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nesearen aruce pinwennawgy 4 ‘eo International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences ESN as 0975-6299 “A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON PHYSIOCHEMICAL AND NUTRITIVE, CONSTITUENTS OF MANIHOT ESCULENTA (CRANZ AND IPOMOEA BATATAS S.ANBUSELVI* AND T.BALAMURUGAN, Department of Industrial Biotechnology, Bharath University,Chennai-73. ABSTRACT (1) Human beings consumed starch in the form of cereals and tubers which provides 70-80% of calories to our body. Sweet potato plays a significant role in tribal Indian diet It contains B-carotene and anthocysnin(antioxidant) rich. Recently it has been found out that sweet potato can control blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. The World Health Food Organization has labeled it as anti-diabetic food Studies estimated that a daily intake of 100g of orange fleshed sweet potato prevent vitamin A deficiency in children and lactating mothers. Cassava contain 60-70% of starch in tubers and leaves. This Cassava tuber is used as staple food in India. It also contains high amount of protein present leaves (70%) for animal feed production. Cassava pulp and waste serve as a raw material for starch and monosodium glutamate production. It is also used as aubstrate for production of single cell protein and ethanol. Cassava pulp contains the maximum amount of non reducing sugar (6.6mg). Vitamin C was highly observed in leaves (300mg and waste (360mg). The proximate moisture, fat,proteins, crude fibre. ash and carbohydrates were determined in sweet potato and cassva samples HIDROLISIS TEPUNG UBI JALAR UNGU (/pomea batatas L.) SECARA ENZIMATIS MENJADI SIRUP GLUKOSA FUNGSIONAL: KAJIAN PUSTAKA Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Purple Sweet Potato (|pomea batatas L.) Flour into Functional Glucose Syrup: A Review Alifia Yuanika Rahmawati", Aji Sutrisno! 41) Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, FTP Universitas Brawijaya Malang Jl. Veteran Malang 65145 *Penulis Korespondensi, Email ABSTRAK Sirup glukosa merupakan gula cair hasil hasil hidrolisa pati secara enzimatis atau sam. Hidrolisis secara enzimatis dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan enzim a amilase, lukoamilase dan pullulanase. Sirup glukosa umumnya digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan aku tambahan untuk industi minuman dan makanan, seperti es krim, marshmallow, dan ‘sugar confectionary. Sirup glukosa mempunyai keunggulan tidak’ dapat_mengalami ‘cstalisasi saat pemianasan pada suhu tinggl. Sirup glukosa dari berbagai sumber pati telah banyak ditelti dan dikembangkan, namun belum ditemukan sirup glukosa yang mempunyai Tilai fungsional seperti adanya aktivtas antioksidan dan sekaligus menjadi pewarna alami. Tepung ubi jalar ungu yang memiliki kandungan antosianin sekitar 108.98 ppm berpotensi digunakan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan sirup glukosa fungsional. Nilai fungsional yang berpotensi dihasikan dari sirup glukosa ubi jalar ungu diantaranya adalah aktivitas antioksidan, pewamna alami, dan flavor ubi jalar alam © Fruit, Vegetable and Cereal Science and Biotechnology ©2011 Givta Science Boots 6 Anthocyanins in Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Varieties Elyana Cuevas Montilla « Silke Hillebrand + Peter Winterhalter™ Corepntivg ee: * parte de ABSTRACT Anthocyanine fom purple sweet poaloes can serve as naturel colorants due to their high heat nd light atbily ad are commonly used in juices. alcoboic bevenges, jams, conlceiencrcs, brea, shacks and noodles. There ax scyeral commercially avaiable varcties of [purple sweet potatoes, which can vary mm Storage oot Siz, shape, and color. During the lst deeade sweet potato caltvass With purple Mesh were mainly grown in Japan and new sarities with high centers oF anthocyanin have Been developed die tothe lw anihoyanin sccumulation sn indigoeous purplolleshed sweet potatoe. Among them, important cultivars ere the "Yamagawamurasali’ and ‘Ayumerassk’ jrietis, Chromstopaphic aralyacs show avery Gomes sruhocyanin composien, Ten major pigs with ot, ORC or chacyated stuctures of 3-042-0-f-D-zlucopyranosyl--D-zlucopyranoside)S-O-f-D-slacosides of cyanidin and pons Were chanscterined by ESLMS" and NMR analytes, A comparaon of different Iapanose purple sweet plato cultivars shows 9 remarkable ‘asiaton of antocyann profile. Acording to this, they can be categorized into two groups (blue and ed dorsinact) bascdon the shade of olor and the peoaidineyanidin rae. By rans ofthe four Japanese eultvarsChiran murasak,Tanegashima murasak, ‘Naka murasak and Purple Swee the differences in anthocyanin composition wil be discussed in deta Keywords: zeyated