Addison Selection No.411 414

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454 l^he SPECTATOR. N 411.

N 411. Saturday^ June 21.

Avia Pieridum peragro loca, nullius ante

Trita fob; juvat integros accedere fonteis;
Atque haurire: Lucr,

OUR Sight is the moft perfed and moft delightful ofour fenfes
it fills the mind with the largefl variety of ideas, converfes with its

objeds at the greateft diftance, and continues the longefl in adion with-
out being tired or fatiated with its proper enjoyments. The fenfe of Feel-
ing can indeed give us a notion of extenfion, fhape, and all other ideas
that enter at the eye, except colors; but at the fame time it is very much
flraitned and confined in its operations, to the number, bulk, and diftance
of its particular objects. Our Sight feems defigned to fupply all thefe de-
fe6ls, and maybe confidered as a more delicate and diffufive kind of touch,
that fpreads itfelf, over an infinite multitude of bodies, comprehends the
largeft figures, and brings into our reach fome of the moft remote parts of
the univerfe.
It is this fenfe which Imagination with its ideas; fo that
furniflies the
by the pleafures of the Imagination or Fancy (which I fliall ufe promifcu-
oufly) I here mean fuch as arife from vifible objects, either when we have
them adually in our view, or when we call up their ideas into our minds
by Painting, Statues, Defcriptions, or any the like occafion. We cannot
indeed have a fingle image in the fancy that did not make its firft entrance
through the fight; but we have the power of retaining, altering and com-
pounding thofe images, which we have once received, into all the varieties
of pidure and vifion that are moft agreeable to the imagination; for by this
faculty a man in a dungeon is capable of entertaining himfelf with fcenes
and landfcapes more beautiful than any that can be found in the whole
compafs of nature.
There are few words in the Englijli language which are employed in a
more loofe and uncircumfcribed fenfe than thofe of the Fancy and the Ima-
gination. I therefore thought it neceffary to fix and determine the notion
of thefe tVN^o words, as I intend to make ufe of them in the thread of my
following fpecuiations, that the Reader may conceive rightly what is the
fubjecl which I proceed upon. I muft therefore defire him to remember,

N^ji. The S P E C T A TO R, 455
that by the pleafures of the imagination, I mean only fuch pleafures as

from fight, and that I divide thefe pleafures into two kinds;
arife originally
my defign being firll of all to difcourfe of thofe primary pleafures of the
imagination, which entirely proceed from fuch obje^ls as are before our
eyes; and in the next place to fpeak of thofe fecondary pleafures of the
imagination which flow from the ideas of vifible objects, when the objeds
are not a61ually before the eye, but are called up into our memories, or
formed into agreeable vifions of things that are either abfent or fi^litious.
The Pleafures of the Imagination, taken in their full extent, are not fo
grofs as thofe of fenfe, nor fo refined as thofe of the underftanding. The
laft are, indeed, more preferable, becaufe they are founded on fome new

knowledge or improvement in the mind of man; yet it mull be confeft, that

thofe of the imagination are as great and as tranfporting as the other. A
beautiful profpe6i; delights the foul, as much as a demonflration; and a De-
fcription in Homer has charmed more Readers than a Chapter in Arijlotle.
Befides, the pleafures of the imagination have this advantage, above thofe of
the underflanding, that they are more obvious, and more eafy to be acqui-
red. It is but opening the eye, and the fcene enters. The colors paint
themfelves on the fancy, with very little attention of thought or application
of mind in the beholder. Weare fl;ruck, we know not how, with the fym-
metry of any thing we fee, and immediately affent to the beauty of an obje(51,
without enquiring into the particular caufes and occafions of it.
A man of a polite imagination is let into a great many pleafures, that the
vulgar are not capable of receiving. He can converfe with a picture, and
find an agreeable companion in a ftatue. He meets with a fecret refrefh-
ment in a defcription, and often feels a greater fatisfa61ion in the profpe^l
of fields and meadows, than another does in the poffelTion. It gives him,
indeed, a kind of property in every thing he fees, and makes the mofl rude
uncultivated parts of nature adminifter to his pleafures fo that he looks

upon the world, as it were in another light, and difcovers in it a multitude

of charms, that conceal themfelves from the generality of mankind.
There are, indeed, but very few who know how to be idle and innocent,
or have a relifh of any pleafures that are not criminalevery diverfion they

take is at the expence of fome one virtue or other, and their very firft ftep
out of bufinefs is into vice or folly. A man fhould endeavor, therefore, to
make the fphere of his innocent pleafures as wide as poffible, that he may
retire into them with fafety, and find in them fuch a fatisfadion as a wife
man would not blufli to take. Of this nature are thofe of the imagination,
which do not require fuch a bent of thought as is neceffary to our more fe-
rious employments, nor, at the fame time, fuffer the mind to fink into that
456 the S P E C r A T R, W 412.

