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Activities plan 8

1)Match the app logo with the definition:

5)A website where you can upload videos that anyone

can watch

2)A mobile messaging app used to share photos, videos, texts

and drawings. The messages disappear after a few seconds.

3)A social networking app where you can share photos and
videos. You can edit your photos using filters.

4)A messenger app for smartphones. It uses internet to send

messages, images, audios or videos.

1)A social network where users can connect with friends and
family, post comments, share photographs and read news and

Actividad 2: un personaje famoso contando acerca de las aplicaciones que usa y con qu
frecuencia lo hace.

I really love apps. My favourite one is

instagram. I always upload my pictures
there. I usually use filters on them to make
them nice. For chatting with my parents I
often use whatsapp. I never log-in in
facebook. I just dont like how the app works.
I hardly ever post videos in youtube because
I dont have nothing interesting to show but I
enjoy watching videos from other people.

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