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Associate Principal Associate Principal Associate Principal Associate Principal

Guidance Assessment/Accountability Student Services Student Services

Julie Rivard Jennifer Euker Michelle Bliss Michael Richter

School Psychologist Athletic Director Activities Director

Lucinda Giannetta William Hurst Laura Diele

March 10, 2017

To Whom It May Concern:

It is a pleasure to write this letter of recommendation for Larry Lee, a senior at Golden Valley
High School. I have known Larry for two years as a student in my United States History class and as an
active member of the Golden Valley student body. Larry is a hard working student and has done very
well academically at Golden Valley earning a 3.2 GPA. Larry stands out among his peers for his respect
for others and his contributions to group projects.

Larry has been a member of two GV clubs: International Culture Club and Leo Club. These
groups do a number of projects for both the students at school as well as the Merced community. Larry
is an active participant in these events. In addition to academics and community service, Larry joined
the No Limits Lifting Club and will be competing in a national weightlifting competition in April.

Larry plans on studying to be a nurse but first is interested in serving our country as a US
Marine. He has been training with them and upon graduation would like to enter the Service. We are
proud of the young man Larry Lee has become and know he will have a bright future.


Ms. Rita Murphy

United States History Teacher

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