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Ihtisham ul haq
Waqar Hussain
Irfan Ullah
Faiz Ullah
Ibad Ur rehman



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I. Table of Contents

I. Table of Contents ................................................................................................... 3

II. Executive Summary ...............................................................................................

III. General Company Description ............................................................................

IV. Product Description.......................................................................

V. Marketing Plan.......................................................................................................

VI. Business Model ..................................................................................................

VII. Management and Organization .........................................................................

VIII. Financial Statement .............................................................................................

IX. Startup Expenses and Capitalization ................................................................

X. Financial Plan .......................................................................................................

XI. Appendices ...........................................................................................................

XII. Refining the Plan ..................................................................................................

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II. Executive Summary

Education and Doctors consultant is a service type business. In this business we will provide services during
admission time in colleges and university while the main focus will be on medical site in which we will
provide doctors appointment numbers to the patients in advance while also provide hotel booking services
only for the patients.
First we have a competent team comprise of five members.
Operation team consists of IT, Department which will control the doctors appointment number.
Other operation members include telephone operators, Agents and finance person.
Operation process
To make sure that all the costumers are monitored constantly, filtering and categorizing the costumer in
order to provide appropriate services.
To deals with the problems of the costumers and to solve them.
Can we do it?
As I mention earlier our team consist of five competent members who are motivated and qualified. Having
an experience and are financially sound as well.
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III. General Company Description

EDU-DOCS COSULTANTS is a service type organization offering services to the residents of rural areas.
The main focus will be on medical site in which we will provide doctors appointment numbers to the
patients in advance while also provide hotel booking services only for the patients. We will also provide
services during admission time in colleges and university but its a long term projection our main focus is on
attracting patients and assists them by providing appointments.

Mission Statement: provide superior quality healthcare consultation to patient recommend to

families and friend, prefer medical guidance, create environment of trust where employees are
proud of and investors seek long terms returns.

Company Goals and Objectives:

Business Philosophy: What is important to you in business?

To whom will you market your products?

Our aim is to cover the whole KPK but for a startup its very difficult so we will start from niches
which are Swat, Dir, and Parachinar. The reasons behind selecting these areas, first our team members
belong to these areas we have different contacts within these areas which will boost us at the start.
Secondly the trust issues being a resident of the above areas there will be no issues of trust.

Describe your industry.

As it is a service industry and related to medical field. An analysis of the industry shows that there is
no such business in the industry but the medical shops often provides these services so our business is
unique and has a potential to gain greater market shares.

Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies.

The main and important core competencies of our business are the idea itself EDU-DOCS which is a
unique type of services which we offers to the markets.
Secondly we have highly qualified team who are specialized in different fields.
Most of business activities can be done by our business team.
We only needs experience person who are specialized in marketing and sales, through his experience
we can get contacts with different doctors.

Legal form of ownership:

Our legal form of business will be partnership the reason behind going for partnership is first there
was no single investor every partner has interest and invested in the business. Secondly the risk will
be shared.
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IV. Products and Services

EDU-DOCS consultants provide consultation services to the patients. We will be providing our services to
our customers in the shape of appointment with the doctors at Dabgiri garden, Northwest and RMI. We
will be suggesting our customers best specialized doctors. We will be providing them different other
services like laboratory services, providing those medicines, x-ray services, ultrasound services and many
more related to doctors. Rs 200 will be charged for each service. For maintaining our business we need to
make relationships with different doctors, Medical stores owners, laboratory owners and hotel managers.

Guides patients to get their desired physician even they dont have
information about well-known and specialized physicians.
Different physicians, surgeons Appointments will be provided to the
Patients will be directed towards best laboratories facilities.
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V. Marketing Plan

Market research -

Our market research is based on real time experience with targeted areas costumer. Before going to make a
marketing plan market research is important because costumers needs and wants identification is a key
drivers for marketing plan.

Market research - How?

We have conducted both primary research and secondary research. Secondary research is undertaken for
the purpose to identify the existing costumers needs. From the secondary research the following
information is obtained.

Needs of the costumers are identified (costumers feels difficulties in getting doctors appointment, they
have problems in reaching laboratories, getting results, and some of them havent informations about
specialized doctors).

Secondly insecurity, they feel insecure about their appointments.

In primary research we identified unknown costumers needs and wants which we are going to direct in our
marketing plans.

Facts about your industry:

EDU-DOCS Consultants is unique business and it is a service industries our business economics
is whole KPK but as a startup business its difficult to covers the whole areas so we have decided to
cover only some of the areas i-e swat, Dir, and Parachinar.

Our projected areas is located far from Peshawar and dont have access to the Peshawar physicians so
our business can cover the whole capacities of these niches.

Demand in the market for our of business is quite high because our business is fulfilling the pain killer
needs of the patients.

