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If youre into strength and functional It was only right that the first issue With KASEIN, the latest addition
training, there are few men in the of KAGED MUSCLE magazine had an to the KAGED MUSCLE range being
world who can teach you more interview with the man himself, Kris released, its a perfect time to break
than Jesse Norris! Gethin, to set the pace. down the latest of slow-digesting

Its almost 10 years to the day that I originally published the first
issue of KAGED MUSCLE magazine, as a printed magazine. Little did
I know back then, that I would re-launch the title for free as another
means to give back to those who invest in my supplement brand.

The resurrection of my magazine has been something Ive longed to

do for some time, because my purpose is to keep creating content
which empowers you to achieve your transformation. Every issue
from now on, KAGED MUSCLE magazine will become yet another
free resource for you to do just that.

This publication will be bulls***freeall you will get are facts, help
and guidance with no agendas or false advertising.

From me to you, please enjoy the first issue of the new KAGED
MUSCLE magazine!



t was only right that the first issue of KAGED MUSCLE magazine had an interview with the
man himself, Kris Gethin, to set the pace. In this action-packed interview, we discuss with
Kris his mind-set behind the development of KAGED MUSCLE supplements and help you
get to know a little bit more about the brand ethos. Lets jump straight into it and ask Kris
some questions!

What made you think you could make this business

model work, knowing how much more you have to
spend on the best ingredients in the world?

Before launching KAGED MUSCLE, I was offered

the chance to launch my own brand by 3
different companies, one of which offered me
$30,000 a month as a retainer and royalties
on top. Obviously, that would have made me
a fairly well-off guy, but money really isnt my
inspiration because it doesnt bring happiness,
fulfilment or purpose. I felt the conversations
I was having with this company were all about
margins and traveling the world to raise my
profile, and there was no focus on giving the
customer anything innovative or sincere.

Ive worked my ass off for over 17 years What I quickly learned was that the
to gain my status and reputation in the ingredients being used were usually
industry, so I wasnt about to blow it very poor, where things like duck
just for money, no matter how much feathers and even human hair were
I was offered. used which shocked me. I had a contact for the
worlds best supple-
However, this conversation did
inspire me to look into how the
Initially, I had to mix my own
supplements by ordering single
ment formulator, so I
supplement companies were doing ingredients myself, which then made decided to do it myself
things and I quickly learned that a lot me think about launching a brand and produce a line I felt
of products were fairy dusted with which promised to be different and was worthy of being
ingredients, just for label claim. actually do things properly.
the best in the world.
So they might include an ingredient,
but there might only be 10% of the
required amount to have any benefits
I had a contact for the worlds best supplement formulator, so I decided to
(according to scientific data). There
do it myself and produce a line I felt was worthy of being the best
werent many brands who were
in the world.
efficaciously dosing their products,
or collectively using patented The investment has been norsharp whereas most just to get started, and our
ingredients across their entire range. margins are absolutely razor sharp as where most brands are working on
Very few products were Prop 65 a 60% margin. This is why you dont see us spending huge sums on getting
certified to prove there were no heavy athletes with millions of followers on board, doing big magazine advertis-
metal contaminants, nor were they ing campaigns or attending big expos. We cant because we are too busy
using natural fermentation. reinvesting back into innovation and creation.

What made you think you could make this business Remember, it isnt just our ingredients KAGED MUSCLE products always sell out within
model work, knowing how much more you have to which cost money. We have third party DAYS OF RE-STOCKING. WHY does it take so long to
spend on the best ingredients in the world? testing, we source fermented natural and re-stock when you do sell out?
patented ingredients from all over the
Im one of those people who is willing to go All of our formulas are totally unique
world. So, this costs a lot of money which
without a lot for the greater good. I dont need which means they contain very specific
is why my friends in the industry didnt like
to own a house, Im happy to rent because ingredients from different parts of the
the sound of it. However, we have proved
Ive still got a roof over my head and get to live world. Most other brands use the same
them wrong by becoming the fastest
better than 75% of the worlds population. formulations with small tweaks to their
growing brand in the history of
This meant I knew deep down I would do ratios which means that they are being
body within 2 years!
what it took to make this brand work because mass produced in factories 24/7, making
its honest, sincere and worthy of peoples them instantly available.
Can you explain what is so unique about the
investment, I just have to help people see that.
ingredient selection process behind KAGED We source all of our own ingredients.
I really believe that these are the best products
MUSCLE compared to other mainstream brands? For example, our coconut water comes
in the world.
This will all depend on the product in question, from Bali and our PurCaf comes from an
My priority in this life is all about giving my obviously. However, we always start by looking organic farm in India. These are small
followers value and help. I could easily put my at the most recent data and then deciding production outlets which means that we
video trainers on a paid for membership site how we can create synergy with different cannot start mass producing it as we are
and make a lot of money, but dont because ingredients to help our customer achieve a the only company in the world using the
that isnt what this is all about for me. Im result. Our testing is highly comprehensive ingredients.
all about value and I knew these products because what works on paper might not work
This makes the process long and on top
represented that and my audience would in real life, which is why I personally act as the
of that, of that youve got to factor in the
believe in me. tester first. Maybe it takes 7, 8 or 9 times before
external third party testing we expose
I get the variation of the supplement I want.
Maybe my biggest challenge at the start ourselves to, just to prove our products are
Every time we test, the process is the same and
was getting people on my team who were as pure as we claim.
I have blood tests done before to prove the
prepared to work for less, knowing they
variables are always the same. This is crucial It is usually a 3-month turnaround on re-
werent going to make fortunes overnight
to getting things right so nothing can throw stock, but if thats what it takes to retain
like they might with more generic brands.
the results. The testing done on me is highly quality, thats what we will do for now until
Fortunately for me, they all believed in my
comprehensive including hair follicle tests, we can produce more ourselves.
vision and weve built an amazing team since
stool tests, saliva tests and blood tests, to
the launch, which Im very proud of.
name a few.
I couldnt do it without my team! On average it is a 9-month process just to
flavor a product naturally because of the
Did you ever doubt your decision to launch this
high dose of ingredients in our products,
brand because of the constraints you have by doing
which can be very hard to mask. All in all,
things the right way?
it takes about 2 years to test our products
Not really, no. However, I am friends with a
properly, flavor them and then bring them to
lot of supplement brand owners who are very
the market for our customers.
successful and they all told me I was crazy
working on these margins and that it wouldnt If I was doing things like everybody else, I
work, otherwise everybody would be doing it. I could bring new products out in a matter of
didnt see it like that because I think the industry weeks because its all the same s*** being
is fuelled by greed rather than giving value, so I used, nothing innovative is going on behind
was happy to oblige and lead the way. the scenes. However, like I said earlier, that
was never a route I would consider because
Maybe these opinions caused me to
my legacy is worth more than any amount of
question things once or twice, but that was
money to me.
only at the beginning.