anthocyanin, arthocyanin composition, anthacyanin conte, panics hotata |. peonidileyaridin rato, purple west potato PEMANFAATAN UBI JALAR UNGU (/pomoea batatas L. Poir) SEBAGAI PENGGANTI ‘SEBAGIAN TEPUNG TERIGU DAN SUMBER ANTIOKSIDAN PADA ROTI TAWAR [Purple Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Poir) as a Partial Subiitute of Wheat flour and ‘Source of Antioxidant on Plain Bread] Hardoko’, Liana Hendarto, dan Tagor Marsillam Siregar ‘Fakultas Perikanan dan llmu Kelautan UB dan Jurusan Teknologi Pangan UPH, Dima 15 Maret 2009/ Diseyjui 25 Februar 2010 ABSTRACT Purple sweet poiato (lbomoea bataas |. Poi is patent or unctnal fod, especialy as anticxdart source due to is purple color and ‘other nition content. The objective ofthis research was to prouce plain bread containing antoidant by partial substitution of wheat four with purple sweet potato flour. The result showed tha the fest pain bread was produced by & maximum substitution of 20% purple sweet potato flour fo ‘wheat four. The hedonic characteiscs ofthe resuling breed incuding aroma, tase, and texture were nat signficanty diferent rom tread without “subsituion. Neverteless, the cust was harder and darker. Addon of 1.0% GMS emulsior and reduction of purple potato flour to 15% increased the sca of sofiness, hedonic texture acceptance lve, as wel as the volume ofthe bread. The substituted breed had anfoxidant actly cf {5835.78 ppm DPPH as shown bythe ICs value and contained 4 30% of dietary ber. Key words: ntonydn act, purple set plat, plain tread, subsite ‘e ISSN 0975-6299 ‘Vol 2/Issue 2/Apr-Jun 2011 International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences RESEARCH ARTICLE PHARMACOGNOSY ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY, PHENOL AND FLAVONOID CONTENT OF SOME LESS KNOWN MEDICINAL PLANTS OF ASSAM L.R.SAIKIA AND SRISTISRI UPADHYAYA * Department of Life Sciences, Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh 786004, Assam, India, [al ‘SRISTISRI UPADHYAYA Department af Life Sekences, Dibrugarh avery, Dibrarh- 78600, Assn, nda ABSTRACT Ethanolic extract of four medicinal plants Polygonum microcephalum, Moringa oleifra, ‘Croton tiglum and Gomphrena globasa were examined for antioxidant activity, and phenol {and flavoncid content. Total phenol and flaronoid content and DPPH radical scavenging activity ofthe extracts were spectrophotometrically determined. Catechol, Quercetin, and ‘ascortic acid were taken as siandard in case of pherol. flavonoid content and antioxidant activity respectively. The total phenol and total flavonoid content was abserved highest in P. microcephalum. The DPPH radical scavenging activity was highest in M, olefera. There ‘observed a relationship between phenol and flavonoid content but failed to show relationship between phenolic content and antioxidant activity of the ethanol extracts of the plants. academicjournals Full Length Research Paper Diversity analysis of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) germplasm from Burkina Faso using morphological and simple sequence repeats markers Somé Koussao", Vernon Gracen*®, Isaac Asante’, Erie Y. Danquah?, Jeremy T. Quedraogo’, Tignegre Jean Baptiste’, Belem Jerome‘ and Tarpaga M. Vianney’ ‘institut de Environment et de Recherches Agricoles (INERA), 01 8476 Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. west Ainca Cente for Crop Improvemept (WACCI), Universi of Ghana, PmB 40, Legen, Accra, Ghana. “Comell University, USA, Accented 24 January, 2014 Goliecing and characterizing plant material has been basic for crop improvement. and diversity has tory been soon ms vital for raters menegenmet eral wow of crope: Thisty (98) reorplatogical charactors and thirty (30) simple sequence repoat (SSR) markers were used to assess the diversity among 112 ‘Sweet potsto (jpomoea batatas [L-} Lam) cultivars in Burkina Faso and to develop a core collection. Eight morphological characters were ble to dliferontiate the 112 accessions and to identify 11 diplicates while 28 SSR markers were more informative in discriminating the accessions and to identity five duplicates. The diversity assessment using the two approaches revealed high diversity with a coefficient of 0.73 using the phenotypic data, while moderate diversity with a cooficient of 0.49 was obtained using the SSR markers. These results show no correlation between the two approaches (with clissimilaiy index of 0.95). A core collection was constituted using the SSR based data while the eight discriminative pherotyric descriptors wil be used inthe icentifieation of culivars. Key words: Accessions, genetic diversity, germplasm, molecular markers, morphological characters, simple ‘sequence repeat, sweet potato.

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