negligence and remiffnefs, which are apt to accompany our more fenfual
delights; but, like a gentle exercife to the faculties, awaken them from
floth and idlenefs, without putting them upon any labor or difficulty.
We might here add, that the pleafures of the fancy are more conducive
to health, than thofe of the underftanding, which are worked out by dint
of thinkino-, and attended with too violent a labor of the brain. Delightful
fcenes, whether in nature, painting, or poetry, have a kindly influence on
the bodv, as well as the mind, and not only ferve to clear and brighten
the imagination, but are able to difperfe grief and melancholy, and to fet
the animal fpirits in pleafmg and agreeable motions. For this reafon Sir
Francis Bacon, in his Effay upon Health, has not thought it improper to pre-
fcribe to his Reader a poem or a profped, where he particularly diffuades
him from knotty and fubtle difquifitions, andadvifes him to purfue ftudies,
that fill the mind with fplendid and illuftrious objeds, as hiflories, fables,
and contemplations of nature.
I have in this paper, by way of introdu61ion, fettled the notion of thofe
pleafures of the imagination which are the fubje6i of my prefent under-
taking, and endeavored, by feveral confiderations, to recommend to my
Reader the purfuit of thofe pleafures. I fhall, in my next paper, examine
the feveral fources from whence thefe pleafures are derived.

N 412. Monday^ June 23.

Divijumfic breve Jiet opus. Mart.

SHALL firfl confider thofe pleafures of the imagination, which arife

I from the adual view and furvey of outward objeds and thefe, I :
all proceed from the fight of what is Great, Uncommon or Beautiful. There
may, indeed, be fomething fo terrible or offenfive, that the horror or loath-
foranefs of an objed may over-bear the pleafure which refults from its
Greatnefs, Xovelty, or Beauty; but flill there will be fuch a mixture of delight
in the very difguft it gives us, as any of thefe three qualifications are mofl
confpicuous and prevailing.
By Greatnefs., I do not only mean the bulk of any fingle object, but the
largenefs of a whole view, confidered as one entire piece. Such are the pro-
fpe61s of anopen campaign country, a vaft uncultivated defert, of huge heaps
N4i2. The SPECTATOR, 457
of mountains, high rocks and precipices, or a wideexpanfe of waters, where
we are not ftruck with the novelty or beauty of the fight, but with that rude
kind of magnificence which appears in many of thefe ftupendous works of
nature. Our imagination loves to be filled with an objed, or to grafp at any
thing that is too big for its capacity. We are flung into a pleafing aftonifli-
ment at fuch unbounded views, and feel a delightful ftillnefs and amaze-
ment in the Soul at the apprehenfion of them. The mind of man naturally
hates every thing that looks like a reftraint upon it, and is apt to fancy it-
felf under a fort of confinement, when the fight is pent up in a narrow com-
pafs, and fhortned on every fide by the neighbourhood of walls or mountains.
On the contrary, a fpacious Horizon is an image of Liberty, where the eye
has room to range abroad, to expatiate at large on the immenfity of its
views, and to lofe itfelf amidft the variety of obje6ls that offer themfelves to
its obfervation. Such wide and undetermined profpeds are as pleafing to the

fancy, as the fpeculations of Eternity or Infinitude are to the underftand-

ing. But if there be a beauty or uncommonnefs joined with this grandeur,
as in a troubled ocean, a heaven adorned with ftars and meteors, or a fpa-
cious landfcape cut out into rivers, woods, rocks, and meadows, the plea-
fure grows upon us, as it arifes from more than a fingle principle.