What is your personal FAVORITE KAGED MUSCLE Its about stimulating the body to
product and why? perform, helping buffer fatigue, keep you
hydrated, heighten mental focus and repel
Thats almost impossible to answer for
catabolism. This stack is something I just
me because I do genuinely use them all,
cant live without and it is our best seller
every day. However, I would have to go
by a LONG way because people realize the
with RE-KAGED because of the way I train.
benefits of this stack.
I do feel depleted afterwards, yet within
2530 minutes of taking it post-workout I As a passing message to your followers and
can feel my body reversing the fatigue. Ive customers, do you have anything you would
never experienced anything like it from a like to say?
hydrolyzed whey isolate protein, which is
Thats a really tough question because
obviously because of the quality we invest
theres so much I want to say, but I have to
in the product.
keep it concise, I guess.
Having said that, during my recent 8-week
First, thank you for all of the support
hard-core trainer video series, I have really
you show me. Ive just passed 1 million
been hauling my ass to the gym very early,
followers on my Facebook page whichis
after long working hours and a crazy travel
schedule. PRE-KAGED has been my savior
before training when Ive felt absolutely While I cannot reply to every email, private
buried. It picks me up and knowing I have message and post I get from you all, I do
that to rely on has been a massive help. take it all in and I do feel so privileged to
have so many loyal followers.
What about your favorite KAGED MUSCLE
stack and why? Something else I want to say is that, all I
It has got to be the PIP stack which stands ask of you is to stick by my side through my
for pre, intra and post which entails: journey, keep giving me a purpose and I will
keep delivering for you.
PRE-KAGED This magazine is just another way of giving
IN-KAGED back which is why I had to do it. Theres
RE-KAGED nothing that makes me happier than
This stack primes you for battle in the meeting someone at an expo and hearing
gym, sustains your intensity and buffers about how the free content I share has
catabolism and then helps you recover helped them. That makes me a far richer
quicker than anything else in the world so man than any paycheck could.
you can do it all again tomorrow.
Thanks, Kris.
This stack was something we have worked
really hard on to give you a full training
expe- rience by bridging the gap between
the 3 different, distinctive windows across
the training session.



Dr. Watson, one of Americas leading medical minds, works
closely with Kris Gethin in maintaining optimal health. To
help give our readers a better understanding of day-to-day
healthcare and well-being, weve asked Dr. Watson to
educate you via his own column.

dr. watson:
get scientific
Abdominal Obesity Associated with Chronic Low Back Pain
A new study recently examined the relationship of regional and total adipos-
ity (obesity) to pain and disability among individuals with chronic low back
pain. Researchers analyzed 70 men and women with chronic low back pain
using body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, total body adiposity and specific
ultrasound-based abdominal adiposity measurements. Participants also
completed pain and disability questionnaires. The results that between the
distribution of adiposity in the lumbar and abdominal region and chronic
low back pain, which indicates that carrying extra weight in the midsection
may place stress and strain on the lumbar spine, increasing the risk of injury
to that region. BMC Public Health, August, 2016

Does Your Pain Come from Another Part of the Body?

In this case study, the parents of an eight-year-old with intermittent, chronic
low and mid back pain brought their child to a chiropractor to see if such
treatment could help. A thorough examination revealed dysfunction in the
childs cervical spine. Following a course of treatment to restore function to
the neck, the childs lower and mid back pain symptoms resolved. This case
report demonstrates that dysfunction at one body site may be responsible
for symptoms in another, which is why doctors of chiropractic are taught to
examine the whole patient, not just the area of chief complaint. Journal of
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Research, July 2016

Americans Are Heavier Than 20 Years Ago

According to a new report, the average American has put on about fifteen
pounds (~6.8 kg) since the late 1980s and early 1990s.. The authors of the
report speculate the reasons behind the increase in weight are most likely
related to tendencies toward less exercise and more access to high-calorie
foods. Dr. Anthony Comuzzie, an obesity researcher and scientist with the
department of genetics at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute in San
Antonio, says that the study reveals that Americans are still gaining weight
at a fairly rapid rate, and such an increase does not bode well for the overall
health of the nation. The findings suggest there will likely be an associated
increase in chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease in the
coming years. National Center for Health Statistics Report, August 2016

Dr. Watson Active Health & Wellness

rudy mawer:
kasein is king!
With KASEIN, the latest addition to the KAGED MUSCLE range being released,
its a perfect time to break down the latest of slow-digesting science.

KASEIN is an ultra-premium cold-processed Micellar Casein 1. anabolism and new muscle growth. in other words,
Isolate that is carefully manufactured from hormone- and laying down new muscle tissue and adding new lean mass.
antibiotic-FREE milk by an innovative micro-filtration process.
2. catabolism, which is the breakdown of muscle.
This filtration method preserves the structural integrity of the
protein, ensuring that the finished product maintains its natural
While most people focus on point 1, increasing anabolism,
micellar structure, as it is found in milk.
few place any emphasis on point 2, which is still half the battle.
But, when would you want KASEIN over the fast-digesting whey
Just like diet and exercise are both key in fat loss - you wouldnt
protein RE-KAGED? Lets find out
try to diet only using one of these 2 key variables. IF you want to
optimize results, we all know you must maximize both sides of
learn the anabolic bank balance
the equation.
While most people think whey is the most anabolic protein
around, thats not always the case. Sure, whey is probably the This also applies to adding muscle. Of course, it is vitally
most versatile and go-to protein source, especially when you want important to add NEW muscle tissue and increase anabolism.
a fast-digesting source around the workout or in the morning. But, heres the key point: if you arent focusing on reducing
However, many people fail to remember there are 2 sides of catabolism as well, you could easily be losing muscle at other
muscle growth and anabolism. times of the day.

As you can see, whey (TRIANGLEWP) tends to return to baseline by about the 4-hours (240) mark.
However, casein stays elevated and was still significantly higher at the 7-hour end (420).

