Barrio Boy Model Structure 1

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The central idea for Barrio Boy is overcoming formidable fears.

One example from the text is, During the next few weeks Miss
Ryan overcame my fears of tall, energetic teachers. This supports that Barrio Boy is about overcoming fears because Ernesto
overcame the fear of a certain type of teacher. Another example is, And when I least expect it, there she was, crouching by my
desk, her blond radiant face level with mine, her voice patiently maneuvering me over the idiocies of the English language. This
also supports that Barrio Boy is about overcoming fears because it shows that he is overcoming his fears of the English language. In
the story Barrio Boy, the main or central idea is overcoming fears.

1. Topic Sentence
2. Sentence Starter for Evidence #1
3. Evidence #1
4. Sentence Starter for Justification #1
5. Justification #1
6. Sentence Starter for Evidence #2
7. Evidence #2
8. Sentence Starter for Justification #2
9. Justification #2
10. Concluding Sentence
Parts of a Properly Structured Paragraph

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