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Specify how often each of the following statements are true for you.

Do not think too hard; go

with your first instinct. This is a self-discovery tool so there are no "good" or "bad" answers. This
test takes approximately 30 minutes.

Rarely: Less than 40% of the time Sometimes: 40% to 70% of the time Usually: More than 70% of the time

I enjoy camping, hiking, walking and climbing.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I enjoy photography a lot.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am a natural-born leader - people follow me.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I learn best when I can touch things rather than just look at them.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I have set goals for my life.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

Geometry is easier for me than algebra.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am good at solving visual puzzles.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I am usually singing or whistling or tapping a song.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I enjoying teaching others.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am bothered by pollution.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I notice colors and shapes.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I wonder how things work.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am a logical person.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I like tinkering with something to figure out how it works.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I like puns and rhymes.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am quick to get involved in social groups and activities.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I often talk about things I've read.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like to attend classes or read to learn more about myself.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I can't imagine my life without music.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am a loner.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I notice and enjoy different sounds.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
My mind is like a computer.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I see clear images when I close my eyes.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like sports and exhilarating experiences.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I would rather spend the evening at home than at a social event.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I think about starting my own business and being self-employed.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I organize things by category.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I enjoy science experiments.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I prefer books with a lot of pictures in them.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I enjoy participating in team sports.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like having pets / I love animals.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I usually have a song running through my head.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I can remember places I've been vividly.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

My books are my most cherished possessions.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like to be active since I have a lot of energy.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

English is/was one of my favorite subjects in school.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
It is easy for me to identify how I feel and why.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like using fancy words.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I can find my way around in unfamiliar places.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I am good at drawing.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like to spend time thinking and reflecting.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I love to meet new people and make friends.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I enjoy television shows about animals and nature.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I am athletic.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I easily remember quotes and famous sayings.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am good at chess or other strategy games.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I love word games.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like to learn about different kinds of flowers, birds, trees, plants, etc.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I have a hard time sitting still for too long.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I notice patterns and changes in the environment.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I know the lyrics and the melody to a lot of songs.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I like to journal.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I love the outdoors.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am proficient at playing musical instrument(s).

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I always look for a rational explanation for things.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I feel alive when I come in contact with nature.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I can tell when a note is off-key.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like to write and I am good at it.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I am good at composition when I am working on art.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I like to work with my hands.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I enjoy gardening or have always wanted to keep a garden.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am a logical thinker.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am very well-coordinated and have good motor skills.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I have a lot of friends.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am good at knowing what others are feeling.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I learn new skills by doing them rather than reading about how to do them.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I like to counsel others; people often talk to me about their problems.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I enjoy social events and prefer them to being home.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I have a good singing voice.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I can easily double or triple amounts in my head.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I love music and have my favorite singers and musical groups.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I really like math.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I like learning other languages.

Rarely Sometimes Usually
I notice nature above all other things.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
I want to understand why I am the way I am.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I enjoy nature walks in scenic places.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I am intuitive.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I can remember songs easily after only hearing them once.

Rarely Sometimes Usually

I love crowds.
Rarely Sometimes Usually

I notice when others make a grammatical mistake when they talk or write.
Rarely Sometimes Usually
Choose the answer that best represents your tendencies. Do not think too hard; go with your first
instinct and be honest. This is a self-discovery tool so there are no wrong answers. This test takes
approximately 30 minutes.

I like
timetables and plans to proceed freely
I am most comfortable being
spontaneous a planner

I value
mercy justice

I am
tough-minded soft-hearted
I am
structured free-spirited

My thoughts are
orderly random

On a free night I like to

spend a quiet night at home go out with friends
I like to finalize decisions
early only when necessary

When I have a task to complete, I usually

get it out of the way wait until the last moment

I leave things
wherever I feel like in their proper place

I take more pride in my

goals successes
Change for me is
difficult easy

I am governed by my
heart head
When dealing with problems I focus on the
14. people issues

I am more likely to invest in

promising new ideas proven methods

Others might perceive me as

rigid aimless
I am more comfortable with
principles rules

I tend to
focus on details see the big picture

When around other people I

start conversation keep to myself
I have more fun engaging in
individual activities group activities

I enjoy a task when I

start it complete it

At work
I get the job done I put things off
I prefer to work
in a team alone

It is important for me to
conserve my energy spend my energy

I am
subjective objective

I prefer speakers that communicate

literally figuratively
I prefer to
leave things the way they are see how I can change things
My work space is usually
disorganized organized
When there is a need to correct someone, I am
afraid to hurt their feelings quick to do it

A quiet weekend at home is

boring rejuvenating

With people, I am more often

friendly and warm brief and to the point

I would classify myself as a

lone ranger social butterfly

When in a one-on-one situation I usually do more

listening talking

The prospect of social activity

usually excites me rarely excites me

Give me the
personal details facts
At work I am
relationship-focused task-oriented

