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Child Hunger in America

A Review of the Literature

Meghan Flinn

Edina High School

Authors Note

This paper was prepared for Pre-AP English 10 taught by Ms. Taylor, Hour 6

Child Hunger in America

A Review of the Literature


1 in 5 children are living hungry in the United States everyday (Hunger Devastates

Children, 2016). This totals to millions of children and other adults struggling to satisfy their

hunger and receive the proper frequency of meals. The United States has one of the highest

GDPs in the world and continues to do well in the economy but we still struggle with feeding

children throughout the country. Hunger should not be a problem at this time in society. So many

things have been modernized and advanced yet people still arent feed. There are many easy,

simple ways to get involved and help prevent further development and continuation of this issue.

Hunger affects millions of people and creates rippling effects throughout society, yet there is still

a large number of children facing hunger every day; therefore, the continued allocation of money

to support federal programs and interest groups that help families struggling with hunger and

encouraging individual involvement are vital to solving this problem.

Background and Evidence of Problem

Child Hunger

Child hunger has been a major issue in the United States for years. It affects millions of

children every day in many different areas. According to the USDA, in the United States there

are approximately 13.1 million children under the age of 18 living in homes where they

continuously dont have access to enough food (Child Hunger Facts, 2015). Although steps

have been taken to try and solve this issue there obviously still a large number of children going

without food and proper nutrition. Hunger can be associated with many different feelings and be

used in different scenarios. Whereas what these children are facing is food-insecurity and the

lack of access to food when families do not have enough money, causing them to cut the size,

quality, or frequency of their meals throughout the year( National Commission Hunger, 2015).

This means that they really are not receiving enough food to maintain energy in their bodies and

to maintain a healthy lifestyle. These kids are not getting enough food each day and lack in

frequency of meals. Child hunger is an issue that occurs all around the nation but is a more

substantial issue in some particular states around the US. It was found that Mississippi, New

Mexico, Arizona, Alabama, and Arkansas were the states in 2014 that had higher food insecurity

rates for children under 18. Out of those states New Mexico and Mississippi had the highest

rates. (Child Hunger Facts, 2015). These areas in particular have a large amount of people

struggling with hunger. Within states the place where hunger is most prominent is in large cities

where populations are more dense and poverty rates are higher. According to No Kid Hungrys

Child Hunger Facts article, child food insecurity is most common in very big cities. The food

insecurity rate for children in large cities is 25% (2011, p. 1). Although hunger exists in

everywhere from rural towns to small suburbs, cities struggle the most with this issue and

experience the effects of hunger the most also. Despite the fact that some states are really

struggling, others are doing well and finding ways to solve child hunger. North Dakota,

Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, and Virginia were the states in 2014 that had the

lowest food-insecure rates for children under 18 (Child Hunger Facts, 2015). In conclusion

hunger is a major issue throughout the US but is most pronounced in certain areas leading to why

this issue occurs involves multiple factors and driving forces.

Causes and Contributing Factors of Child Hunger


Despite the fact that hunger has been a concern for years, it has a plethora driving forces

and causation factors leading to the increase and further development of the issue making it more

prominent. One main factor of child hunger is household income. The average annual income for

a family of four with two kids was $22,350 in 2011 out of all people living in poverty (Facts on

Childhood Hunger, n.d., p. 2). $22.350 is not enough money to support the rising costs of

groceries and items to prepare food in. Without money parents cannot provide their children with

the food they need, creating the issue of hunger among children. Another factor related to hunger

is poverty rates and how most likely families living in poverty will experience hunger. It was

found that in 2010 there were 15.7 million children living in poverty which was 200,000 more

children than in 2009 (Facts on Childhood Hunger, n.d., p. 2). As more people live in poverty

more people are facing hunger. Other contributing factors leading to hunger are availability of

government assistance programs, unstable families, underemployment, exposure to violence,

discrimination based on race or ethnicity and insufficient education of parents (National

Commission on Hunger, 2015). All of these factors can lead to the inability to feed children and

create obstacles for families to overcome to accomplish the goal of keeping kids fed. They make

it more difficult to confine hunger and discontinue it from occurring. These causation factors are

instrumental to constrain in order to overall stop hunger. In conclusion these factors lead to the

overall issue of child hunger throughout America causing many effects to the children

themselves and society.