Everything that is iieiv or uncommon raifes a pleafure in the Imagination,

becaufe it fills the Soul with an agreeable furprife, gratifies its curiofity,
and gives it an idea of which it was not before poffeft. We are indeed fo
often converfant with one fet of obje6ls, and tired out with fo many repeat-
ed fhows of the fame things, that whatever is new or uncommon contributes
a little to vary human life, and to divert our minds, for a while, with the
flrangenefs of its appearance: it ferves us for a kind of refrefliment, and
takes off from that fatiety we are apt to complain of in our ufual and ordi-
nary entertainments- It is this that beftows charms on a monfter, and
makes even the imperfections of nature pleafe us. It is this that recom-
mends variety, where the mind is every inftant called off to fomething new,
and the attention not fuffered to dwell too long, and wafle itfelf on any
particular object. It is this, likewife, that improves what is great or beau-
tiful, and makes it afford the mind a double entertainment. Groves, fields,
and meadows, are at any feafon of the year pleafant to look upon, but ne-
ver fo much as in the opening of the fpring, when they are all new and frefli,
with their firft glofs upon them, and not yet too much accufiomed and fa-
miliar to the eye. For this reafon there is nothing that more enlivens a
profpeCl than rivers, jetteaus, or falls of water, where the fcene is perpe-
tually fhifting, and entertaining the fight every moment with fomething that
is new. We are quickly tired with looking upon hills and vallies, where
VOL. III. Mmm every
458 The S P E C T A T R, W 412.

every thing continues fixtand fettled in the fame place and poflure, but find
our thoughts a little agitated and relieved at the fight of fuch objeds as are
ever in motion, and Aiding away from beneath the eye of the beholder.

But there is nothing that makes its way more directly to the Soul than
Beauty,which immediately diffufes a fecret fatisfa61ion and complacency
through the imagination, and gives a finifhing to any thing that is great or
uncommon. The very firft difcovery of it flrikes the mind with an inward
joy, and fpreads a chearfulnefs and delight through all its faculties. There
isnot perhaps any real beauty or deformity more in one piece of matter
than another, becaufe we might have been fo made, that whatfoever now
appears loathfome to us, might have fliewn itfelf agreeable; but we find
by experience, that there are feveral modifications of matter, which the
mind, without any previous confideration, pronounces at firft fight beautiful
or deformed. Thus we fee that every different fpecies of fenfible creatures
has its diiferent notions of beauty, and that each of them is moft affe6led
witL the beauties of its own kind. This is no where more remarkable
than in birds of the fame fliape and proportion, where we often fee the
male determined in his courtfhip by the fingle grain or tincture of a feather,
and never difcovering any charms but in the color of its fpecies.

Scit thalamo Jervare fidem^ Jandajque vcretur

Connubii leges, non ilium in pedore candor
Sollicitat niveus; neque pravum accendit amorem
Splendida lanugo, vel honejla in vertice crijia,

Purpureujve nitor pennarum; aji agmina late

Fceminea explorat cautus, maculafqiie requirit

Cognatas, paribufque interlita corpora guttis:
Ni faceret, piSiis Jylvam circum undique monjlris
Confujam afpiceres vulgo, partvfque biformes,
Et genus ambiguum, et Veneris monumenta ?icfanda.
Hinc merula in nigro fe obleBat nigra marito,
Hinc focium lafciva petit Philomela canorum,
Agnojcitque pares fonitus, hinc nodua tetram
Canitiem alarum, et glaucos m.iratur ocellos,

Nempe fibi femper coiiflat, crejcitque quotaiinis

Lucida progenies, cajlos confeffa parentes;
Dum virides inter faltus lucofque Jonoros
Vere novo exultat, plumafque decora Juvenilis
Explicat ad folem^ pa.triijque coloribus ardet.

N4i3- ^^^ SPECTATOR, 459
There is a fecond kind o^ Bemity that we find in the feveral produds of
Art and Nature, which does not work in the imagination with that warmth
and violence as the beauty that appears in our proper fpecies, but is apt
however to raife in us a fecret dehght, and a kind of fondnefs for the places
or objeds in which we difcover it. This confifts either in the gaiety or va-
riety of colors, in the fyrametry and proportion of parts, in the arrange-
ment anddifpofition of bodies, or in a juft mixture and concurrence of all
together. Among beauty the eye takes moft delight in
thefe feveral kinds of
colors. We no where meet with a more glorious or pleafmg fhow in nature,
than what appears in the Heavens at the rifmg and fetting of the Sun, which
is wholly made up of thofe different ftains of light that fhew themfelves in