Our growth strategies include first satisfy the target niches and target another niches once trust is built
then everything is possible.
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Consumer acceptance and brand recognition

the main barriers to our business is consumers acceptance because of trust issue being a startup business
trust building is a difficult skills.
The barriers can be overcome by utilizing our contacts in our target niches. Our team is diverse and
belongs to the business target niches so it becomes easy to build trust among costumers.
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Being service type business we only offer services to the patients in the target niches our services includes

Features and Benefits



Laboratories services

For each product or service:

Consultation: In this service category we deals with that type of patients which havent any
information about doctors and specialized laboratories we will assist them by providing them
guidance about specialized physicians and laboratories.
Patients will get desired physicians with just one phone call.
This service is free of cost.
This category includes linking of patients with their desired physician.
Now a days there is insecurities and problems for getting Physicians appointments we will get
them appointment with the physician which they needs on just one phone calls and make sure
to satisfy them till the end.
Laboratories services
We will assist patients for different test such as Blood test, other tests, X-rays, MRI, CT scans
and others as well.
The only benefits is as we go with the costumers till end we can collect results for them.
As there is no limit on age, gender, location, ethnicity to be a patient. But still we can identify their
characteristics in our target Niches.
Our customer base share common problems which the accessibility of physicians appointments, and

Our primary research in niches shows that

Patients can be from infant to old age.
Can be both male and females
Our primary niches are Swat, Parachinar, and Dir.
Income level
As sickness does not depends upon the Income level of Human beings, so our target customers can be
any of the income level patients.

As the industry is new and the business is unique there is no direct

competitors but indirect competitors exist which is different

medical stores located in the localities of the physicians areas.

What products and companies will compete with you? List your

major competitors:

(Qureshi Medical stores)

Address: Dabgari Garden Peshawar
Azad Medical Stores
Address: Dabgari Garden Peshawar

Ittefaq medical stores

Address: Dabgari Garden Peshawar

Swat medicose

Address: Dabgari Garden Peshawar

They are not our direct competitors but they provides these services only for attracting costumer to buy
medicines from them.
Strategy to overcome the competition:
We will make these indirect compitiors our key partners by utilizing them to access different physicains
and in returns will direct costumers to buy medicine from them.
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Table 1: Competitive Analysis

Importance to
Factor Me Strength Weakness Competitor A Competitor B











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Importance to
Factor Me Strength Weakness Competitor A Competitor B

Sales Method

Credit Policies



Costumer segmentation is necessary for a business we have also done costumers segmentation and identified 3
niches that is Swat, Parachinar and Dir
Marketing Strategy:

The target market which we have chosen for Business is remote areas of Khyber pakhtoon khwa. Because the
Service we are providing is very much unique. In current market there is no direct competitor in market but yes
indirect competition exists.
Initially we have divided the target market into segments.


Channels through which we are going to market our services are

In crowded Ares like Schools, Hujras and near mosques we will publish our pamphlet over there. Because in rural
ares most of the people are illiterate. They are avoiding electronic media so will target them by pamphlets.
Social Media Marketing:
The second chaneel for our markeing is social media. Most of the youngsters in rural ares are now using social
media like facebook , youtube, twitter etc.

Local Dispensaries:
People in less develop areas are more influenced by those dispenser, so will will target them to convey our services
to the return we will give special discounts to those persons, They will work like agents for us.
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We will charge each costumers 200 for each services some of the services are free of cost at the initial
stages we will charge it in the form of commission.

Proposed Location

First we do not have precise location we will operating from a small room and use of social media will
be our space market place.

Our business do not need a proper office it only needs a small place with good internet facility and
network we can start operation from a small room.
In the future when we go for expansion then we will need a proper office setup which is in our mind that
we should open our office in Dabgary garden which is a suitable place for accessing the markets.
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Is your location important to your customers? If yes, how?

No location is not important for the costumers in this type of business because, they are only concerned about their services
which they get through phone and internet with satisfaction.

Where is the competition located? Is it better for you to be near them (like car dealers or fast food restaurants) or distant (like
convenience food stores)?

Distribution Channels

How do you sell your products or services?

Our services selling are through phone or internet on internet

they can pay us through different cards or they can send us
through banks or through easy paisa, mobi cash, Upaisa etc.

Table: Break-even Analysis

Break-even Analysis

Monthly Revenue Break-even $3,000

Average Percent Variable Cost 20%
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost $2,400

Table: Cash Flow

Pro Forma Cash Flow
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cash Received

Cash from Operations

Cash Sales $36,000 $52,000 $65,500
Subtotal Cash from Operations $36,000 $52,000 $65,500

Additional Cash Received

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received $0 $0 $0
New Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free) $0 $0 $0
New Long-term Liabilities $0 $0 $0
Sales of Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Sales of Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0
New Investment Received $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Received $36,000 $52,000 $65,500

Expenditures Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expenditures from Operations
Cash Spending $18,000 $24,000 $30,000
Bill Payments $12,500 $15,000 $19,500
Subtotal Spent on Operations $30,500 $39,000 $49,500

Additional Cash Spent

Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out $0 $0 $0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing $0 $0 $0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment $0 $0 $0
Purchase Other Current Assets $0 $0 $0
Purchase Long-term Assets $0 $0 $0
Dividends $0 $0 $0
Subtotal Cash Spent $30,500 $39,000 $49,500

