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There are fifty students and staffs of UTHM was used as

respondents. The students are from several faculty such as FKAAS, FKEE,
FSTPI, FPTP and FSKTAM, while all the staffs are randomly from Tunku Tun
Aminah Library. Each of the faculty consist of 8 to 9 respondents and 10
respondents for staff. There are twenty-six of male and twenty-four of
female respondent that involve in this research.

The main purpose of collecting data is to identify how many

students and staff that agree or disagree with the arrangement of facility
in University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The data had collected
based on questionnaire that are randomly distributed to the respondents.
The questionnaire is consist of two part, which is part A and B. Part A
consist of personal detail of respondents, while part B consist of question
based on the purpose of the research.

The questionnaire was distributed randomly to each faculty. Some of

the questionnaire are distributed to students that is in the library and
other places such as caf and residential college. Each respondents give a
good corporation while giving them the sheets. Each of the respondents
has explained how to answer the questions. They also have been told to
give their comment, opinion and also idea about the arrangement of
facilities in University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).

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