clouds of a different fituation. For this reafon we find the Poets, who are
always addrefling themfelves to the imagination, borrowing more of their
epithets from colors than from any other topic.
As the fancy delights in every thing that is great, flrange or beautiful,
and is ftill more pleafed the more it finds of thefe perfections in the fame
obje6l, fo it is capable of receiving a new fatisfadion by the afliftance of a-
nother fenfe. Thus any continued found, as the mufic of birds, or a fall
of water, awakens every moment the mind of the beholder, and makes
him more attentive to the feveral place that lie before
beauties of the
him. Thus if there perfumes, they heighten
arifes a fragrancy of fmellsor
the pleafures of the imagination, and make even the colors and verdure of
the Landfcape appear more agreeable; for the ideas of both fenfes recom-
mend each other, and are pleafanter together, than when they enter the
mind feperately: as the different colors of a piClure, when they are well
difpofed, fet off one another, and receive an additional beauty from the
advantage of their fituation.

N 413. Tuejday, June 24.

Caiija latet, vis ejl notijfima Ovid.

in yefterday's
Great, New, or Beautiful,
paper we confidered how every thing that
isapt to affed the imagination with plea-
fure, we muftown that it isimpoffiblefor us to alFign the necelfary caufe of
this pleafure, becaufe we know neither the nature of an Idea, nor the fub-
Mmm 2 fiance
460 The S P E C r A r R. N^ 413.

fiance of an human Soul, which might help us to difcover the conformity

or difagreeableiiefs of the one to the other; and therefore, for want of fuch
a light, all that we can do in fpeculations of this kind, is to refle6l on thofe
operations of the Soul that are mod agreeable, and to range, under their
proper heads, what is pleafmg or difpleafing to the mind, without being
able to trace out the feveral neceffary and efficient caufes from whence the
pleafure or difpleafure arifes.
Final Caufeslie. more bare and openourObfervation, as there are often
a greater variety that belong to the fameeffe(5i; and thefe, though they are
not altogether fo fatisfa(51ory, are generally more ufefui than the other, as
they give us greater occafion of admiring the goodnefs and wifdom of the
firft contriver.
One of the final caufes of our delight in any thing that is great, may
be this. The fupreme Author of our Being has fo formed the Soul of man,
that nothing but himfelf can be its laft, adequate, and proper happinefs.
Becaufe, therefore, a great part of our happinefs muft arife from the con-
templation of his Being, that he might give our Souls a juft reliflr of fuch
a contemplation, he has made them naturally delight in the apprehenfion
of what is great or unlimited. Our admiration, which is a very pleafmg
motion of the mind, immediately rifes at the confideration of any objed
that takes up a great deal of room in the fancy, and, by confequence, will
improve into the higheft pitch of aftonifhment and devotion when we con-
template his nature, that is neither circumfcribed by time nor place, nor to
be comprehended by the largeft capacity of a created Being.
He has annexed a fecret pleafure to the idea of any thing that is new or
uncommon, that he might encourage us in the purfuit after knowledge, and
engage us to fearch into the wonders of his creation; for every new idea
brings fuch a pleafure along with it, as rewards any pains we have taken
in its acquifitions, and confequently ferves as a motive to put us upon frefh
has made every thing that is beautiful in our mon /pedes pleafant, that
allcreatures might be tempted to multiply their kind, and fill the world
with inhabitants; for it is very remarkable that wherever nature is croft
in the produdion of a monfter (the refult of any unnatural mixture) the
breed is incapable of propagating its likenefs, and of founding a new order

of creatures; fo that unlefs all animals were allured by the beauty of their
own would be at an end, and the earth unpeopled.
fpecies, generation
In the laft place, he has made every thing that is beautiful in all other
objeds pleafant, or rather has made fo many objects appear beautiful, that
he might render the whole Creation more gay ajid dehghtful. He has given
N^4i3- 'I^^^e SPECTATOR, 461

almoft every thing about us the power of railing an agreeable idea in the
imagination fo that it is impoffible for us to behold his works with cold-

nefs or indifference, and to furvey fo many beauties without a fecret fatif-

fa^tion and complacency. Things would make but a poor appearance to
the eye, if we faw them only in their proper figures and motions and :