10 Reference:
Just like your bank balance, if you add $100 per day (anabolism) One study even examined this, comparing the amino acid levels
but also spend (catabolism) $100, the end result a year later is in our blood after the consumption of either 1 scoop of whey
ZERO. This is exactly the same for your muscles. or 1 scoop of casein. They monitored the effects on Leucine
concentrations, which is the key essential amino acid our body
Guess what this means? Youre probably doing a great job with
needs to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and build new muscle.
point 1, using RE-KAGED after the workout, PRE-KAGED and
IN-KAGED during, but, are you also reducing catabolism and Although they only selected Leucine, it will basically represent the
muscle breakdown at other times in the day? Such as when you total amino acid concentrations. To the right is a result of what
sleep or when you are working and go longer periods without they found over the course of a 7-hour period.
food? For most the answer is no and thats exactly where
KASEIN becomes the answer. kasein for muscle growth & fat loss
Just as you were thinking you needed to jump on the KASEIN train,
feed your muscles 24/7 with kasein Im going to take this one step further. Not only does it help you
Most of us know that casein is famous for its slow-digesting, reduce muscle breakdown, resulting in a greater net amount of
anti-catabolic properties. muscle, it can still help you build new muscle, possibly while also
shredding body fat!
It achieves this by releasing its amino acids slowly over a period
of time, which can last 7 hours or longer. Unlike whey, which elicits Yes, you read that correctlyone study found exactly this. In the
a greater spike in amino acids but then returns back to normal study, they compared casein to whey protein and a third group that
quickly, casein can give you that drip feed-like effect while you just ate a normal diet without a protein shake.
sleep or are busy working away in the day. 11
They all performed resistance training for 12 weeks and you will never
guess what the results were:

C asein lost an average of 8% body fat, vs. only 4% in

the whey group and 2% in the non-protein group.

C asein gained an average of 9 LB of muscle, vs. 5LB in

the whey group and no change in the non-protein group.

You may be be wondering how this is possible, but casein proteins

contain a lot of the amino acids that you can find in whey to help with
muscle growth. However, it can also reduce protein breakdown and aid
in recovery. Also, compared to whey, it may excel in this field due to its
time-release formula.

This isnt the only study to find these benefits either; another study
tested how adding a scoop of casein before bed would help maintain
protein balance overnight. They monitored the effects of long-term
muscle growth but also net protein balance (i.e., muscle breakdown
vs. muscle protein synthesis or muscle growth) and found the casein
group remained in a positive protein balance (61 vs. -11 for the non-
casein group).

add in kasein today

If you are currently not feeding your body with a sustained release
of high-quality amino acids while you sleep, you are making a
BIG mistake! Nighttime is one of the most critical windows to give
your muscles a steady supply of amino acids in order to remain
nitrogen positive.


I do my best to supplement with fish oil as well as doing myofascial
release, different stretching and mobility exercises to try to keep
loose, and in turn, that helps my joints stay healthy and lubricated.
I do have a feeling though that all this heavy lifting will come back
to bite me. There is only so much you can do to stay healthy.

this only means Ive reached what someone What does your training
If youre into strength and else considered the limit of the body, and week look like?
I want to show them how much more it
functional training, there Here is a general layout :
is capable of. I enjoy motivating others to
are few men in the world
who can teach you more become their best selves. Monday: Bench & Deadlifts
than Jesse Norris! Discover Tuesday: Front Squat & Overhead Press
what it takes to be in this What are your LBS again?
Wednesday: Accessories & HIIT
mansshoes as he continues 2,033 lbs total with the combined lifts of the:
to dominate the world of Thursday: Bench & Deadlifts
Squat (766 lb) Friday: Accessories & HIIT
power-lifting and strength
Bench (441 lb) Saturday: Squat & Bench
Deadlift (826 lb) Sunday (optional): Accessories & HIIT
Well its certainly an honour to be
JESSE, can you explain to the readers who considered pound for pound the strongest. What are some of the big pitfalls
you are and what you've achieved as an I try to stay humble, in doing so stay hungry people fall into when they TRY
athlete so far? and motivated and always reaching for TO GET strong?
Im Jesse Norris, a world-renowned more. To me this only means ive reached I think most lifters either try to follow
powerlifter, who is considered the strongest what someone else considered the limit exactly what someone else is doing
or one of the strongest lifters pound- of the body, and I want to show them without listening to their own body
for-pound at this time. Ive currently how much more it is capable of. I enjoy or they try to overcomplicate things.
accomplished reaching a 2,033-lb total with motivating others to becoming their IIn reality, its fairly simple. Work
the combined lifts of the squat (766), bench best selves. your ass off!
(441) and deadlift (826), setting the all-time
world record at the 198 lb weight class. I Youre not just strong on 1-rep maxes Can you help our readers get stronger
did all this while trying to train in the most though, you do crazy weight for 10+ with some advice on training splits
functional and efficient ways, combining reps... Does that help condition you for strength?
aesthetics and strength! more as an athlete? Again, put in the work; simple compound
Well, it definitely helps me stay conditioned movements, volume and self regulation
What does it mean to be the world's (also I do a lot of HIIT training), but doing are the most useful keys I can give to
strongest POUND-FOR-POUND man the high reps with relatively high weight, anyone looking to build strength. Dont
on the planet? seems to help my body get used to the try to overcomplicate things, and as
Well, its certainly an honor to be considered heavy weight and repetition after repetition always try to listen to your body.
pound-for-pound the strongest. I try to stay helps with my strength both mentally and
humble, and in doing so, stay hungry and physically. You definitely have to push How do you stop your joints from
motivated and always reach for more. To me yourself. becoming beat up?
On top of this, I also take BCAAs, GLUTAMINE, HYDRA-CHARGE,
CITRULLINE and CREATINE HCl mixed together for all-around
hydration, performance and recovery purposes.

You also carry a great physique year round, Id give KAGED MUSCLE supplements a 9 out of
how much of this is down to nutrition and 10!I only say 9 because well, Ive been doing this
supplementation? for many years. But hell, these supplements have
noticeably affected my recovery and performance
Id say most of it is nutrition, although Im not a
over the last 8 months of using them consistently.
strict dieter. I do my best to eat healthy, and self-
I would not ever recommend another product, as I
regulate my meals based on weight fluctuation.
know whats in these products, and I know they are
Supplements do play a part in recovery however,
safe to use and they work!
which allows me to continue working out every day!
And the combination of the 3 (diet, recovery and
Which products do you use and why,
training) put me where I am at today.
What kind of diet do you stick to? Fish oil: Joint support
Multi Vitamin: Recovery
My diet is pretty simple, I keep it clean during the
RE-KAGED: Recovery and macro nutrient intake
week Monday through to Friday with brown rice,
(post workout)
chicken breasts and vegetables for my meals. How-
IN-KAGED: Recovery and push through the workout
ever, on the weekends I do go out and get a beer.
PRE-KAGED: Pre-workout with everything I need to
Again, my diet isnt strict but I do regulate what Im
help my performance
eating and how much based on weight fluctuation
as I have to stick around a specific weight class.
What would your main dieting advice be for our
What would your main dieting advice First, Id ask what level you are and if you are just
be for our readers? beginning. Focus on your workout routine and
nutrition first. If you are more advanced, Id say
Well, for me I know I like the thought of being as
these supplements are then becoming a necessity
strong and as lean as possible. And I attribute these
for going beyond where you are currently. They will
factors to protein. I try to keep my diet very high
enhance your results without a doubt!
in protein to ensure that I can not only build the
muscle I want but also recover properly. Id also tell
What does the future hold for
them to take a weekend now and then and enjoy
you as an athlete?
themselves. You have to have a well-balanced life. If
you become stressed, that not only deters you from As an athlete, I hope to compete for many more
your workouts and diet but can really inhibit your years, push my own records even beyond where
success in building muscle and strength. So keep it they are currently and also to be diverse. I enjoy
balanced. competing in Stongman events as well as powerlift-
ing. I may even broaden my reach to cross-fit. I like
How have KAGED MUSCLE supplements helped you to be a functional athlete that can do more than just
on a scale of 1-10? lift heavy weight.