Net Cash Flow $5,500 $13,000 $16,000

Cash Balance $5,500 $13,000 $16,000
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VI. Business Model Canvas

Incorporate the Business Model Canvas in this section to show

to your reader the whole picture of your venture.
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VII. Management and Organization

As our business is of partnership type so we are going to manage our business combine. All our partners
are specialized in different fields so we are able to manage our specialized fields in a better way. we have
no such experience related to our business but because we have received education related to our
business, so our education will help us in managing our business. As our partners are well educated this
will be a positive point for our business. As we will be providing our services to the people of our
localities so we know that we will be first priority of our locality people yes because we are starting the
business with proper mission and goals, and we have proper strategies for our business to start it and also
for its survival

We are five partners in our business and all the partners will contribute towards the business a specific
amount. We are not taking loans at the start of the business because our business is a service type thats
why we will not need a large amount of capital for starting our business.
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VIII. Personal Financial Statement

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IX. Startup Expenses and Capitalization

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Break-Even Analysis
A break-Even analysis predicts the sales volume, at a given price, required to recover
total costs. In other words, its the sales level that is the dividing line between operating
at a loss and operating at a profit.

Expressed as a formula, breakeven is:

BreakEven Sales = Fixed Costs

1 Variable Costs
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XI. Appendices

Include details and studies used in your business plan in case it is relevant and important
for your reader to read; for example:

Brochures and advertising materials

Industry studies

Blueprints and plans

Maps and photos of location

Magazine or other articles

Detailed lists of equipment owned or to be purchased

Copies of leases and contracts

Letters of support from future customers

Any other materials needed to support the assumptions in this plan

Market research studies

List of assets available as collateral for a loan

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XII. Refining the Plan

The generic business plan presented above should be modified to suit your specific type
of business and the audience for which the plan is written.

For Raising Capital

For Bankers

Bankers want assurance of orderly repayment. If you intend using this plan to
present to lenders, include:

o Amount of loan

o How the funds will be used

o What this will accomplishhow will it make the business stronger?

o Requested repayment terms (number of years to repay). You will

probably not have much negotiating room on interest rate but may be able
to negotiate a longer repayment term, which will help cash flow.

o Collateral offered, and a list of all existing liens against collateral

For Investors

Investors have a different perspective. They are looking for dramatic growth, and
they expect to share in the rewards:

o Funds needed shortterm

o Funds needed in two to five years

o How the company will use the funds, and what this will accomplish for

o Estimated return on investment

o Exit strategy for investors (buyback, sale, or IPO)

o Percent of ownership that you will give up to investors

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o Milestones or conditions that you will accept

o Financial reporting to be provided

o Involvement of investors on the board or in management

For Type of Business


Planned production levels

Anticipated levels of direct production costs and indirect (overhead) costshow

do these compare to industry averages (if available)?

Prices per product line

Gross profit margin, overall and for each product line

Production/capacity limits of planned physical plant

Production/capacity limits of equipment

Purchasing and inventory management procedures

New products under development or anticipated to come online after startup

Service Businesses

Service businesses sell intangible products. They are usually more flexible than
other types of businesses, but they also have higher labor costs and generally
very little in fixed assets.

What are the key competitive factors in this industry?

Your prices

Methods used to set prices

System of production management

Quality control procedures. Standard or accepted industry quality standards.

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How will you measure labor productivity?

Percent of work subcontracted to other firms. Will you make a profit on


Credit, payment, and collections policies and procedures

Strategy for keeping client base

High Technology Companies

Economic outlook for the industry

Will the company have information systems in place to manage rapidly changing
prices, costs, and markets?

Will you be on the cutting edge with your products and services?

What is the status of research and development? And what is required to:

o Bring product/service to market?

o Keep the company competitive?

How does the company:

o Protect intellectual property?

o Avoid technological obsolescence?

o Supply necessary capital?

o Retain key personnel?

Hightech companies sometimes have to operate for a long time without profits and
sometimes even without sales. If this fits your situation, a banker probably will not
want to lend to you. Venture capitalists may invest, but your story must be very good.
You must do longerterm financial forecasts to show when profit takeoff is expected to
occur. And your assumptions must be well documented and well argued.
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Retail Business

Company image


o Explain markup policies.

o Prices should be profitable, competitive, and in accordance with company



o Selection and price should be consistent with company image.

o Inventory level: Find industry average numbers for annual inventory

turnover rate (available in RMA book). Multiply your initial inventory
investment by the average turnover rate. The result should be at least
equal to your projected first years cost of goods sold. If it is not, you may
not have enough budgeted for startup inventory.

Customer service policies: These should be competitive and in accord with

company image.

Location: Does it give the exposure that you need? Is it convenient for
customers? Is it consistent with company image?

Promotion: Methods used, cost. Does it project a consistent company image?

Credit: Do you extend credit to customers? If yes, do you really need to, and do
you factor the cost into prices?

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