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Student Centered Classroom

Elizabeth Doucette

Regent University

In Partial Fufillment of UED 495 Field Experience ePortfolio Spring 2017


A student centered classroom is having the students as the main focus instead of the

teacher. Student centered classroom is differentiated by level of each learner, to help the students

grow from whatever level they start. A student centered classroom has different types of learning

so that independent, cooperative, and kinesthetic learners are all able to learn to the best of their

abilities. Student centered learning is incredibly important because it shifts the focus from the

teachers needs to the students needs. The students will learn to the best of their ability.

Rationale for Selection of Artifacts

Student centered classrooms are incredible learning environments for the students. The

students are able to learn in the way that they need, and to the best of their abilities. However,

student centered classrooms do no come easily. Teachers work very hard to have their

classrooms in this way. Teachers first have to test students to figure out their starting position,

group students into smaller homogeneous groups, and then think of different activities for the

students to do at each station or whole group activity. A student-centered environment allows the

teacher to be more of a facilitator/ monitor rather than an instructor. The students take over more

of the responsibility of learning and instructing each other.

Since student centered learning takes so much planning and forethought, I chose two

artifacts that would help show the planning involved. There are two types of planning that is

involved in planning for a class period. There is a unit plan which helps the teacher see the

bigger picture, and then a detailed daily class plan.

The bigger picture unit plan is a 4th grade math unit plan. This plan is student centered

because it has different ideas of differentiation by making sure every type of learner has their

chance. It has different ways of learning before each test.

The daily plan I chose is a third grade language arts is a fables lesson. It is a good

example of how to help students enrich their lessons. Some students need more form a lesson,

have students focus on the lesson and write a reflection will help the students go into a further

stage of thinking. This will help the students have a self-reflection on the lesson.

Reflection on Theory and Practice

The best way for students to be focused on the subject is an active classroom. Student

centered classrooms are interactive. Students are constantly directly involved with the learning

experience. Students are engaged and learn real world context with every lesson. Students must

be able to construct knowledge and find the value of learning outside of the classroom. This style

of teaching allows students to learn cooperatively with other students and make connections

independently. Students have to be able to think about what they are learning, which creates a

natural curiosity. This independent learning also helps students create metacognitive thinking.

The role of the teacher in this type of learning environment is a facilitator and organizer. The

teacher will still have the responsibility of keeping with the schedule of lessons, and keeping the

class managed. The students are just more involved than a regular lecture/PowerPoint style

lesson. In the last chapters of Foundations of American Education, it is apparent that different

perspectives cause deeper incites and understandings. When the students are involved they will

create more questions. It shows that this style of teaching makes the students take more

responsibility for their learning.

Student centered teaching is the most effective teaching style. Students are always

involved in the learning. They are relating school activities to real world, so they will know how

to use the information in the real world. They are learning social skills like teamwork, and

effectively communicate what they are learning. In my learning experience, I definitely found

that I learn better in a student centered classroom. I noticed this the most when I came to college

it was very hard to focus in classes that were all lecture and PowerPoints. Getting distracted,

and trying to not fall asleep was not an unusual occurrence. In my interactive student centered

learning classes it was literally impossible to not focus on the topic. These professors had us

doing activities that involved moving around, and group discussions. Finally, learning was

interesting, and I wanted to be in the class because I was learning something not just watching

someone read out of a book or power point.


Webb, L. D., Metha, A., & Jordan, K. F. (2000). Foundations of American education. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.

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