adam gethin

If I had to give you 3 things to do or try, in order to physically feel

and see a difference within 14 days, these are the things Id tell
you to do from all my experience and mistakes.

Hydration Is Life Changing Cardio Makes Life Easier

You could be forgiven for thinking that Im stating the If everybody did 30 minutes of cardio a day, it would
obvious here, but most people dont ever get into a state make their life so much easier because it raises your
of hydration which is such a crime! Its the single most basic calorie requirements each day, helps you mobilize
effective way to make your metabolic rate burn more stored fat and makes you healthier. If youre like me and
calories for you, its going to prolong life, make you you like to eat, but you dont like to look out ofshape,
stronger in the gym and make your mI fill my 2-liter- then doing some cardiovascular exercise each day
bigger. Whats not to like? Every day I will fill my 2 litre should be on your agenda.
bottle of water up, add 1 scoop of HYDRA-CHARGE and
Some mornings I like to walk through the green rolling
finish that at least twice, sometimes 3 times per day.
hills which surround my house in Wales with the dog,
You look healthier and more vibrant in your face, you other days Ill use the treadmill and if I get time, Ill go
feel like youve got the energy to go up against the world mountain biking. Just get more active because only
and HYDRA-CHARGE makes it taste so refreshing it good things happen when you do this! One of them is,
doesnt become a chore. of course, getting to eat more without it showing.

High-Rep Training Works!
On leg day, I love to squat heavy, with low reps. However, theres
nothing that has made my muscles grow quite as well as high-
rep training! My shoulders never grew until I started throwing
loads of volume at them with higher rep ranges, for example.
This isnt to replace low-rep training, it is there to complement
it! Low-rep training is all about muscle recruitment, high-
threshold motor unit stimulation whereas higher rep training is
amazing for cell swelling and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. They
help you grow, together.

All I can do is bring the information to your door. What you

do with it is entirely up to you!

if you action these

3 tips, youre going
to look better and
feel better for doing
it,without question.

If Im trying something new in the gym or with my diet or supplement program, I like to
feel something happen to confirm it is having the desired effect. Are you the same? Im
sure you are because we all like to know what were investing, whether that is time or
money, is working, otherwise it undermines the whole point of making the effort. Its
been 10 years since I stepped into this industry as a nave teenager who wanted all of
the gains possible, which made me highly vulnerable to falling for supplement gimmicks
and even training systems which were nothing other than redressed outdated theories
designed to build a cult following. Hey, you live and learn, which is why Im here today
writing this column for you.

Maybe youve expected a workout to crush your muscles into
submission from me today, but without the mental appetite for that
kind of punishment, it would have been a waste of time writing it out
for you. What you need is a lesson in mind-set conditioning, so youre
prepared for the unsavory treatment youre soon to experience from
my training routines. Regard this as your theory, before the practical.

kris gethin:
its all in the mind!
Learn To Love Failure
While the modern generation of fitness enthusiast barks like a kitten about
how failure is bad for you, I dive headfirst into the lactate-infused pools
which come with the territory. Using aggression in the gym to defeat your
muscles into a true state of failure is the quickest way to make your mind
adapt. The first time you do something is always the worst; thereafter your
body will adapt if you force it to.

Turn up to the gym with nothing but chaos on your mind, rip that muscle
apart with endless bouts of savage lifting ending in failure. The pain will
become pleasure, and your mind-set will become aligned to this regular

Become Ritualistic
My pre-workout ritual is widely documented, from the PRE-KAGED I take to
the music I zone out to in preparation for my episode of physical torment.
You need a ritual which you follow before every workout because this
pre-warns your mind that s*** is about to get serious. By building this habit
you improve your mental preparation so by the time your workout begins,
youre already in the zone.

Cats drop right, left and center during their workout all because they
werent mentally ready for the damage they were about to suffer. Dont
leave yourself exposed like an amateur. Prepare as if your life counts on it!

Go To That Dark Place

As I reach the latter stages of my set and my muscles begin to get a sniff of
failure, I go to a very dark place inside my head. When youve trained with
the likes of six-time Mr. Olympia, Dorian Yates, you learn how to repel the de-
sire to give in by doing this. Shut your eyes, imagine somebody has a gun to
the head of somebody you truly love and tell yourself unless you reach the
end of the set, that trigger gets pulled. Ive never failed to see this through
because I couldnt take that chance. This is about leveraging the minds true
power to climb from the depths of adversity and become victorious, even
when all of your instincts tell you to quit.

Weve all heard of amazing stories where everydaypeople have been put
into situations where they have had to use enormous amounts of mental
power to come out on top. This is really what Im asking you for! Put your
back against the wall and learn to fight.

Kris Gethin

roger lockridge
use fst-7 to build more muscle
Fascia Stretch Training (FST) is a If youre recovering properly with
high volume approach to helping smart nutrition and quality sup-
a lifter build muscle. This happens plementation, then the muscle
by lifting with the goal of pumping fibers will eventually grow into
as much blood into the muscle fib- the expanded area created by
ers as possible. This pump forces the stretched fascia which results
the fascia, the thin layered skin in muscle growth. FST training
that protects the muscle fibers, should be used as a way to bring
to stretch so the fibers have more up a lagging part of your physique.
room to accept more blood. You should train heavy enough to
reach failure within the rep ranges.
If you follow the protocol correctly, FST Chest Training
you shouldnt be able to do 12
reps for all 7 sets. Incline Dumbbell Press : 3 or 4 sets of
812 reps with 90 seconds rest
How to Train between sets.
FST Style
High Incline Dumbbell Fly : 3 or 4 sets
The most popular version of FST between sets. If you were to do
of 812 reps with 90 seconds
is the version that derived from a chest workout FST style, then
the man who made FST train- an exercise like flyes or crosso- rest between sets.
ing, Hany Rambod. It requires vers would work best. Leg curls
performing an isolation exercise would qualify as a great FST Weighted Dips : 3 sets of 1012 reps
for seven sets of 812 reps with exercise for hamstrings.
no more than 45 seconds rest with 90 seconds rest between sets.
If you prefer, another version of
FST training calls for perform-
ing the sets at the beginning Cable Crossover : 7 sets of 812
of a workout to warm up and reps with 3045 seconds rest
pre-exhaust the muscle youre
training. If youre an advanced between sets.
trainer, then you could try FST
exercises as bookends of your
The workouts below are exam-
ples for you to try if you want
to determine if FST training is
for you.