what reafon can we affign for their exciting in us many of thofe ideas which
are different from any thing that exifls in the obje61s themfelves, (for fuch
are light and colors) were it not to add fupernumerary ornaments to the
univerfe, and make it more agreeable to the imagination? We are every
where entertained with pleafing fhows and apparitions, we difcover ima-
ginary glories in the heavens, and in the earth, and fee fome of this vifio-
nary beauty poured out upon the whole Creation; but what a rough un-
fightly fketch of nature fhould we be
entertained with, did all her coloring
difappear, and the feveral diftin6lions of light and flaade vanifh? In fhort,
our Souls are at prefent delightfully loft and bewildered in a pleafing delu-
fion, and we walk about like the inchanted Hero of a Romance, who fees
beautiful caftles, woods and meadows; and at the fame time hears the
warbling of birds, and the purling of ftreams; but upon the finifhing of
fome fecret fpell, the fantaftic fcene breaks up, and the difconfolate Knight
finds himfelf on a barren heath, or in a folitary defert. It is not impro-
bable that fomething like this may be the ftate of the Soul after its firft
reparation, in refpeclof the images it will receive from matter, though in-
deed the ideas of colors are fo pleafing and beautiful in the imagination,
that it is poflible the Soul will not be deprived of them, but perhaps find
them excited by fome other occafional caufe, as they are at prefent by the
different impreflions of the fubtle matter on the organ of fight.
I have here fuppofed that my Reader is acquainted with that great mo-

dern difcovery, which is at prefent univerfally acknowledged by all the en-

quirers into natural Philofophy: namely, that light and colors, as appre-
hended by the imagination, are only ideas in the mind, and not qualities
that have any exiftence in matter. As this is a truth that has been prov-
ed inconteftably by many modern Philofophers, and is indeed one of the
fineft fpeculations in that fcience, if the EngliJJi Reader would fee the no-
tion explained at large, he may find it in the eighth chapter of the fecond
book of Mr. Locke's Effay on human underftanding.

462 The S P E C T A T R. N" 414.

N 414. Wednejday, June 25.

Alterius fic
Altera pojcit opem res, et conjurat amid. Hor.

we confider the works of Nature and

they are qualified to enter-
Art, as
IFtain the Imagination, we fhall find the laft very defe6live in comparifon
of the former; for though they may fometimes appear as beautiful or
flrange, they can have nothing in them of that vaftnefs and immenfity,
which afford fo great an entertainment to the mind of the beholder. The
one may be as polite and delicate as the other, but can never fhew her-
felf fo auguft and magnificent in the defign. There is fomething more bold
and mafterlyin the rough carelefs flrokes of Nature, than in the nice touches
and embellifhments of Art. The beauties of the moft (lately garden or pa-
lace lie in a narrow compafs, the imagination immediately runs them over,
and requires fomething elfe to gratify her; but, in the wide fields of Na-
ture, the fight wanders up and down without confinement, and is fed with
an infinite variety of images, without any certain flint or number. For
this reafon we always find thePoet in love with the country-life, where na-
ture appears in the greatefl perfe<5lion, and furnifhes out all thofe fcenes
that are mofl apt to dehght the Imagination,

Scriptorum chorus omnis amat nemus, etfugit urbes. Flor.

Hie fecura quies, et nejcia Jailere vita.

Dives opum variarum; hie latis otia fundis,
SpelunccB, vivique lacus; hie frigida Tempe,
Mugitujque bourn, mollefque Jub arbore fomni. Virg.

But though there are feveral of thefe wild fcenes, that are more delightful
than any artificial fhows yet we find the works of nature flill more plea-

fant, the more they referable thofe of art: for in this cafe ourpleafure rifes
from a double principle; from the agreeablenefs of the objeds to the eye,
and from their fimilitude toother obje61s: we are pleafed as well with com-
paring their beauties, as with furveying them, and can reprefent them to
our minds, either as copies or originals. Hence it is that we takedelightin
N^4i4- ^he SPECTATOR, 463
a profpe(5i which iswell laid out, and diverfified with fields and meadows,
woods and rivers ; in thofe accidental landfcapes of trees, clouds and cities,
that are fometimes found in the veins of marble; in the curious fret- work
of rocks and grottos and in a word, in any thing that hath fuch a va-