Effects on Children

Hunger creates many consequences for the children facing it. It leads to fundamental

developmental troubles leading to short and long term effects. Hunger also causes damage to all

aspects of a childs life through its physical and psychological effects. Hunger can lead to a

lasting impact on a child's ability to learn and process information. Although at all ages the

consumption of food is a critical part of development, between the ages of 1-3 fundamental

changes in the neurological architecture of brains and central nervous systems of children occur

due to hunger, establishing harm that can cause learning impairment (New Report Focuses on

Economic Toll of Child Hunger, 2009). Learning is the base of a childs success. If a child is

successful throughout their education it can lead to the ability to go to college and more earnings

in their career. When children experience hunger even at a very young age, it leads to detrimental

effects to their future. It was found in a study done by RTI international, children who properly

nourished both learn faster and better than children who are undernourished (Hunger Devastates

Children, 2016). This once again reiterates the fact that learning ability is greatly impacted by

receiving the proper amount of food. Found from the Harvard School Breakfast Research

Summary, suspension and challenges with getting along with others are both frequent among

students who are regularly hungry (Hunger Devastates Children, 2016). Hunger also affects a

childs well being in school through its social effects. Social skills are an important part of

development. In social situations these children have had major issues which can have a lasting

impact on mental health and achievement in school. Other major effects on children were having

weights much lower at birth, having a 9 to 6 more likely chance of having a stressful or traumatic

event occur to them and having chronic illness rates significantly higher (Weinreb, 2002). These

all affect the emotional and physical well being of child. Finally mental effects of hunger can

take a major toll on children. Anxiety and depression cases reported, were correlated to severe

hunger more often than the amount of cases of depression and anxiety in children not facing

hunger (Weinreb, 2002). Depression and anxiety are major illnesses many people face and are

severe in many cases. Overall many effects result when nourishment is not met for children in

many ways. Some of these effects also create larger impacts for society in economical and

developmental ways.

Effects on Society

Hunger also has many major effects for society and the American economy. Hunger

creates challenges in work environments for both the employee and the employer. Billions of

dollars of costs are brought on to society due to child food insecurity (New Report Focuses on

Economic Toll of Child Hunger, 2009). This money could used to benefit so many other

programs and needs in the country, if the issue of child hunger was solved. Child hunger not only

affects the children themselves but everyone in the country due to its large economical costs.

Mental, emotional, physical and social preparation in adults for entering work environments can

be significantly lower for adults who faced child hunger than for those who did not. They miss

more work without a good reason more often and can lead to greater turnover in workplaces

(New Report Focuses on Economic Toll of Child Hunger, 2009). These issues affect how

efficiently and prosperous the American economy is. Adults make less money and have more

financial problems due to these challenges. When people are making less money and relying on

government money, it creates larger tax burdens for other members of society. Child hunger can

affect how high taxes are and have long term economic effects such as lifetime earnings going

down for the children which ripples through our economy (New Report Focuses on Economic

Toll of Child Hunger, 2009). Great tolls are taken on our economy when children face hunger

and creates everlasting issues. Individual profits ripple through the economy leaving more

obstacles to overcome. As Vicki Escarra the president and CEO of Feeding America said We

can only achieve a prosperous future for all Americans if we ensure, right now, that all children

have access to enough nutritious food for active, healthy lives. In order to continue a good

economy we need to get children fed. They provide new ideas that offer a better way to handle

situations and create further developments and modernizations to society. Hunger takes away the

preparation needed for children to be successful in the future creating many greater effects for

society. Although many negative effects come from child hunger, the US has found ways to

approach the issue and hopefully eventually solve the issue all together.

Current Action and Proposed Solutions

Current Government Action and Programs

Many solutions have been proposed by the government, most of which have been

successful and are crucial to sustain and further develop to to solve child hunger. Government

programs such as national school lunches and breakfasts, WIC (Women, Infants, and Children)

supplemental nutrition program, supplemental nutrition assistance program, the emergency food

assistance program and many others help millions of children and families each year (National

Commission on Hunger, 2015). Without government assistance, millions more children would be

constantly struggling with hunger on a daily basis and would have a much more difficult time

receiving proper nourishment. School lunches are one major way the government assists

children. 22 Million low-income children receive free and reduced price meals at school during

the school which helps provide them consistent, nutritious food (Office of the Press Secretary,