FST Pre-Exhaust
Triceps Training

Rope Pressdown :
7 sets of 812 reps with
3045 seconds

Close-Grip Bench Press :

3-4 sets of 8-12 reps with
90 seconds rest between sets.

Lying Dumbbell TRICEPS Extension :

3 or 4 sets of 812 reps FST Advanced
with 90 seconds rest between sets. Back Training
Seated Row :
7 sets of 812 reps with
3045 seconds seconds
rest between sets.

One-Arm Dumbbell Row :

3 or 4 sets of 812 reps
reps with 90 seconds rest
between sets.

Wide-Grip Pull-up:
3 or 4 sets of 812 reps
with 90 seconds rest be-
tween sets.

Close-Grip Pulldown :
7 sets of 812 reps with
3045 seconds rest
between sets.


So you want to be strong? Well, there is a lot to take into account with todays train-
ing. Everyone has their own method, everyone is a coach on social media. So if you
are just beginning, it can be tough to decide how to get going.

Today I want to give you a little insight into what everyone is doing wrong, and what
you can do to maximize your strength gains in the gym, whether you are just starting
or you are a more advanced lifter.

From my experience, even when I started lifting years ago, there were so many differ-
ent training programs for powerlifting and I personally did not know where to start.
Luckily I had a coach who took the time to teach me the big three lifts (squat, bench
and deadlift) and give me a basic fundamental routine to increase those lifts.

So this brings me to my point; whether you are just beginning or are more
advanced in the strength world, try not to overcomplicate your training. Stick
to the basics or at least keep them incorporated in your training.

Trust me, it was not a fancy program. It consisted of the squat, bench and deadlift
once a week each. It was built in a linear progression so you would increase weight
and decrease reps as time went on to help you test your max. It was a very basic
program; nothing crazy or out of the blue. And it worked! Which brings me to my
point, that everyone wants to try to overcomplicate things. That may be okay for
an advanced lifter but for anyone that is just starting, stick to your basics, and
build from there.

As you begin to understand what your body is capable of you can then develop
something of your own! I personally encourage people to try out as many programs
as they can, and they need to stick to a program for 68 weeks to figure out if it
works or not. So dont go trying a new program every week.

But the more you learn about other training programs and methods, the more you
will learn about yourself. You will find out what exercises benefit you the most, how
many days a week you can work out without fatiguing yourself, how much volume
you need to grow and how heavy you need to go to work on strength and peaking.
There is so much that can go into strength training, but it really comes down to
understanding how your body works.

So this brings me to my point; whether you are just beginning or are more advanced in the
strength world, try not to overcomplicate your training. Stick to the basics or at least keep them
incorporated in your training.

There is no shortcut to hard work, and I can attribute the hard work I put in every single day to
being where I currently am as one of the strongest powerlifters pound-for-pound in the world. I
encourage you to try different training methods, but give them time, learn from them, grow from
them and listen to your body! It is important to find out what works best for you. And one day
you will be able to build the perfect training routine for yourself, as I have done. Of course, you
will have to modify it as you go, as your body adapts, and you will find that out as well! Keep it
simple, train hard and listen to your body!

The summer of 2016 has officially passed, so now its time to get serious about building
more muscle. Weve got your back with a fully loaded lean mass supplement system which
guarantees to help you grow like never before.

Every supplement has its purpose, youve Heightened mental focus PRE-KAGED
just got to follow this plan and youll soon Improved muscle FIBER recruitment PRE-KAGED has created waves in the sup-
discover just how effective these products
MAXIMIZED blood flow plement industry over the last 2 years,
are as a combined force.
Anti-catabolic buffering becoming the fastest growing pre-workout

PIP Stack: Resistance against muscle fatigue

in the world. When you consider some pre-
workouts only have 5 g per scoop, compared
The core of your supplement plan has to be Better strength
to a crazy 32 g from PRE-KAGED, its not hard
the globally recognized PIP stack which
to see why. As with every KAGED MUSCLE
consists of PRE-KAGED, IN-KAGED and To help make this more digestible, heres a product, it is efficaciously dosed so that
RE-KAGED. These supplements design the quick breakdown of each product and the every ingredient is there to do something
perfect environment around your workout role they play in your workout preparation, rather than just look good on the label.
to achieve performance and recovery.

PRE-KAGED is loaded with 6.5 g of RE-KAGED significantly and youre already on the
L-CITRULLINE (only form found in USA), path to faster results. Together with
After the workout is done, the first and
patented CAPSIMAX (thermogenic GLUTAMINE, your BCAAs are essential
only thing you need to do is get the right
amplifier), patented CARNOSYN, taurine, for recovery and growth.
protein back into your body. This suppresses
tyrosine and patented CREATINE HCl,
catabolism and helps set you up for the
to name a few things. This product CREATINE HCl:
recovery process. Theres no hydrolyzed
instantaneously pushes blood towards the Creatine is the most tested natural
whey isolate protein in the world which
muscle, opening up the capillary network ergogenic aid in the world, along with
digests quicker than RE-KAGED, with added
inside your body. caffeine, so we know it works. However,
ProHydrolase to make the digestion process
of the 28 g protein serving even quicker. As if creatine as a generic term actually leaves a
You become mentally zoned in and
thats not enough, theres also an extra 7 g of lot of unanswered questions because there
physically prepared for war!
fermented GLUTAMINE, patented BETAPOWER are so many different types and standards

IN-KAGED and more patented CREATINE HCl. within this category.