riety or regularity as may feem the effe^l of defign in what we call the
works of Chance.
If the products of nature rife in value, according as they more or lefs
referable thofe of art, we may be fure that artificial works receive a greater
advantage from their refemblance of fuch as are natural; becaufe here the
fimilitude is not only pleafant, but the pattern more perfe6i. The pretti-
efl landfcape I ever faw, was one drawn on the walls of a dark room, which

flood oppofite on one fide to a navigable river, and on the other to a park.
The experiment is very common in optics. Here you might difcover the
waves and flu6luations of the water in ftrong and proper colors, with the
pi6lure of a fliip entering at one end, and failing by degrees through the
whole piece. On another there appeared the green fliadows of trees,
waving to and fro with the wind, and herds of Deer among them in mini-
ature, leaping about upon the wall. I muft confefs, the Novelty of fuch
a Sight may be one occafion of its pleafantnefs to the imagination, but
certainly the chief reafon is its near refemblance to nature, as it does not
only, like other pidures, give the color and figure, but the motion of the
things it reprefents.
We have before obferved, that there is generally in nature fomething
more grand and auguft, than what we meet with in the curiofities of art.
When, therefore, we fee this imitated in any meafure, it gives us a nobler
and more exalted kind of pleafure, than what we receive from the nicer and
more accurate produdions of art. On this account our Englijli gardens
are not fo entertaining to the fancy as thofe in Frmice and Italy, where we
fee a large extent of ground covered over with an agreeable mixture of
garden and foreft, which reprefent every where an artificial rudenefs, much
more charming than thatneatnefs and elegancy which we meet with in thofe
of our own country. It might, indeed, be of ill confequence to the public, as
well as unprofitable to private perfons, to alienate fo much ground from
paflurage, and the plow, in many parts of a country that is fo well peo-
pled, and cultivated to a far greater advantage. But why may not a whole
eftate be thrown into a kind of garden by frequent plantations, that may
turn as much to the profit, as the pleafure of the Owner? A marfh over-
grown with willows, or a mountain fliaded with oaks, are not only more
beautiful, but more beneficial, than when they lie bare and unadorned.
Fields of corn make a pleafant profpe61, and if the walks were a little taken
464 TheSPECTATO R, W 415.
care of that lie between them, if the natural embroidery of the meadows
were helped and improved by fome fmall additions of art, and the feveral
rows of hedges fet off by trees and flowers, that the foil was capable of re-
ceiving, a man might make a pretty landfcape of his own pofleffions.
Writers, who have given us an account of China, tell us, the inhabitants
of that country laugh at the plantations of our 'ziro/'^(2m, which are laid out
by the rule and line; becaufe, they fay, any one may place trees in equal
rows and uniform figures. They chufe rather to fhew a genius in works
of this nature, and therefore always conceal the art by which tliey dire6l
themfelves. They have a word, itfeems, in their language, by which they
expreis the particular beauty of a plantation that thus ftrikes the imagina-
tion at firft fight, without difcovering what it is that has fo agreeable an
eife^l. Our ^n^z/7z Gardeners, on the contrary, inftead of humoring nature,
love to deviate from it as much as poflible. Our trees rife in cones, globes
and pyramids. We fee the marks of the fcilTars upon every plant and
bufh. I do not know whether I am fingular in my opinion, but for my

own part, I would rather look upon a tree in all its luxuriancy and diffu-
fion of boughs and branches, than when it is thus cut and trimmed into a
mathematical figure; and cannot but fancy that an orchard in flo\ver looks
infinitely more delightful, than all the little labyrinths of the moft finifli'd
Parterre. But as our great Modellers of gardens have their magazines of
plants to difpofe of, it is very natural for them to tear up all the beautiful
plantations of fruit-trees, and contrive a plan that may moft turn to their
own profit, in taking off their Evergreens, and the like moveable plants,
with which their ftiops are plentifully ilocked.

N 415. Thurjday, June 26.

Aide tot egregias urhes, operumque labor em. ^^^^^

AVING already fhewn how the Fancy is affe^led by the works of na-
ture, and afterwards confidered in general both the works of nature
and of art, how they mutually affift and complete each other, in forming
fuch fcenes and profpeds as are moft apt to delight the mind of the be-
holder, I fhall in this paper throw together fome refle<5lions on that par-
ticular art, which has a more immediate tendency, than any other, to pro-
duce thofe primary pleafures of the Imagination, which have hitherto been

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