2016). School lunches ensure that during school hours children are getting enough food to

sustain them and give them a better chance of learning during that time. Although this program

really helps during school days, children still struggle during summer and over breaks from

school. The proposed budget for 2017 included 12 billion dollars invested in child hunger to be

used over the course of 10 years. One way they plan to do this through the program Summer

Electronic Benefits Transfer for Children which will give benefits for food supplies for families

who qualify for free and reduced price meals at school during summer months (Office of the

Press Secretary, 2016). If this budget goes through a major allocation of money would be made

to the direct issue of hunger during non school months. This would help millions of children and

provide families with more options for buying food. Lobbying for this act to go through would

another major step in creating a solution for hunger in children. Other programs can benefit

children and aid families when they are in times of need include SNAP which in 2014 was able

to help 2.1 million children and 4.7 million people in total out of poverty and help provide them

with food while trying to financial situations improved (Office of the Press Secretary, 2016).

When families are in times of need they can apply for help from the government to provide them

with food during difficult times. SNAP has been very successful for the people it provides for. If

programs like this can continue to receive more government funding, the government can help

solve the issue of child hunger. Other groups outside of the government have also been crucial to

solving hunger among children. Some of these groups include nonprofit organizations,

communities and individuals working together.

Organizations and Individuals Working on the Issue

Another important aspect that needs to be continued in order to solve child hunger is the

work of organizations and nonprofits. Nonprofit organizations, corporations, individuals and

community programs working to solve this issue are a crucial part to solving the issue (National

Commission on Hunger, 2015). With all the these groups working together hunger can much

easier to solve and solutions will be much more successful. Some of the major organizations

working to solve child hunger in America are Feeding America and No Child Hungry. Across

the nation, Feeding America feeds 12 million children through their programs such as food

shelves, school pantry programs, kids cafe program, backpack program, summer food service

programs and more (Child Hunger Facts, 2015). This organization has made major

contributions to help feed all children. They raise money and provide resources for families

facing hunger to utilize. Another organization working to feed children is No Kid Hungry. They

work with communities and the government to try and connect kids to ways they can receive the

food they need through fundraising, awareness campaigns and their partnerships with other

groups (Hunger Devastates Children, 2016). These efforts made by both groups along with

many others are crucial to continue to grow and develop. Their work helps so many children and

families and provides ways for individuals to get involved. If we continue these programs and

create more like them, hunger can be a more achievable goal to solve. Individuals are another

important group to get involved and help solve the problem. There are many ways for people to

get involved. Any donation helps. With the donation of just one dollar, Feeding America can

feed 11 people meals (Child Hunger Facts, 2015). The more people are donating food and

money, the more children can be fed. The combination of government programs, organizations

and individuals working together can create a major impact on the issue and can solve child

hunger when they are all at their best, continued and further developed.


Child hunger is a major issue affecting millions every year, in many different areas.

Hunger leaves devastating impacts on mental and physical health of children and the economic

status of society. Hunger can be the difference of success of children during their lifetime and

has long term effects on their lives. Many factors go into solving hunger once and for all. It

includes individuals participating more actively in the issue in their communities and inspiring

this through education on the issue. Organizations and government program continuation and

further development are other major ways to help solve hunger among children. When all of

these groups work together, positive changes will be made to help reach the ultimate goal of

eliminating child hunger all together. There are many easy ways for all people to get involved in

this issue and make a lasting impact on a child. For a child facing hunger, the cans in the back of

the pantry or unwanted pasta could mean the difference between success and failure throughout

school and future. Food gives them a chance at a better, positive future and you could be the one

to make that happen. Child hunger being eliminated would lead to more happy, healthy children

across the country. In a world without hunger all children would be free to create, imagine and

leave their positive influence on society.



Child hunger facts. (n.d.).

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Facts on childhood hunger. (2011).
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Hunger devastates children. (2016).
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National Commission on Hunger, The. (2015). Freedom from hunger: An achievable
goal for the united states of america.
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New report focuses on economic toll of child hunger. (2009, Jul 01). U.S.Newswire
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Office of the Press Secretary, The. (2016, January 27). Fact sheet: Obama
administration announces major investments in preventing child hunger.
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Weinreb, L., Wehler, C., Perloff, J., Scott, R., Hosmer, D., Sagor, L., & Gundersen, C. (2002,
October).Hunger: its impact on children's health and mental health. Pediatrics, 110(4), 816.
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