Without a doubt, IN-KAGED is the worlds KAGED MUSCLE CREATINE HCL is the only
This formula restores all of the vital muscle
most effective intra-workout formula. true patented variant in the world. No other
recovery and building ingredients which
Along with many of the ingredients found brand has access to the original ingredient
have become depleted during the workout
in PRE-KAGED, it includes tender coconut found in our creatine product because we
so youre ready to go the very next day.
water extract with 5 different natural have exclusive global rights to it.
electrolytes to boost hydration. It also
GLUTAMINE: The trouble with creatine supplementation
contains 5 g of naturally fermented BCAAs,
KAGED MUSCLE GLUTAMINE is derived has always been in the deliverability, which
from a natural fermentation process, of course alters the effectiveness of it. Most
organic PurCaf.
which bucks the trend of the rest of the generic creatine will cause bloating, gastric
This product bridges the gap from the industry. Usually a lot of the glutamine for discomfort, water retention and most of
pre-workout, so that the effects are long- sale comes from impure things like duck it will even fail to reach the muscle cell
lasting, ensuring that your workout is feathers, believe it or not! where its able to affect ATP production.
jacked with intensity from start to finish.
By supplementing with GLUTAMINE youre This is where our CREATINE HCL differs
going to see an improvement in your The HCL component allows the creatine
ability to recover, less muscle soreness and to survive the harsh acidic conditions of
improved gut health which is particularly the gut, bypass it without causing issues
important for assimilating nutrients. It is so to your GI tract and reach the muscle
effective at helping the body recover that cell. As the full dose is able to reach the
they use it in hospitals on burn victims! muscle cell youre now able to experience
the benefits of increased ATP resynthesis
BCAAs: which means:

BCAAs consist of 3 essential amino acids; 1) More strength

l-leucine, isovaline and l-isoleucine.
2) More power
These ingredients are fundamental to
muscle recovery, buffering catabolism and 3) More endurance
spurring on growth. Unfortunately, the
4) More muscle
generic type of BCAAs on the market come
from disturbingly low levels of quality such That concludes your lean mass
as human hair! KAGED MUSCLE BCAAs supplement system. Get these products
are sourced from natural fermentation together, use them in conjunction with
processes. a flawless diet and train until you have
nothing left to give. This is your window
Within the first few days, you will suddenly of opportunity to grow with the best
notice that your recovery has improved supplements in the world behind you!

Every year my social media gets flooded with messages around Thanksgiv-
ing by people explaining that they cant train because their gym is shut.
This time around, Im taking action before that happens by giving you a Complete 8 Circuits:

3-day training plan which doesnt require a gym. This will hit the spot, BODYWEIGHT SQUAT 45 seconds
keeping your muscles fresh and your energy output up! After all, with all of Walking Lunge 45 seconds
that food over Thanksgiving, youre going to need to stay active. Bulgarian Split Squat 30 seconds (left)
Bulgarian Split Squat 30 seconds (right)
This is your exercise survival kit for Thanksgiving, divided into 3 workouts.
Im going to presume all you will have is some space to train in, your body Thats 8 rounds of 2.5 minutes, crushing your legs withhigh-reptrain-
weight and resistance bands. ing which is going to really help you scorch your way through the
calories. Take 90 seconds between each circuit so that this workout is
CHEST & SHOULDERS WORKOUT done within 32 minutes.
Complete 7 Circuits:
Pause Push-Ups 20 seconds Although this is different than to my usual training in the gym, were

Decline Push-Ups 20 seconds making do with what we have here. Keep your supplements exactly
the same as you normally would, using your KAGED MUSCLE stack.
Resistance Bands Chest Press 20 seconds
Resistance Bands Overhead Press 20 seconds
Resistance Bands Side Lateral Raise 20 seconds
Push-Ups 20 seconds

Thats 2 minutes of intensive chest and shoulder annihilation, which youre

going to do 7 times in total. Youre only getting 90 seconds rest between
each circuit, which means that this entire session will only last 23 minutes.


Complete 7 Circuits:
Chin-Up 15 seconds
Bent-Over Resistance Band Row 30 seconds
Single-Arm Resistance Band Row 30 seconds (left)
Single-Arm Resistance Band Row 30 seconds (right)
Chin-Up 15 seconds
Complete 3 Circuits:
Overhead Resistance Band Extension 30 seconds
Alternating Resistance Band BICEPS CURL 30 seconds

Overhead Resistance Band Curl 30 seconds should be in caps and part of the
BACK & ARMS WORKOUT. This workout is a little longer than the first work-
out, with the extra arm workout. Keep your rest periods to 60 seconds for the
arm workout, so that the overall workout gets done within 31 minutes.

Sweet Potato & Roast Turkey Pie Lean Roast Turkey Special Bubble & Squeak Muscle Breakfast
This is the main event, a really filling Who doesnt love a roast dinner? We all do This is for those mornings where your
delicious dish which gives you so much and at Thanksgiving all of the primary in- kitchen has lots of ingredients hanging
flavor while packing a heap of muscle- gredients are available to make one without
about with nowhere to put them. In this
building ingredients. Try this one first! compromising your gains! Try this extra
case, theres only one thing to do and thats
special lean roast turkey dinner.
Ingredients (4 servings): make Bubble & Squeak!
28 oz sweet potato Ingredients (1 serving):
28 oz cooked roast turkey breast 6 oz of cooked roast turkey breast Ingredients (serves 2):
1 chopped red onion 8 oz of white potatoes 12 oz of cooked roast turkey
4 cups of diced red cabbage 3 oz of broccoli florets 2 oz of cooked broccoli
2 teaspoons of cinnamon 2 oz of sprouts 5 oz of cooked mashed potato
2 cups of sprouts 2 oz of carrots 1 oz of pecans
1 teaspoon sugar-free cranberry sauce
Instructions: Instructions:
Dice and boil the sweet potatoes
Roast 4 oz of white potatoes
until cooked T
 hrow everything (except pecans) into a
Mash 4 oz of white potatoes, using
Mash sweet potato using 1 small cup frying pan, using 1 cal spray
a dash of skimmed milk
of skimmed milk and seasoning C
 ook until nicely browned on the outside
Steam the broccoli, sprouts and
Steam the red cabbage and sprouts S
 erve with the pecans and cranberry sauce
carrots together
until crunchy
Serve with the roast turkey breast
Add the above ingredients into a ceramic
Add 1 teaspoon of sugar-free cranberry
bowl and add the turkey and cinnamon
sauce and sprinkle some pecans over
Make sure the ingredients are well
your mashed potato
Bake for 1015 minutes until the pie
is lightly browned

These recipes will see that you get to enjoy the occasion and take care
of your muscles at the same time. Courtesy of KAGED KITCHEN!
dan harris:
dtp leg training


DTP, otherwise known as the Dramatic Transformation Principle, is a training system like no
other. Based around volume training but with a varying rep range, it is an intense blast of
stimuli to get maximum results, but without some major setbacks of other types of training. It
can be applied to any muscle group and worked in with other popular training methods like
supersetting. It hits every muscle fibre type in one workout and leads to size, strength, muscle
endurance and cardiovascular fitness. But there is perhaps one big upside that trumps all else,
and that is the fact DTP gives you the ability to train at an incredible intensity but with a much
lower injury risk.

