her hands... she starts... making noises... start moving with her feet and with
hands... try to escape, but in the same time I start slapping and saying to her
that... if she makes one more noise... she is going to die...
I move on her legs... i start licking her legs... from toes up to her pussy... I
start licking her pussy by putting my tongue inside in her pussy... and going a
round her walls... slowly... in... out... in... out... the taste is strange but
still I go... I just don't stop...
Then I take a knife and make a wound around her breasts and i start sucking her
blood by using my tongue... she starts some kinda noises make, so make sure to e
jaculate inside her mouth as much times as possible... I put out the tape and te
ll her... if she tries something smart soon she ain't gonna live anymore... I ho
ld my mouth with my hands and my dick hold with my other hand and I start ejacul
ating inside her mouth... she dies after all from the semen, because she just mh
m... how to say it... He can't swallow too much of it... and she just choke from

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