My ways tend to be more

revolutionary conventional

I entertain myself with my

imagination surroundings
After a social gathering I feel
energized worn out

I prefer someone who is

empathetic efficient

When paying at a store I often

have conversation with the cashier pay and leave without chit-chat

I prefer to spend time

interacting with people introspecting
I am quick to
critique compliment
I see life
as it could be as it is

I process information through

intuition my five senses

I consider myself to be
an idealist a realist

I enjoy
spending time with friends I know well getting to know new people

When judging others I am

impartial partial

I get energized by
exploring theories learning facts

I want to
get to know others get the task done
When making decisions I
don't consider the feelings of others consider the feelings of others

I am more concerned with

my own thoughts and feelings the world around me

I enjoy time spent

with a group of friends alone or with one close friend
I make new friends
quickly over time

I usually
play, then work work, then play

I am more likely to have my

feet on the ground head in the clouds

I am drawn to
hidden meaning and inspiration what is immediate
I am more likely to measure things with
approximation total precision
I make decisions based on
feelings logic

I am more interested in
current happenings future possibilities

Others might describe me as more

imaginative practical

My thoughts are on
what lies ahead the "here and now"

I dislike it when people are too

emotional insensitive

I prefer
spontaneous activities routine activities

I work better when

following a schedule deciding what to do next as I go
I am more excited about what might happen
in a couple years later today or tomorrow

When in conversation, I
am careful to avoid conflict say things as they are

I consider myself to be
private social
It is worse to be
indecisive inflexible

More often than not, I

am adaptable like a plan that is "set in stone"

I usually leave for appointments

with extra time to spare at the last possible moment

Being the center of attention is

uncomfortable exhilarating
I consider myself to be
an abstract thinker a concrete thinker
When my phone rings I
wish I could ignore it pick it up right away

Talking about feelings and emotions is

easy difficult

I tend to be more
reasonable personable
Describe yourself as you generally are now, NOT as you wish to be in the future.
Describe yourself as you honestly see yourself.
There are no wrong answers. If you are inconsistent with your answers, it will be shown
in your result.
This test takes approximately 60 minutes.
So that you can describe yourself in an honest manner, your responses will be kept in
absolute confidence.
Indicate for each statement whether it is
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate as a description of you.

1 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I enjoy bringing people together.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

2 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I tend to analyze things.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

3 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I feel comfortable with myself.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
4 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I take charge.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

5 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I love large parties.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

6 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I believe laws should be strictly enforced.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

7 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

8 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I like to read.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
9 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I find it hard to forgive others.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

10 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I do things that others find strange.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

11 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I reveal little about myself.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

12 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am afraid that I will do the wrong thing.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

13 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I believe in the importance of Art.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
14 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I prefer to do things by myself.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

15 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I want everything to be just right.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

16 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I get irritated easily.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

17 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I don't like to get involved in other people's problems.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

18 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I consider myself an average person.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
19 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I have frequent mood swings.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

20 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I let others make the decisions.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

21 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I don't like crowded events.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

22 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I use swear words.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

23 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I find it difficult to approach others.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
24 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I do not like poetry.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

25 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I trust what people say.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

26 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I do things by the book.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

27 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I show my feelings.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

28 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I don't worry about things that have already happened.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
29 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I avoid philosophical discussions.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

30 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I enjoy teamwork.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

31 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am not bothered by disorder.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

32 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I try to forgive and forget.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

33 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I feel others emotions.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
34 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I use my brain on many topics.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

35 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I readily overcome setbacks.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

36 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I say what I think.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

37 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I joke around a lot.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

38 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I try to follow the rules.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
39 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I don't mind being the center of attention.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

40 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I enjoy discussing movies and books with others.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

41 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I suspect hidden motives in others.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

42 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I love to daydream.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

43 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am hard to get to know.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
44 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I am easily hurt.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

45 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I love to think up new ways of doing things.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

46 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I enjoy spending time by myself.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

47 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I get chores done right away.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

48 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am annoyed by others' mistakes.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
49 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I take an interest in other people's lives.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

50 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I counter others arguments.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

51 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am relaxed most of the time.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

52 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am not afraid of providing criticism.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

53 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I enjoy being part of a loud crowd.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
54 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I respect authority.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

55 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I make friends easily.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

56 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I don't like action movies.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

57 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I am wary of others.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

58 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I take deviant positions.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
59 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I bottle up my feelings.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

60 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I worry about things.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

61 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I enjoy hearing new ideas.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

62 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I don't mind eating alone.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

63 / 64 : How well does this describe you :

I continue until everything is perfect.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.
64 / 64 : How well does this describe you :
I am easily put out.
1. Very Inaccurate,
2. Moderately Inaccurate,
3. Neither Accurate Nor Inaccurate,
4. Moderately Accurate, or
5. Very Accurate.

Date of test : ___________________________

Start : ___:___ (am/ pm)

Finish : ___:___ (am/ pm)

Full Name : ___________________________

Sex : Male/ Female *)

Sign :


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