Regular leg training will be centered around lots of heavy squats, leg press and deadlift
variations, and for good reason. These big leg compound exercises get great results in both size
and strength but they can often lead to injuries or worsechronic injuries. The most common
issues occur in the knees and back, ranging from patella tendonitis to slipped vertebrae discs.
This happens due to set after set of heavy compound leg training putting massive stress and
loads on the joints, which cannot be avoided.

What does
this mean?
Now Im not saying everyone needs to stop training like this.
It means you dont have to smash your joints
Some people can train like this for years and never have a
with 4 or 5 sets of heavy squats and another 4 or
problem, but for the general population, it will inevitably
5 sets of heavy leg press to leave you stumbling
lead to an injury or chronic issues. DTP avoids this issue by
out of the gym with jelly legs. You can create
using higher reps for a large number of the sets involved in
huge intensity but totally bypass most of the
each workout.
stress on the joints. The best thing is this is just
one example; it can be applied to almost any ex-
ercise for any muscle group with loads of com-
binations. It even means you can start training
around recovering injuries a little sooner than
is usually possible. You wont be able to squat
heavy for 5 sets with a recovering knee or back
issue, but with DTP you can get back to training
without putting too much stress too soon on the
joints and still get a decent amount of intensity
out of the muscle.

For example: Whats the Catch?

Leg Press Well, its tough, really tough. Its something
Set 1, 50 reps youre going to want to ease into, so maybe
Set 2, 40 reps start with half a DTP routine until your body
Set 3, 30 reps has adapted to the style a little. But thats it,
Set 4, 20 reps there really arent any other downsides to this
Set 5, 10 reps training system, so give it a goif you dare.
Set 6, 10 reps
Be warned: you may experience side effects
Set 7, 20 reps
of rapid muscle growth, strength gains,
Set 8, 30 reps
muscular endurance increases and unexpected
Set 9, 40 reps
improvements in cardiovascular fitness.
Set 10, 50 reps

Notice how youre only lifting in that heavy 810 rep range for
2 sets in this example. Then notice how youve got sets of 40
and 50 reps, and believe me, those are very intense sets and
its that intensity that will stimulate growth no matter what.

3 oat recipes for lean mass!
Dont overlook oats
any longer. They
are a fantastic carb
source that everyone
should have in their
diet plan.


Oatmeal is one of the staple foods in the world of bodybuilding and fitness because its
packed with great low-GI carbohydrates, healthy fats, fiber and some important minerals.

Its also really cheap and diverse which makes it an amazing ingredient for your diet. If youre
on a calorie-restricted diet, its also really good because it doubles in size when cooked, mak-
ing it very filling for you.

The only problem with plain old oatmeal is that it is a bit boring which is why so many peo-
ple just dont enjoy it. Ive sorted that out for you with 3 very tasty oatmeal recipes which are
totally guilt free!

Calorie-Packed Breakfast Bowl Energy-Dense Parfait Fast And Easy Protein-Packed
Want to fit more calories into your day? This Cottage cheese is an excellent protein Oat Breakfast
recipe will do it and best of all, it shouldnt source because it contains slow-digesting Need a breakfast on the go? This hearty
leave you feeling bloated. The calorie dense amino acids that will help provide energy option will fill you up all morning long and
nature of all the ingredients in this recipe and continual muscle repair and recovery. provide the long-lasting energy you need.
will help you get your needs met in a hurry. The added cinnamon in this parfait helps Its also quite calorie dense, so perfect for
stabilize blood glucose levels and prevent those hoping to pack on lean muscle mass.
cup raw oats
any potential spikes you do get from
1 tbsp. natural almond butter Youll also get a great dose of antioxidants
the raisins that are included. Finally, the
1 tbsp. dried cranberries from the blueberries in this dish, helping
walnuts bring in some healthy omega-3 fatty
1 tbsp. slivered almonds to combat free radical damage you may
acids, sure to keep your health optimized
sliced banana encounter thanks to your heavy
and body composition in check.
1 cup unsweetened almond milk training sessions.

cup oats, toasted in the oven, Feel free to add in any other fruit or nuts
if you like that you desire as well.
Mix together the unsweetened almond milk
cup plain, low-fat Greek yogurt
with protein powder. Combine the oats, cup oats
cup low-fat cottage cheese
peanut butter, cranberries, and almonds 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 tbsp. slivered almonds
together. Top with sliced banana and then 1 scoop KAGED MUSCLE RE-KAGED
1 tbsp. walnuts
pour the protein mixture over top. Serve 1 tbsp. natural almond butter
2 tbsp. raisins
immediately. cup blueberries
Cinnamon to taste
1 tbsp. unsweetened coconut flakes
Nutritional information (makes 1 serving): Stevia, if desired

480 calories, 55 grams of carbs, 36 grams of apple, finely diced Mix together the oats and almond milk and

protein, 15 grams of fat. microwave for 23 minutes or until cooked.

Slice apple and then sprinkle with cinnamon
Stir in the protein powder and almond
and stevia, if desired. Place in the oven at
butter. Top with blueberries and coconut
350 degrees for about 5 minutes.
flakes and serve immediately.
Meanwhile, mix together the yogurt with the
cottage cheese. Layer the yogurt mixture Nutritional information (makes 1 serving):
with the oats, nuts, and raisins. Finally, top 456 calories, 46 grams of carbs, 37 grams of
with apple pieces and serve. protein, 17 grams of fat.

Nutritional information (makes 1 serving):

513 calories, 71 grams of carbs, 30 grams of
protein, 12 grams of fat

Every issue you can rely on this column to give you a workout which
youll never have done before. This issue weve got a sick giant set
arm workout which is guaranteed to pulverize your arms until
they tap out!

giant set arm training

kaged workout of the month

**A giant set simply means doing 3 or more exercises in
succession without any rest in between, which makes this
an extremely intense training method**

Triceps Giant Set A:

Incline Overhead Dumbbell Extension 15 reps
Flat Overhead Dumbbell Extension 15 reps
Close-Grip Press-Up 15 reps
Close-Grip Dips 10 reps

Complete 2 rotations with 90 seconds between each circuit.

Triceps Giant Set B:

Cable Pushdown 10 reps
Cable Pushdown Drop Set 10 reps
Overhead Rope Cable Extension 10 reps

Complete 3 rotations with 90 seconds between each circuit.

Biceps Giant Set A:

Barbell Curl 10 reps
Reverse Barbell Curl 10 reps
Spider Barbell Curl 15 reps
Drag Curl 15 reps

Complete 2 rotations with 90 seconds between each circuit.

Biceps Giant Set B:

Dumbbell Curl 10 reps
Seated Dumbbell Curl 10 reps
Incline Seated Dumbbell Curl 10 reps

Complete 3 rotations with 90 seconds between each circuit.

All of the reps and sets will have your arms ready to burst from
these killer giant sets! If you need to shake things up on arm
day, theres no better way better than this.
This is why you need to take a step back and perfect
your form and overall technique before being too
eager to lift heavy. If you dont do this, then youre
highly likely to get injured quickly, and the same
patterns will keep emerging throughout your life.

Now I am not saying dont train hard, but rather,

train smarter. Start out deadlifting off blocks,
ensuring your back is straight. Learn how to squat
properly, develop your mobility and dont push the
weights to form failure.

You need to master a movement before you load

a movement. Its about becoming a technician,
learning how to break down a movement and
strengthen your weaknesses so that you are
continually getting stronger instead of loading
faulty movement patterns, which will inevitably
push you into pain.

rob coles:
become a technical master

Rob Coles is one of the UKs leading coaches,

and is based in London. His speciality really is
about helping general populations move better,
avoid injuries and fix injuries if theyve already
got them. There are very few people in this entire
industry who could compete with Robs level of
understanding of this topic which shows in the
work he creates.

Youve got to take ownership of your training to

make it worthwhile. Its one thing to have a great
training program but it is an entirely different thing
to apply that program correctly.

At the end of the day, we want to move, look and

perform better, but an exercise performed with
poor technique isnt doing you any favors. You need
to respect the laws of biomechanics if you are to
have training longevity. This is important as getting
injured is the quickest way to get weak and out
of shape, which is obviously not why youre here
reading this magazine.

The most common flaw I see is seeing guys lifting

weight too soon! Now that sounds like a bit of an
oxymoron, but hear here me out. You dont have
to look very hard to see people deadlifting with
rounded backs, squatting through their knees or
bench pressing with flared elbows. These people
are going to have a pretty short training life and
potentially do themselves some serious damage,
and all because they didnt take the time to learn
how to lift correctly and adjust the lift according to
their level.

10 rules to live by
kaged kommandments
As a member of the KAGED tribe, youve got to follow the rules we set out for you, in a bid to make a big-
ger, stronger, more ripped machine in and out of the gym! Here are your 10 KAGED Kommandments:

1. Eat Every 3 Hours 6. Track Your Food

Eating every 3 hours is the perfect, proven way to recover, Make sure that every meal youre eating is tracked so you
build muscle, avoid drops in energy, crush cravings and always have a point of reference to work from. Guessing
become a master of your own diet. Without any excuse doesnt work if you want the best results, you need to test.
in the world, you need to eat every 3 hours with a meal Creating your own food diary becomes a very powerful
consisting of protein, low-GI carbs, vegetables and some asset to have, when you need to decide what changes are
healthy fats where needed. necessary for the next stage of your journey.

2. Train With Spartan Intensity 7. Be Positive

Nobody ever got anywhere in the gym by training like
Theres no room in life for a negative mind-set. Always carry
a kitten. Every workout means something and it should
your head high and look for the positive things in life. Dont
stand for another step towards your goal. However, if youre
be somebody who brings the town down with negativity by
just there to go through the motions, it wont cause any
spewing uninspiring comments all the time. Likewise, dont
change to happen. If youre going to train, do it like you
tolerate people like that around you because it is contagious!
mean it!

8. Dont Just Use Low Reps

3. Do Your Cardio Low-rep training is always going to remain a part of the
Theres a big myth that cardio makes you lose muscle,
muscle-building journey youre on, but dont ever overlook
but it can actually help if your diet and supplement regime
the value of venturing into the higher rep ranges and
are intact. Doing daily cardio keeps your body fat levels
chasing the pump more. This style of training, which can be
down, endocrine system functional, heart healthy and
found within Kris Gethins DTP, is extremely potent for quick
mind happy. Get yourself outside every day and do
something active
9. Use KAGED MUSCLE Supplements
4. Stay Natural No other brand in world is using efficacious doses of
Dont just start focusing on calories and macros, make sure
ingredients, which are patented, from natural fermentation
your food is natural from the earth. Natural foods are always
processing and then submits every product for third party
richer in vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes and contain
batch testing to prove the quality.
higher quality nutrients than man-made alternatives. This
Our products are also aligned with the Prop 65 Act, avoiding
lifestyle is about prolonging health as well as
heavy metal contaminates, and are also BSCG tested so you
looking stacked.
know every product is completely clean!

5. Drink More Water Weve done all of this for your benefit, so take advantage
Everybody would be better off if they drank more water and of that and only use KAGED MUSCLE products.
remained hydrated. Your renal function improves, cognitive
function goes up several levels and you start to perform 10. Soothe Your Mind
better. Fat loss becomes easier as your metabolism kicks off The mind is your most important tool because your mood
and you even carry more muscle. and mind-set will dictate soothe,s. Take the necessary
measures to let your mind sooth, relax and recover from
If you hate the bland taste of water all day, add some
your demanding schedule. Learn how to unwind, even if
HYDRA-CHARGE for an amazingly refreshing taste with
its just for short periods of time so that you can get the
added hydration properties. Its not only addictive, its
best from yourself!
completely guilt free!

3 kasein recipes to kill cravings
Before bed is when a lot of people either get their nutrition wrong or are unsure what to eat. This
doesnt need to be the case for you anymore because Ive got 3 recipes which are perfect for your
pre-bedtime meal. Your pre-bedtime meal should give you a slow sustained release of amino acids
for recovery and anti-catabolic buffering. The perfect way to do this is using the worlds leading KA-
SEIN product, with the most prestigious form of cold-processed micellar casein isolate.

Check out these recipes before you head off to bed.


If youre in need of a bedtime meal which If you want something quick and easy, then If youve got a bit more time on your hands
is filling and has more complex carbs, then look no further than this slush, with our and fancy something a bit sweet like a
this is for you. You might find the insulin great tasting vanilla KASEIN. dessert before you head off to bed, then this
dump off the oats helps you sleep better could be the perfect choice for you.
with the enhanced serotonin levels. 1 serving of vanilla KASEIN
glass of crushed ice 1 serving of vanilla KASEIN
1 serving of vanlla KASEIN glass of fat-free almond milk cup of oatmeal
cup of gluten-free oatmeal banana glass of fat-free almond milk
cup of mixed seasonal berries banana
Hit the blend button on your blender
1 teaspoon of cinnamon cup of blueberries
and enjoy this amazingly refreshing
1 teaspoon of mixed seeds 4 egg whites
nighttime shake.
1 teaspoon of natural
Blend these ingredients together so they
peanut butter
form a consistent smooth paste, then get
Just put this all together in a bowl as a mush them in a pre-heated frying pan to quickly
and mix with hot water rather than milk. sizzle them, using 1 cal spray!


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